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Hidden Hand Message - Law Of One - Discussion!

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posted on Sep, 1 2010 @ 07:09 AM
reply to post by sphinx551

Sorry I can not answer things lately I am just so busy with things

I never thought human school would be this hard

In any case I will try to answer your questions soon and if I have the time

Time is almost near the school exams and as you understand things are all over the place

Love and Light thank you for posting also asking

posted on Sep, 1 2010 @ 07:34 AM
reply to post by Unity_99

What about people from tribes or third world countries? You know, places where life is difficult and most people have to fend for themselves much of the time. Will they fail because they didn't have the proper upbringing or environment to commit loving acts? If love is the answer to the exam, will they automatically fail if they don't have values like help the poor or spread happiness and love? Are they destined to condemnation?

[edit on 1-9-2010 by 547000]

posted on Sep, 1 2010 @ 10:15 AM
reply to post by 547000

I don't believe in this system of inequality. Don't agree with this harsh duality school, and since I speak under the stars, sungaze and meditate pretty much every one knows, for our everythought is heard. I believe we need to learn in safe, loving conditions. However, there is no mistakes, you Higher Self is tough on us, but at the same time, understands us very well, has already walked in our shoes, and is on a profound level of love, there are many mitigating circumstances that we don't even understand, where people possess different levels of free will, due to cirucumstances and childhood abuse.. I spent many years since teenage years, quitting because I could not agree with the system and unless I agreed couldn't take another step. I always knew there was a team watching over us before knowing there was or having experience.

But we need to understand, this life and its circumstances are carefully selected, its not random. This does not excuse other tests we all have to help those in need. One may have the test to be in need and others have the test to help him, and we all have the test to wake up to the injustices in the system and love everyone.

The past journey and steps and mishaps for most, (this is a reform school) have led to this particular incarnation. And in this one, we are forming our next world and steps.
We need to be unconditional love and mild/gentle of heart. Not only with friends but those who wrong us as well, our heart should never see an enemy, but brothers and sisters, and if more awake than another we have the most responsiblity to be loving.

Basically, our thoughts and actions, are creating our next step. We don't want that world to be worse than this one, violent, warring, to be living in starvation, or to be experiencing even more challenges we overlooked and misunderstood. For example, there are many who feel dog eat dog systems are great and all those who are vulnerable, mothers with children and handicapped should just up and die while they in their great health and energy have the world as their oyster. Disregarding others and their circumstances and not ensuring that everyone is living with dignity, or yearning for this in any case, is setting the stage for our next step after this life.

[edit on 1-9-2010 by Unity_99]

posted on Sep, 1 2010 @ 10:35 AM
Just to chime in on the discussion...

There is never failure in a experience, for each experience, when seen through the Divine Eye (once outside the body complex) see's the experiences opportunities of growth and understanding. Even if a person refuses to learn while in the body complex, they will co create another experience that will help them reap the seeds that have been sown while learning.

We are always learning, even if we dont know it while in the body complex.

Not understanding the reasons for this experience may indeed lead a complex to be more prone to accept ideas like 'religion' being that religions can offer them a 'way out' (so they think anyways). Even if its truly not a way out, they will learn from that Earthly practice. Even while we walk the paths that are not...we are learning.

If we were in a all loving environment, we would not truly be able to sift our deepest vibration of our own inner nature. The things we need to learn would take forever in a world of all love, there would be no growth, it would be almost stagnant.

posted on Sep, 1 2010 @ 02:42 PM
Just wanted to add this beautiful song, for its poetic thoughts on the sun, and progression, yearning to be without shame, beyond this sorrow here, its very inspirational. Though one to me is unity, the many in one being many in infinity/love/universal understanding (telepathy) this is a bridge also for many different beliefs expressed on this thread, can be seen many different ways. Its simply beautiful.

Enter One by Sol Seppy

What if the sun were to tell you one day you would take its place, what do you think that would mean?

What is the sun? In a holographic universe input system? Projector? Phone line home? Higher Self/Family of Light watching over us? Collective consciousness? When we progress, when we walk forward on the path, the ones our Future are on now, we will take their place.....watching over the children here.

[edit on 1-9-2010 by Unity_99]

posted on Sep, 1 2010 @ 02:55 PM
reply to post by LeoVirgo

I agree that if one really recovers, their heart and yearning, their wish to grow beyond whatever in them causes pain to self or another, that all teaches us and the hardest things are often the greatest teachers.

That being said, I can never agree that a school should harm people this much, that anyone needs to go through dismemeberment, starvation, abuse, to learn. This is beyond comprehension, and even hearing one case of one thing like this as a child destroyed the universe to me, I wouldnt have cared if it all blew up and everyone with it, for that one thing (of course it is but the tip of the iceburg of "things" like it) made everything end for me. I don't willingly walk a path I cannot concur with.

It took many years, and visions, and encouragement in a spiritual way, from my family working beyind the scenes until I finally realized, there is no mean/stern/Higher Self/God or anyone that forces a soul into the situations here on earth and the harsh punishments. At least I do not concur or believe that. Its about frequency, thougths and beliefs of the soul. And like frequency journeys together. So wonderful eutopias exist in this cosmic school with its infinite channels, still in learning mode, and harsher systems based on the state of being of the soul. If you believe in tough love that hurts you while it disciplines you, then welcome to planet earth, many are dying and being exectuted, starved to death, thrown into instant wars, and poisoned, and imprisoned, for being born more or less, or breaking down in this harsh system where the violence is fostered by every culture from a young age and in all our entertainment/games, and the pryamid system.

I have never believed in this. There are so many ways to learn. I was told directly by my guide to be joyful, positive, see what you wish to see, turn every negative around into a positive, (while at the same time have worked on seeing hardships as my greatest teachers). Well learning is like that two. There is not just one way, a negative learning path, many chose the positive one in the cosmos. Its about our readiness to embrace love, tender, gentle, forgiving, caring, compassionate, all empassing, unconditional love.

posted on Sep, 1 2010 @ 06:57 PM
THERE IS no DIVINE being anywhere can truly say they are in PEACE when ANYONE suffers ANYWHERE...! None

And when you think about it, humanity is practically blameless in this affair. If we had the cards TURNED OVER for all to see, we'd of never allowed THOSE to muck up things so badly with the planet.

posted on Sep, 1 2010 @ 09:51 PM
reply to post by ASOUL

I happen to feel that way myself, and that humanity is being lied to and tortured/traumatized and manipulated nonstop, they are completely innocent to me. Nothing counts since they are 100% messed with. To me that makes 100% of the negative actions fall on the minority doing this to us, by default. But even saying that, still if we're waking up we still need to take as much repsonsibilty as we can, and really feel for anything we've done that has hurt another, and even ourselves.

posted on Sep, 1 2010 @ 10:46 PM

Originally posted by Unity_99
reply to post by ASOUL

But even saying that, still if we're waking up we still need to take as much repsonsibilty as we can, and really feel for anything we've done that has hurt another, and even ourselves.

Indeed Responsibility because we have relationship "connection", on any level, with ANY THING, PERSON, PLACE, THOUGHT, FEELING, ACT, ACTION, URGE, REALITY, KINGDOM, AND/OR PERCEPTION.

It is defined by the conditions of its existence.

As anytime we pursue our daily life and make contact with the various elements of that life...!

And has always Finally the Great Truth becomes the law of that individual:

All that is, I AM.

posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 07:44 AM
TS's point of views are still based on 3D reality that's why he can't understand what HH is saying. I suggest that the TS broaden his knowledge and learn to become an observer of events here on earth without being affected of the said events.

As HH said, you have to understand that you have to learn something from the negative energies that you encounter here on earth. We are immortal souls living in an earth vessel and understand that we are here on earth just for the experience only. Earth is just a school house for us. Once you understand this, you will stop blaming God on why there are sufferings here on earth.

posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 09:05 AM

Originally posted by Unity_99
reply to post by ASOUL

I happen to feel that way myself, and that humanity is being lied to and tortured/traumatized and manipulated nonstop, they are completely innocent to me. Nothing counts since they are 100% messed with. To me that makes 100% of the negative actions fall on the minority doing this to us, by default. But even saying that, still if we're waking up we still need to take as much responsibility as we can, and really feel for anything we've done that has hurt another, and even ourselves.

You do understand though, its ones own self that is doing the negative actions?

Its not truly something outside of Spirit that is causing the harm, that has fallen to things like the grips and teeth of power and greed....these are a part of you! You can deny it, you can try to escape it, you can spend time at a place outside of Earth wont change the fact that there are still other selves of you (in Spirit) that are experiencing lessons and still learning.

Just because you dont understand it, doest make it without meaning and necessity.

There are many higher selves, prime selves of us....

There is only one Holy Spirit....and all life shares this ONE thing. It is HOW we are ONE. In Spirit, we are ONE. The Spirit is sifting itself out through experience that will blossom it again to be the perfection its always been and always will be. This experience is not for us on individual levels in the end.....its for the Spirit, the ONE.

The Higher Self offers us mostly what we are in need of emotionally, mentally, what we can deal with.

The Holy Spirit's nature is concerned with a path for the ALL. Its different when seeking the Spirit, the things needed, the things to be understood, the humbleness and honesty are absolutely a must.

It was not through the Higher Self I learned about this world and the need's for all. I learned about my self, and the needs for me, from the Higher Self.

It was through the Holy Spirit, I learned about the true offering and why its a must from every single mind complex. There is no rush, for is it was forced or rushed, it would not be right. Gentleness, Confident, Pure, Merciful, Graceful, Absolute.....words cant describe Thee. ONE....have done our own selves. Completely aware of what it would bring us, and where it would take us.

We would not learn what we are in need of in complete love....children do not learn what they need to learn, out of complete love. Hearts become hard, individuals experiences stubbornness, selfishness, many things can block the heart.

The majority of sufferers....are not reaping seeds they have sown. The majority....have chosen to be a sufferer. They chose a life that will help another self...they have totally offered themselves as a mind complex to play a role that will test, bring about empathy, arise new feelings of the world or even in just one soul.

We had a hand in choosing this experience, we co created with Spirit.....ways to sift and measure ourselves in Spirit, in Oneness.

Ya know how when test are ran on some blood or something....and its divided into many different little viles, each vile offering its own test for the blood? In the end, through all the test, any 'wrongs' within the blood can be sifted out, healed, and corrected.

This is a similar idea of the Sifting of the Spirit. Its a must, its almost mechanical. Its a process that is unavoidable. Its a cause and effect working.....just as you see the rest of the world is.

Through the process of cycle and orders....old wine skins to new....from being masters of the vineyards to owners....from learning how the fruits become ripe with seasons.... our bodies are nothing more then the skin on the grapes....and the grapes get sifted and weighed and measured so the finest of wine can be formed. You will have a whole tub of grapes....but may only get one nice glass of the perfect wine.

This is NOT about what we find we want or desire as a self. Its about what the Spirit IS, and NEEDS, and it WILL happen (with patients and time of course). Its perfect. The cause and effects will lead everything to the fine point that is needed. All paths offer us something we are in need of, something we can learn all paths are still very valid.

Much Love

[edit on 4-9-2010 by LeoVirgo]

posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 09:33 AM
reply to post by LeoVirgo

This is my lifelong constant debate since I was very young. Watched vietnam and napalm on television as a preschooler so have always been contemplating the world and carrying it on my shoulders. On the one hand, its far too controlled and manipulated for there to be free will, yet on the other, all the official stories have a hundred or more holes in them.

In these past 2 1/2 years where I've had much contact and many sitings, often with my son, I remember one night while I was traveling, and feeling monitored, and said "how can humanity be expected to right the situation? In every generation they would have to sacrifice many of their children to take back the world, it would be suicidal? many of us know but can't change it! humanity is capable of the most monstrous things but, following orders, due to be loving and passive and wanting the best for their children!"

And I got an answer. She said, "That is why we are here, always." On another occasion I was told that we were seen as very strong, for even in the midst of wars, poverty and abuses, we still loved our children, appreciated the beauty around us, and marveled at the stars.

I do not believe in harsh dualities to learn any lessons in. Period. And know I'm right. The love in my heart and basic understanding of child psychology tells you that. You don't abuse children to produce loving adults!

Lying and manipulation of the population, and enslaving them so they are overworked just for basic lodgings that they had every right to at birth, does tend to shift the responsiblity and blame from the population to the caretakers. The average person is too tired and stressed and still often has to deal with family, children that actually needed a primary caregiver to be there for them, not a television/game system and the lure of street activities. And you only have to look at your child's face, and picture a Rothchild. Child, then Rothchild/Banker. You realize immediately all the controllers LOSE as relevant or important. But people can't figure things out when most are stuck in this machine.

I don't care what they've done in the past, I want them healed and loved. That would be the point of coming into a system as newborn wiped clean of shameful memories, it would be to be loved, in a good family, camping, berry picking, laughing, and loving, and learning what sharing and caring is all about. I have been arguing all my life on this.

The trouble is, however that while we think this is current time, its acutally the past from Higher Self's point of view, and a recorded one, that plays in alternate "timelines" consecutively in an infinite number of runs, so when we come for lessons here, we're joining in on a movie in progress, the scenes already exist and are being recycled endlessly in infinity. That changes the perspective as well. Like ET_MAN has said, a coloring book with the outlines already established, but we're coloring it in our way, or like Groundhog Day the movie, redoing it till we get it right.

But there is no way that I can ever ever accept a world like this existing. Theres always a better way. And the ones "in the know" lying, are always the ones most repsonsible.

You also have to understand, I don't believe in karma, instead Forgiveness and Healing. I would never imprison anyone save but for psychopaths who are addicted to violence and repeat violent crimes like murder or rape, and even then it would still be advanced healing methods explored and used. All actions that are not loving are a cry for help, a sign of illness to me, a lack of wellness. And need love, understanding, and all the healing the universe has its disposal, and Beyond.

[edit on 4-9-2010 by Unity_99]

posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 09:54 AM
reply to post by Unity_99

But there is no way that I can ever ever accept a world like this existing. Theres always a better way. And the ones "in the know" lying, are always the ones most repsonsible.

They are still you. You dont have to accept that while in the body complex, but outside of the body complex, you will just know it.

This is why you long for the cant face yet the need for the ALL and understand the sifting process the Spirit must go through in many different vessels.

Moving mountains is not easy. Hearts are hardened....fear and nonacceptance turns beings inward to self, not able to observe the paths their other selves are on.

Since all paths are valid, it doesnt make you right or wrong. Your beliefs are valid for YOU....and outside of the body complex, this will offer you just what you are in need of learning.

You are stuck on the ideas that the ones that lie and cheat and are learning lessons should be responsible....and they will be, they are other selves of you still learning how to over come the individual self and they can not yet live for another.

Ultimately, it is love that conquers...unconditional love that is offered to each of us outside the body complex, unconditional love that helps us face the things we did and helps us understand why we did those things. It is the love that helps us remain standing when we must look into the mirror of truth. But while in the body complex, unconditional love is not obvious and there are reasons that it is not.

Many have to walk many paths that are find the path that is.

Its easy to fall for powers, greed, pride ect....and by not forgiving them for what they do not know, you actually remain bonded to them through negative emotion.

posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 09:59 AM
And yes....there is free will.

How you see totally up to you. Your thoughts, your choice to forgive or not, your choice to accept or not...are much more important then having the free will to live how ever you wish.

Process of sifting NEEDS events that will test, measure, and weigh.

Your reacts and behavior are your choice. Your thoughts are yours and yours alone. This is what matters, this is the free will that IS here. Free Will to move forward in thought, as your are ready and as you can handle.

The Spirit will not force any complex in any direction. If there was force in thoughts and understanding, the thoughts and understandings would not be with truth and true intent.

This is why a higher self will only offer you what you are ready for....many think they gain entire truths from a higher self....the higher self will not force a truth on you if you cant not understand it through experience alone...your higher self is only able to offer you what you are ready to handle. You are able and in need of love and peace and rest right now....which is what you are offered from your higher self. It will not push you, rush you, or hurry you. You will receive comfort and love if the higher self see's this is what you need.

[edit on 4-9-2010 by LeoVirgo]

posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 10:31 AM
reply to post by LeoVirgo

In a world where billions are starving and living in heavy duty mafia like conditions, such as Phillipines, Cambodia, Africa, India, and South America, to name a few spots, the injustices outweigh any value to lessons. The whole school has been hijacked and progression for many, halted in an unending trap of karma where NO ONE could be expected not to react, where the pot is stirred nonstop with real horrendous suffering and murders, all for the benefit of a tiny few mafia lords.

Do you think there is actual free will?

Many ETS don't and feel the deals/contracts were broken long ago here. This planet is under heavy duty monitoring and the "free will" is a hotly debated topic.

In my opinion this hijacked school needs to be freed. Only free, unlied to people, with access and resources, with an easy second choice, not one that is impossible to pull off, has FREE WILL.

If I lived in a rolling estate in the safest corner of the world, and every step was filled with sunshine, I would be living in hell just as a silent witness to the horrors of the world.

I don't agree with peoples answers here. I feel they're the kind that allow many to sleep well at night and need to be examined carefully.

I spent many nights, with long hours reliving through each disaster or murder or crime I heard about from everyones perspective since childhood. With my parents/mother advising me not to think about it. She still phones me twice a day and tells me every horror story on the news, and over and over I remind her, that I don't watch the news, I can't. I cannot listen to any of it, don't tell me about what happened to that child, for I will be carrying that in my sleep for hours, and not forget the incident 20 years from now, but add it to my collection.

Don't think about it! How could anyone not?

edit to add: In addition to this, the past life recall I had was bit unusual. I didnt see events, I knew what the events where. I saw my people and what they were like, telepathic, and united, equal, everyone knew everyone. But I saw more, how we had known each other for a long time, soul wise, were a soul group, family, often interchanging roles. And,this terrible war was occurring with great losses. Much of humanity comes from that situation, from the old star wars scenario, and Mars plays heavy in it.

Then I felt the river of sorrow, it flows through the very fabric of the universe/cosmos, and is unquenchable, so wide and deep and overwhelming. This is felt into the Beyond as well. It flows from Divine Mother (Cosmic Mother/Father), as well. Too many have had their progression halted.

[edit on 4-9-2010 by Unity_99]

posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 11:05 AM
Great posts.

Gotta tell ya - - the hardest thing I ever had to realize is that I had to live in this physical world.

I still walk with one foot in the spirit world and one foot in the physical world. If I could just let go and float off - I would.

No matter what you do - or what experience you have - drama - hardship - tough decisions - etc - - - - it is the Thought Energy that matters.

What bothers me the most is - - that there is enough resources on this planet everyone could live comfortably - have enough food & water - access to medical care - etc.

I guess you could call my Thought Energy a socialist

posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 11:10 AM
Regarding Free Will. Lets go back to the computer game.

Before you play a computer game - you need to do a Set-Up.

You can choose level of play: Easy - Middle - Hard.

You can choose your player: Male/Female (other). Ethnicity - Location - Parents - etc.

I believe Free Will is on a "scale-o-meter". That you choose the degree of Control to Free Will.

posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 11:52 AM

Originally posted by Annee
Regarding Free Will. Lets go back to the computer game.

Before you play a computer game - you need to do a Set-Up.

You can choose level of play: Easy - Middle - Hard.

You can choose your player: Male/Female (other). Ethnicity - Location - Parents - etc.

I believe Free Will is on a "scale-o-meter". That you choose the degree of Control to Free Will.

I am already thinking about what I want to be and what goals to have for next life. I hope I won't forget this when I die.

posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 11:52 AM
Aside from "testee", like everyone doing lessons, if I could assign a role, or something that I've always felt, its a silent witness to the horrors here, not withstanding the suffering and problems we as a family have gone through. And this has nothing to do with not taking responsiblity. Most people have low self esteem, they're taught its all their fault all their lives, and they always feel shame and blame for everything, as it is.

I've always been handing in reports in all my experiences, looking back with more of my memories, a part of it is handing in reports, I take it like sociological studies, testing the system.

If I could chose a role it would be systems analyst and systems buster! This would be busted wide open. I know that there are many others that need this as well.

posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 12:04 PM

Originally posted by sphinx551

I am already thinking about what I want to be and what goals to have for next life. I hope I won't forget this when I die.

Me too - - unless I "move on up".

I want to be on Broadway.

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