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Told by police that being outside at night is probable cause to pull me over and question/weapons ch

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posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 06:34 PM
the police are becoming a real concern in many towns and cities. after watching alex jones police state 4 I am avoiding them like the plaque!

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 06:58 PM
Sunshine, Lollipops, and Rainbows and Lemon Drops.

Man, you're made.

The die fall like plastic pieces on a crazie game of Boards, where you're getting told to relack. Oh, well...

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 07:15 PM
To the original poster..

I suggest you write a letter to your city government, mayor, or whoever that may be.

Or better yet, make a phone call. Remind the government servant that the police activity is unconstitutional, in a polite way, and that the issue needs to be addressed unless they want to adopt a police-state situation... which can be the only outcome of no action being taken.

You seem intelligent enough, just get in touch with the proper channels. And if you really want to, go ahead and inform your local media outlets, post flyers, or put flyers of information in people's advertiser boxes or doorsteps (but not mailboxes as that is illegal).

Good luck.

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 07:18 PM
reply to post by sremmos

I am not trying to undermine your state of affairs or the events. If what you said is true was indeed unfortunate but still need proof.

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 07:27 PM
Op, all I can say is to the extent that your constitutional rights are not violated, I would use caution in addressing issues with this local police force. You said it was different officers stopping you each time. Well, according to your sampling of police behaviour in that neighborhood, as it stands, 100% of the police in that particular precinct all share the same ideas about preventative measures. It is probably safe to assume, then, that their precinct commander needs to remind them that you are not breaking the law by your actions.

Also, from your original statement, it doesnt sound like they are actual jerks, just taking precautions based on statistical data. If they are being courteous to you during this action, then you should be courteous back. They are not charging you with anything, and it even sounds like they are relaxed during the action, if some are willing to just chat with you about the subject.

This is an excellent opportunity to get to know your local police officers and gain a mutual respect for one another. Remember that these people talk to each other on and off duty alot and about everything. If you are a jerk, they will make sure that everyone knows you are a jerk and can very quietly make your life a nightmare. If you are courteous, then trust me, they will make that known as well.

Injustice due to police brutality videos and enforcement bashing have permanently scarred the brains of most of the public at large. Remember that most of them are your neighbors, fellows in churches, have children schooled with your children, shop in the same stores, hang out in the same entertainment spots and also get up in the morning to go perform a day of service to a chosen career field for the opportunity of receiving a fair wage.

I would reiterate that you can win in the long run here by making conversation with them (if they will) and gain at least some confidence with them. In a time when everyone and their brother is hocking Sit-X and TSHTF scenarios, I most certainly want to know that there are some local LEOs that have some respect for me.

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 07:36 PM

I stated that I had no idea this was a law and she acted like it was obvious that it was illegal to ride a bike on the sidewalk. I went home and looked it up and it is legal in my city except at the mall and certain business districts.

I checked state law as well and it does not prohibit sidewalk riding (california).

I live in calif

I have been warned many times about riding on the sidewalk.
and have tried many times to have them give me a ticket. i am 59 years old and have been riding for years.

I ride on the sidewalk in any area that its to dangerus to ride on the street. (buckled. potholed or damaged pavement. no bike lanes, ECT ECT ECT).

I wish the cops would do there job and give me a ticket.
that way i could go in front of the judge and rip the city I live in for leaving all the dangerous conditions unfixed.

By the way meth heads just love to ride around town at night looking for things to steal.
But i live in a town in the Mojave desert and many people that ride for exercise also ride at night in the summer when the daytime temps reach over 100º.

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 09:14 PM
reply to post by whatukno

Wow,did you actually just suggest that he commit multiple felonies against the defenders of societal law and order?
Not only is that a really stupid idea,but I think its a crime.

I want my country back from sociopaths like you.

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 09:29 PM
[edit on 4/8/10 by Arkansas]

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 09:53 PM
reply to post by sremmos

3 things:

- assumption of guilt is illegal.
- being even stopped on grounds for an illegal act made up by the police is illegal.
- being lied to and treated like that is grounds for libel as they are ruining your face and what title it has.

For this, you should report to the local police department and alert them top this fact and proclaim that another breach of the law on their half like that will result in immediate charges against them.

Bring a recorder next time and ask the same questions. PM me if you need my help to identify if their words are capable of being charged.

If for nothing else, you can get money for emotional distress. lol.

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 09:56 PM

Originally posted by sremmos

Originally posted by boondock-saint
unfortunate for you but the police are just doing their job.
And since you are being stopped by different officers
there cannot be an identity confirmed between different

It is a known fact that some criminals use bicycles
to commit crimes at night because they are small
and elusive and can go where cars can't. Not to
mention, there is no license plate or identifying
marks on the bicycle that they can run a check
on from a moving police car. Couple that with it
being late night and dark, if I was a cop I'd stop
ya too. No offense. If your story checked out
then you would be on your way.

Look at the bright side, once you get known by the officers
patrolling that area you won't be harassed.
It just takes a lil time. Be patient, it will work out.

but it is illegal for police to randomly stop and ID people. someone merely being outside is not reasonable cause for suspicion. instead, it is a dragnet "pull people over for being outside and maybe we will get lucky some of the time" strategy.

It is illegal, it is absolutely against my character to think it's acceptable to be randomly stopped by armed individuals and asked for documents and/or searched for weapons, then questioned for ten minutes.

There was a Supreme Court case about this I don't remember what it's called. It is illegal and it's not okay to have to be harassed by police until they are 'used to you.'

I mean no offense to you I just disagree on the principle of equal protection under the law. Just as I cannot violate the law a police officer cannot violate the law either.

Actually Yes and no. If something was going on either in your city or county, or you match a description of someone they are looking for, they can stop and ID you. 99% of an officer job during an investigation is to rule people out.

Secondly - Without knowing what city you live in, one of the things to ask is what is the crime rate in your city? Were you stopped in the same area? Has there been a lot of break ins, vandalism or theft in the areas you are being stopped in.

In areas that experience higher than normal crime, we will generally stop and talk to people in the area. For one, its investigative as we are trying to determine if you could possibly be involved in the crime taking place (This is an investigative detention, and is legal when done properly). If the reason they are stopping you is from the above, then they are within the law.

If they are stopping you to jsut stop and Id you, then there is an issue. Granted not all state laws are the same, so my analysis is based on the 2 states ive worked as a LEO in, and the surrounding states we deal with.

As far as the suggestion for recording them.. We just had this conversation in another thread. If they are stopping you, whether it be on bike, car or flying carpet, you are technically being detained, and as such your frreedom of movement will be restricted. I would suggest you ask the officers why you are being stopped and go from there.

I would suggest you NOT pull out a phone and begin recording them. At that point you are refusing to obey lawful commands and can get in trouble. Also, as stated in another thread, do a google search for cell phone weapons, then google the standard the USSC applies to officers and deadly use of force.

Apply some common sense to the situation. Talk to the officer if you see them again why you were stopped. If you dont get a satisfactory answer, then speak with the supervisor / Chief. No resolution there I would file a formal IA complaint.

The other question I have is how old are you? The age of being an adult in terms of a criminal charge / infraction varies from state to state (usually 17-18 is the line of being an adult - except for traffic violations - You can be 16 for that stuff).

Does your city have a curfew for minors?
[edit on 4-8-2010 by Xcathdra]

[edit on 4-8-2010 by Xcathdra]

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 10:01 PM

Originally posted by whatukno
File a complaint with the internal affairs office of the precinct that keeps stopping you. Tell them that the female cop has made unwarranted advances towards you and you don't appreciate the way she was undressing you with her eyes.

Remember, anything can sound dirty said the right way. Be sure to use her exact words, but say them in a suggestive way.

Next, if you have the money get a lawyer to write a strongly worded letter to the police department on your behalf. Telling them that this constant harassment cannot continue without you filing a lawsuit.

Remember, always be polite with the police when they stop you, but stab them in the back when they are gone. Once you do that, any further encounters with the police can be chalked up to retribution and you can actually get them in serious trouble.

I really hope you are being sarcastic with these suggestions, as you are suggesting he break the law in multiple areas. If you are not being sarcastic, as a member of Law Enforcement I would advise people NOT to do any of this.

Taking the advice above = bad joo joo

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 10:06 PM
reply to post by sremmos

Welcome to the Police State! You have just been conditioned. Proof is that you now state your tendency to say nothing of the obvious abuse of your freedom as an adult citizen. Your right to be out at night is gone for fear of further abuse from the local cops. The Police State is all about "fear" and "control".

Have you noticed how cops are more like the "hall monitors" they had in the public schools? Cops watch you to make sure you are not breaking minor infractions such as not using your seat belt. That is equal to chewing gum or talking loud in the hall at school, except the cop "monitors" get to tazer you or beat you to a pulp if you "disobey" them.

Yep, the Police State has arrived for lack of concern on the part of the sheeple. Get used to it, slave...and Have a Nice Day!


posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 10:06 PM

Originally posted by Gorman91
reply to post by sremmos

3 things:

- assumption of guilt is illegal.
- being even stopped on grounds for an illegal act made up by the police is illegal.
- being lied to and treated like that is grounds for libel as they are ruining your face and what title it has.

For this, you should report to the local police department and alert them top this fact and proclaim that another breach of the law on their half like that will result in immediate charges against them.

Bring a recorder next time and ask the same questions. PM me if you need my help to identify if their words are capable of being charged.

If for nothing else, you can get money for emotional distress. lol.

Ehhh.. close but not quite. If they are doing it to just do it, IE no actual basis to back up why they are stopping you, then there is an issue. Checking on people is not against the law. In the city I work for you get to know the city, who is around etc. I have checked on vehicles parked behind convience stores before to find out why they were there.

If something looks out of the ordinary, we have the ability to check on it. Part of Law Enforcement is being proactive. Once we do our check and everything checks out, we move on, as do the people checked on. There is nothing illegal with that type of approach.

It falls under an investigative stop / detention. People watch way too much tv and beleive all they see on tv about Cops and their rights.

If Law Enforcement does something illegal, we fall under a few different type of laws. First the state stuff which would be misconduct, criminal charges for breaking a law etc.

The big one is 42 USC 1983 - Civil rights violation. It is Federal, and it guides how we can act when under the color of Law.

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 10:08 PM
reply to post by romanmel

Speaking of Fear and Control, you are doing the exact same thing you accuse Law Enforcement of doing. If you guys would take the time to actually understand the law, how it applies to you and Law Enforcement, these conversations would be way more productive.

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 10:10 PM
can't blame them. they have our best interest in mind, they weren't rude and didn't give you a hard time. they answered your questions and let you go without the hassle of searching.

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 10:20 PM

Originally posted by Xcathdra
reply to post by romanmel

Speaking of Fear and Control, you are doing the exact same thing you accuse Law Enforcement of doing. If you guys would take the time to actually understand the law, how it applies to you and Law Enforcement, these conversations would be way more productive.

Right. Productive for the crazed control freak cops that get off on their power trip.

"Scewz me bozz, I jest wanna keep from gettin my face beat in like that little 'ol bleedin lady over there in the corner gasping for breath." You da man...NOT

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 10:40 PM

Originally posted by np6888
I say we get rid of cops altogether. I can protect myself with my guns. Don't need anyone else doing that for me, and think they're so superior just because they possess the same weapons.

Yeah. But who is going to protect me from you?

I think it is a double edged sword. Kinda like can't live with them and you can't live without them!

I just don't know if I want to have to arm myself everytime I go out to the store. Might be kind of a free for all without any police.

I don't know though. That grass always seems to be greener on the other side!

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 10:41 PM
if the police tried to stop me on my bike at night i would be gone, peace, vamos
good luck catching someone my age in good physical condition and a strong aversion to the police. yes when they try to stop me i make them earn that check.

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 11:15 PM
It true many petty criminals, use bycycles to facilitate their criminal activity.
This has become a standard vehicle for drug addicts who come out with the darkness and scuttle to and fro all night long seeking a score to assuage their raging desperation for another day.
It is quite common to see these people cruising the alleyways and flitting about in the darker patches of the night.
A bike doesnt require a drivers licence,(most of these people have lost theirs by this stage anyways,and may be to a degree homeless even)
Is highly mobile, hard to spot, and easy to ditch as well as getting the perp a fair distance away quickly.
You may also consider that there may be a serial criminal or two in your area that you are unaware of...
The police target certain people in certain situations because of past criminal behavior patterns.
Not that they are never overbearing, selfrighteous, and downright ignorant.
But try to have some understanding of what is really going on in youre community at all levels before you cry foul.

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 12:31 AM

CVC 21200 states that bicyclists (who are not police officers) riding on roadways have all the rights and responsibilities applicable to the driver of a vehicle by Division 11 of the California Vehicle Code, which are the Rules of the Road.

A bicycle rider is subject to the laws applicable to those operating a motor vehicle. And since one operating a motor vehicle cannot do so, legally, upon a sidewalk, neither can a bicycle rider. Technically, due to this, one cannot ride a bicycle against the flow of traffic, "head on", as the flow of traffic dictates all vehicles on one side of the road move in the same direction.

So, though it does not appear in specific verbage regarding a bicyclist operating on a sidewalk, it is covered in state law. Sorry.

And if you're within the City of Los Angeles, LAMC 56.15 might be of interest.

[edit on 8/5/2010 by abecedarian]

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