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over kill chemtrails (pics)

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posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 09:56 PM
reply to post by __rich__

Your 1st "source" makes no mention of "chemtrails" whatsoever.

Your 2nd source is a 2008 BLOG with no factual support at all. Who, what, when and where are absent from the purported "programs" that apparently "halted global warming."

Delaying or stopping the next ice age, and/or mitigating the effects of Human CO2 emissions.

Well, which is it? Making things warmer or making them cooler? You have provided nothing to back up either, opposing, alternative.

If that is a fact, then why do the CRU and others in the AGW "consensus" insist that there's been no change or a change for the worse? Where's the DATA?

You have no facts.


[edit on 24-7-2010 by jdub297]

posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 10:07 PM

Originally posted by jdub297
reply to post by __rich__

Your 1st "source" makes no mention of "chemtrails" whatsoever.

Your 2nd source is a 2008 BLOG with no factual support at all. Who, what, when and where are absent from the purported "programs" that apparently "halted global warming."

If that is a fact, then why do the CRU and others in the AGW "consensus" insist that there's been no change or a change for the worse? Where's the DATA?

You have no facts.


Wrong. Try reading the white paper I linked to. Teller specifically talks about atmospheric scattering techniques. Chemtrails are sunlight scatterers.

Unlike you, I'm not trying to prove or disprove anything, which would be silly on an internet forum, anyway.

I am simply bringing up the fact that tax dollars have been spent to examine the cost effectiveness of climate modulation vs. mandatory carbon emissions reductions.

The next logical step after a scientific conclusion that sunlight scattering would not only be effective, but also financially prudent, would be further experimentation, including eventual in vivo real world experiments.

posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 10:17 PM
reply to post by fallinstar

Hi, fallinstar.

As you can see, it's hard to get info on "secret" stuff.
And a good bunch try to hide the secret, here.

Make YOUR mind on this very good report:

Go 3/4 down the page and see the graph with 4 pink dots !
How bizarre/convenient: "the unregistered" planes do the chemtrails !
( Of course "they" will say it's not a good source.)

Blue skies.

posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 11:00 PM
Chemtrails... this is the first i've heard of such a thing... Guess i'll have to look it up and develop an opinion on it! fun, fun, fun!

The only thing i can personally attest to... as far as the government "spraying" the great unwashed with chemicals, is my first hand experience as a kid....playing in the street and the "Bug" trucks coming down the road... i think we even used to chase it. Not sure why they stopped running, never looked into that of yet.. anyone know? I'm sure it was not healthy!

It's probably wth is wrong with meh now! =0P

posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 11:02 PM
reply to post by Godz Enigma

The sound of the pump would precede the truck. Through the neighborhood the cry would rise, "Mosquito truck!" Kids running into the street to play in the "fog".

Killed the mosquitoes but not me. Might have done something to my head though. I still haven't quite figured out my fascination with ATS.

[edit on 7/24/2010 by Phage]

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 12:02 AM

Originally posted by Point of No Return
reply to post by Chadwickus

Next time you share your mis-information and lies, do it in a thread where there isn't a picture of 6 aircraft being tracked flying one behind the other.

In the pics the trails are all next to each other, so it at least seems that they were not flying exactly the same path within that corridor.

Except, there is this thing called WIND.

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 12:07 AM

Originally posted by Point of No Return

It is one documented case of persistent contrails, I'm not debating that.

Why is there suddenly a phenomenon that people see en masse, when they clearly didn't 10-15 years ago.

Not being observant doesn't cut it, everybody knows it didn't use to be like this.

Gee, 10-15 years ago is exactly the same timeframe as the advent of the world wide web too, when it became far more commonly in use. Its also the same time that people like Will Thomas and Len Horowitz started trumping chemtrails to help sell their products.

Just because someone does not notice something , does not mean it did not exist. There are plenty of photos and accounts of persistent contrails. Its still baffling to me how chemtrail believer think that somehow clouds made by planes must be short lived and can not turn into cirrus at times.

So what is it that chemmies do not believe? Do you all not believe it is cold at that elevation? Or not believe the air is thin and can contain much less water? Or do you all think that cirrus clouds are just an invention of TPTB to mask chemtrails?

[edit on 25-7-2010 by firepilot]

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 12:25 AM
There are photos of persistent contrails, sure.

But photos of spreading persistent contrails that form an artificial cloud cover?

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 12:32 AM
When the internet began has no bearing on the fact of these normal everyday contrails, those things you love so much, they are so normal noone should even see them right ?

No-one noticed them , because they were not there.

Just what does a connie believe, so worried about defending trails in the skies its hilarious.

I doubt it is that cold at that elevation at this time of year, and many of these trails are nowhere near as high as you think they are.

If there is such a lack of moisture at this height why is it that these trails , according to the connies just find tons more moisture to latch onto and grow impressively fast and huge.

You cannot prove that a contrail like this is a "normal" occurence, and despite what weedwhacker thinks, i have seen and will again see them come down to 500 feet above sea level at my house, on certain days, somehow not melting when it is 35 celsius outside.

I have watched the sky avidly since a small child, and i remember WISHING that contrails would last longer than 30 seconds, and was happy when i could catch one last for a minute...fanatically viewing jets for HOURS.

Purposefully watching contrails hundreds of times for hours on end...

What we have now is very different from then, something is different and your sciences just don't cover it, OBVIOUSLY.

These threads will never stop popping up so get used to the fact that observant people are not going to agree with you, because they dam well know these trails are a recent phenomena, an incredibly noticeable phenomena to us skywatchers...

Air traffic has not risen by this vast amount you guys trumpet, Contrails are NEVER "NORMAL" and long lasting contrails with bizarre patterns when observed through magnification are truly crazy to look at.

I have been watching these for years now , i want them gone.

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 01:04 AM

When the internet began has no bearing on the fact of these normal everyday contrails, those things you love so much, they are so normal noone should even see them right ?

Sure it does, because chemtrail believers did not think about it until then. Their were plenty of conspiracies around, but it took people like Will Thomas and Clifford Carnicom, spreading junk science around, and suggesting that chemtrails were real. If you had never came across a chemtrail site, you would not be believing in it now.

Its amazing, there can be post after post of photos and accounts of persistent contrails going back a long time, but yet again people will claim that no such thing every happened.

Its amazing also how many chemtrail believers actually do not think the upper air is really cold, and they do not think it is capable of having ice. And how many also do not think that combustion results in water

Persistent contrails are cirrus by airplane. Cirrus, even though some of you chemtrail people do not believe in it, really does exist. The existence of cirrus clouds disproves the silly claims that water droplets/ice crystals can not exist more than a few seconds

Can you point to any chemtrail believer who is knowledgable about aircraft and aviation? NO

Can I point to a chemtrail believer who knows little to nothing about aircraft and aviation? Yes, every single one.

[edit on 25-7-2010 by firepilot]

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 01:24 AM
You are wrong, i and all of my friends noticed the appearance of them suddenly, and BEFORE we were into any conspiracy research of any kind.

Your insistence that somehow this has spread because of some websites is hilarious.

You think people just looked up these sites and then went searching for trails in the skies ??

Other way around, we NOTICED the trails and THEN went looking for what the heck was going on, that WAS NOT before.

We may not know WHAT is going on, but we do know that something is different about the skies since these appeared, such as i cannot see even 1/5 of the stars i saw before in this same area, SUDDENLY the skies are hazed all the time, population and industry did not massively increase in that time and airtraffic did not either,

I AM open to the thought that perhaps how the engines operate is causing this effect, so what has changed in the output to cause these trails to occur so much more dramatically.

I chuckle at the thought that you know what is going on with all facets of these trails because you are "in the know" about aircraft etc.

If these dam things are the normal contrails that you suggest they are, why are planes allowed to fly at these heights and continously wreck beautiful sunny days, figure out how to cool this dam crap so we do NOT have maimed skies all the time that just look ravaged.

I am SICK of seeing this crud all over my skies, I do NOT believe there is anything normal about artificial clouds all over messing with the weather in any fashion.

Find a way to stop the constant cloud cover made by all this and maybe we can shutup, but please stop telling us that they are normal and should be expected daily because of air temperatures and condensation.

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 01:33 AM
Why are aircraft allowed to fly at contrail heights? Seriously???? Well how about you lobby congress to petition the FAA to limit aircraft flights to below contrail altitudes. This is about the looniest suggestion yet from the Insane Cloud Posse. I can just imagine how that would cripple the airspace system and air traffic control, not to mention greatly increase the fuel burn.

But thats not the first time chemtrail believers have said something ridiculous, look at each time they try to talk about airplane and get about every detail wrong.

And yes, no one starting thinking about chemtrails until they read about it on internet conspiracy webpages. Its a proven fact that persistent contrails (cirrus) have been around for a long time. The fact that the chemtrail conspiracy did not exist then, but it did exist when charlatans started their websites in 98 or so to start selling things.

Why do chemtrail believers know absolutely little to nothing about aircraft and aviation, yet think they can talk about some impossible conspiracy, with so many different versions that all debunk each other.

[edit on 25-7-2010 by firepilot]

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 01:45 AM

Originally posted by Phage
reply to post by Godz Enigma

The sound of the pump would precede the truck. Through the neighborhood the cry would rise, "Mosquito truck!" Kids running into the street to play in the "fog".
Killed the mosquitoes but not me. Might have done something to my head though. I still haven't quite figured out my fascination with ATS.


"Mosquito truck!" Kids running into the street to play in the "fog".

I wonder which is worse for their health.....the mosquito truck or the ice cream truck!


Maybe...maybe not

Warning: It is an Eddie Murphy video!

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 01:48 AM
Only skimmed over the thread but just wanted to through this in here..

2.1 The USAF is seeking information from interested parties on Modular Aerial Spray Systems (MASS) for large fixed-wing aircraft, specifically relating to the C-130 aircraft. The United States Air Force Reserve Command (AFRC) maintains and provides the military aerial application capabilities for insecticides, herbicides, and decontamination chemical agents. This mission is accomplished by six C-130 aircraft specially modified to accept the MASS. The primary requirement of the six modified C130H2s is to support the Global War on Terror (GWOT) by controlling disease vectors to protect troop health. Secondary to GWOT support, the MASS capable aircraft are routinely tasked to aerially spray insecticides on federal reservations and during natural disasters for pest control. The unique configuration of these aircraft also enables the distribution of chemical dispersants on oil spills during spill disasters.

4.0 Requirements The USAF is looking for an aerial spray system that at a minimum, meets the following criteria:

Utilizes the 6 current aerial spray capable C-130 aircraft

A C-130 aircraft based aerial system capable of spraying from Ultra Low to Ultra High deposition sprays

Capable of Ultra Low Volume, Low Volume, High Volume, and Ultra High Volume spraying , ranging from ¼ ounce to 20+ gallons per acre

A palletized (using standard 463L pallets) roll-on/roll-off system that fits into the current C-130 aircraft dual rail system

A system that is capable of spraying a variety of chemicals (including corrosive) to include herbicides, pesticides, etc.

A system with minimum to no permanent aircraft modifications is required

I watched a story on Discovery channels "daily planet" about how they were using this M.A.S.S. in the Gulf of Mexico. These systems are easily rolled into a C-130 and have been around for who knows how long.

Video Of MASS in use over the gulf of mexico(inside cockpit)

So is this proof of "chemtrails"?

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 02:17 AM
reply to post by Bumr055

Yes. Crop dusting and various similar applications.
The C-130 has a service ceiling of 7,077 meters. Not high enough for "chemtrails."

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 02:27 AM
reply to post by Phage

So how high is a regulation chemtrail?

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 02:40 AM
And not to mention, that mosquito spraying is done closer to the ground too, higher than typical cropdusters, but still low.

But if chemtrails has been dumbed down so far from this super sekrit fleet of thousand of aircraft, and is now 6 C-130s that can be equipped for mosquito spraying, well I guess that hoax sure has shrunk

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 03:08 AM
reply to post by firepilot

Gee, 10-15 years ago is exactly the same timeframe as the advent of the world wide web too, when it became far more commonly in use. Its also the same time that people like Will Thomas and Len Horowitz started trumping chemtrails to help sell their products.

Whatever, bunko, I now what it was like 10-15 years ago, my parents know, my brother knows, my friends know.

We all know it's different now.

Nothing to do with the rise of the internet.

Keep on shillin',

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 03:13 AM

Originally posted by NichirasuKenshin

Originally posted by Point of No Return

Not being observant doesn't cut it, everybody knows it didn't use to be like this.

Obviously not everybody "knows" it. Many people who have been watching the skiy for decades disagree; as far as I can see the majority in this thread also does not come to the same conclusions when looking at the sky as you.

Ehm, even the skeptics admit that contrails and persistent contrails have increased compared to 10 years ago.

They just say ir's normal contrails due to increased air traffic wich doesn't seem likely.

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 03:35 AM
I am old enough to remember a time when contrails dissipated after about thirty minutes. And I lived on Air Force Bases. So I wonder what happened to the fuels to create the long lasting gobstopper contrails we see today?

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