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They called me a child pornographer

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posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 03:47 PM
They should've sued that clerk to the degree he'd be forced to eat dog food for the rest of his life. And if the law doesn't allow that, the law is wrong. That clerk deserves to have the living crap beaten out of him. Or the same thing happening to himself.

Ugh. This civilization of ours is getting quite ridiculous.

posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 03:47 PM

Originally posted by spacedonk

They called me a child pornographer

I took some photos of my kids naked on a camping trip. A drugstore employee called the police -- and my family's life became a living hell.
(visit the link for the full news article)

Who still uses film?

Oh, the article is 4 years old. And about an incident from 2 years prior.

Still, though.

posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 04:05 PM

Originally posted by David_Reale
They should've sued that clerk to the degree he'd be forced to eat dog food for the rest of his life. And if the law doesn't allow that, the law is wrong. That clerk deserves to have the living crap beaten out of him. Or the same thing happening to himself.

What, exactly, did the clerk do to deserve that kind of treatment?

He saw pics of naked kids. He called the cops. If it turned out those weren't the guy's kids, and the clerk did nothing, he'd be charged with aiding and abetting child pornography.

The authorities are the ones who went overboard, not the clerk.

posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 04:05 PM
reply to post by mothershipzeta

Who cares who uses film?

The point is one should be free to use film, or whatever without risk of allegations not being assessed correctly by mandarins unable to make a judgement call because of the law

posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 04:07 PM
It is sad, but it is because so many children are abused, by strangers and their families, I think some people feel better safe then risk a kid that can't help themselves. Just plain ole photos of children nude sell well to molesters.

posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 04:12 PM
America needs to get over its issues with the naked Human body. A three year old skinny dipping? A crime? no, not when commen sense is used.

A naked boy drying his underwear on a stick by a fire is a crime but dressing a little girl up like Marilyn Monroe for a beauty pageant is not a crime?

Does every parent know how all the pictures are used by all those taking pictures in those "Beauty pageants"?

Well they have clothes on and that makes it alright I guess...

posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 04:16 PM
I went through child custody in order to get reasonable time with my daughter. It cost me a ridiculous amount of money.

My observations were this.

It was all about the money. Everyone in the system was exploiting the system for a paycheck. Every decision was based on justifying someone's job.

The people making the decisions were among the most messed up people I have ever dealt with. Positions of power attract the wrong people, and this is why the authority of all positions of power should be minimalized as much as possible. Most all abuse their authority at every opportunity, which is why opportunity must me minimalized as much as possible.

The people in positions of authority completely ignored the laws that were written, and essentially did whatever they wanted to do. There is absolutely no system of counter balance in place to keep people in check. It literally takes and act of the state legislature to do something about a crooked judge. Judges are former lawyers, and most lawyers I have ever gotten to know, as a profession, are overall, the most messed up group of people I have ever encountered. Even most lawyers will tell you this.

Your best defense is to learn the laws, and how to manipulate the system, and turn it against the people you are dealing with. Power mongers fear power, and if you demonstrate that you will put up a fight, they will leave you in search of easier prey.

In the half a dozen or so times I was in those offices, I was either witnessing horror stories, or having them told to me.

While the best interest of the child is touted as a reason for anything and everything, it is the thing these people in child custody or child services care about the least.

You want to hear some real horror stories, talk to kids or people who are or were foster children. Warning, be prepared for an emotional bruising.

posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 04:20 PM
reply to post by spacedonk

Old news. I remember hearing about it when it happened. Nevertheless, Big Brother needs his ass kicked.

posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 04:29 PM

Originally posted by Helmkat
America needs to get over its issues with the naked Human body. A three year old skinny dipping? A crime? no, not when commen sense is used.

A naked boy drying his underwear on a stick by a fire is a crime but dressing a little girl up like Marilyn Monroe for a beauty pageant is not a crime?

Does every parent know how all the pictures are used by all those taking pictures in those "Beauty pageants"?

Well they have clothes on and that makes it alright I guess...

fascinating thought?!?

What if all of the parents of the participants were reported en masse to child services on the basis their children are being exploited.

What would they do then?

posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 04:34 PM
Many years ago I worked with a guy who was literally one of the most virtuous individuals I had ever met. Volunteered at the church, helped the homeless, organized fund raisers, etc. He had couple of children, one of them older, a trouble-maker, and college drop-out. He did everything he could to help her try and succeed in college, etc. Helped her with her bills, etc.

His wife passed away and he was left alone to raise their second child who was now in his teens. Well, the girl got mixed up with some shady characters, and started dating a really bad guy. Eventually got into drugs and long-story short became a drug addict. Most likely due to the death of her mother.

The girl dropped out of college and began demanding money from her father, and he refused to support her drug habit. She ended up living with her boyfriend, who eventually dumped her and she was homeless for a while. Her father refused to give her money, or help her until she decided to get help and go into rehab.

Well, she finally came to the house one day and essentially threatened him, if she didn't get the money she would ruin his life, but in much more colorful terms. He stood his ground. A few days later she acted like she was willing to change, and so he let her stay in the house and was going to help her get back on her feet.

The next day the cops came by and it turns out his daughter had gone to the police station, saying her father lured her home and tried to rape her, again. That he had done it for years on and off when she was younger, and when she came home he tried to seduce her.

The only testimony to refute it was his teenage son, pleading that his father was a good man. He also had a few other character witnesses/references. Regardless, he still ended up being convicted, going to jail for a short time, getting out, and is now labeled a sex offender / child rapist. He lost his house and all of his savings/retirement. He can't even get a job due to the stigma and even lost custody of his teenage son.

All it took was the statement of one person, with no evidence, and only hearsay. Scary.

[edit on 20-7-2010 by DJM8507]

posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 04:43 PM
reply to post by DJM8507

It's like the Salem witch trials all over again.

I have heard more than a few stories like this.

In fact there are serial accusers that send one guy after another off to jail, all on a he said she said basis, and they seem to be protected by the authorities.


They bring in business.

posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 04:49 PM
reply to post by bismarcksea

What YOU and I are willing to LET it come to, Man Up. Simple, really.

posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 05:12 PM
reply to post by spacedonk

The irony,
The Government will prosecute you for taking nude pictures of your child, yet demand nude pictures of same child to fly on a airplane.

posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 05:16 PM
reply to post by zroth

In the old U.S.S.R. the unemployment rate was zero. Half the people had regular jobs and the other half spied on them full time.

Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 05:16 PM
This is a case of emotion vs logic. All they had to do was tell their friends and family the entire story. They should have told everyone they knew about the clerk's overreaction. The last thing you do on that situation is hide yourself. You need all the support you can get.

People get afraid of these accusations and start making horrible decisions. Just take a breath, take a step back and approach it with a clear head.

They should have walked right into the police station and had a chat woth the officer on the phone. They should have met with DFCS right away. They should have gotten statements notorized from their friends and family and from themselves.

This is just feeling like a victim and letting the system trample you. This all could have been brought to an end much faster if they had insisted on being investigated and approached the situation with a peace of mind.

Yes it is an overreaction, but they just made it worse by overreacting themselves.

posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 05:21 PM

Originally posted by TriggerFish
reply to post by spacedonk

The irony,
The Government will prosecute you for taking nude pictures of your child, yet demand nude pictures of same child to fly on a airplane.

I say the first time a child goes through the parents scream child pornography to highheaven hands in the air and everything. Then sue the crap out of the TSA.

posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 05:25 PM
reply to post by dbloch7986

The problem is that the mere suggestion that someone might be a pedophile is a scarlet letter. If I accused you of being a pedophile, it would harm your reputation even if my accusation were baseless or ridiculous. These people could potentially lose friends, business opportunities, and be social outcasts over a baseless accusation.

posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 05:33 PM
I know a few people who wouldn't have been abused their whole childhood if other people had noticed something small like this and reported it.

15%-25% of kids are sexually abused at some point. That's a big enough percentage to report anything like this. I wonder what the DFCS in Georgia has to say about that article.

Stuff I find suspicious.

1. The camera was accidentally developed by someone who didn't know what was on it.

2. They had to call and explain themselves to everyone.

3. They had to raid their house. Pretty weird refrigerator magnets if you have kids too.

4. The focus on finding out exactly what DFCS knew, so they could come up with explanations.

5. Its pretty weird to have your kids run around naked with each other and take pictures of them when they are as old as 8.

6. It seems to me that he's exaggerating the story and turning himself into a victim. I wonder how he would have felt about the photos if he hadn't been present on the camping trip himself.

posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 05:57 PM

Originally posted by hotpinkurinalmint
reply to post by dbloch7986

The problem is that the mere suggestion that someone might be a pedophile is a scarlet letter. If I accused you of being a pedophile, it would harm your reputation even if my accusation were baseless or ridiculous. These people could potentially lose friends, business opportunities, and be social outcasts over a baseless accusation.

All you have to do is react level-headedly and discredit with facts. Most people who know you are not going to assume you're a pedophile simply based on a verbal accusation. If they do assume the worst then there is definitely something wrong with you. Maybe you're not a pedophile but if people quickly form that opinion of you then you do not present yourself to others very well at all.

posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 06:17 PM
reply to post by bismarcksea

By this country you do mean the UK correct?

Also was their an abundance of these photographs? Because if there was that is reason for filing a complaint. I mean my mom has a handful of me but not an entire reel.

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