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Originally posted by Aziroth
I hope someone has busted you out by now, you are not ignorant, or incapable of reading, you are however a stooge. Your tactics are 100% related to disinformation and misrepresentation of facts, you skipped white and grey phase and went straight to black. Not a very good disinfo agent they must have found you on the side of a farm in india stealing american's identities and decided they could teach you basic english and trained you in minor psyops (based upon your incomplete vocabulary that is the most probably conjecture I can make as to your beginning).
There is no use trying to argue this point to me there is no amount of trickery that could bennifit your lies and deceipt in my eyes, I wrote the training exorcises for the 4th PsyOps group for over 6 years... try your # somewhere else please it just makes you look like an ignit.
Originally posted by DJW001
Sorry, that was not directed at you personally. Judging from your other posts, you do. The rhetoric is aimed at the people who can't go out on a nice day without freaking out because they think that all the jetliners at 30,000 feet are spraying them.
Originally posted by Stewie
The evolution of the chemtrail debates...
First, the chemtrail debunkers, hereinafter called simply "dis", were universal in their statements that NOTHING was being sprayed overhead. In other words, none offered up the statement, "well, there IS some massive spraying going on, it is weather modification, and they have been doing it all over and for quite a while now."
No "dis" pilots or weathermen or resident geniuses took the time to ENLIGHTEN us.
Now that we know we ARE in fact being sprayed, we are witnessing a CALCULATED retreat of the dis, but from ONLY what is NOW too evident. Can't deny the obvious, so they don't admit defeat (NEVER, this is WAR), just give up a little ground and continue the assault.
So I ask the "dis", this. What is being sprayed, where exactly is it being sprayed, how much is being sprayed, and by whom? You DO know the answers don't you? "Nothing" is being sprayed doesn't work anymore.
Originally posted by Stewie
The evolution of the chemtrail debates...
First, the chemtrail debunkers, hereinafter called simply "dis", were universal in their statements that NOTHING was being sprayed overhead. In other words, none offered up the statement, "well, there IS some massive spraying going on, it is weather modification, and they have been doing it all over and for quite a while now."
No "dis" pilots or weathermen or resident geniuses took the time to ENLIGHTEN us.
Now that we know we ARE in fact being sprayed, we are witnessing a CALCULATED retreat of the dis, but from ONLY what is NOW too evident. Can't deny the obvious, so they don't admit defeat (NEVER, this is WAR), just give up a little ground and continue the assault.
So I ask the "dis", this. What is being sprayed, where exactly is it being sprayed, how much is being sprayed, and by whom? You DO know the answers don't you? "Nothing" is being sprayed doesn't work anymore.
Originally posted by Stewie
reply to post by DJW001
Wouldn't it be easier for YOU to provide a link, seeing as how YOU are trying to convince ME of something? Like, link all of those "dis" that were trying to tell us that there IS some massive spraying, but it is nothing to worry about.
I really don't care what you believe, and the only reason I don't is because I consider you a roadblock to the truth. It is YOU that pretend to know that ALL white trails that anyone has ever reported are simply contrails.
Frankly, I will never buy it, so give it up. Fall back. Try the left flank.
reply to post by 11118
It's chaff.
As he says, used by the military and does in fact show up on doplar radar.
Tell me, when you see your 'chemtrails' are they so big they cover 5 states?
Cloud seeding finally proven effective
Cloud seeding has been carried out for decades with varying results but has never been proven to actually work...until now:
Assoc. Prof. Steve Siems
In the United States they invested heavily and it’s always been pretty unsuccessful – here in Australia it was invested quite heavily and very, very spotty results to be shown for it so I mean there’s a huge amount of scepticism in the field and some of its well warranted.
David Marshall
It does stretch credibility a bit to think that going up there with the cloud and throwing out a very small amount of chemical – grams really – that can have an affect over a wide area.
But, this cloud seeding programme has changed things. Run by Hydro Tasmania, it’s been going for four decades, despite the scepticism. And recently some Monash meteorologists analysed all their data.
Assoc. Prof. Steve Siems
We went back through the records, we looked at all the rain gauge data over the last 46 years and we saw when they were seeding and when they weren’t seeding and we found a signal we found a statistically significant signal.
Finally the world had the much sort after hard evidence that cloud seeding can produce a significant amount of extra rain.
But there is a catch, could seeding will only work in specific areas where the clouds are super cooled, such as the clouds that come up from the antarctic:
But it turns out cloud seeding won’t work everywhere.
The reason it works in Tasmania is because of this cold, but very influential, part of the world.
Assoc. Prof. Steve Siems
The Southern Ocean is huge, its 15 percent of the earth’s surface. In the winter it’s going to be the windiest spot in the world. The clouds over the Southern Ocean are very, very peculiar. They don’t want to freeze. I mean they’re super cooled, you get them and minus 10 minus 15 degrees and there are still a large portion of the clouds that are just liquid. That’s quite a bit of a surprise to us.
As the Southern Ocean air rolls in over southeast of Australia, it encounters mountains - and in just a few places the right conditions for cloud seeding form.
Assoc. Prof. Steve Siems
What the satellite imagery is showing is really there are three spots in Australia where you could do this kind of cloud seeding.
There are the already-seeded Tasmania and Snowies. But the third spot is not seeded yet.
Assoc. Prof. Steve Siems
It would be in the catchment area the Thompson. That would be the ideal location for this.
In other words the catchment area for drought-affected Melbourne. With the drought in Victoria now in its 13th year any extra water would be very welcome.
Assoc. Prof. Steve Siems
In Tasmania it looks like there getting about 12.5 gigalitres of water a month there getting a 5 percent increase over a target of about 25 hundred square kilometres. If you could do that in Melbourne I think you’d help a lot of people during this big dry.
The video hasn't been uploaded yet but I will link to it when it does, it's worth a watch, especially for those unsure of what cloud seeding is all about.
Originally posted by ~Lucidity
Just because those instances are chaff or water vapor or fuel exhaust doesn't mean all instances are. Still a draw.
Originally posted by badw0lf
He knew it was about giving credibility to the conspiracy for this evil plan to kill us all via pouring toxins into the atmosphere. But claims he had no intention to.
Originally posted by muzzleflash
That is exactly how I remember everything too.
They were all 100% hard core that nothing was being sprayed anywhere in any context.
There will be planes flying somewhere in the world dusting crops. There will be water bombers putting out forest fires. There will be aircraft seeding clouds. There may be some limited military testing going on, but as I said in my previous post, those things most certainly do not fall under the bracket of "chemtrails" in the everyday sense.
Originally posted by muzzleflash
What is up with calling people "chemmies"?
That is unfair ridicule.
Why would they start name calling to ridicule ?
What is the purpose of ridicule in the context of conspiracy theories?
To make a theory look foolish, and to unfairly attack the credibility of someone indirectly.
So why do you keep calling people "chemmies"?
Can we stop the name calling please it's so immature. GROW UP!!!