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The energies of the cosmos, on your birth-

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posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 11:45 AM

Originally posted by NoJoker13
reply to post by LeoVirgo

Thanks again LV, I'll take your advice on the observation theory. I also believe that environments do change when an observer is present and the wave theory is a great representation of this. I'll definently start to go outside nightly and see if I can get a better feeling of myself with the universe, although is it odd to feel as if your being watched when you look at the stary sky? Not suspecting UFO's or anything but like you said I feel as if when I'm observing them, their kind of observing me... easiest way I can put it. I've enjoyed everything you've had to say and I appreciate all the information you've given me. You've been very honest and it's hard to get someone's true opinion on something now a days, thanks a ton LV and no rush on my wife's dates but I told her I gave them to you and to be completely honest she was very excited!

Just want to touch on this real quick before I posts some positions. It was kinda weird, but it pushed me to be more humble before it forgive others (for grudges dont offer a clear consciousness) and to forgive my self of past things I had done. I noticed through my years of observing, me working on my awareness of my life and others around me. It all came done to forgiveness of the things we know not. Just my personal view

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 11:52 AM
Hello there how you doing I would like a reading cheers

Born in Stirlling Scotland on 8th April 1967 time born 8.05am.


posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 11:53 AM
reply to post by whiteroot

Interesting! 01/12/1966-3.22 am Edmonton Alberta

Your Sun rises at the back of Sagittarius. Mercury sits atop of his head. (Sag. is the sign that literally points to the center of the galaxy.

Mars in the middle of Capricorn. (your past sign, which still may resonate with you).

Venus under the left hand of Aquarius. Saturn in Aquarius, by the water pouring out.

Jupiter in between horns of Taurus.

Uranus under back right foot of Leo. Pluto is on the tail of Leo.

Moon in Virgo under her left shoulder.

Neptune in the middle of the scales in Libra.

Here is your moon phase...

My best to you

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 11:58 AM
reply to post by searching_waiting

My birthdate is 12th jan 1980 and time was approx 3:15 am. thanks.....

Hi there!

Sun rises to the back of Sagittarius. Mercury behind his back as well.

Before the Sun rises, Ophiuchus (the 13th sign ignored as being part of the path of our sun) rises in the East with Neptune on his right knee.

Venus in Capricorn. When your 1 day old Venus rides the cusp of Capricorn and Aquarius (our coming age). Capricorn would be your past sign and still may resonate with you.

Jupiter under the belly of Leo, Mars sits between his back paws.

Saturn above Virgos left shoulder (Saturn is in Virgo right now, in the western sky).

Pluto on cups of Virgo and Bootes (a sign outside the wheel).

Moon above the scales in Libra. Uranus in the middle of the scales in Libra.

Your moon phase....

My best to you

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 12:05 PM
reply to post by FeatheredSerpent

25th october 1981 some time between 12 and 1 in the afternoon.

Hello there!

Sun rises in Scorpio (Scorpios are rare because the Sun only spends about 7-8 days in Scorpio). This is the Sun's first day in Scorpio, from the 21st-24th the Sun is riding the cusp of Libra and Scorpio.

Before the Sun rises, lots of spheres rise in the East. First Mars comes under the back right paw of Leo. Then Saturn rises at the outer left thigh of Virgo. Jupiter in Virgo at her outer left shin. Then Pluto rises at her outer right shin. Then Moon and Mercury rise in the middle of Libra, the Scales. Then Uranus on the cusp of Libra and Scorpio, then rises the Sun.

Neptune on the right knee of Ophiuchus (the sign astrology ignores as being part of the path of our Sun).

Venus to the back of Sagittarius. This is your past sing, and still may resonate with you.

Your moon phase...

Looks like it was the last day of that moon cycle, the first couple days of you being in the world is a 'no moon' or 'dark moon'. It could not be observed in the night sky. I personally find the times of 'no moon' to be very nice.

My best

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 12:27 PM
reply to post by McGinty

15th November 1970 at 4pm, in central London (beside King's Cross) Obviosly i've grown up under the forboding cloud of Scopio, which ultimately encourages one to look past things that initially appear to be threatening or repugnant. So, in my experience, being a Scorpio taught me a pretty decent life lesson and i'm proud to be one - though a confess to trying to maintain a healthy sceptamism of Astrology along with my easily unbridled enthusiasm for all things mysterious and archaic). It would be ironic if after all i wasn't even a Scorpio; a little dissapointing, but i'm always excited about revelations and new directions (isn't that a Scorpio trait?). Big thanks in advance if you find time to look at my chart. My partner -a Libra, or maybe not (4pm 8th October 1974 in London) is a 100% beliver and enthusiast and she'd be especially interested in your revelations about our charts (oops - i just slipped another request in there, didn't i?

Hello there! And Hi to your wife!


Sun rises in Libra, middle of the scales. Venus and Jupiter also in your Libra. Scorpio being your past sign may indeed help you in this life. My past sign of Virgo was much needed for me in my earlier part of life...until about the age of 30.

Before the Sun rises, Pluto rises on the cusp of Virgo and Coma Berenices (I think this sign is named after a Egyptian Goddess, and it sits outside of the wheel). Then Uranus rises in Virgo, on her lower left arm. Mars rises in Virgo, sitting in her left hand. Then Venus rises in Libra atop the scales. Then Jupiter rises at the top of the scales. Then the Sun rises. Neptune also in Libra, sitting at the bottom of the scales.

Mercury in Scorpio (your past sign).

Saturn in Aries, close to Taurus.

Moon in Taurus at birth, close to a boarder outside the wheel of a sign called Auriga. When your 6 hours old, Moon sits on cusp of Taurus and Gemini.

Sitting directly above Orion.

Your Moon phase...

And for Wife...10-4-74

Sun rises in Virgo on her lower left arm close to Mars which sits at her left wrist. Venus rises before the Sun rises, Venus in Virgo on her left shoulder. Uranus in Virgo, outside her left knee. Mercury in Virgo, close to cups of Libra. Pluto in Virgo, to her right side.

Jupiter (King planet) sits where water flows in Aquarius (our coming age).

Moon rides a cusp of Aries and Taurus. When she is 3 days old, Moon passes right through top of Orion (which sits outside the path of the Sun).

Saturn in middle of Gemini.

Neptune on cusp of Scorpio and Ophiuchus (the 13th sign ignored as being a part of the path of our Sun by astrology).

Her Moon phase...

Seeing both of yours was interesting! Wish you both my best,


posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 12:37 PM
reply to post by Jonro

My birthday is June the 10th 1983, syd Australia, time of day unknown I took the initiative of researching this myself and came to the conclusion that im actually a Taurus instead of a Gemini can you give me a run-down and let me know if im right? I know your prolly hella busy atm so no rush brother

Hello there! You can call me 'sis'

Sun rises under the back feet of Aries. You can scroll down on this link and see the the different zodiacs (Tropical is the positions of 2000 years ago, Sidereal is pretty close but leaves out Ophiuchus, look on the chart to the right hand side and look under "Sun In Sign". Its pretty close, The Sun enters Gemini around the 21st now instead of the 20th...but it show your date correctly reflecting also with the astronomy of the stars, as Aries. Taurus though, being your past sign, may really resonate with you still.

Hre is the link to the chart...scroll down...

Before Sun rises, Moon rises in the East in Pisces (our current age).

Mars rises in your past sign of Taurus, at the Bull's chest.

Venus spends her 1st day in Gemini on the day of your birth, on the 9th she was riding the cusp of Taurus (old sign again) and Gemini.

Saturn sits outside the left shin of Virgo. Pluto also in Virgo, outside her right shin.

Jupiter and Uranus are in conjunction on the cusp of Scorpio and Ophiuchus (the sign ignored by astrology, it is a part of the path of our sun).

Neptune in Sagittarius in front of the bow, towards the direction of the center of our galaxy.

Here is your moon phase.

It looks like the moon was very close to completing a cycle. When you were 3 days old, there was no moon to observe in the night sky.

My best to you

Would love to hear back from you on what you think!

Edit to add the link to the chart.

[edit on 7-7-2010 by LeoVirgo]

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 12:39 PM

Originally posted by LeoVirgo
reply to post by DutchBigBoy

I am Leo born on 26th juli 1964 at 14.50 hr GMT+1 Nice thread, if you check other threads combined with this one you could get the feeling of being listed. like this on

I hope people dont take my thread that way. I have been here a couple years, my mother used to talk on these boards (look for her in the Christian threads) my brother still talks here on tehse baords, my family has shared alot of itself here, including some very personal experiences outside of the realm of normalcy.

I share my myspace link at the bottom of my signature, I share alot of myself and my family with everyone here. I used to worry posting my pics up and stuff....Im just not going to live my life in fear though. There are bigger fish to hunt on, in my opinion.

Im just a humble person, finding her way in life. Part of my nature is to help and offer love to others around me, Ive always been that way.

Its sad that we are at such points of fear.

My best, (get to yours when I can!!)


I'll be waiting

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 12:39 PM
reply to post by LeoVirgo

I am triplescorpio life of conflict and tests of trial no rest for triple.

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 12:46 PM
reply to post by AndrewJay

Interesting thread. January 18th 1988 western pennsylvania early morning.

Your Sun is in Sagittarius, sitting very close to Capricorn. I would call your past sign Capricorn and would call you a fairly new Sagittarius. Capricorn may still resonate with you. Saturn and Uranus both in Sagittarius too, right out in front of the bow which is the general direction towards the center of our galaxy. Neptune also in Sagittarius, sitting above the head of Sag. Moon also moves through Sag. this whole day. With the Moon being so close to the Sun, your born under a time of 'no moon' or 'dark moon, meaning it could not be observed in the night sky on this day.

Before the Sun rises, Mars rises in Scorpio, when your a day old, Mars rides the cusp of Scorpio and Ophiuchus (the sign that our sun does pass through that astrology ignores). After Mars rises in the East, Saturn rises in Sagittarius, then Uranus close by its side, then Neptune and Moon, then the Sun.

Mercury in Capricorn(your past sign).

Venus at right thigh of Aquarius (our coming age).

Jupiter (King Planet) in Pisces (current age), sitting between the fish.

Pluto on cusp of Virgo and Bootes (a sign outside the wheel).

For your Moon phase...

My best to you

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 12:50 PM
reply to post by triplescorpio

I am triplescorpio life of conflict and tests of trial no rest for triple.

A true Scorpio is rare, being the Sun is only in Scorpio for 7-8 days. From about November 21st-24th, its actually riding a cusp. From about 25th -29th, the Sun rises in Scorpio.

Does this fit you? Course a year can cause variations, but very little.

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 01:03 PM
reply to post by bodelia

October 14, 1956

Sun rises in Virgo, very close to the Star Spica. Mercury and Neptune also in Virgo.

Before the Sun rises, Uranus rises in the East in Cancer. Pluto then rises on Leo's back. Venus then rises under the belly of Leo. Mercury rises with Virgo at her left shoulder, then rises the Sun.

Saturn sits at the bottom of the scales in Libra (your past sign).

Moon riding a cusp at time of birth of Capricorn and Aquarius (sign of our coming age).

Mars in Aquarius where the water flows.

Your Moon phase...

My best

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 01:08 PM
Hi again LeoVirgo

That was such a nice reply from you

My ego was hoping for praise, but you returned something much better - gratitude! So that reply of yours made me quite happy!

For hire you ask? haha perhaps I could.. but as you say, every person is different and for me personally I enjoy reading up on the traits and comparing my own life experiences and actions to those of the constellations and planets. Im loving greek mythology haha

Im glad I could share a smile on your face the other day. It came right back to me when I read it

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 01:09 PM
And what if i move on another planet ? does the stars and constellation would still be at the same place ?would it still work ?

Dont answer that !

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 01:10 PM
reply to post by Ikwik

I used one old socialistic book to make my horoscope and possibly did not get it right positions of planets would help. I was born @ 2. July 1986 Central Europa - Slovakia, 49° 3'5.04"S 20°18'13.25"V evening.

Hello there!

Sun rises in Gemini at your birth. Your old/past sign is Cancer.

Before the Sun rises, the Moon rises in the East on a cusp of Aries and Taurus.

Mercury in Cancer (your past sign).

Venus sitting in Leo, out in front of the Lion.

Pluto sits in Virgo on her right ankle.

Saturn in Scorpio, between the two claws, Scorpio has been depicted before as a bird instead of Scorpion, some call it a phoenix.

Uranus in between knees of Ophiuchus (the sing our sun does pass through that astrology ignores).

Mars to the back of Sagittarius. Neptune in Sag. sitting at the top of the bow.

Jupiter (king planet) in Aquarius(coming age), approaching Pisces (our current age).

Your moon phase...

My best to you,

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 01:13 PM
reply to post by SSimon

And what if i move on another planet ? does the stars and constellation would still be at the same place ?would it still work ? Dont answer that !

Think of it like the Universe is an electrical machine....depending on where you are in the systems, depends on the influence of the energies to you. For example, if you were on would then have Earth as one of your would make a difference where ever you are in the Universe, it is from the perspective of where you are at, to everything that surrounds you.

It would not be the same on any sphere...each sphere would have its own electrical connections.

[edit on 7-7-2010 by LeoVirgo]

[edit on 7-7-2010 by LeoVirgo]

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 01:17 PM
Sept 10, 1969

~11:04 pm

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 01:19 PM

Originally posted by Razer0
Hi again LeoVirgo

That was such a nice reply from you

My ego was hoping for praise, but you returned something much better - gratitude! So that reply of yours made me quite happy!

For hire you ask? haha perhaps I could.. but as you say, every person is different and for me personally I enjoy reading up on the traits and comparing my own life experiences and actions to those of the constellations and planets. Im loving greek mythology haha

Im glad I could share a smile on your face the other day. It came right back to me when I read it

Enjoy our paths crossing Razor. As you say, you take your personal experiences and compare...this is why I really struggle offering someone else a take on their positions...because I have not experienced their life personal, I cant compare and seek meaning to it myself. But I do agree....with what you say, and this is why I encourage others that this is a path of self, that only they can seek. Only they can know their experiences in life, and then seek how the cosmos might reflect what they have been through.

Love Greek mythology too!! Was the main place for the beginning of my seeking for meanings.

Some may choose to seek it all out, some may choose to just let the cards fall where they may.

My best

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 01:28 PM
Hope everyone has a great day...

Sun still in Gemini.

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 01:45 PM
I was born close to midnight on the 9th of December 1972.
i often see December the 9th pop up as important date's
when some technology was created/tested in the military

it comes up a lot when i read about UFO sightings on the
date.the stuff i have read about in conjunction to that date
is sometimes weird stuff.
I see it more than just coincidence that breakthroughs etc go
hand in hand with dec 9th and some are 1972 as well!
any significance to this date?

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