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One World Government....I'm game!!

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posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 12:32 AM
reply to post by sheepslayer247

Many things are possible, a one world government though is only possible if it's to thrive for almost all, if it's done in such a way were every entity is kept in "check mate" to every other entity as soon as one gets an advantage over an other, things will break down and that leads to discord and eventually chaos, and let's not forget if things are controlled to much everything will stagnate wither and eventually die, like in the old totalitarian states. So basically you have to have checks and balances so no entity has way more advantages over another, but not to many checks and balances because that is still not good and leads to other problems.

It's possible, but were life and the nature of things is concerned all things will come to a head. Still I know of no thing that is build from the top down, everything is from the roots on up if it's to work and thrive. I guess we will see when the time comes for this new world order to come to a head, oh the reactions of the mases will be funny to observe. I wonder if they will think enough to see some of the ramifications and benefits of such an entity as a one world order. There is always benefits and ramifications, it just depends on who gets the benefits and who gets the ramifications.

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 12:36 AM
I agree that a one world government is inevitable, and may be good for us. Someday. That said, I am an American, and loyal, and as such, I cannot support anything that will undermine the sovereignty of my country. I would lay down my own life to prevent the dismantling of the US Constitution, even though I believe that it is inevitable that the day will come when it will happen.

I do not think the time for this is now, or in my lifetime. Large nations like the US are incapable of holding their leaders accountable. There is too much distance between leadership, and the truth about their actions, and the people. A world governing body would be even more detached from the needs and will of the people. IMHO, we need to become better at the governing of large nations or national unions like the EU before we even consider the next level.

When you build a house, you make sure each floor is strong enough to support the one to be laid on top of it, or the whole thing will collapse at some point. We are not ready for the next story.

My 2 cents.

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 12:44 AM
Very well said, I think we may be looking for the same thing after all. We just have a different way of getting there.

I believe that it will take an event of some sort to bring us together as a species. First contact with other beings may show us that we are not alone in this after all, and we need to get our act together. When it happens, I hope I'm here.

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 01:54 AM
reply to post by sheepslayer247

It's not that one has a choice eventually this thing called humanity will have to be more efficient therefore a one world government will have to take place one day, but things like this actually, just happen it cant be forced, and it's been tried before in the past from Babylon to Rome to today things have followed the pattern of all things, like the earth spins around the sun and the more massive object attracts the less massive to a whole, humanity still must follow the law of the universe so it will be pulled slowly to a whole.

The government isn't smart enough or the people? I know the government is not but the people only have to stand together and work the system out. It would never be a perfect system but if the number of controlling entities (city, county, state, federal, etc) were limited to one, or a select few, the local control of daily life would be maintained by the people. It would force every man to become responsible for his actions and deeds.

What I mean by "they" is the people as alike the government as alike the powers that be, are one and the same in a like way. One thinks it knows everything and another does not think at all, so it could be said that they both assume things but to "know" anything as it really an illusion of the mind, since everything is tied to every other thing in this universe to know one thing is to grasp into the nature of the universe, "know" is to strong a concept it even implies that one is omniscient. Things are the way they are for a reason. That reason is you can't change the past. And call it what you will city, county, state, federal, community, government. None of these have made anyone that didn't want responsibility, to take responsibility. All of those are what the masses of the time called there responsibility the after effect of deeds and passions of the a different time, the past as like the future, are the same in the same words and concepts. You say tomato I say tomatu. And what would be worse in maintaining daily life, the people who have shown time and again that its not wise to trust people, or the government which is made up of people in different clothes.
ah funny no, laws are there for a reason other then to be broken. As for contact with aliens well one day mayby humans will understand other humans, then who knows in a couple of thousand years they will begin to grasp alien realities.

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 10:52 AM
reply to post by galadofwarthethird

I think that a OWG will be an unintended side effect of a push by the NWO. Eventually, tptb will force the final phase of their NWO agenga and the people will not have it. The NWO will be struck down and the gravitation towards a single government entity will slowly begin. It may take many years and many "versions" to get it right but it will eventually come.

Yes, there will be those humans that will take power and use it to control others. That happens when we do not remind them who is in charge. The people must be willing to take their government back at the first sign of corruption. If we stay on our toes, so will they.

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 02:57 PM
heres the problem we as a race can never be one for there isnt one man amongst us who isnt or cannot be flawed this can only happen as i often as a child dreamt it might but now i realise the only way it can happen we need one individual that we all agree the entire planet has our individual best intrests at heart an individal that cannot be bought or compromised an individual unlike any other that has ever been before one without ego without pride wihtout malice without hate who is all knowing and all seeing and all wise and heres the best part it is already prophecised who that individual is for is he not the son of GOD is he not perfect in everyway and i dont care what religion your from as he did say "TREAT OTHERS AS YOU WOULD HAVE THEM TREAT YOU ,THIS IS THE BASIS OF ANY TRUE RELIGION" there is but one that can stand for all that no individal can lie to or hide his wickedness from thus ensuring no more corruption and how fortunate are we that the SON OF GOD stands for our very cause for he alone can unite this world for no man can do it for he will most definately be flawed thus causing the rest of us to be flawed is it not written that CHRIST shall return and be our GOD is he not the SON of the GOD OF CREATION ? how fortunate are we
all we ever had to do was lay down the sword and as a race we might have all made it and been saved from ourselves is his sermon on the mount that foriegn or alien in its context and meaning to us all would not any human being of any race or religion on this little bubble we all are guests on agree with his very words and there transparent meaning ?
for if you deny any of them you are hiding from your own deep secrets and personal impuritites or desires and your own ignorance and imperfection does indeed deny you the truth and darkens your light not the worlds for ARE WE NOT THE WORLD pray tell dear children of the EARTH what can manifest into our WORLD that could harm us that DID NOT come through human hands !!!!!!
one world government you say? youve got it and had it since the begining of this age this cycle and yet hear ye be again on the brink of yet another war each more horrific and greusome than the last and the one before it and the one before that
Does the think as a race under a MAN ye shall be allowed off this bubble to contaminate the rest of GODS CREATION ??? not a chance
THANK GOD YOU HAVE GOD maybee one day we will all agree there is but ONE GOD and we will all call him by the same name as somone in genesis made a claim to have created the heavens and all that is in them and the earth and all that is in it well would not that be OUR ONE GOD
the GOD OF CREATION and think of what he would call ANGELS and DEMONS as what we call "ALIENS" in our modern scientific explaining world
now if theres a man i could kneel before that ever was and trust completely with my being and the being of my children it would INDEED be the one whome spoke the words contianed in "THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT"for i do belive he is INDEED the SON OF GOD

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 03:26 PM
reply to post by sheepslayer247

i'm not game! you can take your nwo and shove it!

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 03:31 PM
I doubt a One World Government would be represented by a single ruler.

It would more likely be like a Tribal Council.

Intelligent Logic - Not God.

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 03:34 PM

Originally posted by metalholic

i'm not game! you can take your nwo and shove it!

The discussion is really not about the New World Order.

It is about a One World Government - - - which is different - - and has been addressed in several previous posts.

Will they "crash" into each other? Most likely.

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 03:40 PM
reply to post by Annee

what do you think the nwo is? its the same thing just different wording and title but all in all same agenda!

obviously nwo doesnt spark our interest but with some diff wording and title change they might be able to gain support!

word playing is a great way to get the same agenda done under different words!

like obama! change,believe, and hope

good words and slogans but in all acutality him and bush all work for the same guy!

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 03:59 PM

Originally posted by metalholic
reply to post by Annee

what do you think the nwo is? its the same thing just different wording and title but all in all same agenda!


It has been discussed and the difference explained in a previous post. Read the thread.

No one is being fooled. How mighty will the pendulum swing? Don't know - - but it will swing.

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 04:43 PM
reply to post by metalholic

As Annee explained, the difference has been pointed out in several posts. Unfortunately, just the thought of a unified government and self-reliance is a turn off for most people. To make this world best for all inhabitants, we must make a drastic change to the way we govern ourselves.

If we continue as normal, we get more of the same.

If we take the step towards a OWG where we have control, we could fall into the grasps of the NWO, or we could liberate ourselves from tyranny. It is a fine line, but a battle that we must eventually fight to ensure that we remain free, or die trying.

To me, this is a better option than continuing the same ole, same ole. I would be willing to bet that most of you oppose the process of change, more-so than the NWO.

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 04:47 PM
reply to post by galadofwarthethird

im not allowed to travel to the states unless i want to dish out about 1000 bucks for a waiver

tho on the other hand i can travel anywhere i want to in europe

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 05:01 PM
A monopoly of any kind without competition will inherently create a monster which no one will be able to control.

Do you think that the United States government fears it's people because we can organize and enact change? I tend to believe that the government only truly fears the chaos we can create.

If there were to come any doubt as to the stability of the governmental structure, other nations would be waiting on the wing to swoop in and seize control out of the turmoil. There are those who are simply waiting to educate us as to how pompous a country we are.

The ease of relocation of populations has directly influenced the governmental types in which we have seen. If there were no means of easy travel, both physically and with information, we would more than likely still be under monarch rule.

People in extremely specialized job fields today will migrate to the country that offers the best technology and wages. Over time, the country with the most to offer will inevitably increase it's wealth. So under the current system there is an advantage to taking care of the constituents. (although they are working on destroying this by systematically making every nation UN-iform)

It is through this argument that I truly believe that the more countries we have in this world, the more it keeps the ones who run them in line.

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 05:48 PM
First off - - anything can become corrupt - - and usually does.

But - I don't see the "ideal" one world structure much different then what we have today. There would still be local government - district government - state or province government - etc.

I do think countries will merge into larger "unions" - - such as the North American Union - - as a convenience.

Perhaps there will be a representative from each union in the World governing group. There is no way One person is going to be in charge.

Business structuring can be implemented to prevent monopolies.

Science and fields of expertise that affect the entire Earth - - will not be limited by borders.

Yes - I'm talking "best case scenario" - - - but change is inevitable - - - and as a futurist - - I see only good in making efforts to have a logical thought plan.

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 05:58 PM
You do realize that TPTB of the NWO are aware of the sentiments of the people who are globalists of the pure nature and for the OWG. And you do realize that they are even now both these sentiments and the people who hold them to their own means. They are master manipulators. They will lead you with a faction that appears benevolent, and then when you realize that it is not and what has happened it will really be too late for you. Just some food for thought.

[edit on 30-6-2010 by ~Lucidity]

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 06:11 PM

Originally posted by ~Lucidity
You do realize that TPTB of the NWO are aware of the sentiments of the people who are globalists of the pure nature and for the OWG. And you do realize that they are even now both these sentiments and the people who hold them to their own means. They are master manipulators. They will lead you with a faction that appears benevolent, and then when you realize that it is not and what has happened it will really be too late for you. Just some food for thought.

How is what we have now really any different?

The majority of humans go along with whatever is handed to them.

Personally - - I'd rather fight for change and a better system.

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 06:15 PM
reply to post by Annee

I'm confused.. If you say you think it will still hold regional government, how is that any different that what we have now? Isn't basically what you're talking about the same product just a different label? You know you can slap a Coke label on a bottle of piss and it still taste like piss right?

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 06:15 PM
reply to post by Annee

Just as long as you know who you are fighting and why and how to tell the difference. This is not an easy battle. Many people, very intelligent geopolitically and historically aware people, have been fighting this fight for a very long time, and sometimes even they can't even tell the difference. All I'm saying is don't get fooled.

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 06:35 PM
You obviously aren't an American. If you were, you would understand what it means to be free. In a one world governance, governments are localized, and run according to Smart Growth plans, which are global. And if you think that 'beings' from other planets are gonna join you someday for a cuppa, then you've been watching too many movies. Anyway, they're already here.
You obviously must be under 50 yrs old to believe in a new age of aquarius where borders disappear and all nations embrace.
How proud we are of our flag. How proud every nation is of it's flag.
Would we still be able to flag it in a one world gov't?

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