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One World Government....I'm game!!

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posted on Jun, 28 2010 @ 02:29 PM
This may be a touchy subject for some on ATS but I ask that your read this with an open mind and make an assessment based on logic and an understanding that our world is changing.....whether we want it to or not.

Many of us believe that there are people who conspire against us to usher in a one world government against the will of the people. I believe this to be true as well. I believe that powerful men and women have taken their advantage to a level where they think they can change the very fabric and tone of a society, even the world. I also believe that they will use any and all tactics necessary to bring this change about. Violence, fear, intimidation, starvation, and disease are all ways they can control the masses and bring in the NWO. Their motives are selfish. The rise of a NWO under the current people in power will only enslave and inhibit our evolution as a race while tptb consolidate power and resources.

That being said, what if I now told you that I support a One world government? That’s right! I said it. I support the idea of all people on Earth bound together in a unified system of government. Now before you reply, and tell me that I'm a sellout, listen to what I am about to say.

Sometime in the future, in my lifetime I hope, there will be contact with beings of other worlds. Chances are good that these beings themselves will represent entire planets, if not entire star systems and galaxies. Earth will be represented by many people as they are not unified as a race, but instead are broken into smaller countries and states that differ in opinion on many issues. These aliens may view us the same way that we view tribes in 3rd world countries because they are not bound to a common goal as a race.

So who would represent us at first contact? The President of the US? China? UK? Which nation's leader has the authority to represent the human race at a time of such astronomical historical importance? Also if we are to go "off-world" and venture out into space, as we will eventually have to do, who will these people represent…… their country of origin or Earth as a whole?

I think that there will be a need for all us humans to unify someday. The state, country and even the Earth are nothing more that a chunk of dirt with imaginary lines that separate people and governments. For us to move into space and become the enlightened people we must become, we have to understand that aliens will not be interested in what plot of land you came from, but the race they represent. With this in mind, I think that a "one world government" is needed to finally unite humans as a race and bring an end to our differences.

What I am NOT saying is that we need to consolidate the power of our leaders into a one, all-encompassing entity. First thing we have to make sure is understood is that in this new government, the sovereignty of the individual is #1. If this is maintained then all else falls into place. What need would we have for states or countries sovereignty if the individual itself is paramount to all others? All people, no matter where their location on Earth, are granted the same liberties that any other has. The abilities of the government would be limited to what the people allowed it to have, and only able to exist in a way that is favorable to the advancement of the human race. This would create a situation where we could venture into the vastness of space as a species, not as a representative of a plot of land on Earth.

In the end, I think that a "One world government" is nothing more than a reinforcement of self-governance and individual sovereignty. That is, if we do it right. If we are not specific in the terms of such a government than we take the risk of the powerful seizing absolute control. Unfortunately I think that’s were we are headed.

Very soon we will be on the threshold of a change that will rock society and the species. Will we be up for a challenge that could change the course of history? Or not?

[edit on 28-6-2010 by sheepslayer247]

posted on Jun, 28 2010 @ 02:33 PM
OWG, one world government is the obvious natural evolution of the organism that is humanity, the only problem is if we don't excise the current cancers on our body, any increase in complexity on behalf of the world matrix will only lend itself to assimilation on behalf of the Killer Kancer. The death kult-ure money masters, lords of illusion, illuminati etc... whatever you choose to label the ones who know more and give less.

One world government cannot be built on this diseased foundation, they will try though.. and fail miserably.

posted on Jun, 28 2010 @ 02:35 PM
reply to post by sheepslayer247

this is beautifully said.. and exactly what this world needs

"I think that a "One world government" is nothing more than a reinforcement of self-governance and individual sovereignty."

posted on Jun, 28 2010 @ 02:38 PM
How do you suppose we assume power? Get voted in? Use the system to change the system? It is useless unless the "useless eaters" coalesce, throwing away boundaries imposed by the very ones who hate and use us.

I don't see that happening without mass death and destruction. There are people who will refuse to change their minds.

posted on Jun, 28 2010 @ 03:03 PM
reply to post by depth om

I think that the change would have to happen when the current system finnaly breaks down, and it will. It would be up to the people to organize and seize control when the opportunity presents itself.

It would require that the people act with intelligence and respect of their fellow Man during those troubling times. It would be a very hard transition and I agree that many will die in the process.

As far as what would be the catalyst and how it would happen...I don't know. That is a question I am sure many people on ATS can theorize about.

posted on Jun, 28 2010 @ 03:21 PM
the problem with one world government is who is in charge. since psycopaths tend to gravitate towards positions of power, im gonna have to side with the more nations the better. after all, national boundaries are good for containing crises so they dont spread.

men will always be imperfect, thus a perfect world is impossible.

a world without some form of struggle is a world not worth living in IMO. not to mention every attempt to bring in a "one world utopia" has always ended with mass slaughter of the common folk.

[edit on 28-6-2010 by BlesUTP]

posted on Jun, 28 2010 @ 03:24 PM
One set of rules & laws to follow worldwide would certainly alleviate the issue of going to strange places and accidentally committing a crime. Perhaps then, people can get a fair trial when breaking a foreign law due to lack of understanding of the laws of that land.

posted on Jun, 28 2010 @ 03:29 PM
To OP:

Hope your part of the 80% killed off in the pop control.

posted on Jun, 28 2010 @ 03:31 PM

Originally posted by robbinsj
To OP:

Hope your part of the 80% killed off in the pop control.

The karmic bolt can sear! Careful!

posted on Jun, 28 2010 @ 03:59 PM
reply to post by sheepslayer247

Yeah I hear you loud and clear.

Your Game. Get it.

Get the sand outta your eyes before you eat your own words.

No offence intended, in case my comment angers you, im simply stating the obvious that you are hiding from.

[edit on 28-6-2010 by XXXN3O]

posted on Jun, 28 2010 @ 04:10 PM
reply to post by BlesUTP

Couldn't we limit the power of those who represent us on the "world" level? Certain issues could be taken care of by the World's government. All other issues could be handled by local communities. This would allow for people of certain beliefs/religions to maintain a community that respects their needs and not force others around them to be held to the same criteria. All the power and reach of the World government would be kept within what the people see fit to allow.

The reason I like the idea of no nations or countries is that I believe this would lower the risk of large scale war. If there are no sovereign nations, only individuals, the nation state could not declare war on other nations. War would be limited to local communities that cannot resolve their issues by negotiating. I guess you could call it tribal fighting more than war. If individual sovereignty is maintained, the state cannot force those who disagree with the act of aggression against others to go to war with them.

If the state cannot control the people or declare war, you have diminished the power that anyone person can have.

PS: To robbinsj- If it is my fate to die as part of an 80% pop. control effort, so be it. Unlike many others, I do not fear that which I cannot control. All I can do is roll with the punches and throw a few of my own if needed. I wish you good luck when the shtf. It would be ironic though if we were to cross paths at such a time and I was in a position to help you or your family. If you disagree, disagree. But you can keep your negativity, there is already enough to go around.

XXXN3O- Can you elaborate? I guess I am confused on what exactly your saying.

Edit to add PS

[edit on 28-6-2010 by sheepslayer247]

posted on Jun, 28 2010 @ 04:34 PM
Great post. I've been supporting a One World Government in other threads. Nothing stands still - - we are a changing world & species - - there is progression - - or extinction. It is the only logical & necessary direction for this planet. Especially if our future means joining a Federation of Planets.

I keep telling those fighting against the inevitable - - the question is NOT "IF". The question is: When/How/Who.

The one thing I'd like to see World Wide is Freedom of Choice - - mandated by the World Government.

Oppression because of race / gender / sexual orientation / religion / etc - - - should not be allowed anywhere.

posted on Jun, 28 2010 @ 04:43 PM

Originally posted by sheepslayer247

It would require that the people act with intelligence and respect of their fellow Man during those troubling times. It would be a very hard transition and I agree that many will die in the process.

I agree. WWIII - perhaps.

But I see it as a: Has To Happen.

I wish for the Utopia version - - unfortunately I believe - in reality - we will get the Corporate Fascim version.

posted on Jun, 28 2010 @ 04:48 PM
reply to post by sheepslayer247

One world government or world peace cannot come from lies, murder, famine, secret deals, microchipping a population or anything that is morally questionable in general.

Your hearts in the right place but your making your avatar and your thread title tell your own life story and beyond if that makes sense.

A sheep that became the game of its own keeper because it chose to follow the wolf.

If your going to be a sheep, like everyone else is including myself, follow a shephard.

[edit on 28-6-2010 by XXXN3O]

posted on Jun, 28 2010 @ 05:45 PM
reply to post by XXXN3O

Unfortunatly, I don't think than many of us, if any, have a choice in which course our world leaders take. We are at the whim of those in power. In that respect we are all sheep, and I agree. But being bound to a system of control does not mean that you are in agreement with those who are in power. A sheep does not have a say in whether they are a sheep or not. Once in a while one of the sheep while wander off and make trouble for the shepherd. Hence the sheep.

I hope that I have made the important distinction between "one world government" and the "nwo". I see that I made an error in my op in that I refered to nwo instead of one world government. I cannot stress enough that I do not agree with the tactics you desribed: Murder, microchipping, famine, secrets, etc and I do not agree with the agenda of the nwo. I do not agree with those who wish to control any man or try to manipulate society for unmoral reasons.

I am simply trying to express my opinion that eventually we will have to evolve as a race and society. We cannot maintain the status quo and expect advanced civilizations to visit us or share their knowledge. Maybe that is why we have not had first contact or government disclosure.

Those who want to control others or reign in the NWO DO NOT have my support at all. Those with ideas that will bring all humans together have my full attention. I know there is no such thing as a Utopia but we can still make this planet a better place and we should not scoff at such attempts to do so.

posted on Jun, 28 2010 @ 05:48 PM
Yes. A one world government. A utopia where were can all skip merrily along holding hands as we turn both our power and our souls over to the the wealthiest few who then will take care of us and and have only our best interests in mind. How's that working out for you so far?

posted on Jun, 28 2010 @ 05:57 PM
Nope ! it wont work. Greedy ones will make governments within the government. And let's not forget lobbying,conflict of interests, religions, cultures

Diversity is everything

just dont let the US have a foot in every country and we'll be fine with peace thank you !

when famine will be elminated and money wont exist anymore then we'll talk about world order.

[edit on 28-6-2010 by SSimon]

posted on Jun, 28 2010 @ 07:33 PM

Originally posted by ~Lucidity
Yes. A one world government. A utopia where were can all skip merrily along holding hands as we turn both our power and our souls over to the the wealthiest few who then will take care of us and and have only our best interests in mind. How's that working out for you so far?

You are entitled to your opinion and interpretation. However - it does not reflect mine.

What will happen - will happen. Ranting does nothing.

Best choice - - working within the system - - just as we do now.

posted on Jun, 28 2010 @ 08:03 PM
ONe wOrld United in Misery & false $hortages.

A One wOrld soviet UniOn. Marx promised heaven, Stalin delivered hell.

Look around, see how gangsters have taken over the govt. What the hell makes anyone think that a one world government is going to be any different ?

posted on Jun, 28 2010 @ 09:53 PM
reply to post by zzombie

Misery and false shortages? Aren't there trials and tribulations in our everyday lives? Do we not have to deal with death and bad financial decisions on our own without any intervention from the government? There are many issues we deal with daily and the government has nothing to do with it. Maybe that's the problem. We think the government is the cause and solution for our tribulations through life, thus closing your mind to a broader application of a unified government.

Soviet Union has nothing to do with it. I promised nothing, only theorized. I guess I don't see the comparison when I clearly stated that the rights of the individual where the #1 concern to be protected.

Yes, thugs run things right now, but when we look to the future we cannot think that things will be as they are. The system will change when we are willing to stand up as a race and force the change. When the masses unite, we will have the world we seek. Until then we will live with what you obviously expect.

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