posted on Sep, 2 2010 @ 07:18 PM
reply to post by tsurfer2000h
I'm re-posting this in case you missed it...I was hoping DragonFire
would comment on it as well...
I thought this was a great read...A 3rd Well?
Houston, We Have A HUGE Problem ! ! ! (BP America is headquartered in Houston, TX)
[The label “Well Location” intentionally left out the alphabet “A” as it was intended to be the well that was actually drilled which forensic
analyses of the seabed debris determined to be 720 ft NNW of Well A. This mysterious “well that never was” (referred to as “S20BC”) is still
being ignored publicly by the Authorities, BP and all those involved in the cover-up to continue duping the American public and world at large. This
damaged S20BC well is the real gusher and the vertical conduit draining oil and gas out of the giant reservoir at 18,300 ft below mud line; not the
bogus capped Well A.
Well A was drilled down to 5000 ft or thereof. It had to be abandoned on 13 Feb 2010 due to a broken drilling rod string which was jammed in the well.
One must ask why a drill string of steel pipes could be jammed inside the well bore. Recently we hear BP admitting the possibility of formation
collapse. And how could the formation collapse into the well bore without pressurized fluid forcing debris and jamming the drilling rods in the open
section of the well?
So my independent geological model was right. Dr Bea was right. Matt Simmons was right. So did millions all over the world who did not fall for the
Bogus Press releases and the blatant acts of Mass Deception.]