posted on Aug, 31 2010 @ 02:44 PM
reply to post by kno22
1 : deprived of life : no longer alive
a (1) : having the appearance of death : deathly (2) : lacking power to move, feel, or respond : numb b : very tired c (1) : incapable of being
stirred emotionally or intellectually : unresponsive (2) : grown cold : extinguished
a : inanimate, inert b : barren, infertile c : no longer producing or functioning : exhausted
a (1) : lacking power or effect (2) : no longer having interest, relevance, or significance b : no longer in use : obsolete c : no longer active :
extinct d : lacking in gaiety or animation e (1) : lacking in commercial activity : quiet (2) : commercially idle or unproductive f : lacking
elasticity g : being out of action or out of use ; specifically : free from any connection to a source of voltage and free from electric charges h
(1) : being out of play (2) : temporarily forbidden to play or to make a certain play in croquet
a : not running or circulating : stagnant b : not turning c : not imparting motion or power although otherwise functioning d : lacking warmth,
vigor, or taste
a : absolutely uniform b (1) : unerring (2) : exact (3) : certain to be doomed (4) : irrevocable c : abrupt d (1) : complete, absolute (2) :
: devoid of former occupants
— dead·ness noun
— dead in the water
: incapable of being effective : stalled