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President Obama is completely worthless as a president

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posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 10:33 PM
reply to post by steve632

Because "WE" have the power of "Freedom Of Speech". A debate or a conversation... it doesn't matter, because we ARE allowed to voice (type) what WE are thinking.

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 10:41 PM
reply to post by Carseller4

If Bush was a leader to you, what did he lead you to?

The fact is we are all going to die. What most of us hope for is that it's in our sleep.

For more than 46 years our leadership was co-opted by murder, bribery and an increasingly cavalier citizenry.

Our country is tired out by the constant wars, intractable poverty and lack of focus.

This episode is coming to a close for all of us. No one will escape the consequences, many will not die in their sleep. We need to assure ourselves that the criminal minds that have got us here are not allowed to influence us again.

I suggest that we start considering what ideals we should be introducing to further a Utopian vision in the aftermath. We do not appear to have much time. Some framework emphasizing humanity and a positive future would be nice.

I suspect we will discover that the ignorant will continue to voice opinions without basis and a lacking of fundamental knowledge. Rants of encoding greed in economics, religions in morals and lots of 'those guys over there really suck' will turn rancid since that is how we got HERE.

I wonder if they will be heard in the din of death cries?

Please reference this page. Note when it was promulgated.

Then climb off Obama's back. He is not important. He is just a hangover from a really horrific past. Start planning for what comes next.

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 10:42 PM
Most presidents are useless presidents because they do not really call the shots.

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 10:45 PM
I'm embarrassed and ashamed that I voted for him.

I put A LOT out there campaigning. It's not easy being a white liberal democrat in the suburban south.

But damn - There's just no sugar coating it. He sucks.

I've tried to keep a stiff upper lip, what with the continued wars, the continued Patriot Act and pretty much just foregoing many of his most important campaign promises.

However, with this total lack of leadership in the Gulf, I just can't fake it anymore.

If there was a smiley that allowed me to give him finger, I'd fly it high and insert here, as it is, I'll just say - ENOUGH.

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 10:45 PM

Originally posted by steve632
if all of you that are bitching about Obama,voted in the election, then you have a right to bitch,if you didnt vote shut the hell up with all of your sniveling and complaining. jeez just like a bunch of babies that dont get their way, my 3 year old acts more responsible that some of you.

A three year old has better spelling than you, What exactly was your point again?

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 10:46 PM

Originally posted by steve632
if all of you that are bitching about Obama,voted in the election, then you have a right to bitch,if you didnt vote shut the hell up with all of your sniveling and complaining. jeez just like a bunch of babies that dont get their way, my 3 year old acts more responsible that some of you.

"That sounds like witch talk to me" Why do we have to shut up? If I want to complain about our lackluster president, why can't I? according to Nancy Pelosi isn't the greatest act of patriotism speaking out against the government? unless of course If you speak out against liberals, then I guess it is hate speech.

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 10:48 PM

Originally posted by nivekronnoco
reply to post by WeAreAWAKE

There are no facts here...No help was refused....that's a lie.Why lie?
There is no Real reason....The previous 2 terms were clearly an almost unbroken descent...Has President Obama achieved everything he promised? No...cheifly because the opposition party as refused to do their jobs....Even going so far as to refute their own positions..why?

I,as it happens,am white.I have always belived that the stories of racism were over blown and exagerated....I was wrong.All those wack job tea baggers,those taxes are going up..(They Have Not..)those their gonna take our guns...Those..he's a socialist folks...Who clearly do not understand what socialism is...
The one common thing they share...they are ,in the main,white.
Perhaps I'm wrong...but one or two black people rounded up at any rally of 100's....the ratios are wrong...
Law of averages alone would demand that 17-25% of Each crowd should be none white...this is an incontrvertible mathematic fact...There has not been a single event or rally that this is so...thus,some outside force is affecting the averages...
Their hate defines them.

Waaaaaaaa! looks like the little race card trick back fired huh? The only racist here, the only one making race an issue is YOU. Take a look ib the mirror tf you want to find a racist. Look to your little fringe leftist blogs (whoops I mean media) sites and you will see the racists. While Obama is being criticized by his character and actions, along comes the Obamatron so eager to throw the race card. Get over it race baiter, look at your man's poll numbers, which speak clearly to how great of a job he is doing. This is the end of my rant, just remember the one who dwells on race is the racist, not the person criticizing a public office

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 10:56 PM
No Cheers:

The president's progressively keep getting worse and worse. I was a
Reagan fan. Clinton was basically white trash. Bush was a tyrant.
Obama is owned. Obama has done nothing to better the Americas.. He
seems more unAmerican than American, no pun intended. Only hope
we survive this presidency. Due to lack of any response to oil gusher,
feel this vial act was planned.

Bring on the revolution.

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 11:10 PM
The crowd in Washington is getting very nervous. An Obama resignation would be far more desirable in terms of stability. Yet you in the USA are able to maintain civil order and stability when most nations would have imploded in fire.

I hope the bumper stickers will say 'OBAMA RESIGN!' rather than Impeach Obama ... a process meaningless after Bill Clinton and Lewinski's dress.

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 11:10 PM

Originally posted by TheOneElectric
You people.

First its: Free Market this and that, end of regulation over here and over there. No oversight needed, let the businesses be. Small government forever xD

Then a crisis hits in which a corporation is proven to be irresponsible, money driven, and apathetic: OH MY GOD! OBAMA WHY DONT YOU PUT ON THE SNORKLE AND GO FIX THE HOLE!111!!!
Why don't you completely take over the situation at hand.
Why don't you commandeer ships and handle the crisis with the full power of the BIG BIG BIG federal government.


It's nice to see that there is at least one individual capable of rational thought. I was quite certain this thread was nothing except a neocon circle jerk. The government is currently investigating and preparing criminal charges, as it should. The government is securing the funds necessary to maintain the gulf coast from the entity responsible for the damages, as it should.

The $20 billion fund is being called an evil "socialist" mechanism, or "stealing" from the rich corporation to help the poor small business owners. So, in the opinion of neocons, Obama apparently cannot seek restitution on behalf of those harmed by oil from the entity responsible for the damage.

If, instead, Obama used all government money, neocons would complain that he was stealing from the taxpayers rather than having those responsible pay for their mistake. (e.g., bailing out the banks and auto companies.)

The lesson here is that there is absolutely nothing, short of single-handedly sealing the hole with super laser vision, that he can do right in their eyes. So, I ask the neocons, those who so once shouted, "Drill baby Drill!" what their plan is beyond simply saying everyone else is wrong? Our species clearly lacks the technology and skill to safely drill the ocean floor. Unfortunately, neocons tend to act before thinking or planning.

Can we say Iraq war?

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 11:14 PM
For those of you saying what can Obama do regarding BP?

Well he could have perhaps prevented the whole thing if he took action in February,

Mainstream Media Confirms BP and Feds Knew About Cracks In Gulf Seafloor Since February


the president and other members of the administration still have jobs when it is now being reported that the federal government was apprised by BP on February 13 that the Deepwater Horizon oil rig was leaking oil and natural gas into the ocean floor.

n fact, according to documents in the administration's possession, BP was fighting large cracks at the base of the well for roughly ten days in early February.

Further it seems the administration was also informed about this development, six weeks before to the rig's fatal explosion when an engineer from the University of California, Berkeley, announced to the world a near miss of an explosion on the rig by stating, "They damn near blew up the rig."

It's also now being reported that BP was asking for the administration's help on this matter long before the deadly accident and the now gushing well of tar.

BP was actually asking the administration for help,

Could this have been preventable?

The gall of the president and congress holding congressional hearings, putting the CEO on the hot seat, and they knew he had asked for help?


[edit on 113030p://bMonday2010 by Stormdancer777]

[edit on 113030p://bMonday2010 by Stormdancer777]

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 11:16 PM

Originally posted by Pellevoisin
The crowd in Washington is getting very nervous. An Obama resignation would be far more desirable in terms of stability. Yet you in the USA are able to maintain civil order and stability when most nations would have imploded in fire.

I hope the bumper stickers will say 'OBAMA RESIGN!' rather than Impeach Obama ... a process meaningless after Bill Clinton and Lewinski's dress.

If Bush didn't resign for 9/11, Katrina, a three trillion bill for an unprovoked war in Iraq, death of habeous corpus, extraordinary rendition, and off-shore prison camps with indefinite detention without trial, and torture, why would Obama resign because BP screws up royally? If you don't think that every knowledgeable scientist in the world is looking for a solution to this problem, then you're a fool. We simply lack the know-how to fix the problem. If you'll recall Chernobyl was abandoned rather than repaired because doing so was beyond us. Damage control was the best option.

Damage control is what everyone is trying to do now. Meanwhile, we are rushing to find a solution to a problem BP likely contemplated and yet remained ill prepared for. Our addiction to low-priced gas drove their arrogance. In that sense, we're all to blame.

[edit on 21-6-2010 by andrewh7]

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 11:23 PM

Originally posted by Stormdancer777
The gall of the president and congress holding congressional hearings, putting the CEO on the hot seat, and they knew he had asked for help?
[edit on 113030p://bMonday2010 by Stormdancer777]

Nothing in the material provided any evidence that BP "asked for help." That's like me stabbing a guy in the chest and meanwhile shouting to passer-bys to stop me from continuously stabbing the guy in the chest. Who is responsible for the death? The guy who kept stabbing or the passer-bys who failed to step in to stop the killer after the majority of the damage had been done?

If the government stepped in and took over every corporation that hinted at bad news, you would be arguing that Obama was "nationalizing" more private companies like a "communist." 20/20 hindsight is fun isn't it?

What you leave out is that the accident was caused by a faulty blow-out preventer. It wasn't caused by the cracks in the well casing. It was pure corporate corner-cutting and negligence.

After three-mile island meltdown and Chernobyl, were you yelling that the hippie in the lawn chair who has been sitting on the sidewalk in front of the Whitehouse for 30 years, protesting nuclear power, was right all along. I challenge you to name a single disaster that wasn't predicted by some small voice. It's easy to bet on a winner after the race is over.

[edit on 21-6-2010 by andrewh7]

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 11:33 PM

This is NOT presidential. This is treason. I am now thinking Obama WANTS to ruin America. I am now thinking we have elected a treasonous president, determined to bring us down from within.

Yes, if you step back and look at the big picture, this is exactly what it looks like. I am dumbfounded at the things this man has done, and more-so over the hypnotized public who still support this man, who refuse to open their eyes. People you are all being played like fools....

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 11:34 PM

Originally posted by gordonwest
reply to post by steve632

Because "WE" have the power of "Freedom Of Speech". A debate or a conversation... it doesn't matter, because we ARE allowed to voice (type) what WE are thinking.

You have the freedom to be a hypocrite. Congrats. You should be proud of yourself.

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 11:41 PM

If the government stepped in and took over every corporation that hinted at bad news, you would be arguing that Obama was "nationalizing" more private companies like a "communist." 20/20 hindsight is fun isn't it?

It's one thing to needlessly take over a car company that should just close their doors if they can't make it. Or a bank for the same reason, or healthcare that isn't broken. It's another thing when a company causes a major environmental disaster putting the population at risk. That to me falls under national security and that is the government's most important job. Something this administration seems to know nothing about. To sit on the sidelines and allow things to continue to get worse, to me is treason. Something should be done about this.

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 11:41 PM

Originally posted by WeAreAWAKE
Now...with all that said...I would bet every cent I have that some liberal democrat, somewhere, at some time thought to themselves..."lets have the black man run, no one would dare oppose him or speak negatively about him cause that would make them a racist". Again...THAT is racist in itself.

I know of at least one neocon who thinks that all those who disagree with him are brain-washed zombies, incapable of voting for someone based on critical thought, that if a black person voted for Obama, they did so simply because he was Black. You also explicitly hope to generalize to some statistically significant amount your personal theory that one person sought to use Obama's race as a means to silence debate and that person coincidentally had the resources and authority to put their master plan into effect. That person must have had 10 millions voter registration cards too.

[edit on 21-6-2010 by andrewh7]

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 11:42 PM
It's also now being reported that BP was asking for the administration's help on this matter long before the deadly accident and the now gushing well of tar.

Looks like it does say that he knew.

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 11:44 PM
reply to post by Under Water

To sit on the sidelines and allow things to continue to get worse, to me is treason.

That's what I think.

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 11:44 PM
o coarse, he was a lawyer..He and his wife can not practice law anymore.....I wonder why? They gave up their right to practice...I think not......

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