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President Obama is completely worthless as a president

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posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 12:27 AM

Originally posted by AllexxisF1
Ah another one of those clueless Anti-Obama folks wrapping themselves in their blanket of ignorance threads.

Here comes the 101st Chairborne parachuting in claiming he is a Socialist, Marxist, Terrorist, Communist who is out to pull the plug on Grand Ma all the while seeking reparations for slavery at the same time he is pouring sugar in some old white ladies gas tank.

The other page had a good solid dozen legislative accomplishments that any president in modern history would dream of.

But lets just get down to the oil spill eh?

Obama secured without having to sue or go to court to get BP to put up 20 Billion for those suffering the most in the Gulf and for the clean up.

Did any of you -SNIP- give him any credit for that? No, instead you thought BP should not have been shaken down, and how this was an egregious offense to business relationship between government and the private sector..blah blah blah.

You Conservatives have absolutely nothing to show for all your years. Not one damn legislative accomplishment. Not one. These past 10 years have proven without a doubt that your entire philosophy of trickle down and free market self regulation brought this country to near disaster.

-Snip-. You philosophy has brought this country to the brink and even now animals are dying in the gulf because of your -Snip- ways.

Listen to right wing radio, wrap yourselves in your warm blanket of ignorance because the world is passing you by. Have fun denying solid science like evolution and Global Climate Change. Have fun denying the President is actually a citizen or that he is out to kill Grand Ma. Keep spouting drill baby drill and standing in the way of decent affordable health care.

You are but a foot note in history and soon enough your whole ignorant 30% of this country will be cast into the closet where you belong.


I totally agree, and I was republican up until this last election. BTW, not an adolescent, 48, white male, married with children, a job, health care, and a mortgage. I voted for the man, and I'm not sorry. Oh, and I'm a christian, and I've said it before an I'll say it again, Jesus had a few choice words for the conservatives of his day. He called them a generation of vipers.

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 12:27 AM

Originally posted by Under Water

Originally posted by Target Earth
reply to post by Under Water

And do you know what the scary part is, there is nothing to say he won't win re-election
People can be so stupid when it comes to voting... I live in Chicago, where all the politicians are corrupt as sin. but they keep winning for some reason.

That's because they cheat.

.....and never break a sweat

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 12:28 AM
reply to post by andrewh7

FACTS, you want FACTS? we can give facts all day. but facts don't matter when they are just spinned, by leftist spin doctors. The Fact is Obama is a disaster...

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 12:36 AM
"How about the trillions in stimulus that went to the banks and straight into risky gambles whilst the poorer get even poorer?

How about killing 1,000 civilians in Pakistan and Yemen leading to terror attacks on US soil by Pakistani-Americans? (Watch out for the biggie coming soon).

How about the tens of millions of dollars that the Taliban are receiving thru' corrupt Afghan channels???

And then there's the oil spill which his govt. allowed the drilling to go ahead without proper safety checks...."

Correct me if Im wrong, but I was under the impression that all these problems started before he got into office..? I know hes got the responsibility as he is the commander in chief, but hey, all I can see is damage controll on many of these issues. I bet those drilling plans was made long before he was in office. Im no oil-guru, but here in Norway oildrilling takes years of planing.

[edit on 22-6-2010 by VoidInMind]

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 12:40 AM
I don't know what's worse, the way some Americans still worship this guy as if he "can do no wrong", or the way some foreigner's still do.

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 12:46 AM
...this may have already been asked - because - its a logical question (at least in my mind) - so - tell me, who was the last prez that wasnt a puppet?... wait, wait, wait - let me make this easier... name one prez that was not a puppet... good luck with that...

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 12:48 AM
reply to post by staver

Most people here for neither "right" or "left", but have decided that both sides are all the same. The fact is, Obama PROMISED change with political corruption, but hasn't changed anything. He is STILL for big oil, still for lobbyist, still for the Patriot Act, still for Guontomino Bay holding innocent people, still for fighting for these stupid wars, still for government secrecy, for big corp bailouts, and etc...

He promised alot, but lied to the American people.


posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 12:52 AM
reply to post by nikiano

It's not Obama's fault BP were trying to cut corners, cut costs, cut time.
There's really nuttin' Obama can do falling short of going down in a
diving bell. But I can't see how that would remedy the situ anyway.

The only card he's got is a Military one. I don't think making Oil radioactive
is good solution either. And the military are not really into
digging deeps holes to get oil out. All they can do is blow stuff up.
And with Oil oozing out of cracks in sea floor now, it could go krakatoa
at any moment, so blowing stuff would be really really bad idea.

However I do believe they could utilize the Bots much better than
just watch each other just watching the oil billow out while the supervising
bot just watches the other Bots. Must be Ex-Government Robots.

If you were Obama, what would YOU do.......

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 01:06 AM

Originally posted by skeptic_al
reply to post by nikiano

If you were Obama, what would YOU do.......

Well for one thing, i would accept help from those who offer it instead of pushing them all away telling them BP already has it under control. I'm here on the gulf coast of louisiana and there are so many who come from far to help, only to get turned away. There are so many who are desperate to try their technology, only to be told to take a hike. I would be there on site and not take time off every 5 minutes. I would be out there working with everyone. I would be washing pelicans and sea turtles along with my people because i would care and it would show. I would be calling for every expert to come together to find a solution and i wouldn't take no for an answer. I would have faith in american ingenuity. I would clasp my balls and take charge of the situation. I wouldn't cast blame, i would only care about fixing the problem.

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 01:16 AM
"Well for one thing, i would accept help from those who offer it instead of pushing them all away telling them BP already has it under control. I'm here on the gulf coast of louisiana and there are so many who come from far to help, only to get turned away. There are so many who are desperate to try their technology, only to be told to take a hike."

That is false..
As one of the leading oil countries in the world in regards of technology, we here in Norway got an quick call from the US, also three norwegian ships where one of the first ones on the scene.

..and didnt BP resently buy all the oilcleanup gadgets Kevin Costner promoted to help with? Those things looked rly effective

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 01:20 AM
reply to post by Wyn Hawks


[edit on 22-6-2010 by spurge]

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 01:32 AM
reply to post by Under Water

yeah butt....

Cleaning up is one thing and stopping it is another.
At the moment it would be like washing the Kids while they are still
playing in the Mud.

I don't see any point in a centrifuge machine to clean a million gallons
of water a hour when oil is still gushing out getting it dirty again.

Oil booms won't work on this scale, it just goes under it or over it on
a big wave.

So unless this new technology contains a Force Field kit, it ain't gonna

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 01:40 AM

Originally posted by nikiano
President Obama is a completely worthless president.

hey, i share more than 99.7% of the same dna as that obama clone ... so are you calling me completely worthless as a leader also?

well, who am i to call you a liar?

even if i believe you .. i still think it is a lttle too much to blame one individual for 300 million+ individuals problems ... even if the majority of those who put him in office are themselves completely worthless .. lets hope their worthlessness doesn't effect their ability to perform miracles...

thoughts, things & stuff. yep yep,

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 01:44 AM
reply to post by VoidInMind

BP's headquarters is in, TADA NORWAY
That's the only reason Norway helped.

Why is BP's Headquarters in Norway and not the UK or even
the USA, TAX that's the only reason.

Why is the Deep Horizon (registered as a sea vessel) registered in
Majuro, Marshall Islands population 60,000 across 64 Islands.
Again TAX and No Safty Inspections.

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 01:45 AM

Originally posted by skeptic_al
reply to post by Under Water

yeah butt....

Cleaning up is one thing and stopping it is another.
At the moment it would be like washing the Kids while they are still
playing in the Mud.

I don't see any point in a centrifuge machine to clean a million gallons
of water a hour when oil is still gushing out getting it dirty again.

Oil booms won't work on this scale, it just goes under it or over it on
a big wave.

So unless this new technology contains a Force Field kit, it ain't gonna

so ur saying that cleaning up while its spilling doesnt have an effect..?

and it rly depends on the size of the machine right? Something like that cant take to long to produce in numbers

HQ in Norway, since when?
The only reason we helped??? are u serious?

[edit on 22-6-2010 by VoidInMind]

[edit on 22-6-2010 by VoidInMind]

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 01:50 AM
President Obama is *NOT* Worthless "as a" President... He is just not very useful as a President. I do wait and see who will_be the next President. If the voters voted for President Obama for being the first african/muslim President of the U.S. Maybe the voters will vote for a illegal mexican immigrant, as President of the U.S?

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 01:59 AM
reply to post by TheOneElectric
The following is my opinion as a member participating in this discussion.

Oh you mean what he has done? I don't play partisan politics anymore so I don't care...but I am not going to stand for hypocrisy and then more of "bandwagon" hysteria.

As for accomplishements:

1) Lilly Ledbetter Law (Gender Discrimination in work place: fair pay)

I won't disagree here, this was a good move.

2) Stimulus Bill (I'm not a fan)

The stimulus bill was a political ploy to buy time, and time is running out.

3) Credit Card Accountability and Disclosure Act (Protects consumers from unfair credit card company practices)

This act was built with so many holes it's ridiculous. This law was already supposed to take effect and yet we are seeing extraordinarily high usury rates and ridiculous fees.

4) Fraud Enforcement & Recovery Disclosure Act (Assists to prevent foreclosure cause by disingenuous loan practices)
This bill had nothing to do with it's title. We don't need more laws enforcing fraud, it's FRAUD!

5) Stem Cell Research Act
I'm completely on board with this.

6) Omnibus Appropriation Act (Stops no bid governmental contracts)
This spent 640 billion dollars. Where did it go?

7) Schip Bill (Children health insurance program)
This whole thing falls squarely on free market territory, and if it wasn't for the horrible mess that is "managed care"(Great Society BS) prices in health care would be going down, not up.

8) Post 9/11 G.I. Bill (Scholarships for Veterans that can transfer to their families)
I'm ok with this. We need to take care of people who we ask to spill blood and die for us.

9) Smoking Prevention & Tobacco Act (LOL IMPOSING MORALITY)
Any time they impose "morality" it suspiciously looks like tyranny.

10) Auto Tax Deduction (Deduct Sale and Excise taxes)
We don't need to be creating a lopsided playing field through government mandate. If our car industry can't hack it they will fail and another firm will take their place.

11) Wild and Senic River Bill (Permanent protection for over 86 rivers)

This bill is also unnecessary. If we go after people who deliberately do harm to property(respecting and protecting property rights) we will go a lot further in protecting the environment than the favoritism for 'some' pollution we see today. Our environmental qualities should not be up to political whims, but to the letter of the law, based on the Constitution.

12) Clean Energy bill (give it time)

Clean Energy bill....Heh, repackaged cap n' trade. And it still stinks. Remember the Patriot Act is patriotic because it says it is.

13) Weapons Systems Acquisition Reform Act (Scrap All Defense Contractors Cost Over Runs)
I agree with acquiring advanced weapon systems to protect the nation as needed. What I don't agree with is 70% of that money('defense' budget in general) goes to the defense of other countries that could be paying for it themselves...You ever wonder how the EU managed to keep a conglomerate of welfare states afloat for so long? They didn't have to spend it on their defense. We do it for them.

14) First Time home Buyer Incentive Act ( UP to $8,000 tax rebate on houses for first time buyers
This failed miserably. The month after the Home Buyers Tax Credit hit it's sunset preliminary data showed an 8-9% drop in home sales. Which means that this is another clear example of the government trying to create demand that is not there, throwing away billions in the process.

As an ATS Staff Member, I will not moderate in threads such as this where I have participated as a member.

[edit on 22-6-2010 by projectvxn]

[edit on 22-6-2010 by projectvxn]

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 03:11 AM
reply to post by TheOneElectric really don't understand what it means to be President of the United States do you?...

The president, and the states could have handled this situation better.. There is NO NEED FOR MORE GOVERNMENT... the problem is that the president, through BP and their goons, are not allowing the states to take care of this... and YES, there are many things that could be done to at least lessen the problem with the oil leak... One of them is to STOP BP FROM USING ANY MORE COREXIT, AND OTHER DISPERSANTS...

But instead of giving the gulf states, and other states the ability to take care of the problem the President is ALLOWING BP to do whatever they want... They are closing the beaches, and not allowing anyone anywhere close, btw I am not saying that the media should be allowed to take boats and get full access to the gulf, they are stupid enough to go there without gas masks and kill themselves in the process... But they should allow the states to send in experts and to clean up as much of the oil as possible... But instead BP is being allowed to handle this and they shouldn't be the ones handling this...

BTW, some states are taking action themselves even when the President/Feds/and BP don't want them to, and are trying everything they can to stop states from taking action...

People like you are the hypocrites... but go ahead and keep cheering for Obama...

[edit on 22-6-2010 by ElectricUniverse]

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 03:29 AM
The dockett before the nation now is so full thanks to 43 and company destroying and ruining just about every single aspect of the nation.

Obama is getting to whatever he can but does not need people like the OP causing even more distractions.

For us to worry about the leak, energy independence and the war first we must get a handle and fix on our money situation because without it nothing can be financed especially if we aren't allowed to know what the American taxpayer is on the till for and even for how much.

This leak will NEVER be fixed as it's needed to light a fire under our asses in order to finally demand Clean Energy Independence.

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 03:34 AM
lol no one since JFK has been worth it, he was the only one to challenge his masters and he paid the price for it...
If you still believe that any president has a say in world events I would beg you to do a bit more research, It's to far late for that anymore anyways...

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