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Turkish Navy will Escort aid to Gaza

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posted on May, 31 2010 @ 08:32 PM
Here is the main problem, muslims enjoy killing (Genesis 16:12 KJVr of course: And he will be a wild man; his hand [will be] against every man, and every man's hand against him; and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren.)

Once again, the Bible is thousands of years ahead of the rest of the world.
And the simple facts are, Muslims hate Christians, and Jews and are commanded to kill them in over 20 places in the koran.

Christians love there enemies and pray for them.

Jews...well..jews make money, and there very good at it. Which is why a lot of white people hate them too. BUT they are still God's chosen people. God is a discriminator

Which one sounds like the peaceful and true religion to you?

Here's a hint, it isn't the one founded by a fornicating, 9 year old wife loving (of 14 others or more), foaming at the mouth, paranoid, murdering, false prophet, Bible plagiarism, liar. His name WAS (since he is stone cold dead, unlike Jesus Christ)...
mohammad. And one of his idols which he placed in Mecca was Allah.

[edit on 31-5-2010 by Dallas1611]

posted on May, 31 2010 @ 08:33 PM

Originally posted by Solomons
What turkey is doing is completely legal, unlike other countries they at least have the balls to do it. Any attack on Turkish ships accompanying the aid convoy is a preemptive act of war under international law

But if Israel attacks turkish warships in Israeli territorial waters, which country has committed the act of war? I'm thinking the answer would be turkey for violating Israeli territorial waters.

posted on May, 31 2010 @ 08:34 PM

Originally posted by DarkStormCrow
reply to post by TSawyer

Persians are not Semites

line 2

You're generally right. My mistake. I should use Iranian which comprises several ethnicities including Semites, instead of the ancient Persian term.

P.S. - Neither are Khazars.

posted on May, 31 2010 @ 08:35 PM
reply to post by Dallas1611

Khazars are not God's chosen people. If God had a "chosen people" it was probably the Hebrews (modern Palestinians).
Please stop spreading lies on this forum. Period. We are here to deny ignorance and that include "Jewish" fantasies and propaganda.

[edit on 31-5-2010 by TSawyer]

posted on May, 31 2010 @ 08:37 PM
LOL I cant believe people are bringing out anti semitism as an excuse for peoples hatred of israel. Ever since Israel was founded 50 yrs ago or so Israel has proved not to be good neighbours with anyone and all middle east issues stem from that. Also I like to add is Britain has had its fair share of terrorism through the actions of the IRA and its breakaway groups. DO you see British troops firing blind into groups of people? DO you see British troops driving tanks through peoples houses? DO you see the British Government having a blockade in Northern Ireland? Theres are ways of dealing with terrorism and Israels overkill is the problem and their attitude. Talks are the only way and if Israel cant talk to hamas just like the british government was forced eventually had to talk to sinn fein. So when it comes to knowing how to deal with terrorism Israel hasnt a bloody clue....

[edit on 31/5/2010 by loner007]

posted on May, 31 2010 @ 08:37 PM
reply to post by ElectricUniverse

you dont really understand military strategy do you?

on one hand we have an extremely technologically advanced society, and on the other we have - palestine.

Palestine cant fight this war on equal footing. thats like just asking to be killed.
They use guerilla tactics which is really the ONLY way they can fight israel.

posted on May, 31 2010 @ 08:39 PM

Originally posted by TSawyer
We are here to deny ignorance

We are here to deny ignorance? Good, I look forward for your leave.
Never seen anyone talks so much bull# about Khazars and Jews.

Please tell me how to genetically spot a Khazar, so I could ask my self-proclaimed Jewish friends to have that examination in order to truly see if they are my friends or just Khazar ninjas planning to take over my house.

[edit on 31-5-2010 by SparKzzz]

posted on May, 31 2010 @ 08:40 PM
reply to post by centurion1211

Which country committed an act of war?

Common sense says the country that, um, you know, does the first offensive? Territorial waters are used to mark the marine resources of a country. Does Israel go around attacking cruise ships for no reason? Then why would they attack an aide ship? Did you see Iran attack Israel for parking its submarines in their waters? Why can't Israelis behave like other humans? Anyway, this case, that actually occurred in real life, happened in INTERNATIONAL WATERS.

[edit on 31-5-2010 by TSawyer]

posted on May, 31 2010 @ 08:40 PM
This was all a set up by those who want the destruction of Israel. In this instance it played out just as the organizers hoped it would. They attacked the Isreali comandos and forced the soldiers to respond in self defence.

And now the terrorists screem bloody murder....."Oh sorry for us." Come on people, Use your brains and don't fall for this ruse.

I do feel sorry for the poor saps on the ship. They have been used as pawns by Hamas, Hezbollah, etc.

Isreal is in the right. Thank God for Israel. They are the only sanity in the Middle East.

PS. Maybe the Russians or Chinese or any other enemy of the USA should try this tactic. Just load up all their ships with "peaceful" folk and float them to US shores. We would not dare to stop any peace loving souls. They could say they are here to offer humanitarian aid. Eventually they could just move all of their population here and ....bam....they own the place. Oh wait.....I think Mexico has already thought of

posted on May, 31 2010 @ 08:43 PM

Originally posted by JayinAR
Problem is buddy, your propaganda parroting won't work this time. Major 'legislators' from Europe were aboard this ship. NATO sponsored... calling "terrorism" won't work this time.


Propaganda?... I guess members of HAMAS have not infiltrated and worked, and still work for the UN...

UNRWA Terrorist Activity Under-Reported

A report from Israel National News detailing the utter moral corruption of the UN.

Peter Hansen, the Commissioner-General of UNRWA in Gaza, told the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation two days ago that some UNRWA workers are Hamas terrorists. "I am sure that there are Hamas members on the UNRWA payroll," Hansen said, adding, "I dont see that as a crime... We do not do political vetting and exclude people from one persuasion as against another."

Hansen attempted to draw a distinction between 'political' and 'militant' Hamas members. Both the United States and the European Union do not accept this distinction, however, and have outlawed or blacklisted all branches of Hamas and have frozen all Hamas assets.

"Despite the gravity of this matter," reported yesterday, "Hansen's admission that Hamas members are on the UN payroll has - as of now - received scant media attention. The Associated Press, for example, buried Hansen's statement in an article that focused primarily on IDF air strikes, and the New York Times has yet to even acknowledge Hansen's admission. This error of omission is particularly troubling in light of Israel's ongoing campaign in Gaza to stop Hamas from firing rockets into Israeli towns such as Sderot."

I guess Palestinian terrorists, and their organizations don't use Palestinian civilians as shields, and they don't strap Palestinian children with explosives to kill Israelis...

HAMAS, and other Palestinian terrorist organizations have used civilians as cover, and as "delivery boys and girls for suicide vests...

Not to mention that Palestinian terrorists shoot their shoulder rockets, and mortars close, or on civilian properties, such as schools so suckers like you can believe that "the Israelis are mindlessly killing Palestinian civilians"...

U.N. Agency That Runs School Hit in Gaza Employed Hamas and Islamic Jihad Members

The United Nations agency that administers a school in Gaza where dozens of civilians were killed by Israeli mortar fire last week has admitted to employing terrorists to work at its Palestinian schools in the past, has no system in place to keep members of Hamas or Islamic Jihad off its payroll, and provides textbooks to children that contain hate speech and other incendiary information.

[Size=4]A growing chorus of critics has taken aim at the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) in recent years, although momentum on Capitol Hill has been slow. But last weeks incident, which Israel maintains was prompted by Hamas operatives firing mortars at Israelis from a location near the school, has prompted some lawmakers to scrutinize the U.N. agency.

BTW....what are Palestinian terrorists good at?... They brainwash people into suicide attacks to kill Israelis and to give them a bad press... i wouldn't discount the very real possibility that many of these deaths were staged to give a bad light to Israel ONCE AGAIN...and of course the suckers ALWAYS believe the Palestinian terrorists....

[edit on 31-5-2010 by ElectricUniverse]

posted on May, 31 2010 @ 08:45 PM
I hope Turkey make good on their navy proposal, the world needs to see how easy it is to stand up against a cowardly regime like Israel. Turkey will put the US to shame, Erdogan never needed a Jewish lobby up his crack to get elected. Turkey is not run by Zionisim, it is run by Turks, for the Turks and nothing but the Turks.
Whereas the USA is run by Jews, for the Jews and nothing but the Jews (with a bit of assistance from the Queen of England).

BTW, can anyone remember?, almost 24hrs ago many innocent peace loving human rights activist were murdered in cold blood in international waters.

posted on May, 31 2010 @ 08:47 PM
My prediction is that Israel will mine the waters off Gaza.

This is the only way to stop ships with arms and construction materials from entering Gaza. (they use to bring in this material through tunnels from egypt till the Egyptian government put a stop to that)
And no likely there was not arms on this trip but this trip was to break the blockade.

You may wonder why Israel wants to stop construction materials???
Its because Hamas uses the construction materials to build hardened bunkers
and pipe to build rockets.

posted on May, 31 2010 @ 08:47 PM
reply to post by ElectricUniverse

Two wrongs dont make right. As for folks talking about the destruction of Israel, seems to me your the only person on here thats talking about that.

posted on May, 31 2010 @ 08:49 PM

Originally posted by TSawyer
reply to post by centurion1211

Which country committed an act of war?

Common sense says the country that, um, you know, does the first offensive? Territorial waters are used to mark the marine resources of a country. Does Israel go around attacking cruise ships for no reason? Then why would they attack an aide ship?

They first offered the aid ship to dock at Ashdod, they refused.
They then asked them to halt so negotiations will take place, they refused.
They then asked them to turn around if they are not going to either comply or atleast answer to the radio, they refused.
Upon having the knowledge that an unidentified ship is going to enter it's waters, the Israeli sent in a commando team armed with paintball guns in order to just deter the crowd, and a secondary emergency pistol.

The procedures went fine in 5 of the ships, yet in one of them, the Marmara, filled with "peace activists" holding knives and metal poles, the commando team met heavy hostility and violence.

What a commando team does after being attacked with chairs and knives is clearly not throwing peaches at them, it's shooting at them.
That's what every commando team in the world would do, and it's simple common sense that prevented these "peace activists" from killing them.

The commando men were sent in to take-over the ship and dock it at Ashdod, not to kill anyone.
If the order was to send men in order to kill, why hasn't the choppers simply opened fire? Why didn't any sniper shot them from long range? Why didn't the cruise ship sink the flotilla problematic ship? Because that was not the goal. Killing was never the goal.

Proofs of everything I said:

Assault knives and daggers among the equipment of a "peaceful" ship:

Other altered weapons:

Video that documents the activists being hostile first, throwing a commando man off the top of the ship to it's bottom and attacking all the rest without the commando team even firing back at first:

Another one that shows the same:

Peace activist on-board the Marmara, holding a peaceful dagger with peaceful intentions:

Commando team using paintball guns even after being attacked, to deter:

Here are my proofs.
If you got proofs for any idiotic claim you spit out, even the retarded Khazar theory, feel free to post it so we could all enjoy it.
Meanwhile have fun.

posted on May, 31 2010 @ 08:49 PM
reply to post by SparKzzz

"For some reason there is a source of hatred against Israel around here that can't be logically explained.

Really? Can't be logically explained? You must be joking. They just attacked a humanitarian flotilla, killed 16 civilians...if they had boarded the two American boats, and killed Americans, how would you feel then? In my view Turkey is acting with restraint by merely escorting the next flotilla. I don't hate Israel, btw. I am outraged by this action though. If you weren't blinded by unthinking support for anything Israeli, you would be outraged too.

edit to add: You cannot claim that the humanitarians started the hostilities, that would be like saying if someone broke into my house and I resisted them, I would be starting was international waters!

[edit on 31-5-2010 by joechip]

[edit on 31-5-2010 by joechip]

posted on May, 31 2010 @ 08:50 PM

Originally posted by loner007
LOL I cant believe people are bringing out anti semitism as an excuse for peoples hatred of israel. Ever since Israel was founded 50 yrs ago or so Israel has proved not to be good neighbours with anyone and all middle east issues stem from that. Also I like to add is Britain has had its fair share of terrorism through the actions of the IRA and its breakaway groups. DO you see British troops firing blind into groups of people? DO you see British troops driving tanks through peoples houses? DO you see the British Government having a blockade in Northern Ireland? Theres are ways of dealing with terrorism and Israels overkill is the problem and their attitude. Talks are the only way and if Israel cant talk to hamas just like the british government was forced eventually had to talk to sinn fein. So when it comes to knowing how to deal with terrorism Israel hasnt a bloody clue....

[edit on 31/5/2010 by loner007]

Very accurate. The Israelis were thrown everything they have at them and have no clue how to run a country. When you add into their superior complex and fanaticism, along with their inter-bred psychopathy, it is a very lethal mixture of chaos and terrorism. Along with the fact that these Khazars genuinely believe they were conceived as God's "children", it presents a case of brazen disregard for their neighbors.

If I was a Khazar and believed I was "God's chosen children" I would certainly feel like I can do anything. Imagine that, a group of psychopaths who believe they can do anything. Isn't that dangerous? No wonder they have nukes and a programme to utilize them if they do not get what they want. Thank you Europe and America for fertilizing this beast. I am 110% sure they will be the next group of superior-complex psychopaths to detonate nuclear weapons on a land that did nothing to them. Psychopaths latch onto people who can provide something for them (America) and when the psychopath is forced to work, they attack their main source of welfare (America). Americans, expect another false flag thanks to your tax-aide to Israel.

[edit on 31-5-2010 by TSawyer]

posted on May, 31 2010 @ 08:51 PM

Originally posted by star child
reply to post by ElectricUniverse

Two wrongs dont make right. As for folks talking about the destruction of Israel, seems to me your the only person on here thats talking about that.

Really?... i guess all Palestinian apologists are not calling for international action against "Israel", and even many have called for a war....

Israel is more than it's military, and it's politicians, it is also formed of regular people...

And btw,knowing the truth about Palestinian terrorist tactics you are going to tell me that this couldn't have been staged to give bad press to Israelis once again?.... As if Palestinian terrorist organizations don't brainwash young Palestinians into committing suicide for their so called cause....

posted on May, 31 2010 @ 08:52 PM
Do you realize that the so called 'peace' flotilla had armed combatants that fired on Israeli commandos and that they tried to lynch them?

Israel withdrew their forces from Gaza and were rewarded for the generosity by a barrage of rocket attacks on kindergartens and other soft targets. I don't blame them for wanting to search the flotilla for weapons shipments.

It's just sad but not surprising that muslim terrorist nations like Turkey, would want to escalate this. All those raging nations that hate Israel, will lose rather spectacularly. This has been prophesied.

Expect the stealth muslim-manchurian candidate in the white house to side with the terrorists.

posted on May, 31 2010 @ 08:55 PM
This isn't the first time Israel has attacked ships in International waters.

Does the USS Liberty ring a bell?

After surveilling USS Liberty for more than nine hours with almost hourly aircraft overflights and radar tracking, the air and naval forces of Israel attacked our ship in international waters without warning. USS Liberty was identified as a US naval ship by Israeli reconnaissance aircraft nine hours before the attack and continuously tracked by Israeli radar and aircraft thereafter. Sailing in international waters at less than five knots, with no offensive armament, our ship was not a military threat to anyone.

Some of us haven't forgotten.

For those who think Turkey stands no chance against Israel, you are mistaken.

posted on May, 31 2010 @ 08:56 PM
reply to post by TSawyer

If you choose to deny what I wrote in my previous post, then you choose to deny the Bible as well.
Now, here's a little history lesson for you, the Bible has never, EVER been proven wrong in over 4000 years, and never will.
Hints why it is still the best seller every year.

Now, you are any where from 10-80ish years old. I believe I will trust the Bible over you and your inexperience any day.

You know not what you speak of. Few do. Jerusalem is the key to it all. Which explains why every kingdom in since the beginning of time have fought over, don't you think that's just a little weird?
Maybe there is something to the Bible after all?

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