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What in the World are They Spraying [Official Trailer]

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posted on May, 26 2010 @ 10:02 AM
Chemtrailer here...

Some members bring the "science" to "debunk" us.

Dum dum DUM dum.

I bring some physics. Contrail physics.
From said model:

1. Contrails composed of water vapor routinely dissipate, as the physics and
chemistry of this model will demonstrate. As a separate and distinct
set of events, clouds may form if temperature, relative humidity, and
aerosol conditions are favorable to their development. If "contrails"
by appearance transform into "clouds", it can be concluded that the
material of composition is not water vapor.

You can say, no that is wrong, but then, you would have to dispute the physics and show error in the model to do so, wouldn't you?

Some of you are TOO much. (Some on ignore, we HAVE to move on...)
Go back to saying that Muslim fanatics with no flight experience orchestrated 911.

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 10:03 AM

Originally posted by Goethe
This subject has more evidence and fact and science supporting it than anything else on ATS.

Its not called Chemtrails. Its called Aerosol Forcing.

Want proof? Go to the Department of Energy's website.

You dont publish progress reports on something that doesnt exist.


Do you really think agents would spend time on debunk chemtrails? Ha, you are being paranoid!

There are zero proof on chemtrails. Stop this nonsense now! There are more important things to discuss on this site!

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 10:06 AM

Originally posted by One Moment


C'mon, this is totally ridiculous!
Chemtrails doesnt exist!

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 10:07 AM
reply to post by FCBGO3311

Just so we are clear...

This IS a "chemtrail" thread...

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 10:09 AM

Originally posted by Stewie
Just so we are clear...

This IS a "chemtrail" thread...

And you have been informed that these chemtrails doesnt exist, right! Stop this now!

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 10:10 AM
reply to post by gortex

What the debunkers here and others do not understand is that the chemicals DO NOT come out of the jet exhaust. There are nozzles on the wings that spray the chem trail out.


Look half way down the page and they have a photo of the tube on the wing. I have flown all over the world and have sat behind the engines on a 747 and have seen NO vapor trails beside or behind the plane. I have also witnessed, as one other individual here posted, the shorter contrails that are exactly how it should be. The exhaust is hot, sure, but the vapor trail would be minimal no matter how much condensation is in the air, once the exhaust molecules cool off the vapor would disipate. You can see some planes let out huge plumes and some very small plumes. Use binoculars and see the difference.

What about the flights that the Nigerian air force had forced to land and there was also a plane forced to land by Pakistani air force and both were found to have large storage tanks and nozzles on the wings. The CIA got involved and caused terrorist activity because niether country would release the planes, which were U.S. military.

Chemicals are sprayed, it reduces the oxygen intake of people and animals, this is what causes cancer, lack of oxygen in the blood and organs. So why has there been an increase in cancer cases? Boy who would have guessed?

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 10:11 AM
A contrail should NOT persist, certainly NOT for hours, expanding, on a cloudless day. They would quickly dissipate, as the model I referenced above shows, and what I have observed to happen all of my life.

We just have to figure out what these planes are spraing up there, and who is authorizing and paying for it.


posted on May, 26 2010 @ 10:18 AM
Wow I cant believe I'm going to say this, but maybe the anti Christ is here.
Watching this video, showed an aspect I've never thought of GMO's.
And once I started doing my bubble chart, boy did that seem like a missing part of the puzzle, personally when I look at the chem/contrail (always found the contrail an ironic name.) I have always felt that something is not right, specifically when i go out on a clear day and watch a trail turn into a cloud. though aluminum does occur in our atmosphere naturally, they did find some high traces and that on its own is alarming.
The messed up part is it was only a month ago that I watched that ancient aliens doc, where they said the Sumerians came here for gold to insert in their atmosphere.
Only a company as evil as the GMO companies could actually get their fingers in this pie and get to lick them too.
I've never thought of how they could possibly take a way the lands fertility from us... You gotta wonder how far are some people willing to go just to control the masses and make a buck, oh wait monsanto right.....
Learn how to grow indoors
with compost..

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 10:18 AM
This is great! Thanks for the link!

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 10:19 AM
reply to post by Stewie

You are wrong.


I have seen literally thousands of contrails in my career...from every angle and just about every altitude.

They are so normal, we hardly even notice them. They are, in composition, NO DIFFERENT from naturally-occuring cirrus clouds. Only their shapes have a distinctive look because of their method of formation.

Once formed, if conditions are right, they WILL remain for a long time, and even grow....

AND, if anyone wishes to claim that clouds don't form, and grow naturally, then they are surely succombing to ignorance, in a quest to foolishly cling to this ridiculous "chemtrail" hoo-haa.

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 10:29 AM
reply to post by Chadwickus
Oh no problem you've already done that for me...

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 10:34 AM
reply to post by stars15k

I totally agree with this guy. All the people in the video are morons, to be blunt.

Someone needs to ask these tards how long the government has been spraying "chemtrails", because I distinctly remember watching them in 1970 or so when I was a kid, fascinated by how the CONTRAILS would form. I'd watch the planes go over through my dad's binoculars for hours. I thought it was cool because you could tell how fast the plane was going by watching the exhaust come out. Sometimes the CONTRAILS would dissipate right away and sometimes they would linger and spread out, forming clouds. So they are saying that chemtrail spraying has been a long-term government project that is at least 40 years old.

Let's all say it together: CONTRAILS. Condensation Trails.

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 10:35 AM
reply to post by daddio

NO!!! Not again....

THAT website is baloney....

First, you pointed out the "nozzle"??? That is the FUEL JETTISON NOZZLE! Not all airliners have a fuel jettison ('dump') system, generally only the widebodies.

When installed there is ONE on each wing trailing edge. IT IS FUEL, in that photo, being dumped! (AND, fuel is damned expensive, so they ONLY dump it for emergency reasons, to lighten the weight for unscheduled return to landing).

Rest of that website's pictures?? Well, they show the (now iconic, and totally misrepresented and misunderstood) photo of a TEST airplane, with the tanks installed inside the fuselage...those tanks are filled with WATER! They don't "spray' out, they pump the water around, between the tanks, to alter the center of gravity during flight tests!

THEN, the 'other' iconic photo of the spraying apparatus on the tail? THAT is used to spray WATER (again) for inflght icing tests.

I suspect, by now, the people running that website know these facts....SO, they either keep the site up because they have some agenda (usually $$$) or they are complete idiots, and actualy beleive the garbage they say....:shk:

I continue to be amazed at people's gullibility, and lack of basic science understanding...

Here is a video example of an actual fuel jettison event, filmed by a passenger (happened to be on MY airline, though I wasn't involved)...

Here's one someone captured from the ground:

(Note that in ALL cases of contrails, the contrails form DIRECTLY BEHIND, and in line with, the engines).

BTW....fuel jettison rates are such that it is usually accomplished in only about 20 minutes, depending on amount needed to get down to landing weight, and depending on the airplane type.

Here's a KLM Airbus (either an A-330 or A-340):

Here's another Continental (don't blame the airline! It was an emergency!!!) Note the gear is down, they needed to get on the ground ASAP, and didn't have the luxury of going out over the ocean for the dump:

AND, yes...there was a smell of jet fuel on the ground, immediately below, as the YT comments point out.

The pilot reported he had 61,000 lbs of fuel after dumping 170,000 lbs. He requested a long final to EWR 22R and was given a 20 mile final.

Everyone understand that?

BUT< when I watch, I can estimate its altitude, and it's only about 1,500 - 2,000 feet above the ground, there. (Unless the video was zoomed in, can't tell...other comments say 4,000-4,500 feet, which could be correct, for 20 miles out). However, since the gear is down, at the point it was filmed it probably is not 20 miles out....we usually put the gear down around 5-6 miles out, about 1,500-2,000 feet.

AND, I know it was an emergency, because our procedures call for the jettison to be terminated and secured BEFORE the gear is put down...that's why I knew they couldn't delay the landing...

FAR, far different than what "chemtrailers" claim, coming from as high as 30,000 feet!!

[edit on 26 May 2010 by weedwhacker]

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 11:44 AM
It seems to me... I may be wrong...

Nobody here so far has disclosed that they have actually sprayed chemicals from an airplane. Also, there really is no way to prove that these are not chemicals coming out of the airplane. Most people point to other people who claim to know or are an authority. Do you really know... "Science!!!" It is simple, it is "Science!" All the proof that is needed... the earth used to be flat... "Science!"

Money trumps everything, everything ends at the end of a barrel of a gun.

The point is, nobody here really knows for sure one way or the other. There probably is no way to prove it one way or the other either, definitively. Therefore, those that believe that this is happening... go about your business as if it is happening and keep thinking that it is happening... and it will happen. Those that believe that it is not happening... go about your business as if it is not happening and keep thinking that it is not happening... and it will not happen.

Focus on what you can control, what you can change, what is right in front of your face... do what you need to do, enjoy what you want to do... be happy, laugh, play, it will all change before you know it... time is changing.

Love and Light,

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 11:51 AM
Not much input to the whole thread, but I need to say one thing. The Chemtrail Theory is the one thing that discredits all conspiracy theorists. Whenever I talk to someone or post on some forums about some conspiracy theory, people reply "yeah, yeah, and poisonous contrails and shape shifting reptilians". All discussion is then over.

There is so much evidence regarding contrails, I can't see why in the world would anyone still believe in chemtrails? When you go to a forum about flying, about aircrafts, spotters, weather or similar and post something about chemtrails, they will kill you with their laughter. Of course, someone will say "They are all part of the conspiracy!!!!!1111one"

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 12:19 PM
reply to post by relu84

Just because a huge group of people believe in something does not make it entirely correct.

I would like to know why i see many of these "contrails" have a break in them, then continue on later in flight,

Or how it is apparently easier for these things to form during warmer days.

And if they ARE just exhaust fumes that somehow attract water and make these bizarre dull white clouds , maybe we should have the jets flying at lower altitudes cause NOONE wants clouds like this to form !

Since this began i can barely see any stars at night which makes me rage.

A haze permeates all the time, i have not seen a real blue sky in over a decade and i miss it very much.

If it is so easy to make clouds then why not fly tons of jets over top of drought-ridden areas at this elevation.

I also watch them float closer to the ground as they move inland and have observed them come down RIGHT TO THE GROUND where we were observing this crap being flung all over the place.

Hmm, 95 F and i have ice particles and mist from a "contrail" covering amazing amounts of sky, being blown inland and somehow it just wont dissipate.

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 12:28 PM

Originally posted by GrinchNoMore

Just because a huge group of people believe in something does not make it entirely correct.

I would like to know why i see many of these "contrails" have a break in them, then continue on later in flight,

Because the conditions in the air are not static. A few feet to the left and no contrail will form at all. A few feet to the right and you'll have a cloud for the whole day.

Originally posted by GrinchNoMore
Or how it is apparently easier for these things to form during warmer days.

Because whether contrails are visible at all or how long they persist depends, amongst other things, on temperature.

edit - oh, and 95F on the ground doesn't mean it's as warm (or as some people think, warmer) up there!

[edit on 26/5/2010 by relu84]

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 12:33 PM
reply to post by GrinchNoMore

Firstly, before I begin, it is evident that you have a vital misconception regarding what you experience on the ground, in terms of temperature and humidity, compared to what is happening in the atmosphere thousands of feet above your head.

A bit of reading on the make-up of the earth's atmosphere is suggested, for you.

Now, to answer some questions:

I would like to know why i see many of these "contrails" have a break in them, then continue on later in flight...

Two very basic reasons come to mind. Understand that the air is not perfectly homogenous, it can vary greatly in temp and humidity, both with altitude (only a few hundred feet vertically, sometimes) and horizontally too.

An airplane that is climbing or descending can pass through these different layers, and the effect can be seen as "on/off"...or, if in level flight, again the air composition changes as the jet flies through different areas.

Now, we see your misunderstanding about atmosphere at higher altitudes, compred to the ground:

Or how it is apparently easier for these things to form during warmer days. should have already had the answer fo rthis one, if you'd paid attention:

And if they ARE just exhaust fumes that somehow attract water and make these bizarre dull white clouds , maybe we should have the jets flying at lower altitudes cause NOONE wants clouds like this to form !

The answers have been given, many times. You can also look it up online.

A haze permeates all the time, i have not seen a real blue sky in over a decade and i miss it very much.

Don't know where you are, but that sounds more like selective memory, than actual fact.

I also watch them float closer to the ground as they move inland and have observed them come down RIGHT TO THE GROUND where we were observing this crap being flung all over the place.

I seriously doubt that.

Hmm, 95 F and i have ice particles and mist from a "contrail" covering amazing amounts of sky, being blown inland and somehow it just wont dissipate.

See above comments. Try learning about the atmosphere, its structure, and meteorology. Books, or online references.


Clouds don't come "RIGHT DOWN TO THE GROUND" as you seem to think. Certainly, they can form, and it requires near 100% humididty for fog (actually just a form of stratus, that contacts the earth's surface) to form. Fogs can also 'blow in' from offshore, carried by prevailing winds.

Best way to prove how clouds really behave is by watching time-lapse:

Here's a rather long video (notice the clouds don't "come down":

[edit on 26 May 2010 by weedwhacker]

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 01:58 PM
Can anyone explain the contrails that, trail behind a plane, stop abruptly and then start again?

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 02:00 PM
reply to post by Trogdornator
hahahaha I've seen that two!

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