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What in the World are They Spraying [Official Trailer]

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posted on May, 26 2010 @ 05:36 PM
Who said I was in fear? I do not fear this or any other s*** that might hit the fan. When my time is up, it's up. I do however have something against keeping the public in the dark about certain agendas that might effect everyone's health and the environment in a negative way.

Frankly, I don't care if you think it sounds silly what I've said. It merely was meant to give an idea, that the color and texture of the clouds looked like anything I've seen so far.

And no those were not multiple planes. It was one and the same plane we saw making turn around. I guess, since you weren't there in person, you will just have to take my word for it...or not. Either way.

I am not claiming to know the whole truth, but neither should you. As far as I see it, you probably have as much evidence and fact to deny the existence of chemtrails, as there is to proof it.

Time will tell, I hope, to see what is really behind that.

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 05:42 PM
reply to post by stars15k

Oh, so THAT is how you debunk something.
Some lab somewhere debunked Carnicom. It's on the internet somewhere, let me find it.

Old saying: Don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining.

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 05:45 PM
reply to post by stars15k
"Yes, I would say 9/11 "truthers" are far from any form of real truth as they can get."

Umm excuse me? people like you are the reason these monsters aren't in jail....So your on a conspiracy website right? What "conspiracies" do you believe? Or are you here to do nothing but belittle? This isn't condensation the past three years they have been spraying giant x's over my house and many others...Your not, and no one else is going to tell me this is water vapor...

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 05:46 PM

Originally posted by stars15k
reply to post by Serafina

Yes, I would say 9/11 "truthers" are far from any form of real truth as they can get.
Same with UFO'ers.

Very telling indeed. Now I know the caliber of the gun pointed my way.

So to speak.

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 05:48 PM
reply to post by NWOWILLFALL

now we know what we are dealing with on the debunker side.

God, it feels GOOD to be right...

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 05:53 PM
reply to post by Stewie
Care to elaborate?

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 05:53 PM
reply to post by NWOWILLFALL

So your on a conspiracy website right? What "conspiracies" do you believe? Or are you here to do nothing but belittle?

Calling ATS a "conspiracy website" isn't really accurate. is the Internet's largest and most popular discussion board community dedicated to the intelligent exchange of ideas and debate on a wide range of "alternative topics" such as conspiracies, UFO's, paranormal, secret societies, political scandals, new world order, terrorism, and dozens of related topics with an impressive demographic mix of members.

More than a slogan and deeper than a mission statement, our members have embraced the motto of "Deny Ignorance" as our reson detre, demanding everyone who posts to aspire to a higher standard of participation. These simple two words have galvanized a broad membership base that spans the spectrum from highly speculative conspiracy writers to staunch skeptics. The result is a unique collaboration of diverse individuals rallying under this simple statement to learn from each other, discover new truths, and imagine new ideas that expand minds.

You may be at the wrong address if you're just looking for agreement. But you're right. Contrails are not water vapor, they are composed of ice crystals.

[edit on 5/26/2010 by Phage]

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 05:56 PM
reply to post by Phage
Yeah, well contrails don't last all day...

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 05:57 PM
reply to post by NWOWILLFALL

You're sort of right.
Contrails don't always last all day. Only when the conditions are right.

[edit on 5/26/2010 by Phage]

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 05:58 PM
reply to post by Phage

This may not be a conspiracy web site but I am pretty sure that this is the " General Conspiracies" section

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 05:58 PM
You know I am starting to wonder if these repetitive (yet important) threads like: Chemtrails and 9-11 , aren't offered up as a form of cyber warfare.

I mean, we're CLEARLY divided on those two topics.

But then the 'believers' are then dubbed 'un-educated and the 'non-believers' are called 'debunkers'.

I mean.....c'mon already.

The two exist. 9-11 took place AND..... there is an unprecedented amount of 'unusual' cloud covering taking place throughout the entire WORLD in the past few years.

Now, where it goes from there are....people's opinions.

But, I have to believe that those of you who take it to the next level and deny it (like 9-11 was a hologram and 'chemtrails are contrails') must really have an agenda that I've yet to figure out.
Is it you're bored? Brainwashed? Antagonistic souls?

Somethin's up though.

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 06:00 PM
reply to post by Phage
Yeah well my town see's all weather conditions along with these things or "contrails"

[edit on 26-5-2010 by NWOWILLFALL]

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 06:01 PM
reply to post by NWOWILLFALL

I suspected that a certain poster did not believe in 911 truth either, and I got my affirmation.
I agree with you that there is spraying being done, and that muslim fanatics with little flight experience did not fly those planes into the WTC.

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 06:02 PM
reply to post by Serafina

@ Sera...

It was one and the same plane we saw making turn around. I guess, since you weren't there in person, you will just have to take my word for it...or not. Either way.


Please, to the best of your recollection...what time frame was involved here? You say y'all saw the airplane continuously, saw it turn around? Did the contrail continue throughout the turn? Are y'all CERTAIN it was only one airplane? Nobody took their eyes off of it, not for a minute?

Location too. Date. Relative size (in order to get a ball-park estimate of altitude).

Now, just for fun, a website for you to learn more, about airplane routes, over your area:

SoCal, did you say? Try entering 'KLAX' in the airport field on the site, then click 'activity'. (edit, I went and did it for you, in THAT link).

Oh, and Sera....did you possibly see an airplane in a holding pattern? (I can explain what that is, but you can also just google it, will be easier).

Here's a photo of an airplane that made a contrail as it was 'holding':
(Actually, either more than one, or it was descending as ATC allowed it down in the 'stack'...)

[edit on 26 May 2010 by weedwhacker]

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 06:04 PM
reply to post by Stewie
Did that have a double meaning or sarcasm? No offense I just didn't get it...

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 06:08 PM
reply to post by One Moment

One Moment.....

I've extended the hand of friendship to you in 2 different threads, in the past several hours.

Yet, you simply continue to attack with your name calling, etc...

Would you like me to continue my attempts to communicate sensibly with you?

Kind regards
Maybe...maybe not

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 06:12 PM
reply to post by NWOWILLFALL

No double meaning or sarcasm.

For clarification:
I believe something is being sprayed in our skies. I don't know what it is, but something IS being sprayed. I don't care if Obama, Rumsfeld, Cheney, Putin, Weedeater, or Jesus Fage himself tells me it ain't so.
I believe the towers were brought down by people much more sophisticated than a bunch of patsy muslim yahoos. I don't know who, and I will not trust Obama, Rumsfeld, Cheney, Putin...
well, you get the idea.
I hope.

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 06:13 PM

Originally posted by relu84
Not much input to the whole thread, but I need to say one thing. The Chemtrail Theory is the one thing that discredits all conspiracy theorists. Whenever I talk to someone or post on some forums about some conspiracy theory, people reply "yeah, yeah, and poisonous contrails and shape shifting reptilians". All discussion is then over.

There is so much evidence regarding contrails, I can't see why in the world would anyone still believe in chemtrails? When you go to a forum about flying, about aircrafts, spotters, weather or similar and post something about chemtrails, they will kill you with their laughter. Of course, someone will say "They are all part of the conspiracy!!!!!1111one"

Exactly. Rods were a big thing for a while, even more ridiculous than chemtrails. I wish chemtrails would go the way of the rods and people would stop insisting that they are something other than CONTRAILS.

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 06:18 PM
reply to post by Stewie
Yeah I got that it was just the first sentence I didn't get...Well yeah once you do hard independent research on 911 and are willing to hear each side of the argument It's easy to see, something is definitely up...I listened to both sides equally until I couldn't take the let's just say less of a brain argument...
As with chemtrails I'm still listening to both sides but It's hard to do when your 80 year old grandma says she's never seen anything like some of these patterns they are doing...

[edit on 26-5-2010 by NWOWILLFALL]

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 06:32 PM
@Weedhacker (EDITED: sorry for the confusion with Stars)

You know, I've been thinking about answering your question, and while I know you will view this as confirmation or easy way of me bugging out, I won't answer them. Why? Not because I can't answer them truthful to my best recollection, but what's the point really? Let's be honest, after reading the statements you have made so far, you know as well as I do, that whatever I would write you would disagree with and take it word for word apart.

One thing though, I've never said anything about southern California.

[edit on 26-5-2010 by Serafina]

[edit on 26-5-2010 by Serafina]

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