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What in the World are They Spraying [Official Trailer]

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posted on May, 26 2010 @ 08:54 AM
reply to post by One Moment

Your photo is simply the contrails produced by multiple airliners flying at high altitudes.

It really isnt that hard to explain

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 08:54 AM
reply to post by One Moment

Your photo is of an air traffic corridor, at a time when there was enough available atmospheric water to support the formation and persistence of contrails. The multiple lines are cause by multiple planes; because the atmosphere is constantly moving, the contrails will drift, leaving a "clean" path for the next plane leaving a conrail.
The cirrus clouds show that there was probably a storm front approaching, as cirrus clouds preceds fronts.
That is all your picture shows. It does not show chemical content, so any claim of "chemtrails" is unproven.

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 08:56 AM

Originally posted by stars15k

Originally posted by GrinchNoMore
reply to post by Phage
Planes follow those routes.

Good gawd. We'd better think twice before boarding because it looks like they're serving cocktails in the cockpit!!!

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 08:57 AM
reply to post by NWOWILLFALL

Thanks for confirming your maturity and intellect.

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 09:00 AM

Originally posted by stars15k
reply to post by One Moment

Your photo is of an air traffic corridor, at a time when there was enough available atmospheric water to support the formation and persistence of contrails. The multiple lines are cause by multiple planes; because the atmosphere is constantly moving, the contrails will drift, leaving a "clean" path for the next plane leaving a conrail.
The cirrus clouds show that there was probably a storm front approaching, as cirrus clouds preceds fronts.
That is all your picture shows. It does not show chemical content, so any claim of "chemtrails" is unproven.

You're joking, right?

This photo was taken over the Atlantic ocean!!!!!!!!

We are not running out of sky space!
Air traffic controlers "CONTROL' the amount of planes that come in or fly out. Hence, flight schedules are in place.

So you're telling me, 6-8 different airplanes either took off or are coming in at the same time (not to mention, over the Atlantic Ocean)?


I am convinced I am dealing with a bunch of Nethanderal nit-wits or psychological warfare patsies!

[edit on 26-5-2010 by One Moment]

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 09:02 AM
reply to post by stars15k

Too funny, how serendipitous!!

I swear, I didn't read your post before adding mine!

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 09:06 AM
reply to post by One Moment

I didn't know they had street lights and trees in the Atlantic...

Who was the neanderthal again?

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 09:08 AM

Originally posted by LurkerMan
reply to post by stars15k

he thinks if he calls himself a shill before we do it will somehow lesson the damage.

no kind sir, your join date and terminology says it all.

You beat me to it

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 09:11 AM

Originally posted by Chadwickus
reply to post by One Moment

I didn't know they had street lights and trees in the Atlantic...

Who was the neanderthal again?

In order to have an "ocean', land must be present at some point or else, this planet would be a giant fish bowl!

There's such a thing as a coast before the Ocean....... bone-head.

Case in point: There are no airports heading out or coming in from the Atlantic ocean that would cause 6-8 or 10 jets to all be flying at roughly the same altitude unless this was taken during an air-traffic controllers' strike!!!!

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 09:11 AM
I am going to post this video on every page until someone starts calling me a patsy, shill, or disinfo agent, just so I know you have seen the evidence that blows the chemtrail theory to pieces.

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 09:12 AM

Originally posted by One Moment
reply to post by stars15k

So this whole entire Chemtrail compaign has been a total conspiracy to hoodwink and further divide the minions then, huh?

Fake patents.
Not FAKE, just proof of ownership. Not proving existence of the article in question
Misinformed people.
Absolutely. People need to learn about science from scientists, not youTube
Wrongful studies.
Not "wrongful". Flawed and debunked as useless.
Impossible findings.
Impossible assumptions. Flawed tests have no real findings.
Lying weathman.
Most of the meteorologists I've spoken with laugh at the whole "chemtrail" idea. It won't work. And most "chemtrail" news reports are wrong and/or misunderstood by misinformed people.
Longer lasting jet vapors.
Absolutley. Cleaner burns, cleaner fuel, different engines leave different contrails. It's called persistence. Googling "persistence in contrails" yields 7030 results beginning with scholarly articles.
Changing cloud coverings
Clouds have remained the same for millenia. Contrails do make cirrus clouds; the overall effect is still being studied.
Fibbing pilots.
Pilots I've contacted laugh at "chemtrail" theory. And you need to remember these same pilots are "gulty" of spraying everyone they love down below. Does that make sense?
Wow....this makes 9-11 look like kids stuff!

Believing in more than one conspiracy is not multitasking. Research more. Ask better questions. Question the answers you receive. Expect solid answers, not supposition and inuendo. Look for qualified scientists, not people whose income is solely derived by promoting the internet myth. They are the only one's making money. They are the shills, not a 49 year housewife and grandmother.

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 09:16 AM

Originally posted by I_am_Spartacus
I am going to post this video on every page until someone starts calling me a patsy, shill, or disinfo agent, just so I know you have seen the evidence that blows the chemtrail theory to pieces.

There is no dispute that contrails exist!

Oh my gawd. Get me off this thread.

Here I watched yours. Now, you -----mine please:

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 09:17 AM

Originally posted by One Moment
Why is every single nay-sayer not addressing my photo question?

Please please please please please.......explain it. What's so hard about that?
You seem to know what you know (whereas, I am only guessing) so, tell me what these common-looking skies of late, mean.

The more you ignore me the more transparent you're starting to become!



This thread is still another "myth', misunderstanding" or just plain "hoax" rant.
In my opinion there has been enough clear, easy to understand explanations, sources and self-evident information provided by people that thoroughly de-bunked this "chemtrail" hogwash.
I used to work on Poseidon (C-3) missles. We launched one off of Cape Canaveral. Man, you should have seen THAT "chemtrail", which it really was, chemicals, you know solid rocket fuel and all, hehe!!

Now about your photo... Where were you located? What was the season, upper atmospheric parameters, etc.?
I have seen "chemtrails"
just like this in Roanoke, VA in the fall and winter. Roanoake is part of the N-S and E-W corridors. DC going west and NY and Philly going south and vice-a-versa. They are CONTRAILS not lost pilots, get real.

Anyway, thanks for listening and stop with "chemtrail" BS.

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 09:17 AM
I have a question for youstars15k. You say you have done all this research on this matter and found that there were no signs of harmful anything blah blah blah. I do wonder where your information came from. I must ask the question..... is this government data you are referring to???????

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 09:18 AM
reply to post by One Moment

So weather only happens over land? No.
Did I say all the planes were flying at the same time? No.
Did you pay attention? No.

And yes, planes fly over the ocean along the coast. Shorter routes sometimes. Less noise over populated areas. Less air pollution over populated areas, too. Not chemtrails, though. Jet exhaust.
You've made up your mind. You are a lost cause, too.
Now you start calling me me a shil and disinfo agent, then insult me more. It's the "chemtrail" script.

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 09:19 AM
reply to post by One Moment

Bone head?


Hey here's a thought.

Flash, modern aircraft can fly across vast oceans these days!

I know, I know, sorcery you say, but stay with me here....

Many jets will fly over this vast ocean to get to places like the hallowed continents of Europe, Africa and Asia...

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 09:20 AM
reply to post by One Moment

Well...this comes as quite a shock to me...since as an airline pilot I HAVE flown out over the Atlantic many times, to and from various locations in North America and Europe and the UK....

Case in point: There are no airports heading out or coming in from the Atlantic ocean that would cause 6-8 or 10 jets to all be flying at roughly the same altitude unless this was taken during an air-traffic controllers' strike!!!!

I suggest you find and grab hold of some aviation charts that cover the areas you mention, and then LOOK at how the airspace is setup, and how routes are designed. I spent quite a while in another thread explaining how air traffic in the vicinty of Cambridge, UK would tend to funnel in its vicinity, I'll go find it and link it on edit.....

Oh, and regarding your little made a reference (I assume) to the fact that the copntrails look irregualr and ragged, and suggested "drinking" by the pilots??

Do you reailize (unless you were jesting, and it WASN'T funny at all) how silly that sounds?? You DO understand that there are very strong winds, up at altitude, don't you?? Especially in the North Atlantic, and especially in winter months. Our earth's atmosphere is very dynamic, and is ALWAYS changing.....


OK, back....HERE is the post that triggered the challenge, regarding Cambridgeshire UK:

THEN, I did some work to pull this together as an educational dip into the World of International Airline Flying, ( North Atlantic version ) for those who aren't well-schooled (yet) in it:

I suggest y'all take some time to study.

Oh, and...THAT only focused on the area of the North Atlantic where the NAT Tracks usually are designated.

There are ALSO different routes from the Americas ( don't forget Mexico, Cenral and South too ) that fly over the Atlantic, bound for Europe (and return)....

South of the NAT routes what are used are called "Random Routes". Just latititude/longitude locations sometimes...but also, from South America, there are FIXED oceanic routes for the southern seas, just as there are FIXED oceanic routes in the Pacific....North Pac, South Pac....ALL the world's oceans.

Really....these "chemtrail" claims just make pilots laugh, they're so silly, and display such vapid ignorance.

[edit on 26 May 2010 by weedwhacker]

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 09:22 AM
reply to post by One Moment

Your ignorance on this topic is amazing. How can you say that there is no way 6-8 planes will fly in from the Atlantic Ocean!! You would probably get 6-8 plans flying in from the Atlantic every 10 minutes if you live near a major airport. Even if you dont live near a major airport you might be near an air corridor (plains dont just fly randomly, they have specific routes that they take so that they dont crash into one another). What you have there is just a lot of contrails from air traffic.

I cant believe you are making a fuss about this. You say you have an open mind but you just insult people who are trying to inform you.

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 09:25 AM
reply to post by GrinchNoMore

LOL, During the late 70's and early 80's I lived not far from a live fire range in Southern New jersery, planes were always flying over and guess what I saw all the time...

wait for it...


Now I live on a major flight path from Ohare and what do I see? Contrails!

This is not new.

Take a look


Pretend is fun, facts are stupid

[edit on 26-5-2010 by Helmkat]

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 09:26 AM
reply to post by dorton

Well of course you will not choose to believe anything from a government source.
Yes, some of my information I've gathered from US sources. Also European, Asian, Austrailian, Japanese, Canadian...pretty much any country where planes fly. What is telling about these reports is that they support each other. True, good science is repeatable, which means tests are done multiple times, by many people under good conditions.
It also includes studies from universities, commercial sources, and the science of hundreds of years.
I have no reason to fear or distrust the government, and automatically excluding them because you do, is just enforcing your ignorance. I've followed the science and the science does not change no matter who did the research.

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