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As I have already pointed out, black markets are regulated by the gangs and cartels, and they are much more heavy handed than government.
These markets also flourish much better when they are legalized and regulated.
The person you defended did claim that there hasn't been a free market since the mid 1850ties, you backed him up, you are also making the claim. Follow the links back, you are caught once again to play deceptive games.
The market place does not struggle to be free, it is not a person. The market does not struggle at all, it is what it is.
You are the one who brought up banks, and the wiki links prove you wrong and me right. SnL functions began expanding before Reagan, and deregulation under Reagan was the principle cause. Your over analysis of "It's a Wonderful Life" aside, SnLs did very well during that era.
When you stop attacking me by parroting right wing attack points, I will stop making fun of you for these lame attempts.
As far as Reagan's presidency goes, 1984 was his best year, which was as much a result of stiff fiscal policy from the Carter years to reign in inflation, to Reagan's following of classic Keynesian economic theory through massive government spending through creation of debt. After 1984 it was all down hill, with ever increasing deficits, the SnL disaster, on and on.
Regulations worked fine under Clinton, and business thrived. Only under neocon free market admins who do not believe that businesses should be regulated, and who therefore do not regulate, does crime run rampant, Thus proving your wrong.
Gingrich believed in the free market with more religious zeal than you do. You cling to the same ideology as Gingrich, and your pretension otherwise is a sham.
I scanned through Marx communist ideology as a kid, recognized what nonsense it is, and never looked back.
You on the other hand actually spent time studying it, and yet you still don't recognize its intentions, which I quickly saw scanning through the nonsense as a kid. This is why you, and so many other students of Marx, now embrace free economics. It is hardly a coincidence.
I didn't begrudgingly admit Locke recognized property rights, it is one of the first and key elements I pointed out.
Your intellectual dishonestly is prime example of the foolishness that embraces free market communism.
The woman selling cheap socks, and the guy selling fruit isn't engaging in black market activity, any more than the kid mowing lawns under the table, but at least you have lightened up.
Your characterization of the market as a person is deeper than semantics, it is all about the obsession with the markets, and your whole voodoo approach to economics. Face it, economics is more religion than it is science.
Yeah, you went a little too deep into "It's a Wonderful Life". It was a paragraph too long. It is a nice movie, great to watch at Christmas time, don't take it too seriously.
For someone who claims not to embrace any political philosophy, you certainly are passionate about the core of Reagan's economical beliefs. I only bring them up because it shows a clear failure of trying to implement free market economics.
And of course you choose to deny the economic success of the nineties under Clinton, which prove free market economics wrong, but no, you have no political biases.
There was a time when public service was looked upon as an honorable endeavor.
There is a little rottenness in us all.
The U.S. government has been regulating business since before we became a nation, and it has worked very well for the most part. Do you know what a cow catcher is and why old time trains had them?
Just because Newt worked the system doesn't mean he wasn't passionate about the free market concept. The fact that someone like Newt was so passionate about the free market concept might be a clue.
Um, yeah, I am a defender of the rights of property, which is why I am against the free market system which encourages theft through fraud. I have been pretty consistent on this.
I spent at least a half hour on Kant's "A Critique of Pure Reason".
I am no expert on Marx, I was just quickly able to see through the BS, and the whole utopian dream thing.
There was a time when public service was looked upon as an honorable endeavor.
Yes, I corrected the start stop mistake.
It is the job of congress, as per the U.S. constitution to write the laws that set up the various groups necessary to govern the U.S., do all those things the constitution says that the federal government must do, protect the borders, look after the general welfare, coin money, regulate interstate congress, and all that.
Congress writes all the laws that creates all of these agencies through law, determines how bank charters are issued, how patents are applied for, and all the numerous details that go into these decisions. This is what congress is supposed to do according to the constitution.
The agencies established by the congressional laws to carry out these necessary goals is managed by the executive branch, as per the constitution. The Treasury department finds a place to build a mint, hires people, writes contracts for bank charters according to congressional law.
Environmental pollution is a serious problem. Congress writes the laws establishing an executive branch to deal with pollution. They need to hire scientists to determine what is considered harmful to the environment, and how much of this stuff is allowed to be released into the environment, an how to dispose of that hazardous wastes. The executive branch needs scientists and people knowledgeable in these areas to determine this stuff and enforce the laws. This stuff is important, and can't be dealt with on some quasi as needed basis.
Common law courts can not deal with all of these issues, it is far too much, and far too complicated. You idea of how to deal with these things is way too simplistic, and way too unrealistic. You want everything to be determined by some citizen court system, and that is not what the U.S. constitution establishes.
The black market deals in goods that are deemed to be illegal, or provides goods that escape high taxes, not to sell socks or vegetables.
You problem seems to be at a local level, and I have already addressed that.
The government isn't going to let street vendors develop, because our sidewalks are not for retail space, they are to provide a place for people to walk. The police shut these vendors down because they want to use public places as their personal places of business, and that is not what these public places are for. If someone wants to sell clothing, they need to get a shop which they pay for to display their goods, and not expect people to walk around them on the sidewalk.
Next thing you know you have vendors fighting over key locations to sell goods on public sidewalks and then they trash the place and create problems for the local government to deal with. Not only that, but they take away business from the people who have invested their money to open shops, who have provided the space to allow people to shop, and who pay the taxes for police protection and public works. The street vendors expect to get everything for free that everyone else has to pay for.
This has all just gone off the deep end.
What you are describing is a bunch of hippie commune type nonsense, just proving me right that the whole free market concept is just communism repackaged.