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Originally posted by Jean Paul Zodeaux
It is hubris that is the source of folly, not freedom.
First, it is necessary to recognize propaganda, and once recognizable, it becomes necessary to reveal it to all who will listen, as propaganda.
One may rightfully argue that blame is irrelevant and unproductive, but I see it another way. To (properly) place blame on someone or something, if done correctly, it pinpoints the source of the problem. If the source of the problem is identified, it can be eliminated. It's better to kill the sickness than to let it live, and take Advil or Tylenol to relieve the symptoms.
Even so, blame is irrelevant, even if the fault belongs with us, how does blame fix that problem?
We can aspire to inspire all of humanity to greatness, or we can endeavor to convince all of humanity that they can never be free, are powerless, and others need to be protected from them. One effort is based on love, the other is fear based.
Freedom is the only logical answer to peace. All other solutions, are merely that; solutions. A salt solution is salt and water, and is not any answer to a problem, merely a solution. We need answers, and the best answer I have ever found is freedom, and love. I know of no better answer. Learn to love, and your compassion will arm you against the fear that any propaganda may bring. Learn to be free, and you will find it much easier to love.
Regardless, all my thoughts are purely my own, and I just wish to discuss them. To further explain them would take time, and it's late. However, I do enjoy discussing them with you.
I suppose I take a more cynical viewpoint on society.
Societies are easily manipulated.
Although large populations of the earth are more educated than ever before, there are still vulnerable masses.
History has shown us how easily the masses are manipulated:
To manipulate people for your own selfish gain is a terrible thing to say the least. Unfortunately, humanity is plagued with examples of this.
Yes, if the masses had the ability to do this, then it would be an ideal way to allow freedom to flourish and negative manipulation to diminish. Unfortunately, that is a big "if" clause. Perhaps it is accurate to say that the masses do not have the necessary tools to recognize such "propaganda"?
One may rightfully argue that blame is irrelevant and unproductive, but I see it another way. To (properly) place blame on someone or something, if done correctly, it pinpoints the source of the problem. If the source of the problem is identified, it can be eliminated. It's better to kill the sickness than to let it live, and take Advil or Tylenol to relieve the symptoms.
One may rightfully argue that blame is irrelevant and unproductive, but I see it another way. To (properly) place blame on someone or something, if done correctly, it pinpoints the source of the problem. If the source of the problem is identified, it can be eliminated. It's better to kill the sickness than to let it live, and take Advil or Tylenol to relieve the symptoms.
A parent sets boundaries and rules for the child because the child is not well fit enough to make decisions for themselves. Does the parent do this out of fear for the child's well being, or out of love? Or perhaps fearing for the child's well being is part of love?
I do subscribe heavily to biblical scripture, and love is the basic premise that should be the motive of all actions. Love is patient, love is kind. Love is willing, and love is caring. However, I don't particularly see love as the main agenda of Libertarianism. Instead, (and perhaps I am wrong), I see liberty and freedom as merely a way of people politically classifying their selfish impulse and desire to be free from all social and lawful restriction.
It is regulation that has caused this cleptocracy you accuse others of advocating.
Corporations, being state granted charters, are legal fictions and accountable to the people. That so much crime has happened without any accountability only underscores how bad regulation is.
The real answer is not to grant charters at all, then you won't have the problem with corporatism that we have today. Any foreign corporation that wishes to do business in the U.S. will have to operate as a private business, liable for every mistake they make personally, and not conveniently separated from their company.
Private institutions are private, and only a Marxist would advocate dictating what a private institution can and can not do.
Law is law is law!
If you commit a crime and the government let's you off because you are regulated by the government and they are complicit in the crime, what is that?
You continually reference Locke, seemingly ignoring that Locke had declared the pursuit of property as a fundamental right. What's up with that?
Locke saw the need for government and laws to protect our liberty and property rights.
Originally posted by WXBackdoor
reply to post by endisnighe
You are even crazier and paranoid that i thought.
Teabaggers are rotting the USA , be careful , stay safe kid.
[edit on 15-5-2010 by WXBackdoor]
Because Libertarian now means a bunch of Middle-American Rednecks complaining about a moderate government.
Because Libertarian now means against Universal Health care , and proper socialism.
The meaning has been lost , and hijacked by the Ron Paul people and teabaggers.
Libertarianism is right-wing now , well , I'm Left , so.. no thank you.
Not before 1850 as you proposed, nor after.
This does not stop people from believing in this fantasy, or from pursuing policy to try and create such a system.
Banks survive and fail in a market system, mostly they only effect local economies, but widespread bank failures can shut down an economy. This has been demonstrated. In the fantasy world of the free market you can pretend any number of things will happen.
An SnL is as close to what a true form of a bank should be IMO. Sorry, but SnLs had checking accounts before 1980, and had thrived for decades.
However, savings and loans were not allowed to offer checking accounts until the late 1970s. This reduced the attractiveness of savings and loans to consumers, since it required consumers to hold accounts across multiple institutions in order to have access to both checking privileges and competitive savings rates.
In 1980, Congress passed the Depository Institutions Deregulation and Monetary Control Act, which looked toward the complete elimination of controls on the interest rates banks and S&Ls could pay and authorized checking accounts at S&Ls, homogenizing what had been a divided banking industry. As the Federal Reserve drove rates ever higher in the fight against inflation in the early 1980s, the S&L industry with few exceptions became insolvent.
A financial institution that resembles a bank but that historically did not offer services such as personal checking accounts and that invested capital mainly in home mortgages. In the late 1970s, Congress passed legislation freeing savings and loan associations (often called S&Ls) from their traditional dependency on home mortgage loans. In response, S&Ls invested their capital, often unwisely, in a range of enterprises, especially real estate. In the late 1980s, hundreds of S&Ls went bankrupt, leaving the federal government, which insured the accounts of depositors, with an enormous bill. Since then they have been subject to tighter regulation.
However, savings and loans were not allowed to offer checking accounts until the late 1970s. This reduced the attractiveness of savings and loans to consumers, since it required consumers to hold accounts across multiple institutions in order to have access to both checking privileges and competitive savings rates.
By 1980, ground once held sacred and secure by the banking industry began to breakdown. Interest bearing checking accounts called “Negotiable Orders of Withdrawal” or NOW accounts for short, were authorized for thrift institutions following a successful experiment conducted in the New England states during the late 1970's. Previous service lines of traditional passbook and certificate accounts could now be expanded to include this form of interest bearing checking. Public response to this new type of checking account was such that by 1981, Trenton Savings and Loan was once again feeling the building squeeze and began planning for expansion.
May 31, 1981 - Then, in 1980, the landmark Depository Institutions Deregulation and Monetary Control Act gave thrift institutions across the nation new powers, including the right to issue credit cards, offer negotiated order of withdrawal (NOW) accounts (checking accounts with inter- est), ...
Haven't you ever watched the movie, "It's A Wonderful Life" about that darned old savings and loan?
The Reagan-Bush era's of deregulation, and the twenties as well, all lead to economic disaster. Failure to create an evenly enforced fair set of rules is exactly what creates amplified economic swings.
If you would only carry this thought a little further, you might succeed in exposing the truth to yourself of exactly how much of a con the free market concept is.
Those regulations were made bad on purpose by Gingrich and his fellow free market con artists, in this latest round of economic fraud.
Just because the free market doesn't exist, doesn't stop people from believing in it, and following those who claim to represent it. Look at all the other phony religions out there.
You are starting to get it, we certainly do need a better system to hold people responsible for their decisions.
I guess you would know, didn't you admit earlier that you seriously studied Marx ideology at one time? The whole idea that any type of organization can dictate to people what they can do, is a very perverse idea.
Originally posted by poet1b
reply to post by ventian
I pretty much agree with what you are saying, we have far too much of a nanny state.
What I see is that government wants to control our lives, while ignoring the real criminals. With our current two party system, we are getting hit high and low.
It is so much more profitable to confiscate the property of drug dealers, hammer people with fines for failing to follow the complex maze of traffic laws, and grab peoples paychecks by tearing families apart. Lets not forget all those jobs created to cater to special interest groups.
What most people don't see is that most of this is done by the state and local governments.
I agree, buyer beware should guide our purchasing decisions.
Lets face it, things aren't always that simple. This GS thing is a good example. Everyone who participated in this scam should have to pay. This isn't an basic or easy problem to solve. The markets aren't going to punish these people. The billions they made from this scam will protect them.
Look at this latest oil spill that is still wrecking havoc. Not only should the corporate executives responsible for this disaster pay, but the politicians and lobbyist who set up this fiasco.
Let the companies go out of business, that should also happen, but this won't clean up this mess, nor will it hold the culprits liable. It is far more preferable that proper standards had been put into place before they were allowed to build these wells.
Who winds up with the final bill after the disaster?