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Female posters incapable of original thought?

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posted on May, 8 2010 @ 02:07 PM
Bah Humbug

20+ pages and no misogynists in sight. I'm off to find some arguements with idiotic people.

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 02:11 PM
It is all covered here folks. All you need to know in just over 300 pages.

Might do well in UFO Forum too.

Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus

For ADD types:


[edit on 8-5-2010 by kinda kurious]

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 02:28 PM

Originally posted by Tiger5
20+ pages and no misogynists in sight. I'm off to find some arguements with idiotic people.


Keep them in a hot tub or have them rub your feet when needed.

Said in respective Male and Female forum of BOTH give and take

Ignorant FOOL

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 02:52 PM

Screw that!

I'm an average JOE, I find all the BS models in Magazines or online attractive BUT I as a REAL guy would NEVER take them home to Mom/Mum. Be Advised That ASS-hat perception of females is and has been proliferated, It's all BS!

A Real Female, who you and I want to bring home, FOR us hetro males Could care less about boob jobs [even though] it catches our attention. That's not a real female!

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 04:27 PM
reply to post by thedeadtruth

Just because you are educated and even good at your job doesn't mean that you are encouraged to question. You are encouraged to do what you are told, they way you've been told to do it.

Are you asking me how to get these women you are interacting with to act in a manner in which you activate their thinking spot?

I'm actually pretty good at this. However, because of it I am not "in the fold." I am pretty much always considered "the smart one."

Here's the essence of approach. Women are already always so busy that they have every minute of their day covered. They usually don't have the will to try and incorporate more into their internal plan. It is good to pretty much realize that all the men you deal with have someone to fall back on for the hour they spend with you. The women spent 3 hours setting up being able to.

When they get to you, they are prepared to listen. They are not prepared to be challenged.

This means that when you talk to them you have to approach them as the hyper functioning person whose plate is already full, and whose mind is processing several other things up to the minute they come through the door.

They didn't come to be challenged. They came for information.

So just give it to them. You have now dealt with enough women to know the usual questions - annoying and other.

So answer the questions before they ask. Explain WHY the easier method doesn't work. Joke about how awesome it would be if it did.

Now, this may seem like over kill. If you have subsequent dealings with this person and even in that session, you will find that over the course of 20 minutes that their brain will start to get into the action.

Again, while the people you are dealing with are perhaps doing just fine - they are doing just fine usually by hyper functioning - and under functioning in the one area you are dealing with them in. It would be easier to just hand someone money and be able to turn off and let something else deal with this one area they don't have the energy to deal with.

Met them at that point. And you'll find that you can get them in short order to better interaction. Ask THEM questions in a lively manner. Asking questions makes you seem like you are interested in them, and it makes them think. Which then puts them in a better frame for thinking.

You aren't just working against a culture sub-context that discourages questioning from women (it makes you a bitch), and women who are often already busy beyond belief, AND in an area that they have chosen to ignore AND in a subject that girls and women are often told that they cannot ever hope to be good in anyways.

Most of them are coming in with another 75kgs of baggage that you cannot see.

So yes, they probably don't want to think. And yes it would be WAY easier to hope that someone would just take their money and make it easy. You are in a business where you will absolutely confront some of the worst intersection of busy woman with their own baggage, cultural baggage and family baggage wrapped into one tired overweight woman.

Women may have the vote. They may have liberation. They may have education. But 25000 years of cultural sub-context isn't going to disappear in two generations.

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 04:42 PM
reply to post by kinda kurious

I hate that men are from mars women are from venus guy. He makes me want to kick him in the head.

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 04:50 PM
Normally I don't get too into any male / female discussions because I am rather weird. I just see myself as a person and gender hasn't much to do with it.

I do fear being discriminated against though. I am Female, I should probably point that out.

Yeah I don't care what you call me but I do worry over being passed over for work or getting into a tricky personal relationship that might have repercussions based on stereotypes.

I hate to see common sense or 'logic' smashed as well so - anyway - a few thoughts.

To quote HOUNDDAWG who is paraphrasing Camille Paglia here:

Paglia pointed out that men work well in teams to build pyramids and engineering marvels, but (with the possible exception of pro volleyball) there are few examples of women working successfully as a team, at least in the absence of male supervision.

OK. We don't even need to go into complex debunking of this here - we can simply use our common sense. Anyone can easily think of women who are able to work as a team, manage others, and are wildly successful. Ready? Lets go: Angela Merkel, Michelle Obama and all First Ladies of the USA, Seattle Sutton, Carrie Nation, Anne Richards, your Mom, Grandma and Sisters working together in your family, Madelyn Murray Ohair, Leona Helmsly, Betty Loren Maltese, Jane Byrne, Kat Von D, Businesses such as Avon, Tupper Ware, Mary Kay, that produced numerous female millionaires, Bonnie of "the team" of Bonnie and Clyde, Queen's Elizabeth (current UK, and the past Russian one), Vera Wang, OctoMom (not doing too hot, but she is limping along at running a large team there), Eva Perrone, Lucille Ball (dealt with Rheumatoid Arthritis on top of it), Martha Stewart, Tyra Banks, women in your own community who head and lead charity groups, church groups, manage extended family affairs, Dolly Parton, Madonna, the infinitely long list that exists somewhere of female owned businesses, Rachel Ray, Lady GaGa, Michelle Bachelet (President of Chile).....

Do I really need to keep going here?

If we think logically we can see that alot of "info" that is fed to us is simply flat out preposterous.

Normally I would not be irked by a person such as Camille Paglia because it is clear that she makes statements that are over the top and designed to provoke. Oh - and she's pretty successful and manages people too - her own success pretty much negates her own 'message'

It disturbs me more that people actually believe some of this tripe though.

Another "expert" I wish would just go away already is "John Gray" author of that ridiculous book "Men are from Mars women are from Venus". The guy is a crackpot. And I had hoped that more people understood that this guy was pretty much just writing his opinions and his so called "Phd" and credentials are highly questionable.

Evidently that news didn't spread as much as his "writings". And people think Dr. Phil (McGraw) is a crackpot? - but he *does have* a legit Phd. in Psychology.
Probably because Dr. Phil says things that make sense and are kinda tough to swallow. Like taking personal responsibility and not judging or blaming others and listening.

"Dr" John Gray - on the other hand - well, here ya go:
John Gray Wikipedia

Just as we don't take scientific or political ideas from People Magazine and The National Enquirer too seriously - neither should we take "Pop Psychology" too seriously.

We're trying to think logically here, yes?

On a personal note - I have 2 undergrad sci degrees and nearly done with a MS in math. Women don't understand math!? I'm no Freak Of Nature either because large numbers of women have quite alot of math. Here, you have to pass the first series of Calculus for Nursing and other med degrees. Lotta nurses out there, right?

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 04:52 PM
reply to post by Aeons

Ah c'mon, you didn't find the information about the Man Cave interesting?

Actually, that's all that I remember from that book. Lol.

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 04:54 PM

Originally posted by LadySkadi
reply to post by Aeons

Ah c'mon, you didn't find the information about the Man Cave interesting?

Actually, that's all that I remember from that book. Lol.

I think he had an argument about the colour black that I thought was funny. Other than that, I wanted to find him alone in an alley.

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 04:56 PM
When I joined ATS back in 2004, it was not many Females members in the site, It was hard to be taken seriously also.

But we have come a long way and I am happy that ATS is now a very nice place for Females of all ages.

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 04:57 PM

Originally posted by prettygreeneyes26
reply to post by Jenna

rather attention seeking this thread isn't it. female posters what a joke seriously this thread is incapable of original thought!

Boy, what a skull full of mush. Do you read the posts by women without your head fully extracted from your rectum? They are some of the BEST posters and I truly respect the opinion of most. There are a couple as mentioned earlier in this thread that do not have their brains fully engaged. But ther are many men in the same situation!!!!

I have been a proud friend of Jenna for quite a while. As I peruse the threads searching for a nugget somewhere, I find it a rare treat to find a response from Jenna and I usually finish reading her post with a smile on my face. The last thing Jenna is, is "attention seeking". If you are implying this you are as wrong as you can be, bub. She's very well informed and more than ready to defend her position. Many of the other female posters are the same. It's posters like you that make fools of themselves for all of us to see. Bravo.

She knows I call her "the voice of reason" here on ATS and hold her in the highest regard. It's quite obvious you are commenting about something you have little grasp of and absolutely no idea of the contents of her posts and threads. Your problem, not ours.

I have many years on Jenna and many of the other women posters here on ATS, but those years have taught me that women are the "ying" to the mans "yang" (pardon the pun ladies) and have come to appreciate the views and opinions "from the other side". In my mind, a situation cannot be properly discussed without the womens point of view. There are many I may not agree with, but their input is necessary to me as any other to comprehend all sides of the issue being discussed. Sticking with it and trying to understand where women are coming from has made me change my opinion of a few of the female posters.

The one in particular is Janky Red. At first I found her a bit rude, crude and a bit off the mark, but I continued to read her posts for a few months, and I've found she has a sense of humor mixed in with her comments that I have come to appreciate. Heck even her avatar speaks volumes.

Same goes for BH if she's perusing this thread!!! I may not always agree with them but their opinion is as valid as mine.

So from an old guy, I say their posts/threads are necessary to ATS and to speak badly of or insinuate that women do not have the brain power to discuss all subjects posted, only shows your bias against women which shows us that you do not "Deny Ignorance".

Jenna, Janky, BH and the rest of the women on ATS, keep up the good work. I for one appreciate your posts and points of view.

[edit on 8-5-2010 by Oldnslo]

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 05:06 PM

Originally posted by Aeons
reply to post by kinda kurious

I hate that men are from mars women are from venus guy. He makes me want to kick him in the head.

And which planet would you be from again?

Mercy sakes, such anger and aggression.

ETA: Never mind. Read a few of your posts. I should have referenced "Fear of Flying."

[edit on 8-5-2010 by kinda kurious]

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 05:18 PM

Originally posted by kinda kurious

Originally posted by Aeons
reply to post by kinda kurious

I hate that men are from mars women are from venus guy. He makes me want to kick him in the head.

And which planet would you be from again?

Mercy sakes, such anger and aggression.

Oh, for the love of the CHILDREN! I'm from Earth. Where stupid authours mix bad understanding of Greeco Roman Mythology with bad metaphors about planets and stir in a healthy helping of gender to make money.

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 05:19 PM

Originally posted by Aeons
Just because you are educated and even good at your job doesn't mean that you are encouraged to question. You are encouraged to do what you are told, they way you've been told to do it.

I can personally vouch for that, especially when it comes to a working environment. I can't even count the number of times I've questioned why something has to be done a certain way, if I can accomplish the same task just as effectively but much more quickly using a different method, only to get funny looks in return along with "Because that's just how it's done." Then if I try to explain that I can do it quicker but just as correctly using a different method I'm told "That's not how we do it here. You need to do it this way." I don't know if men get the same response, but I sure have and the message is clear: Do as I say and don't ask why. Not such a good thing since why is one of my favorite words.

Originally posted by kinda kurious
And which planet would you be from again?

Personally I'm from Pluto. That's why I'm so cold and distant.

Cue the joke drums.

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 05:23 PM

Originally posted by Jenna
As do I, though heaven knows there are times I'd really like to do otherwise. They all go back to common sense though. Common sense will tell you that people are people regardless of gender and that if you want to be treated a certain way you should treat others that way as well. As far as interactions between posters here goes, common sense will tell you that if you want your posts and opinions to be taken seriously by the collective, you should take the posts and opinions of others seriously as well. By dismissing the posts and opinions of others based solely on some characteristic they have, to me you are essentially saying that you want your own posts dismissed based solely on some characteristic that you have.

Yes, but not all men, or women for that matter have basic common sense.

And ignorance is bred deeply, within ignorant circles, those where mistreatment of either gender is proliferated, absorbed, and or spread.

Not everyone, again of either sex, knows how to post intelligently, to be taken seriously.

And because this is the online environment, the semantics of de-genderizing is lost on some people, and ignorantly propagated by others, especially in the conspiracy theory genre.

Because, we as online citizens, in an online environment, often forget what we're delving into is already so obtuse to those we call sheeple, and therefore are not taken seriously, off line, if we are or are not is up for debate, we sometimes, sometimes, forget we need to definitively take each other seriously.


Otherwise, the sexism is the least of our issues, as an online community.

Because we're already divided amongst ourselves.

Originally posted by Jenna
Thank you! Careful though or you'll make me blush.

And you make me smile.

Originally posted by Jenna
Agreed. It's kind of a catch-22 though and I sometimes wonder how much 'political incorrectness' is actually just someone being overly sensitive and/or looking for a reason to be offended. There are obvious cases, like the comments I referred to in my OP, where it really is the comments that are being made. But there are others where it's not really clear to me how much offense was meant vs. how much was taken over an action or comment.

I agree with you there as well because we as a nation and online collective are often far too sensitive, and forget that we are all humans, first, and genders second.

Originally posted by Jenna
For example, in an office situation a man could say to a woman "You look nice today." The comment was intended as a compliment with no underlying sexist tones. It is far too easy for a woman to turn around and claim that he was being sexist because if she'd been male he wouldn't commented on her appearance. Then it becomes a case where no matter how much he denies it, she'll insist it was sexism.


Been there, done that, learned from my mistakes, and learned how to make better choices.

And through those actions, where I learned, plus working in food service for 16 years, working 2, 3, and 4 jobs, I learned pre-cognitive behavior analysis.

I can spot someone who will be overly sensitive as well as the ignorant ones, male or female.

Originally posted by Jenna
I think it's instances like that, where someone takes a sincerely meant comment out of context and adds intentions to it that don't exist, that cause every instance of true sexism to be considered as women just looking for a reason to be offended. (Run-on sentence for the win!

Context, content, and intent are all major important parts of how we say the things we say, through verbal communications, or in the online communications.

If we tread too carefully, we will mis-step and smash the eggshells, and if we tread too forcefully, we smash the eggshells, and we're damned if we do and damned if we don't.

Six of one and half dozen of the other so we have to thoroughly communicate.

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 05:40 PM

Originally posted by Aeons
Oh, for the love of the CHILDREN! I'm from Earth. Where stupid authours mix bad understanding of Greeco Roman Mythology with bad metaphors about planets and stir in a healthy helping of gender to make money.

Must agree with the author comment.

Be fruitful and multiply.

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 05:46 PM
thats so sexyst bro,man are just as bad as women,perhaps you are forgeting all the stupid idiots watching tv and drinking beer,while theyr wifes cook and clean the house? do the math

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 07:31 PM

Originally posted by SpartanKingLeonidas
Because, we as online citizens, in an online environment, often forget what we're delving into is already so obtuse to those we call sheeple, and therefore are not taken seriously, off line, if we are or are not is up for debate, we sometimes, sometimes, forget we need to definitively take each other seriously.


Otherwise, the sexism is the least of our issues, as an online community.

Because we're already divided amongst ourselves.

Agreed, and very well put.
Hard to get people to listen to the thoughts and theories presented here if we don't even bother to take each other seriously.

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 07:52 PM
Actually testosterone in the womb damages the corpus callosum, (like myself) are born brain damaged. Those of us not treating women with the intellectual respect they deserve must be trying to compensate on some level.

In all seriousness I have realized I do not have a complete perspective unless I include my wife's opinion on an issue. Male and female brains are different but one is not universally better than the other.

Also a good article on Male/Female brain differences:

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 07:55 PM

Originally posted by Tiger5
Bah Humbug

20+ pages and no misogynists in sight. I'm off to find some arguements with idiotic people.

I can pretend for your entertainment. I am guy,.. I wouldn't have to dig too deep ;P

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