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All Roads Lead to Rome

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posted on May, 16 2010 @ 11:58 PM

My involvement with this conspiracy and my research is not limited to the Internet or Books, but travel, and real life experiences, and real life interactions with some of the major players involved in this conspiracy.

This is intriguing, can you explain the interactions you had between the major players involved in this conspiracy?

posted on May, 17 2010 @ 06:57 AM
This thread could be the “epic” thread is was meant to be if the author was as open minded as he wants others to be.
Sadly his approach is no different then the powers that be. As the schools, state and government, Pr-to’s approach and rules are no different. He insults the intelligence of good intelligent men and women. The sad part is that he doesn’t even realize it.

It is the open minded (Non Christians, Religious Persons, and Christians aka Believers) who have the open minds where the author forces their minds not to expand but to contract.

The readers and posters and readers and non posters truly do have an open mind to All Roads Lead To Rome but are bound due to what is not comfortable to the author.
Truth is he insults the intelligence of these opened minded men and women even calling them names, thus hindering the thread greatly.

In his rules for his thread does he actually ask for an open mind in the specified subjects or does he, in reality, demand for the opened minded to, if fact, close their minds?

Think out of the box here Pr-to.

Many intelligent opened minded men and women would love to participate in what you present but instead they prefer not to participate with someone who ,although highly intelligent, can’t think out of the box.

The time and energy and devotion pr-to put into studying history, ect….and what he is sharing with us is wonderful.
But The Road Paved by Pr-to sadly he, with his not-so-open-mind, is the true debunker here.
He allowing what mentally masturbates HIS mind is where he fails to allow this thread to go “epic” as it truly should go.

Due to his ignorance, the intelligent and truly open minded men and women who are capable of forming their own opinions BUT who also choose to seek guidance from a ‘Master” of their choice, have chosen one of two (or more) choices.
1. To continue to participate in the actual “deny ignorance” portions of this but to ignore the authors selective narrow minded and insulting opinions of their chosen beliefs, which also insults their intelligence, or

2. The many non participators who choose not to participate due to the narrow minded author who in fact is the true victim of the powers that be, with his fight to keep G-d, which ever God the intelligent Christians, Non Christians aka Believers, and the Religious people believe in, he has in fact derailed the All Roads Lead To Rome thread it was meant to be.

The good new is Pr-to has more silent well wishers and prayers for him then he can imagine.
Maybe he will think out of the box, maybe he will give his thread the opportunity to be what it is meant to be? Maybe not.
The sad new is he in all of his desires not to be as TPTB, is a victim of them.

posted on May, 17 2010 @ 07:45 AM
reply to post by just sayin is all

People just have to use their head here. Proto already said his theories are speculative but in his view of it all, the Bible and all the religious books have been formulated to in fact oppose each other and in the long run, destroy each other. Now that is how he perceives the current situation.

Being speculative about that, one can look at it and say, "I cannot believe that man created the texts but I still can see where he would come to that conclusion." So if you believe that the texts were in fact created by our divine creator that is fine. Someone is still pulling the strings to bring the three major faiths to a boiling point and a final battle.

If I believe that God created the Bible I am not shut out from the discussion because I still can see a plan to accomplish in a very real way all that was written. So I believe in God and believe He wouldn't want us to destroy ourselves over Him and I believe He would tell us this. In fact the Bible doesn't say anything about killing people who do not believe in Him or what He has written. So someone is driving us to battle each other.

Open your mind. Think about the implications of letting policies that are very man made take us into a war that the fundamentalists believe are actually God's desires. That is very dangerous ground for everyone. Proto is saying to step outside of the box and look at the system and ask yourself if you see God's hand in what is going on or do you see man's hand?

This Elite Class is comprised of internationalists from the financial world, media moguls, powerful politicians, upper echelon military, and multinational CEO’s. Regardless their country of origin, they fail to see the world as you and I might see it, because they play ball on a global field. Where we see regions of national sovereignty, they see only potential markets to be exploited. Where we see individuals trying to lead their lives, they see us as merely insects to be squeezed for every last ounce of juice they can wring out of us.

Have you ever wondered where the 1.2 trillion dollars funneled through the IMF goes? What about our hundreds of billions that are given to the United Nations? Much of it is given to these NGO’s in the form of grants. The recent Health Care Bill had 159 such grants embedded in it. Your money is being used to dig your own grave with. I cannot fully expose the labyrinthine corridors of corruption in a singular accounting, but it is vitally important you begin to understand the depth of the ruse being foisted upon us.

[edit on 17-5-2010 by jackflap]

posted on May, 17 2010 @ 10:05 AM
reply to post by jackflap

It is rather a unique thread to be sure my friend JackFlap as we see here this morning yet another new member of ATS that has either joined just to comment on this thread, or has created another account to comment as a different entity on this thread.

Yet it’s not the fact that the thread has prompted dozens of people to go from lurkers to full fledged posting members that have made this thread rather unique.

What makes this thread unique is the very Hegelian nature of the Thesis versus the Anti-Thesis.

I have more or less presented the Anti-Thesis, to the Powers that Be’s Thesis on the History of the past 2,500 years that they would like us to accept.

As always when there are two polar opposites, the real truth is bound to lie in the middle somewhere between those two poles.

How close to one of the opposing poles is anyone’s guess.

Why is it a guess? Because there are so few sources of history, and they all have been tainted by the Powers that Be, and people who have a vested interest in presenting history a certain way, to motivate and justify perspectives, policies, laws and institutions.

Ultimately in life we all have to decide what rings true to us as individuals.

Yet the truth is, that the truth is a very subjective thing, and that is because the individual, each and every one of us, likes to present the truth to ourselves in a certain way that does justify our individual perspectives, embracing of policies, laws and institutions.

The truth then becomes a variable, and not a fixed or known fact, so that people can make those qualifications and justifications required internally, to allow them to motivate themselves appropriately to respond externally to the world in a fashion that they then see as sensible or wise, predicated on what they accept as the truth, to be a fixed element to be their guide.

One man’s hero becomes another’s villain.

The truth is most of us are plagued by internal doubts and uncertainties, insecurities and fears, as well as hopes and dreams, the duality of the conscious mind I spoke of at the beginning of the opening piece, and often the only way to quell those vagaries and frailties is through a very subjective application of the truth, that leads to enough certainty and resoluteness of mind and purpose for people to both establish an identity and a course.

One of the reasons people have such immense difficulty when it comes to the truth, is ultimately we all have to bear responsibility for our own actions, whether we want to or not, and we have been led through notions of God and Government to seek absolution for those actions, based by and large on manipulations of the truth.

A little old lady from Peoria who only drives her car to church on Sundays might never forgive herself for her tax dollars going to pay for dropping bombs on innocent children in war zones, in nations, full of people that have never attacked us, if she accepts ‘a’ truth that these people are innocent, and truly do not warrant or deserve such violence and murder and destruction.

However if her truth can be invariably made to be, that these are all heathen infidels that are set on domination and eradicating her, and her way of life, and her children and their children, well then it becomes much easier for her to justify, qualify, live with and actually support.

She isn’t sure of course to begin with, after all it’s human to question things, especially because duality of the mind.

Yet she knows she isn’t really a leader, but a follower, and she looks to leaders to giver her verbal clues and directions to form a truth, that will grant her what she absolutely wants more than anything, and that is the absolution, and peace of mind that comes from believing one is truthfully doing the right thing.

Because she does have natural doubts she is very open to in fact someone providing her a truth, that will grant that absolution, and that illusion, because the core of her nature is to do no harm, and try to be good, and do the right thing.

Instinctively and intuitively she knows that the decision has already been made for her by the Leaders, and by the Powers that Be, now all she really needs is the lie that will allow her to believe the truth is that it’s the right thing to do, by making that lie her truth, so she can put it out of her mind, and go on about the normal routine of her life, without having to feel responsible, guilt or remorse, or trepidation for the murder and mayhem and theft being carried out in her name, with her money!

The Government and the Powers that Be literally do have this whole process down to a pseudo science and present the Thesis always to help people arrive at a subjective truth, that manipulates them wholesale, often into supporting and paying for very bad things, for very bad reasons, often that will even hurt them, but to do so, and present it in a way, that she can believe is good for her, good for everyone else, and basically right.

So yes when someone like myself comes along and presents the Anti-Thesis, that absolution goes right out the window, and along with it the notion of being right and just, and then comes flooding back, those thoughts of responsibility, and the challenges of how a person could or should address those responsibilities.

Of course the challenges don’t end there, because a whole network of her peers, who also want absolution, who also want to be right, who also share the subjective truth that she is now woefully worried must be discarded so she can do the right thing, and in so doing really gain the absolution she wants, are going to descend on her like a hungry pack of wolves, to do everything they can for their own sake, to maintain the illusion of the Status Quo.

They of course will want to play on her uncertainties and insecurities to do this, her fears, and her natural inclinations for security, and acceptance, and they will use what ever pressures that they can bring to bear to nudge her back into the fold and the herd.

Apollo the care taker of herds and flocks!

All Roads Lead to Rome!

Of this there is no doubt in my mind.

Now, let us look at the Pentagon, they have a plan to attack every nation on earth and overthrow its government and dominate it, and occupy it militarily. They have these plans for every nation whether they are currently friend or foe.

They are called contingency plans.

Yet every 10 or 15 years they update the plan in regards to each nation, to factor in new population levels, new technologies on their side and our side, and new logistical capabilities on their side and our side, and new political attitudes on their side and our side, and new religious attitudes on their side and our side.

In short if the Pentagon wanted to attack Rome, it wouldn’t use a 1600 year old plan as some people imagine is put forth in the Bible.

Nor would they choose to be dependent on an outside source, they aren’t in direct communication with, to execute that 1600 year old plan for them.

Why so many people think there is some virtue or salvation in that is something that in fact I couldn’t be convinced of.

That this rankles some people, who would go to what ever lengths they can to apply the same old peer pressure, instilled in them by dogmas, and manipulations that they have come to believe give them absolution?

Well, that’s par for the course, for a collective that has been so infected, so long, in this enslaving process.

In this very deadly, violent, and self destructive enslaving process!

posted on May, 17 2010 @ 10:30 AM
reply to post by just sayin is all

This thread could be the “epic” thread is was meant to be if the author was as open minded as he wants others to be.

Actually it’s an Epic Thread, note above where ATS states this is an ATS Big Thread, and is subject to stricter oversight to minimize off topic posting.

The fact that you have stated you don’t believe that the thread is what it is meant to be, but could be what it is meant to be, shows clearly you have an agenda.

The thread is not for your agenda!

It’s about how Rome is using Religion, Banking, Laws, Media and Military Force to install a one world government.

As the author of the thread, no one could possibly know better than I, what they thread is meant to be.

This has been stated so many times, I am assuming the reason you have created a new account, today, in order just to make this one post, is because you are having trouble derailing the thread to suit your agenda.

You might want to make a thread that clearly outlines Your Agenda.

Sadly his approach is no different then the powers that be. As the schools, state and government, Pr-to’s approach and rules are no different. He insults the intelligence of good intelligent men and women. The sad part is that he doesn’t even realize it.

It is the open minded (Non Christians, Religious Persons, and Christians aka Believers) who have the open minds where the author forces their minds not to expand but to contract.

Am I insulting the intelligence of Good Men and Women, or are some members insistently failing to see that the thread is about ROME, and how it is using Religion, Banking, Laws, Media and Military Force to install a one world government, and feel insulted because I have studiously done my level best to keep the focus on the thread, on what the thread is really about?

Is the thread about people’s egos or is it about the actual topic, because the only thing that can be insulted is a person’s ego.

Yet while you are quick to compare me to the Powers that Be, by making blanket and slanderous assertions in regards to my own actions, where are these insults? The Quote Function on ATS is there for a reason, and the fact that you have to resort to just making blanket assertions without actually illustrating if these things have occurred, bespeaks someone with an agenda, to do the very thing you are decrying.

I have not forced my opinions or theories on anyone, or forced them to do anything. People volunteer of their own freewill to sign on and participate in ATS threads, and can either choose to post on topic or off topic, if you post off topic, someone may in fact mention to you that it is off topic. Why because it’s off topic!

The readers and posters and readers and non posters truly do have an open mind to All Roads Lead To Rome but are bound due to what is not comfortable to the author.

Truth is he insults the intelligence of these opened minded men and women even calling them names, thus hindering the thread greatly.

Sounds to me that the only thing binding on people as usual is a guilty conscious, and a desire to look for absolution for that by blaming everyone and everything else for their perceived woes, so yes if people are trying to turn the thread into a platform for their own agenda, and it’s off topic, well once again, it’s off topic.

To date 4 different threads have been spun off of some of the individual topics of this thread. So if there is some individual aspect of this twenty five hundred year old conspiracy, you want to turn into the most important issue it belongs in another thread, dedicated to that issue.

Some of the threads that have been spun off have been total failures because the people couldn’t do any better job presenting their ideas there than they could here, and there wasn’t much interest for them.

Some have been great successes and provided a lot of detailed research that warrants an opening piece and thread of its own to lay it all out, and a venue for a detailed discussion, that doesn’t then derail a thread with much wider ranging topics and multiple issues, because it now has it’s own appropriate stand alone venue.

So it’s one of those challenges people will either rise to, or fail to. If someone has failed to gain traction for their ideas or theories in this thread, to the extent that they would like to, that would either be because they were poorly presented, poorly thought out, or I and other posters, didn’t see the same level of importance in them.

No I am not going to allow anyone to derail the thread, so that after people spend however long reading the front page opening post, they show up then straight to the back page, and get a completely wrong idea about what the thread is about, because someone is attempting to dominate the thread with religious scripture, star gates, space aliens or Babylon or Egypt, or any of the other things the thread is not about, but are theories that some members are passionate about.

Start a thread; you can even post a link to it in this thread.

People shouldn’t let their ego’s stand in the way here, and when you take to spelling Pr-to like some people spell G-d, well clearly there is something going on in your head, that has everything to do with ego, and nothing to do with the thread.

So now that you have had your 15 minutes of Warholian fame, if you would like to post something on topic, please do so.

The topic is Rome and how it is using Religion, Banking, Media, Laws, and Military Force to install a one world government.


[edit on 17/5/10 by ProtoplasmicTraveler]

posted on May, 17 2010 @ 12:11 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Awesome way to explain it my friend. I was sitting down and thinking about this very thread before and watching the news. I was getting really fed up with everything and getting a short fuse with the everyday stuff I deal with. In my head I started wondering about the Bible verses that describe a beast with ten horns and seven heads and what not. Then I got really ticked off.

Who in their right mind when telling someone about a future event that has very big implications for them, would tell them something so vague? You have people running around and pointing at the sky wondering if they see ten headed aliens or star gates and every other thing this kind of imagery conjures. You have people swearing that they have deciphered the "hidden" meaning and low and behold it has everything to do with letting the ptb do what they want.

Why not just say, "Listen, in the future a man named so and so is going to try to trick you into following him. You'll know him because of this certain physical feature and he comes from here and his address will be..." You see what I'm saying? Someone is screwing around here and if the supposed leader of the Holy scriptures, the Pope, can't tell us then who can? Dude, I'm really ticked off right now because people will not pull their head out of the sand and look at this whole thing for real.

Realize people, you are being lied to at every turn to keep them douche bags in their comfortable positions of power. They are the ones driving us into the Middle East toward a confrontation that will result in the wholesale destruction of everything that you hold dear and God has nothing to do with it.

posted on May, 17 2010 @ 12:32 PM
reply to post by jackflap

What you have described is very similar in fact to how professional psychics work their marks.

They provide just a hint of outline to you, and then encourage you to fill in the rest:

Hello Psychic hotline Miss Cleo Speaking, who am I speaking too:

Hi Miss Cleo, my name is Jackflap.

Jackflap, I can sense you are troubled today?

Why yes Miss Cleo how did you know, that I am troubled today! That’s amazing. (because people who aren’t troubled love to call up and pay a stranger for off the cuff advice!)

I sense you are having money concerns and that a woman is involved!

Miss Cleo that’s amazing! How did you know that I am having money concerns and a woman is involved? (Probably because you are a man, and men are always worried about money and women, well, beer too, but you don’t call a psychic hotline for beer problems, you call the liquor store!)

At this point you are now convinced of Miss Cleo’s prophetic powers and are prepared to confide in her everything she needs to keep you talking at .99 cents a minute.

The more vague you make a prophecy, that either it is to get people to self interpret it for you to believe something has been foretold or to convince people to lean along those lines of thinking and then their actions and reactions.

How the Powers that Be manipulate us, is along the same emotional and psychological, human nature lines that a telephone hotline psychic does.

They know certain behaviors are inherent, and predictable, and as such are easy to manipulate. They also know through behavioral patterns and outcomes, that in fact it is entirely possible to manipulate people towards a desired outcome, once you gain their confidence to the point, that they can play on and influence these aspects of the human condition and psyche.

It’s not rocket science, in fact it’s just having a good solid understanding of human nature.

Yet the truth is that the Telephone Psychic doesn’t really care about your money problems, or your problems with members of the opposite sex, they care about their money problems and their problems with the opposite sex, which you are now the remedy for!

People who say what they mean, and mean what they say, just come right out and say it. There is no reason not too.

When Batman has to confront the Riddler, who is basically just a criminal, yes he loves to speak in Riddles, Riddle me this Batman!

What is he attempting to do? To hide the truth, why is he hiding the truth?

Because the truth will set you free from his own schemes and machinations, and falling victim to them.

Prophecies are nothing but a way to manipulate people, into going along with a goal, or actively pursuing a goal, by selling that to them as destiny, and getting them to believe in it, to the point that they will go along with it, and actively pursue it.

Don’t think that our ancient ancestors weren’t as smart as today’s telephone hotline psychics?

Guess again.

[edit on 17/5/10 by ProtoplasmicTraveler]

posted on May, 17 2010 @ 12:50 PM
This comes to me by courtesy and way of Schrodingers Dog:

While populists fiddle, Rome consolidates power

Ross Douthat writes a very important column observing that for all the populist anxiety about the consolidation of power in the hands of governmental and financial elites and the accompanying theatrics, power is inexorably moving toward the top and the center. Excerpt:

From Washington to Athens, the economic crisis is producing consolidation rather than revolution, the entrenchment of authority rather than its diffusion, and the concentration of power in the hands of the same elite that presided over the disasters in the first place.

The panic of 2008 happened, in part, because the public interest had become too intertwined with private interests for the latter to be allowed to fail. But everything we did to halt the panic, and all the legislation we've passed, has only strengthened the symbiosis.

From the Troubled Asset Relief Program to the stimulus bill, from the auto bailout to health care reform, we've created a vast new array of public-private partnerships -- empowering insiders at the expense of outsiders, large institutions at the expense of small ones, and Washington at the expense of state and local governments. Eighteen months after the financial crisis, the interests of our financiers, C.E.O.'s, bureaucrats and politicians are yoked together as never before.

This is the perverse logic of meritocracy. Once a system grows sufficiently complex, it doesn't matter how badly our best and brightest foul things up. Every crisis increases their authority, because they seem to be the only ones who understand the system well enough to fix it.

Is it possible, then, that civilizational complexity is a threat to liberty? If we think of civilizational complexity like an asset bubble, it becomes necessary to keep the bubble inflated no matter what, because the cost of a rapid deflation would be unbearable, or at least seems to us to be unbearable. Put another way, we are prepared to turn over an enormous amount of power over our liberties to the government and to transnational elites because the cost to us in safety and comfort is too great. When I say it like that, it sounds harsh, and I don't mean necessarily to condemn others. I don't mind at all people condemning the massive bailouts as immoral, but they had better understand what would have happened absent the bailouts -- the deep and widespread suffering that would have come about through the economic collapse. Nevertheless, the fact that to most people, whether they admit it or not, the bailouts were inevitable tells us something about how illusory our liberties really are, in part because we are not prepared to bear the cost of maintaining them. You don't believe me? Good luck to the politician who tells people that we have to raise taxes and cut spending to balance our books, or forfeit America's future freedom of action to China and its international creditors

How long can this go on? Does history give us any examples of a highly centralized government run by managerial elites that decentralized itself peaceably, in the absence of a collapse? This calls to mind a post from last month about Joseph Tainter's book on the collapse of complex societies. I quoted Clay Shirky's remarks on Tainter's thesis:

Complex societies collapse because, when some stress comes, those societies have become too inflexible to respond. In retrospect, this can seem mystifying. Why didn't these societies just re-tool in less complex ways? The answer Tainter gives is the simplest one: When societies fail to respond to reduced circumstances through orderly downsizing, it isn't because they don't want to, it's because they can't.
In such systems, there is no way to make things a little bit simpler - the whole edifice becomes a huge, interlocking system not readily amenable to change. Tainter doesn't regard the sudden decoherence of these societies as either a tragedy or a mistake--"[U]nder a situation of declining marginal returns collapse may be the most appropriate response", to use his pitiless phrase. Furthermore, even when moderate adjustments could be made, they tend to be resisted, because any simplification discomfits elites.

When the value of complexity turns negative, a society plagued by an inability to react remains as complex as ever, right up to the moment where it becomes suddenly and dramatically simpler, which is to say right up to the moment of collapse. Collapse is simply the last remaining method of simplification.

Ross's column is about problems caused by centralization of the power elite being responded to in the only way our system knows how: by intensifying and strengthening the dynamic that made the system so unhealthy. A system so complex and interlocked that a mortgage bubble collapse in southern California can trip a massive global recession, and which, in turn, can only be saved by doubling down on the dynamic that mortally imperiled it, is a system that's far more precarious than it appears.

Clearly Rome is on a lot more people’s mind’s than mine, in relation to the events that are driving the world at this pivotal and precipitous time.

As the author of this op-ed piece suggests, it is our very own inaction, and indecision, on confronting and dealing with these things, the inevitably hurts us, and gives more power to centralized authority.

It is why divide and conquer is their strategy to lead to that indecision, and the fact of the matter is, that as we have seen in this thread, we are easily divided through petty manipulations and egos, to in essence work at nothing all day, but dividing ourselves to the point of inaction, for the sake of emotional satisfaction and ego.

All of these human characteristics are in fact so easy to exploit, that in reality all you need is one very determined core group of like minded men, intent on taking advantage of this vacuum, created on the part of the masses to shape the world into their own image.

Yet it's not just Proto and some alternative publications and venues dealing with these mounting challenges.

posted on May, 17 2010 @ 01:01 PM
Yet as an observant SD is noticing, these are not just alternative ideas, from alternative venues, but he also discovered this from yesterday in the New York Times:

The Great Consolidation

Published: May 16, 2010

This feels like a populist moment. Americans are Tea Partying. Greeks are rioting. Incumbents are being thrown out; the Federal Reserve is facing an audit; Goldman Sachs is facing prosecution. In Kentucky, Ron Paul’s son might be about to win a Republican Senate primary.

But look through these anti-establishment theatrics to the deep structures of political and economic power, and suddenly the surge of populism feels like so much sound and fury, obscuring the real story of our time. From Washington to Athens, the economic crisis is producing consolidation rather than revolution, the entrenchment of authority rather than its diffusion, and the concentration of power in the hands of the same elite that presided over the disasters in the first place.

Consider the European situation. For a week after Greece’s fiscal meltdown began, all the talk was about the weakness of the European Union, the folly of its too-rapid expansion, and the failure of the Continent’s governing class to anticipate the crisis.

But then the E.U. acted, bailing out Greece to the tune of nearly a trillion dollars, and dictating economic terms to Athens that resemble “the kind of thing a surrendering field marshal signs in a railway car in the forest at the end of a bloody war,” in the words of the Washington Post columnist Anne Applebaum. If the bailout succeeds, the E.U.’s authority over its member states will be dramatically enhanced — and a crisis created by hasty, elite-driven integration will have led, inexorably, to further integration and a more powerful elite.

This trajectory should be familiar to Americans. The panic of 2008 happened, in part, because the public interest had become too intertwined with private interests for the latter to be allowed to fail. But everything we did to halt the panic, and all the legislation we’ve passed, has only strengthened the symbiosis.

From the Troubled Asset Relief Program to the stimulus bill, from the auto bailout to health care reform, we’ve created a vast new array of public-private partnerships — empowering insiders at the expense of outsiders, large institutions at the expense of small ones, and Washington at the expense of state and local governments. Eighteen months after the financial crisis, the interests of our financiers, C.E.O.’s, bureaucrats and politicians are yoked together as never before.

A similar, quieter consolidation has taken place in the realm of national security. After campaigning against the Bush administration’s foreign-policy overreach, President Obama has retained nearly all of the war powers that George Bush took up in the wake of 9/11.

Yes, some of the previous administration’s more sweeping claims have been repudiated. But the basic post-9/11 architecture of executive power — expansive powers to detain, interrogate and assassinate, claimed for the duration of an open-ended war — looks destined to endure for presidencies to come.

Taken case by case, many of these policy choices are perfectly defensible. Taken as a whole, they suggest a system that only knows how to move in one direction. If consolidation creates a crisis, the answer is further consolidation. If economic centralization has unintended consequences, then you need political centralization to clean up the mess. If a government conspicuously fails to prevent a terrorist attack or a real estate bubble, then obviously it needs to be given more powers to prevent the next one, or the one after that.

The C.I.A. and F.B.I. didn’t stop 9/11, so now we have the Department of Homeland Security. Decades of government subsidies for homebuyers helped create the housing crash, so now the government is subsidizing the auto industry, the green-energy industry, the health care sector ...

The pattern applies to personnel as well as policy. If Robert Rubin’s mistakes helped create an out-of-control financial sector, then naturally you need Timothy Geithner and Lawrence Summers — Rubin’s protégés — to set things right. After all, who else are you going to trust with all that consolidated power? Ron Paul? Dennis Kucinich? Sarah Palin?

This is the perverse logic of meritocracy. Once a system grows sufficiently complex, it doesn’t matter how badly our best and brightest foul things up. Every crisis increases their authority, because they seem to be the only ones who understand the system well enough to fix it.

But their fixes tend to make the system even more complex and centralized, and more vulnerable to the next national-security surprise, the next natural disaster, the next economic crisis. Which is why, despite all the populist backlash and all the promises from Washington, this isn’t the end of the “too big to fail” era. It’s the beginning.

So who in fact is driving these Great Consolidations? The truth is that we are uncovering endless evidence in this thread that All Roads Lead to Rome!

So for those who are following along with the thread or just discovering it now, you might want to ask yourself now, and are disappointed that the thread isn’t quite what you would like it to be, is how turning it into a discussion on star gates, or hidden symbols, or space aliens, or biblical passages, or ancient Babylon or Egypt is actually going to do ONE thing, in preventing these consolidations from occurring and the Central Authority gaining even more power through them, to all of our detriments?

[edit on 17/5/10 by ProtoplasmicTraveler]

posted on May, 17 2010 @ 02:06 PM
Well it’s time for the old 2010 Census Update in the United States Inc’s ongoing attempts to include Protoplasmic Traveler on the rolls!

This was a Census Supervisor who knocked on the door today, and I asked him if he knew what the Census was and he gave me the standard canned explanation, of how it’s to provide and allot goods and services to my community!

I told him that was not correct, and would he like to know what it was really about, and he said he did, and wow, but I mean wow, he really meant it.

He stood there for twenty minutes as I started him out on the Treaty of Paris, and how the English Monarch dictated the terms of the Treaty, and was the actual entity that insisted the Census be established. I explained to him that this was because our forefathers had attempted to steal the lands, and properties, of the Holy Roman Empire and the European Monarchs and Creditors who owned it. That the Holy Roman Empire and the European Monarchs, simply turned around and reincorporated us as a corporate entity that they names for us, and showed him the Registered Trade Mark on the Census Envelope showing that the United States is in fact a corporation, and that things that do incorporate are in fact merging into a larger body. I asked him what could be a larger body than our own country?

I went on to explain the Federal Reserve System, and asked him if he thought we ever had paid off our Revolutionary War debts, to which he replied, no, I don’t think we have.

I explained to him about the 14th amendment and how we were all made citizens of the State Corporation, and that the States are incorporated into the United States Inc, and it too is incorporated into a larger body.

I explained to him about how the government uses contract law, and that the census is a contract, and explained to him what the legal definition of resident is, an on call, 24/7/365 day a year employee.

I explained to him, that it is we the people who have to pay for all the debts that the corporation takes out through the taxation process, and that the census is a head count to present to our creditors to determine how much more credit the corporation can receive.

I asked him if we were that in debt to foreign banks and our federal reserve is foreign owned, who really controls the country, and he replied foreign banks do?

He then asked for books, and resources where he could learn more about this, thanked me profusely and put away his forms, and in fact guiltily so.

He not only understood why I wasn’t participating in the census, but agreed with my decision, and thanked me for explaining all these things to him, and vowed to keep looking into these things, because he too has his suspicions about the way the world is being run, and wants to know more.

The truth is that we have opportunities to throw the brakes on all this consolidation and the individual power to stand up and do so.

It just takes some honest people, not afraid to speak up and speak to the truth.

posted on May, 17 2010 @ 02:49 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

So for those who are following along with the thread or just discovering it now, you might want to ask yourself now, and are disappointed that the thread isn’t quite what you would like it to be, is how turning it into a discussion on star gates, or hidden symbols, or space aliens, or biblical passages, or ancient Babylon or Egypt is actually going to do ONE thing, in preventing these consolidations from occurring and the Central Authority gaining even more power through them, to all of our detriments?

And I have to ask,how is exposing them on the internet doing anything to stop anything either? You're not the only one to discover that "All Roads Lead to Rome". Any opposition to their plans are always quashed,correct?
Do you really think what you are doing is going to lead to bringing Rome to it's knees? I hardly think so.

However,I'm all in favor of bringing things to the light of day,and that is what we can do. I know many would prefer to stay in the dark,as in "Ignorance is Bliss!",but some of us like to see things for what they are.
This is what is good about this thread and other sources that are doing the same thing.

I can see you wanting to keep certain elements out of this thread,especially if they "speculate or theorize" outside of your line of "speculating and theorizing",but I don't see how what you are doing is offering anything concrete in ways of ending the way things are either,if that is what you claim to be able to do.

(And just in case you are insinuating that the "just saying" person may be me,I assure you it isn't. I have no problem speaking directly,as I always have,and would never begin to equate you with G_d,even in jest.)

posted on May, 17 2010 @ 03:16 PM
reply to post by jackflap

Awesome way to explain it my friend. I was sitting down and thinking about this very thread before and watching the news. I was getting really fed up with everything and getting a short fuse with the everyday stuff I deal with. In my head I started wondering about the Bible verses that describe a beast with ten horns and seven heads and what not. Then I got really ticked off.

Who in their right mind when telling someone about a future event that has very big implications for them, would tell them something so vague? You have people running around and pointing at the sky wondering if they see ten headed aliens or star gates and every other thing this kind of imagery conjures. You have people swearing that they have deciphered the "hidden" meaning and low and behold it has everything to do with letting the ptb do what they want.

The Bible states that TPTB will be doing these things,just as they are doing,and like I've pointed out,no amount of talking about it on the internet is going to do a thing to stop it!

And those who study things like "the ten horns",etc,can discern what those symbols mean,because the Bible interprets itself. I'm not saying all interpretations are correct,but some are better than others,to be sure.

It doesn't come right out and "name names",probably because God wants us to seek Him with all our heart and pray for discernment through His Holy Spirit.

I know that's a hard thing to grasp for people that want it all laid out in plain sight,but God doesn't work that way,which is why He spoke in parables.

People on here are too ready to dismiss such a thing as God-given wisdom and think the Bible is all about brainwashing the masses to suit TPTB. It's not about that. It's about salvation through Christ and warns us all about the "adversary" and how he operates. Do people twist the Bible for their own agenda? Yes.(Even Satan can quote Scripture.)

I find it interesting though that even people who say they believe in God and the Bible are just as quick to say they do not believe in Lucifer/the devil. So,they pick and choose what feels comfortable for them to accept,and disregard what they don't want to hear.

I'm not trying to derail this thread. Just don't like seeing all believers dumped into the same category.

posted on May, 17 2010 @ 03:17 PM
reply to post by On the Edge

Can you honestly say, people having better information, won't lead to people making better choices.

Once again as I explained elsewhere there is a fine line between floating ideas, and actually fermenting treason and sedition.

What if everyone stopped watching mainstream news? How would that effect the sponsorship revenue stream that makes in profitable, and more importantly how would the corporations and the government then get there message to us?

What if no one volunteered to fight the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, how would that affect the military industrial complex and the banks that finance us and enslave us to debt?

What if no one used banks to keep their money in? What if they stopped using credit cards, and stopped borrowing money? How would that affect the banking industry, and what kind of pressure would it place on the corporations to increase wages, if people stopped working for wages that they can’t really afford to work for.

What if people stopped buying foreign made goods and boycotted the stores that sell them almost exclusively, how long could the big corporations go before addressing the problem in their markets that created?

What if people stopped hiring illegal aliens to mow their lawns, and watch their kids, and fix up their houses? How would that effect the flow of illegal immigration and a labor pool that allows corporations to hold down wages?

What if people didn’t fill out the Census, and refused to allow their employers to withhold payroll taxes and declared them selves exempt?

In fact why would people do things to support a bad system, once they are aware of how bad a system is, and how it is hurting them, and supporting that system will only hurt them further?

What if people developed some common sense?

What if they actually stood up for the things that they believe in?

Can you really honestly say, having better information won’t lead, or can’t lead to people making better choices?

Can you really honestly say, the more people refuse to go along and challenge the system it doesn’t have an impact on the system, in weakening it, and slowing it down?

Can you honestly say you are better served, challenging my beliefs and perspectives as opposed to your own?

Can you honestly say, believing there is no way, is a smart way to find a way?

Where there is a will, there is a way!

I am the guy who is in fact doing my job and my part in challenging all of these things.

Do you really honestly want to be the other guy that doesn’t?

[edit on 17/5/10 by ProtoplasmicTraveler]

posted on May, 17 2010 @ 03:34 PM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
reply to post by On the Edge

Can you honestly say you are better served, challenging my beliefs and perspectives as opposed to your own?

Proto if I understood this quote right, I would like to say, I never took anything "on the edge" said currently or in the past as his challenging your beliefs and perspectives at all. I have understood him to say all he is doing is adding another persons view in the mix. He comes across as counter balancing when you share your beliefs and perspectives.

On the edge adds a nice mix and with respect, imo

posted on May, 17 2010 @ 03:48 PM
reply to post by sweetliberty

I am not saying he doesn't, but...this is not the topic of the thread.

Style is one thing, substance is another, and the thread is not a style competition, it’s a venue to deliver TOPICAL substance.

No one is trying to censor or censure anyone, but to keep the thread on topic.

No sooner than I get it back on topic, then it degrades back into discussions of style.

I am asking posters to post on topic, issues of substance that actually contribute to the TOPIC of the thread.

I took the time to create the thread because I believe it is an important topic.

I take the time to keep it on topic because I believe it’s an important topic.

I try to add posts of substance to the topic, because I believe that is what the thread is for.

The topic really is the topic, and the topic is ROME and how it is using Religion, Banking, Law, the Media and Military Force to install a one world government.

Maybe this might help to view it in the context I am, the thread is not about Religion, the thread is not about Banking, the thread is not about Law, the thread is not about the Media, and the thread is not about the Military.

The thread is about ROME.

The thread is about what Rome does.

The thread is about what Rome does, to grow Rome, and expand Rome.

Each aspect of what it does, and how it does that is important. Yet, no aspect is more important than the whole, and that is Rome.

This should only be hard for someone to appreciate only if they don’t want the thread to be about ROME.

It’s a pretty simple concept, and once again, I am asking people not to let their egos or passions or agendas get in the way of the Substance, and Topic of the Thread.

This really shouldn’t have to be something that has to be explained several times a day, to the same people.


posted on May, 17 2010 @ 05:17 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Honestly,...I don't see it happening worldwide,no. We're talking "worldwide power",and just think how many people are still bogged down believing there is a difference in the two-party system,just for starters.

Even information like this only reaches a small segment of society.

We'll have a chance as individuals to stand up to them,when we deny being "chipped",or refuse to worship on Sunday,or any number of other things.

I'm not trying to be pessimistic,nor do I personally feel "defeated". I am realistic but I also have hope in a justice that is beyond what we can dream of.(Whether you call it Karma or Divine Retribution,people do Reap What They Sow.)

That is why I like seeing Rome exposed,because it gives people a chance to see who they are really serving,and they can make choices to either "go along to get along",or to stand for something greater.

So,whether they oppose Rome for spiritual reasons or just on principled grounds of their own,it's good to know the enemy.

I wouldn't keep getting off on this tangent except for the fact Religion keeps coming up,and not all people see Religion as totally controlled by Rome.Besides,spirituality and hope are essential ingredients in everyone's life. There is plenty of that to be found outside of what Rome has to offer.

Frankly,I'd like to get back to discussing things like Agenda 21,the Club of Rome,the Office of the Inquisition,and any number of things that 'lead to Rome". But I am one of those who defend the testimony of Jesus,and I'm not going to be a coward in that regard. When you talk of Religion,I like to point out how they have twisted it to suit their agenda,and as I mentioned earlier,one can plainly see the Eqyptian influence throughout all of Catholicism,for instance,and that is not the true "gospel",as believers in Jesus understand it to be.(if I wanted to make it a thread about that,I'd make one of my own,but that is just another "link" along the way,one that people should look into if it appeals to them to do so.)

So,unless people bring up the subject of "biblical terms" that aren't "biblical",or mock Christianity in general,I am happy to go along with the other aspects of this thread,because there are plenty of other things I'd like to get around to bringing up anyway.

I'm not your enemy,Proto. We offer different perspectives of the same system,that's all. The reader can decide for themselves what they want to believe. You're in no danger of having your theories discarded,since obviously there are more here who tend to agree than disagree. I only disagree with the parts that say "All Christians are deceived".

posted on May, 17 2010 @ 05:46 PM
reply to post by On the Edge

I wouldn't keep getting off on this tangent except for the fact Religion keeps coming up,and not all people see Religion as totally controlled by Rome.

The reason religion keeps coming up is because you keep interjecting it into this thread over and over again.

Frankly,I'd like to get back to discussing things like Agenda 21,the Club of Rome,the Office of the Inquisition,and any number of things that 'lead to Rome".

If that were the case you would be discussing Agenda 21, the Club of Rome and the Office of the Inquisition, from what I see you do not want to discuss the above, I for one would like to see this thread get back on topic.

posted on May, 17 2010 @ 05:52 PM
reply to post by On the Edge

Honestly,...I don't see it happening worldwide,no. We're talking "worldwide power",and just think how many people are still bogged down believing there is a difference in the two-party system,just for starters.

I do though see it happening World Wide, for a number of reasons.

1. Is these problems are affecting the entire world.
2. Some of these nations already have unhappy populations (Iceland, Greece, Thailand)
3. The Internet is broadcast and is accessed around the world.
4. A number of the people who have read this thread are not from the U.S.
5. A number of the people who have republished this thread are not from the U.S.

The U.S. Census Worker that I talked to today is not originally from the United States. He like many of the immigrants to the United States originates from a country where people are often inclined to be more mistrustful of government and media.

So I strongly disagree that people in other nations, aren’t considering these problems, and aren’t looking for alternative answers, and aren’t willing to consider or apply alternative solutions.

The Powers that Be think globally, with the motto of “Think Global and act local”.

The World is hungry for information.

People’s fears across the globe are at an all time high.

There is only one thing that makes fears go away, and that’s better and more information.

Most of the people who have joined ATS have done so looking for more and better information, because they are looking for better explanations to alleviate or understand their fears, in relation to the problems that are happening on a Global Scale that are in fact part of the process of CONSOLIDATION that Rome is accelerating, to merge corporations, and governments into more streamlined entities on the march to a One World Government.

You can believe that when it’s topical and when it’s relevant what is discussed here on ATS does in fact travel all over the world, and does so in very short order.

While the Internet remains relatively acceptant to free speech is in fact the time to get information out there, and it does go out there.

I have seen my articles and posts copied and sometimes sourced directly to me and ATS and sometimes not pop up on web sites all around the world.

ATS is not Las Vegas, what happens on ATS does not stay on ATS.

The truth is that the masses have far more power than the masses realize. It is why so much money and effort is spent on influencing them.

The top of the pyramid in fact comes crashing via gravity to the ground without the backs of the masses to hold it up.

The top of the pyramid is but a fraction in size of the bulk of the pyramid.

The Great Deception is the belief that the people themselves don’t enjoy the bulk of the power, and are helpless to change the world.

They simply have no direction, in large part because they are fighting amongst themselves for the crumbs cast down from the top of the pyramid to the masses below.

Like Circus Seals we have been trained to perform for tidbits.

The truth is that the only person who can limit your self is yourself.

posted on May, 17 2010 @ 05:53 PM
reply to post by On the Edge

People on here are too ready to dismiss such a thing as God-given wisdom and think the Bible is all about brainwashing the masses to suit TPTB. It's not about that. It's about salvation through Christ and warns us all about the "adversary" and how he operates. Do people twist the Bible for their own agenda? Yes.(Even Satan can quote Scripture.) I find it interesting though that even people who say they believe in God and the Bible are just as quick to say they do not believe in Lucifer/the devil. So,they pick and choose what feels comfortable for them to accept,and disregard what they don't want to hear.

Did you even read my post that I made to earlier in the thread about a network of people who are trying to make it appear as though the prophecies of Armageddon are coming true? Remember I asked you plainly if you could see it? You replied with a verse from the Bible. They use it as a way for the people to accept what is going on as being divine in nature because they know that those same individuals believe that all of this means that their redemption is near.

Some people pick and choose what they want to see and disregard what takes them out of their comfort zone. I believe what is being brought to light in this thread is having an impact around the world. I believe that the lurkers and members who are reading will begin to question and not accept what they have been told for far too long. I believe that Armageddon can be avoided by posting this information on the internet. Yes I do, God told me.

I am not going to go into how this information empowers me in the real world now because I have already been through that with you. If you really want to know the truth, I believe that the major prophecy of Israel being created in forty eight was not from Him. There are many, many people who believe the same thing. I believe that the PTB forced the issue as a means to gain more control and roll us into a one world government. Let me quote David Ben Gurion and what he had to say in thirty eight about the creation of Israel.

In our political argument abroad we minimize Arab opposition to us, but let us not ignore the truth among ourselves. We are the aggressors and they defend themselves.

He was a big Zionist you know. So was Menachim Begin. Let's quote him as well.

If this is Palestine and not the land of Israel, the you Zionists are conquerers and not tillers of the land. You are invaders. If this is Palestine, then it belongs to a people who lived here before you came.

Have you heard of the IRGUN paramilitary group that began to make sure that God's prophecies were fulfilled? Look into this stuff. Now there is a large group of Jewish people who do not believe that it was prophecy being fulfilled in forty eight and they say that God will not be a part of their efforts. This is all information you can look up for yourself.

So if we have terrorists bombing the British and Arabs out of the land to create Israel, was it God or was it man that brought this prophecy to fruition? Or are we to slink back into our comfort zone and believe that God is working this all together to bring on Armageddon so we can be delivered? Does this sound like a loving God to you?

I know all too well of the devil and he knows scripture better then myself. I know he uses it too. Look up Neturei Karta and I'll quote them here anyway.

Why do you violate God's order? It will not succeed!

G-d is our King, Him do we serve The Torah is our Law And in it we believe. And we do not believe in the government of the heretics. And we do not care about its laws. We will go in the ways of the Torah In fire and water. We will go in the ways of the Torah We will sanctify the Name of Heaven

Alrighty then, we have people who do not believe that Prophecy was fulfilled by God in forty eight. Are they right or wrong? They follow the Torah and you have your Bible. Is there more division? Is there more confusion as to what in the world is going on? Who are we to believe then?

God doesn't make us confused like this my friend. I hope I have taken you out of your comfort zone. Now step back and look at what we are being led to believe is coming from God. It all goes back to Rome and the divine right of kings. Look at the way the prophecy was fulfilled in forty eight and ask yourself if you see God's divine intervention or man's murderous hand.

posted on May, 17 2010 @ 06:28 PM
reply to post by jackflap

The truth is what we are encountering with some people on the thread, is that taught and instilled Christian propensity to give testimony to their Lord.

They view this as the epitome of what being Christian is about, using the original Christian martyrs as examples.

Because it is a faith based religion, giving testimony to their faith, and spreading the gospels, is something that is done to more deeply entrench their own faith.

The more they talk about it, the more they believe in it.

How does the old adage go? Repeat a lie a thousand times and it will be accepted as the truth.

So the more often these things are repeated, the more meaningful they become to the person repeating them, the more self sustaining they become.

It is almost entirely impossible to short circuit this form of self sustaining circular logic that basically is used to counter any logical or common sense based charge against it.

That is why when you pose really thought provoking questions that are rooted in logic and keen observation and analysis; they are generally ignored, in favor of one of the circular logic answers that create the self contained fortress that these beliefs are encapsulated in.

However, in reality every time you attempt to provide common sense based observation and logic to counter this circular logic, it only becomes an invitation to such people, to spout more circular logic from that self contained faith based belief system to counter it.

As long as they can convince themselves, it absolutely does not matter to them, that they can not convince you, because in reality, all they are out to do, is prove their faith to themselves in this process.

This is how Rome developed the religion to work.

It is the closest thing to a human machine you can create, without actually using robotics and machinery.

Danger Will Robinson, danger!

It should be noted that the people doing this are absolutely doing it for that reason, and that is what they are getting out of it, and none of their blanket denials of not doing it for that reason are genuine.

This is just part of the game that they play, in giving testament to their faith.

Sadly though, this is why Rome does intend to discard such people once they have served their purpose for Rome.

Reason, and flexibility, absolutely escapes them. The problem with a one trick pony is no one needs them once the trick has been performed.

Because they have been taught they will receive the ultimate reward for doing this, their own lust for that reward will in fact keep them rooted in and on, that path that they have been told they most follow to receive it.

It provides an excellent example of why Rome would in fact use religion to motivate a cadre of Christian soldiers, and the economics of it too, since they are taught to do this for a reward not payable until their death.

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