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All Roads Lead to Rome

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posted on May, 15 2010 @ 06:06 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Well... For a start I will use the wiki discription of semiramus which does not go even far enough but is adequate for THIS thread..Semiramus.....

Then I will use Alexander Hislops research which was done at least a hundred years before yours and more comprehensive... And my own... My sig says im a bitch and i am.... Im an archaeologist..... And know more in my right labia than your whole post

Here is sig for ya... READ IT... Then come debate..... All of Hislops words are veryfiable... TRUE ACCADEMIA..... There

After that... Then I will show you the AE.....

[edit on 15-5-2010 by ElvenQueen]

[edit on 15-5-2010 by ElvenQueen]

posted on May, 15 2010 @ 06:56 PM
I agree. One need only look at the shared symbology between the Catholics and the Egyptians. It is undeniably pagan worship. Even the "all-seeing eye" is found in Catholic churches!

(I am not familiar with everything contained in this site. I'm just referencing this page for this topic.)

posted on May, 15 2010 @ 07:32 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

I made a rather astounding connection between the cipher on the Great Seal of the United States and your date of 2033... I explain it in full here:

P.S. I used your picture.. I hope you don't mind?

posted on May, 15 2010 @ 07:33 PM

Originally posted by ElvenQueen
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Well... For a start I will use the wiki discription of semiramus which does not go even far enough but is adequate for THIS thread..Semiramus.....

Then I will use Alexander Hislops research which was done at least a hundred years before yours and more comprehensive... And my own... My sig says im a bitch and i am.... Im an archaeologist..... And know more in my right labia than your whole post

Here is sig for ya... READ IT... Then come debate..... All of Hislops words are veryfiable... TRUE ACCADEMIA..... There

After that... Then I will show you the AE.....

[edit on 15-5-2010 by ElvenQueen]

[edit on 15-5-2010 by ElvenQueen]

Which in fact says nothing, except that you have found some hyperlinks, congratulations the Internet is full of them.

I am however not interested in debating a theory that is in fact not a theory, that you yourself can not present. Nor does once again a microcosm issue that does not tie in clearly to the macrocosm in a succinct and lucid and real way constitute anything other than an exercise in mental masturbation.

So if you actually have a theory, then you should present your theory, you should take the time to lay it out in a chronological order, beginning at what ever point you feel it begins, and be able to illustrate how it has been in play all along and right on up through today, with actual real world events, players, and facts.

Hint, all of our laws, and sciences are not in Babylonian or Egyptian but LATIN.

Not only have other members and I discussed these aspects in this thread, but in other threads that led up to this thread which is a year in the making, and my research as well as others has concluded they are not factors in the conspiracy.

Therefore you need to illustrate precisely how you feel they are related to the conspiracy.

Hopefully you can do this in a civil, intelligent and non-disruptive way that will do your theories credit. So far I have not seen any evidence of this though.

Thanks for posting.

[edit on 15/5/10 by ProtoplasmicTraveler]

posted on May, 15 2010 @ 07:45 PM

Originally posted by HothSnake
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

I made a rather astounding connection between the cipher on the Great Seal of the United States and your date of 2033... I explain it in full here:

P.S. I used your picture.. I hope you don't mind?

That's very interesting HothSnake, creative and out of the box thinking, and trying to apply the known, to the unknown to make sense of something.

Very nicely done, and well thought out.

It's great to see so many other Members researching these things further.

What is interesting about your theory is the way that the Mayan's kept track of time.

Every major culture has kept track of time somewhat differently, but how does the hidden shadow government keep track of time, and when did it begin keeping track of time in that manner?

If we could determine that precisely, we could certainly nail down a number of things.

I think one thing is clear, and that is that the New World (the Americas) was set up to be the staging ground to create the New Rome/Atlantis from a region and a society that could be built from the ground up, for that purpose.

With all the early Colonial Players, being Holy Roman Empire Countries, and having Titles, Positions and Kingdoms that they owed to Rome, all roads do lead right back to Rome, as being where it is all emenating from.

There does appear to be something in the 2033 date.

Great job, and thanks for sharing.

posted on May, 15 2010 @ 07:51 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Its pretty obvious to me that all you can do is spout a link here or there that suits your world view.. I knew you would say that lol....

Right.... Learn...... Intenet knowledge aint enough... You HAVE to go there and there is Iraq..... Cant do that lol... You have the right idea in your world view that you made public though... But Babylon is still being rebuilt.... Really... Soon you will be able to buy a coin or something.... I found more than a coin and am waiting for you to read the book I sent... You wont will you?? You want to be right than get to the truth.... You could not even read a book I sent you
... It takes more than an hour to read.. It takes a couple of days...

Note to self... PT is just a star and flagger.....

[edit on 15-5-2010 by ElvenQueen]

[edit on 15-5-2010 by ElvenQueen]

posted on May, 15 2010 @ 07:59 PM

Originally posted by ElvenQueen
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Its pretty obvious to me that all you can do is spout a link here or there that suits your world view.. I knew you would say that lol....

Right.... Learn...... Intenet knowledge aint enough... You HAVE to go there and there is Iraq..... Cant do that lol... You have the right idea in your world view that you made public though... But Babylon is still being rebuilt.... Really... Soon you will be able to buy a coin or something.... I found more than a coin and am waiting for you to read the book I sent... You wont will you?? You want to be right than get to the truth.... You could not even read a book I sent you
... It takes more than an hour to read.. It takes a couple of days...

Note to self... PT is just a star and flagger.....

[edit on 15-5-2010 by ElvenQueen]

[edit on 15-5-2010 by ElvenQueen]

Once again, I have researched all these things and found them not to be relevant.

I have a wide variety of sources, some within the ruling cabal, and I have found no supporting evidence of these things being in play.

So, while you might complain that you imagine I won't REREAD things I have when you were probably just a twinkle in someone's eye, you might want to READ that I have investigated all these things and found them to be irrelevant.

Now if you, yourself can't display there relevance, which so far you are failing to do, and want to make that a matter of ego, well, that's not what ATS is about.

So just as I did with undo, I will be reasonable in giving you a chance to present a real theory, if you can't present it, don't ask me to try to create your theory for you.

Which is in fact what you are trying to do.

The thread is about Rome, and how it is using religion, law, banking, media and the military to install a one world government, that is in fact going to include the whole world, which Iraq and Egypt just happen to be a part there of.

Please try to address the topic, and if you feel you have a theory that is pertinent to the topic, please be prepared to illustrate it, and lay it out.

posted on May, 15 2010 @ 08:14 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Bull crap... You aint researched nothing..... You have nothing but your own opinion and when others give you something true your ego kicks in

Deny ignorance..... Your own too... Or the truth will be washed away because you want to be right... You aint... Learn humilty... Or I start my own thread... I have evidence... All you have is a minute part of the puzzle.... What a joke....

[edit on 15-5-2010 by ElvenQueen]

posted on May, 15 2010 @ 08:18 PM

Originally posted by ElvenQueen
Or I start my own thread... I have evidence...

Now that's a GOOD idea. You should.

Be sure to keep the topic seperate from the one this thread is predicated upon. Make it stand alone.

posted on May, 15 2010 @ 08:20 PM

Originally posted by ElvenQueen
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Bull crap... You aint researched nothing..... You have nothing but you own opinion and when others give you something true your ego kicks in

Deny ignorance..... Your own too... Or the truth will be washed away because you want to be right... You aint... Learn humilty... Or I start my own thread... I have evidence... All you have is a minute part of the puzzle.... What a joke....

So in other words you have no theory to lie out or are incapable of presenting it in a cohesive, cognitive way that makes sense, and would prefer to just be seen right about something you can’t even define for others?

As far as your other suggestions, I will refer you to your own signature and then back to your own words, and would suggest to you, that it very well might be sage advice for the person you encounter in the mirror.

Since you can’t lay out your theory in this thread, I wish you better luck in laying it out, in a thread of your own.

Once again the thread is about Rome, and how Rome has been using religion, banking, law, the media, and the military to establish a one world government.

Please try to contribute something topical towards that end.


posted on May, 15 2010 @ 10:30 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

But can't you see that that applies to what you're trying to prove as well?

By stating that those who try to prove that the Bible and the 'Holy Word' (Originally called in Greek) were NOT inventions of Rome are trying to prove a negative, then individuals who are trying to prove that Rome did invent all of it are doing what exactly, what is your proof based on if you are fundamentally working with no evidence?

Proto, you are drawing this argument into semantics, when it is quite clear that there is enough evidence to work a debate out of it. Don't push this into semantics only because your argument holds no weight when we begin to examine the evidence we have from an empirical point of view. All of Christianity simply cannot be an invention of Rome, let alone Islam. You can argue that Rome wanted its own form following the Great Schism, but then it implies that Rome was not the dominant 'owner' of Christianity prior to this, which it wasn't.

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
reply to post by On the Edge

The thread is not about the Bible.

It is about how Rome is using religion...


Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Once again, I have researched all these things and found them not to be relevant.

Just because you haven't found them to be relevant does mean that they are not. Proto, its sad to see you diverting and deflecting members just because they are attacking the weakest and most flawed point in this whole argument. Take away religion and what are you left with? A fragment of their legal and banking system. Not too amazing...

[edit on 15/5/2010 by serbsta]

posted on May, 15 2010 @ 10:58 PM
The religion became a means to a preferred end. Constantine was murderous and paranoid. The religion provided a perfect venue for complete control of not only the governance of Rome and Constantinople, but the provinces as well.

It didn't matter about the One True God, it mattered that the people who believed in the idea would brook no other gods. That's what brought eventual unity and the beginnings of the Holy Roman Empire.


[edit on 16/5/10 by masqua]

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 12:15 AM
reply to post by serbsta

I understand what you are saying Serbsta, but here is the important thing some people seem to be missing. I have put my theories forward as being speculative, and that I am not trying to force them on anyone.

As I have explained elsewhere in the thread, what I have done is reversed engineered history, moving from the present backward, by taking each pivotal moment of history and theorizing that it did not happen by accident or random, not the event itself and not the outcome.

I then look at who benefited the most from the outcome, and determined that would be the party that had the best motive and opportunity to plan and manipulate such a thing.

I have started at the present and moved backward through time, to cover this age (2500) years and the dominant force driving that age.

I went a little bit beyond that period of time, just to illustrate where those people came from, Rome was founded by Aeneas. Aeneas was from Troy.

So yes, that’s what I consider relevant, the current faction in power that has been in power all throughout the age.

I absolutely can not prove my theory, and have never claimed that I could, but I can absolutely bring a huge amount of circumstantial evidence to the table, that literally shows that all Roads lead to Rome, into Rome and out of Rome.

If there are Egyptian artifacts, or Babylonian artifacts involved, they are in fact in the Roman power structures hands. It will be the Roman power structure using them. If there are space aliens involved they are absolutely aligned with Rome, and would be working with the Roman power structure.

There is no hidden Babylonian or Egyptian Cabal that I have uncovered any evidence of.

I saw Chariot of the Gods my friend, when it first came out as a movie in the early seventies and had read the book before that. I was preserving Oranges for months at a time under homemade pyramids when I was 12 years old.

I have been studying history, and conspiracies my whole life, from the time I was a small child.

All these things are fascinating and intriguing, and in fact I have loved and love studying them and talking about them, but in the proper context, in the proper venue, at the proper time for those things.

My involvement with this conspiracy and my research is not limited to the Internet or Books, but travel, and real life experiences, and real life interactions with some of the major players involved in this conspiracy.
I am actively investigating and pursuing this conspiracy.

Yet through those investigations, and research and interactions I have absolutely ruled some things out, because I have not been able to uncover credible real world evidence that they are in play.

Books and YouTube videos are not credible evidence of real world evidence that they are in play by the ruling shadow government. I do in fact know well placed people within the ruling shadow government and have for decades.

So for me, it goes beyond mere speculation based on a book, or a video shot behind a fence, looking at something from the outside, where its not really evident what is going on the inside, because the inside is riddled with secrecy until you get inside.

What I have asked everyone is if you feel you have something that you can draw a direct connection too the shadow government and how the shadow government is using it, when and to what end, please share.

So far no one has been able to do that, they are simply trying to add speculation into a situation where I have already looked into those things, and eliminated them myself for lack of sufficient evidence to show them at play.

As I have said before in the military you have to have actionable intelligence to act on it, you can’t attack troops that don’t exist, in place where they aren’t, no matter how convinced you are they exist and aren’t there, if they aren’t.

So what I have asked people to do who have an interest in some of these other alternative things, is to draw me a picture, give me a compelling reason, as far as motive, and opportunity.

That is what conspiracies are about, motive and opportunity, who has a motive, who has an opportunity, who has the logistical ability and support network, intelligence, talent and depth to pull it off.

The reason I have dismissed certain elements and not worked them into my theories and conjectures and speculations is I could not see opportunity, motive, or logistics at play to display a real actionable circumstance.

So because of that, I am asking the posters who believe these things are important to display for me, where this motive, opportunity and logistics at play, real players, real organizations, and real actionable intelligence of how these things really are being used.

If they can’t do that, then there stand alone theories don’t work into my theory.

I actually would like to stop this conspiracy, it’s not about ego, and I am not looking to prove precisely what happened 2,000 years ago, or 1,500 hundred years ago, or 500 years ago, or even 50 years ago.

It is too late to change those events, I am simply speculating who was best served by those events, and what logistics that they would have employed to manipulate such an outcome, based on how I myself would have employed such logistics to create such an outcome.

All the history though is to get people to reconsider how they look at the here and now, what is going on right now, the logistics being used right now, the players right now, and who has motive and opportunity right now, the most to gain and what they want to gain.

I don’t have a time machine and I can’t go back in time to battle this conspiracy there.

I am in the here and now, and I know that in order to control people, you have to control logistics, that you use to control the people.

So I am ideally wanting to look at logistics today, and that’s what the thread is about, what Rome is up to today, and how to expose it and how to raise the level of awareness and how to stop it, by exposing the real world, working logistics being employed.

If you think there is a star gate involved, well I need to know where, and who is in possession of it, and what purpose they are using it for and how it’s involved with the logistics.

If you are just trying to prove that star gates could be involved based on your own interpretation or someone else’s of a 2,000 year old picture, hieroglyph, or cuneiform or cave drawing, well that’s not going to help provide me with actionable intelligence and the logistics of how it is being used, and by whom or for what.

This is not entertainment for me. This is not about ego for me; this is about trying to make the world a better place, through direct action.

By exposing the logistics of the ever growing control grid, and who controls it and to what end.

Those who want to get bogged down in the ancient details and argue them are missing what the thread is about. Those who can’t bring those things to life right now with actionable intelligence are missing what the thread is about.

I laid out a big piece of history that I reversed engineered to display how it would have brought us directly to where we are now, in a deliberate way.

No matter how much of that is wrong or how much of that is right, is irrelevant when it comes to the fact that we are in fact in this point in time and space and can only confront the challenges laid out in front of us and not behind us.

When you look all around you at the world today, at religion, at banking, at law, and science, and the military the driving force, the originating source, really does display all roads lead to Rome.

In a nut shell I am trying to do what no one has really been able to do in the last 2500 years, and that’s stop and defeat Rome.

That’s what this thread is about, and I empathize with the people participating in this thread, who would like to use it as a vehicle for theories of their own, or things that are near or dear to them, or beliefs that are important to them.

However while they are doing that, they are in fact loosing site of what the thread is about.

Exposing Rome, and finally finding a way to end the reign and terror of the beast.

If it helps you understand I am not an armchair conspiracy theorist, I am a player. I am not doing this for entertainment, stars or flags, for my ego, or out of boredom, a need for attention, or convince anyone of anything, I am trying to expose a conspiracy, I am looking for actionable intelligence on the conspiracy, and I believe ATS is the very best place to do that, when it comes to networking over a broad swath of terrain, with everyone.

I know not everyone can respect that, appreciate that, empathize with that or even understand that, or even wants to believe that.

But so many people are speculating incorrectly about my motives and purposes, so I think it’s important you hear it honestly from me, so you can understand, that I am focused on what I am focused on, and focus is just that, remaining focused on what is relevant to your goals.

I do not mean to disrespect anyone, hurt anyone’s feelings, insult anyone, but as the author of the thread, trust me when I say, I know, better than anyone, what the thread is about.

Now I am and have actually been asking anyone who wants to help, by doing more research, by learning more, to please share.

I am just asking that what you share is actually, topical, relevant and aimed along the lines of what the thread is meant for and about.

If it isn’t, well it isn’t, and ATS is a big place, where we are all free to start threads and discuss them, as long as they don’t violate terms of service.

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 12:40 AM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Thank you Proto for making it clear what the purpose of this thread is, you have had to do this over and over throughout these amazing pages so there is no mistake where you are coming from, what you are trying to accomplish. sharing your research, knowledge and asking others to share theirs.

[edit on 16-5-2010 by Aquarius1]

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 10:02 AM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Thank you Proto for taking the time to reply. I certainly agree with you that in the future being engineered for us, the State will play an ever more comprehensive roll. Worldwide, people already "expect" the State to provide for them. Not so long ago in America at least, such an attitude would get labeled "communist" real fast. But creeping Socialism has largely been a success, and so our collective outlook has been reset, with hardly anyone taking notice of the change. Add to this the latest engineered economic turmoil, and no wonder we're all virtually marching lock-step into the NWO.

I also see technology as playing an ever-increasing role in people-control. Anyone who cares can take a quick look at what DARPA spends it's funding on: "Total Info Awareness", "LifeLog", etc. As usual, it's about people-control, but more than just that, because it seems obvious that they won't stop until they achieve the maximum (whatever that may be).

In spite of all this amazing technology being rolled out, I do think that "religion" will continue to play an important role. This is because it is not "merely" people-control, but it goes a step further, it's mind-control. Obviously, technology is moving that way too, but I can imagine some combination that would be very efficient to achieve what they really want with us anyway, which we could call "total" control, as in 1984-style mind-control.

In Orwell's book, one of his main points was that the State did not only want your unquestioning obedience, but more importantly, they wanted to make sure that you had your mind "right". I think Orwell's insight here was way ahead of his time. Anyway, in his story, "2+2=5" became the symbolic contradiction, which to me even hearkened back to that iconic "pinch" of incense for Caesar. Once you could truly "believe" such a State-ordered contradiction, then the goal had been achieved. With the introduction of modern technology to ensure that you really do believe (think Dianetics, with their "e-meter" lie-detector set-up, as you make your "confession" to the Auditor), the loop would finally be closed. Taking this idea to the end, Caesar can now be sure that you really mean what you say. And lastly, to finish with the ancient Roman metaphor, as you kneel before your Supreme Pontiff, he need not feel even a trace of fear that Brutus has a knife hidden in his robes.

I could go on, but truly, our master's ultimate "freedom", is our total slavery. They perhaps wish to walk their plantation one day, without any fear that some miserable slave would disturb their god-like serenity, let alone manage to kill them, since they may in fact hope to be "immortal" somehow.

You mention worship of the State. I have to wonder what that would really look like today. In the ancient past, Caesar was to be worshiped, as a god, and he was the embodiment of the State. I personally think the past again points to the future, and this could be repeated. If TPTB could manage to create a sufficiently god-like figure, with today's engineered mentality sufficiently accounted for, all that would be needed would be the next-phase paradigm (religion) that the new god-like figure plugged into. Some are probably already thinking about "Aliens", and it could be they will be trotted-out at the appropriate moment. No, they may not be alien at all, but TPTB have spent a lot of time and money positioning this seemingly convenient "context", for what could be the next phase. It certainly bears watching.

I think we will see ONE world religion. And One State. And "One People"... Yes, and to continue with the Nazi "Ein" theme, they also included One leader.

Thanks again for your thoughtful reply, and bold thread!

JR MacBeth
MyBlog: Gathering Storms Ahead

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 01:17 PM
reply to post by JR MacBeth

I honestly don’t know if the New State will take a chance on religion. I personally believe the New World Order will look like the prototype state that they have created in China.

A strong authoritarian regime with swift dispersal of life and death justice meted out with no recourse or appeal.

A class system composed of workers who have virtually no right against the state, managers who have slightly more freedoms, the political elite that enjoy a wider latitude of freedom under close scrutiny, and the owning patrician class that has almost total freedom, but some scrutiny by a sole central all powerful authority.

The problem with religion is it gives people hope that there is some redemption and power outside, above and beyond the state, and in state’s like China that is not welcome or tolerated.

Now we can laugh but look at how rapidly the Patrician Oligarchs of the West have transformed China into a highly industrialized and economically profitable society that now has the second largest crop of billionaires in the world next to the United States.

This transformation took place in a little less than 2 decades, by mixing elements of communism, capitalism, fascism, and corporatism with statist and Hegelian ideals.

I don’t personally believe the rulers or the oligarchies will want worshipped beyond cults of personality centered around them, or a higher ethereal authority that might lead people to find some source of spiritual strength in resisting the state.

Hopefully none of these things will come to pass, but I do believe we are seeing the prototype New World Order State in China, and that is much what the New World Order will look like on a global and total scale.

Thanks for the great and very interesting posts.

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 01:41 PM
Nice bit of knitting all sorts of loose happenings together. There are many "black holes" in history. "Black-holes" that historians suspiciously easily gloss over. Your little thesis is one good, fundamental try to patch those. Is it the truth? I do not profess to know.

it is ,at the least, a possibility. The fact that religion ,and our(pre-programmed?) prostration to it, is just a tool for unimaginably Grand Schemes of Power, is something I have to agree with. There is no denying that.

However, I DO have ONE BIG MUTHA of a caveat with it......

Proofread! and PROOFREAD SOME MORE.!! For instance, Here/Hear and Their/There mixups make for hard reading, especially when one is a non-native speaker.(Yes, I know how it happens when one is hammering away, and suddenly you discover you've been typing phonetically..happens to all of us.)

I had to hop-scotch several parts again and again before they made sense.

As far as the nucleus of Your little essay goes:
Good, innovative thinking&linking.

[edit on 5/16/2010 by diakrite]

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 02:03 PM
reply to post by diakrite

I am sorry about some of the grammatical and spelling errors involved in the lengthy opening piece. Normally I have a chance to edit those things, once I put the post up, and start rereading it.

The thread took off so quickly though, that I never had a chance to do the edits during the 12 hour window ATS allows before locking the edit feature.

My bad!

Glad you made it through though, and enjoyed it.

I do tend to agree with you that huge holes in our history have been glossed over, and I have done my level best to speculate and theorize as to why and for what purpose and by whom.

Thanks for posting.

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 11:28 PM
I just wanted to share some quotes that are very alarming and provide some food for thought.

“The common enemy of humanity is man. In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then, is humanity itself.” Club of Rome-premier environmental think-tank,consultants to the United Nations

“We’ve got to ride this global warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing in terms of economic and environmental policy.” - Timothy Wirth, President of the UN Foundation

“Adopting a central organizing principle… means embarking on an all-out effort to use every policy and program, every law and institution… to halt the destruction of the environment.” Al Gore-Earth in the Balance, member of Club of Rome, co-founder of Generations Investment Fund

“Effective execution of Agenda 21 will require a profound reorientation of all human society, unlike anything the world has ever experienced - a major shift in the priorities of both governments and individuals and an unprecedented redeployment of human and financial resources. This shift will demand that a concern for the environmental consequences of every human action be integrated into individual and collective decision-making at every level.” UN Agenda 21—(signed by G.H. Bush, 1992)

I have been tirelessly talking about Agenda 21, so I hope that people are aware of this little nugget of legislation by now. It was the outcome of the Club of Rome, a think-tank that provides ‘suggestions’ to the United Nations. We are currently seeing all these ‘suggestions’ coming to fruition as current legislation bombards us daily as America is being radically transformed. This transformation is no accident, and it is not aimless nor mindless. It has been carefully construed and orchestrated. It is the work of the Club of Rome.

I'm not sure if we included this graphic, but it is on the Club Of Rome home page.


posted on May, 16 2010 @ 11:57 PM
reply to post by jackflap

Absolutely alarming and certainly food for thought, what is scary is I think it all may be a done deal.

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