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All Roads Lead to Rome

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posted on May, 15 2010 @ 11:03 AM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
reply to post by On the Edge

I don't find the source to be credible. Of course the Bible was an invention of Rome, it's why it's called the Holy Roman Bible.


Once again you're underestimating the importance of the schism. There is no such thing as a Holy Roman Bible, the Vatican uses the Douay-Rheims Bible which was published in 1582. Before the schism, there were Greek and Hebrew versions of the gospels which were later latinized and finally translated into English.

To state that the Bible was an invention of Rome does not make sense, because then you imply:

1 - they also created the Greek translations.

2 - they also created the original gospels which were mostly in Hebrew?

Why would Rome make these and then split away from them? They wouldn't.

posted on May, 15 2010 @ 11:07 AM

Originally posted by On the Edge

Originally posted by Hemisphere

Originally posted by On the Edge

When I pray,I pray "Thy will be done",not "My will be done".

That very familiar prayer now worries me Edge. What was I giving up with that thinking? Like I was surrendering the determination of right or wrong to someone else. I know what's right and wrong. Why can it not be "my will"? "The Lord's Prayer" is a comforting pat on the head. "There, there now, you sleep well and leave all the critical thinking to me." And what up with the "Lord's" this or that? Is that another divine right of kings deal? Speaking of royalty, I know I'm a royal pain in the butt.

I haven't given up any of my critical thinking skills or my ability to excercise free will due to my reverence for a God that created heaven and earth.

I do take comfort in knowing that same God gave us a blueprint of where we stand in the grand scheme of things.

It all comes down to personal faith and experience,..(I'll leave it at that,or it will turn into a "sermon" for sure!)

Feel free to U2U me if you'd like to discuss this more at any time.

Rome has been hiding its activities behind a religious front for well over a millennia and a half now.

There have been some credible attempts in the past to expose Rome, some that even began to pick up steam, but invariably they all bog down and die, when the religious minded decide to make it all an argument about theology.

While they bicker tediously and endlessly as they have for thousands of years amongst themselves on theology and doctrine, they are literally doing this at the Gates of Rome, and effectively creating a roadblock and a diversion from taking Rome itself on.

Rome knows people will do this, and it is part of their strategy to shield themselves and that is why they chose to hide behind religion.

Your faith has absolutely nothing to do with the conspiracy, beyond your own personal desire to fall into the purposeful traps that have been laid for you in regards to religion. Those who want to legislate their faith, are in fact every bit as tyrannical, and dangerous as Rome.

Christians bristle often at Muslim nations like Iran that are theocracies that are ruled based on theology, yet at the very same time want to legislate their own faith into the law of the land where they live. They too would like to impose it in dictatorial ways and rob people of freewill. Yet they can’t even decide amongst themselves what their own faith should be, with dozens and dozens of different denominations and sects, each with a different take on a vaguely and often conflictingly worded book full of rhymes, poetry and songs.

This conspiracy is taking place today, and the way to defeat it in a very fluid world, is not going back to a 1700 year old book that was made as a blueprint for Rome to conquer the world, and to pretend it’s some how a blue print to stop Rome from conquering the world, if people can have another 1700 years to argue about it some more, creating even more divisions and animosity and rancor towards one another, that leads to even more counter productive vacillation and inaction.

Though you might be afraid to think it, you are in fact acting in precisely the manner Rome is counting on, for its own protection.

You can view God as either a Master or a Father, if you view him as a Master, well then you want to be a slave, and shouldn’t trifle with discussions aimed at freeing people.

If you want him to be a Father, well…in every child’s life comes a time he or she must learn to and then stand on their own.

Once again, no one is assailing your faith, at least not me, or telling you to abandon it, but this is not a ‘faith’ based or theological discussion.

There are so many of those in the religious and Metaphysical Forums where faith can be argued to one’s own heart’s content.

This though isn’t the thread for that.


posted on May, 15 2010 @ 11:13 AM

Originally posted by serbsta

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
reply to post by On the Edge

I don't find the source to be credible. Of course the Bible was an invention of Rome, it's why it's called the Holy Roman Bible.


Once again you're underestimating the importance of the schism. There is no such thing as a Holy Roman Bible, the Vatican uses the Douay-Rheims Bible which was published in 1582. Before the schism, there were Greek and Hebrew versions of the gospels which were later latinized and finally translated into English.

To state that the Bible was an invention of Rome does not make sense, because then you imply:

1 - they also created the Greek translations.

2 - they also created the original gospels which were mostly in Hebrew?

Why would Rome make these and then split away from them? They wouldn't.

No in reality no one claims to have an original bible, in other words, this is the first bible! Look here it is, it’s the first bible, and we can prove it’s the first bible because no one has one that was written before it.

We know for a fact that the oldest known bibles are hundreds and hundreds of years newer than when the Bible first appeared.

We don’t in fact know what happened to the bibles before that. If they still exist, where they exist and who or what might have them.

Once again it’s an argument that is all about proving a negative, as you can’t prove something that you don’t have all the evidence for.

Naturally without the original documents, you don’t have all the evidence.

It’s like trying to complete a jig saw puzzle with about a 3rd of the pieces and then sitting around and arguing over what the picture that hasn’t been fully revealed for lack of so many pieces really means.

Some would call that a fools errand.

Negatives can’t be proven; while I do believe the Roman Conspiracy easily can be, through many other sources than just the religious texts, where the originals do not exist and we know they have been rewritten time and time again.

It is simply then a side show argument for theologians who like to argue over negatives that they can’t prove, mostly for attention, power and profit.


[edit on 15/5/10 by ProtoplasmicTraveler]

posted on May, 15 2010 @ 11:54 AM
reply to post by Hemisphere

As you can imagine I bounce around on this. It's hard to shake off 50+ years of religious indoctrination. No matter how satisfying and reasonable the new atheist gurus' stories seem. I'm not torn by guilt, I've gotten past that. I just continue to wonder what has gotten lost in the sauce. What did I miss? I wonder if I am a "god". Are we all "gods"? Are we all capable of providing what we look for outside ourselves?

If your feeling guilt, then realize first and foremost that it is not coming from God. It is coming from the perception of God that has been given to you by the system. They want you to believe that by questioning some of the strange beliefs and traditions that we've all been given is somehow sinful and will result in your damnation. So do not question, go along with the program.

Realize that if you are a believer in Jesus then Jesus has told you quite plainly that there is no way for you to lose your salvation. You are in His hand and He is in His Father's hand and there is no way for you to be taken away. This is the God of the universe isn't it? Wouldn't He have known well before saving you that you would some time in your future have questions? He saved you anyway didn't He?

If I am able to overturn my own salvation then that makes God not so powerful doesn't it? He tells us plainly that it is the glory of kings to search out a matter. He wants us to find answers and question the system that has taught us some very disturbing things that have nothing to do with Jesus or God. The guilt comes from not obeying the mob rule and agreeing with their perception of an all powerful and loving God.

A big attraction for Christians in Israel who visit is Megido. The final battle! Where the forces of darkness and light meet and we are told who wins in the end. There is a sign there and it reads.

Right here, beside you and around you, man's most important conflict will take place in the last of days - the greatest and final war. In the New Testament, St John predicts that the decisive battle between the forces of good and evil, to end all destruction and persecution, will take place at Megiddo, or in its other name: ARMAGEDDON

I'm sure they all pile off the buses and take pictures and dream of the devastation that they were promised. The faithful will not be included in this horrific blood bath though. They will have been raptured off the planet to save them from the mother of all battles and its aftermath.

They believe that when they are raptured away that cars will careen off the road and into each other. Planes will fall out of the sky and homes will be left empty. The headlines will tell of the mysterious disappearance of millions of people. Well what of the devastation that occurs because of this mass exodus?

What of the people who get killed or injured as a result of this disappearance? Well they deserved it didn't they? After all, they didn't believe did they? Not only is this insanity, it is far from what Jesus would teach us. How can we equate the sermon on the mount with such a disregard for humanity? We can't.

We are to believe in the sanctity of life. We cannot look to Christian fundamentalists for compassion and love and forgiveness because they are ruthless in their desire for the unbelieving to be left holding the bag. Can this be from God? I for one don't think so.

So for me, this is the crux of the matter. Where it is all leading. If I really look into what God is telling us and remove myself from the perceptions and traditions of the system, I see a much different picture. So to me there is a system that is driving us toward killing each other and it has nothing to do with God.

The three major faiths all come from the same place. What makes ours right and the other two wrong? I cannot answer that but I can tell you that the division it causes could not have come from God. A God of peace and love and understanding wouldn't leave us so baffled. An all powerful and knowing God would not let us rely on a lecturer from a youtube video to tell us why we are right and everyone else is wrong.

God tells us plainly in His word that we are Gods. Jesus actually mentioned this and asked the pharisees why they would marvel about such a statement. Look inward and ask God for your answers and you will be shocked. You may be asked out right when you are in that place what it is you want. My answer shocked me.

You see, when I looked inward and sought the Lord I believe He asked me what I wanted. I stood between this world and that one. In two places at one time. I saw my selfishness and anger at not getting what I wanted here, and I saw in the other that at that point I could have anything that I ever wanted. So I asked myself if all the material possessions in the world would satisfy my stupidity in this world, and I would have been given them. About this I have no doubt. I would have been given them.

So I stood, teetering, not knowing what to answer because at that point I could literally have anything. I looked into myself deeper and said that I wanted to be good. That is all. I wanted to be good and do good and spread good. That is when my daughter woke me up and I spent the next hour getting her back to sleep. Was it all a dream? Not in my minds eye. To me, God is very real. He's not what this world system tells me He is.

posted on May, 15 2010 @ 02:54 PM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
Rome has been hiding its activities behind a religious front for well over a millennia and a half now.

There have been some credible attempts in the past to expose Rome, some that even began to pick up steam, but invariably they all bog down and die, when the religious minded decide to make it all an argument about theology.

Rome knows people will do this, and it is part of their strategy to shield themselves and that is why they chose to hide behind religion.

Your faith has absolutely nothing to do with the conspiracy, beyond your own personal desire to fall into the purposeful traps that have been laid for you in regards to religion. Those who want to legislate their faith, are in fact every bit as tyrannical, and dangerous as Rome.

Christians bristle often at Muslim nations like Iran that are theocracies that are ruled based on theology, yet at the very same time want to legislate their own faith into the law of the land where they live. They too would like to impose it in dictatorial ways and rob people of freewill. Yet they can’t even decide amongst themselves what their own faith should be, with dozens and dozens of different denominations and sects, each with a different take on a vaguely and often conflictingly worded book full of rhymes, poetry and songs.

This conspiracy is taking place today, and the way to defeat it in a very fluid world, is not going back to a 1700 year old book that was made as a blueprint for Rome to conquer the world, and to pretend it’s some how a blue print to stop Rome from conquering the world, if people can have another 1700 years to argue about it some more, creating even more divisions and animosity and rancor towards one another, that leads to even more counter productive vacillation and inaction.

Though you might be afraid to think it, you are in fact acting in precisely the manner Rome is counting on, for its own protection.

Unlike people of every other faith that the Pope embraces,those who "hold fast to the testimony of Jesus" are Rome's #1 Enemy. I think that offers me a unique perspective.

And who said "I" want to legislate my faith? This country has lost it's Christian backbone,but even if it was within my power,I would never order anyone to believe as I do. As with everything,God wants us to excercise free will. I would not take that away from anyone. It's wrong to assume that "Christians" are all potential dictators or terrorists. (Now,George Bush,...that's another matter!)

There are those of us who do not fit into the stereotype of what you may consider Christians to be.(Personally I do not believe in a "rapture",I don't worship on Sunday,I don't even hold the same idea of Hell as some do,and I am not a church-goer,looking to be indoctrinated by some infiltrated message that is "politically-correct" and "government-approved".)In fact,by their rules,I am a criminal for daring to preach the word of God.

And in all fairness,where have you offered one concrete idea where it comes to "defeating Rome"? I don't recall any. Exposing them is one thing,but it makes no difference to TPTB,does it? You're not the only one to expose how diabolical Rome is. If anything,you are practically a cheerleader for them in declaring they are all-powerful,beyond measure! I personally do not believe they are above God,though they do.

And regardless of what you may think,I am not on this thread to proselytize. I have no doubt that anyone reading this has already heard John 3:16. Many of my previous posts will attest to that. Most of my replies along that nature have been in response to other posters anyway,not aimed at you.
Believe me,I am keeping my eye on Rome now more than ever,because of the laws they are putting into place,and because of their "antichrist" status. Those edicts will affect believer and non-believer alike.

I've never assailed your "lack" of faith either. As you know,I am quite fond of much that you have to say. We all have our roles to play,and you are good at what you do. I think what you said belittling "a youtube video" as being unworthy of interest was uncalled for though.Should you decide to reach a greater audience with a youtube video,should everyone discount it on that fact alone? No,one would hopefully judge the content of what the video is saying.

By the way,my Bible doesn't tell us how to conquer Rome. It says the Lord will destroy it Himself,in ways no human being could achieve. It will be spectacular!

I hope we'll still be around to watch it all go down.

(I apologize. It was Jack who made the comment about the youtube video.)

[edit on 15-5-2010 by On the Edge]

posted on May, 15 2010 @ 03:01 PM
reply to post by jackflap

Jack,the "rapture" theory isn't even Biblical. I haven't figured out the reason for that lie to be so readily accepted,unless it just "tickles" some ears. There has to be a bigger conspiracy involved,but I haven't figured it out yet.

posted on May, 15 2010 @ 03:24 PM
reply to post by On the Edge

I've never assailed your "lack" of faith either. As you know,I am quite fond of much that you have to say. We all have our roles to play,and you are good at what you do. I think what you said belittling "a youtube video" as being unworthy of interest was uncalled for though.Should you decide to reach a greater audience with a youtube video,should everyone discount it on that fact alone? No,one would hopefully judge the content of what the video is saying.

This is not what I said, and you should consider that letting things become tainted with emotion, is entirely counter productive.

If I want to bake a chocolate cake I need to have all the ingredients to bake that cake.

For a man to attempt to prove a negative is an exercise in speculation and futility that could only arrive at a correct answer through sheer luck.

The truth is that the original source material is not available for his study. If he does not have the original Bible, Torah, Talmud, or Quran to base his theories on, but is using versions of these books from hundreds of years later, with no original book to compare them too, then it is only theory and speculation.

Now where is the original source material? Chances are it’s in the Vatican archives, but it’s not made publicly available outside of the Vatican. Why? Because it would paint a contradictory picture of what Rome has put out there in much later versions that in fact do lead to nothing but speculation.

With various parties, wanting to accept or not accept based on their own varied interpretations.

This is not credible. It’s not credible because it attempts to paint a picture, in absence of the original source material.

It’s a way to sell books, it’s a way to earn a living, it’s a way to gain and curry favor, or power, and nothing else, because it does not include the actual original source material.

Therefore they are trying to prove a negative.

I can’t possibly imagine where Christianity is standing in the way of Rome, since it is Christianity that has by and large spread Rome’s Talmudic moral laws through their gospels and genocides.

That they have defined an illusionary Rome, and given you an illusionary task in fighting that illusion, does that hurt Rome or help Rome.

Once again Hegelian principles are at play and you have to step outside of the box, in order to see those, getting bogged down in trivial attempts to prove negatives that can’t be proven, because the source material is not available to arrive at complete and correct conclusions, is a counterproductive and self defeating effort, especially when no matter what conclusion you draw is not going to change the scope and the nature of the over all conspiracy, or do anything to counter it’s effectiveness.

Is trying to prove a negative that means something solely to you, in order to justify your own perspectives and beliefs worth letting the world disintegrate around you while engaged in that process? Is it wise?

That particular lecturer is trying to preach an entirely unrelated goal of his own, to a group of people who are interested in that microcosm, which is only a minute part of the macrocosm.

That is not belittling in anyway shape or form, except to people whose soul agenda is that microcosm issue. Which is all about validating their faith, through trying to prove a negative, and that is just logic and common sense.

If you can’t speak directly to Jesus or God in an environment that it can be scientifically and legally determined that you are speaking to Jesus or God, and you are not dealing with the actual source original material, then all you are in fact doing is theorizing for the sake of theorizing, for the sake of validating an unproven negative, that can’t be proved.

Now how you imagine that is somehow beneficial? Well that’s what faith is all about, imagining things and then believing what you imagine.

Meanwhile Rome is really conquering the world, and setting up a one world government and using all these divisive arguments amongst many other things to create the smoke, and the vacuum that is allowing them to succeed in doing that.

You will have to forgive me, for not falling prey to emotions or trivial arguments that are designed to in fact create that smoke screen and vacuum for Rome.

In reality you are simply helping Rome, while you imagine you are hurting Rome, and that is precisely what they want you to do and think.

Step outside of the box, and you see a whole new picture.


[edit on 15/5/10 by ProtoplasmicTraveler]

posted on May, 15 2010 @ 03:45 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

In reality you are simply helping Rome, while you imagine you are hurting Rome, and that is precisely what they want you to do and think.

I don't imagine I have any power to hurt Rome at all. Far from it.

I can do no more to prevent Rome from fulfilling it's agenda than you can.

In a different thread,I would offer biblical quotes that refute much of what you say,but I don't do that because the Bible has no validity for you.

As for how it will all end,will Jesus return and set up His new kingdom as promised? For all the arguments for or against Biblical doctrine,it will all boil down to having to just wait and see.

At least those with "faith" have hope. This world,as it stands,is looking pretty hopeless,and human beings haven't been proven very capable when it comes to overcoming evil.

We shall see.....perhaps in our lifetimes,Proto. These are amazing times we're living in,no matter how you look at it!

posted on May, 15 2010 @ 04:10 PM
reply to post by On the Edge

Jack,the "rapture" theory isn't even Biblical. I haven't figured out the reason for that lie to be so readily accepted,unless it just "tickles" some ears. There has to be a bigger conspiracy involved,but I haven't figured it out yet.

You are right in that not everyone believes in the rapture, but there are enough people who do. Are they right or wrong? I'm sure you know the verses of the Bible that they use to justify this belief. Again we have division and uncertainty to keep enough people apart and arguing about it.

Do you believe we are being influenced to believe that the end is near because of what the Bible may or may not be teaching us? Can you see our policies as being driven by a loving God or man? I heard that in the first Gulf War our computer technology that was being utilized in Florida to run it all was referred to as "Templar".

No one who is up on this stuff would miss that. The Christians, Muslims or the Jews. No one would be lost on that reference. Let's not forget Bush's references as well. "This crusade, this war on terrorism is going to take a while." He mentioned also the evil doers and was happy to have our foreign policy equated to predictions of Armageddon.

Can you conceive for a moment that a widely dispersed network of people are in fact promoting the idea that God is behind world events and are using the Bible as a way for people to accept that the end is near? They are in fact very real and I believe I mentioned some of this in a prior post about a Faith Force Multiplier system.

Remember Lieutenant General William Boykin? Let me give you a little bit of information on him. See if you could see what I see.

Lieutenant General William G. Boykin (retired) was the United States Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence. He has played a role in almost every recent major American military operation, serving in Grenada, Somalia, and Iraq. He is currently a professor at Hampden-Sydney College, Virginia, and author of "Never Surrender: A Soldier's Journey to the Crossroads of Faith and Freedom." From 1978-1993 Boykin was assigned in various capacities to Delta Force.

He has gained notoriety for his Christian Fundamentalist views over the last few years and some public remarks. Boykin is a born-again Christian, who has cast the "War on Terror" in Biblical terms. A Pentagon investigation concluded in 2004 that he had violated regulations by failing to explain these remarks were not made in an official capacity. Boykin achieved widespread media coverage for his statements that appeared to frame the War on Terror in religious terms, first broadcast on NBC News, October 15, 2003

On 10 April 2008, Boykin spoke at Epicenter 2008, a conference in Israel hosted by Joel C. Rosenberg. His closing statement made a large round of applause:

We as believers have been promised that we will spend an eternity with God. Last Saturday I was doing a men's conference in Fredricksburg, Virginia and I was praying during the worship service and something dawned on me and it was the Holy Spirit speaking to me. And the Holy Spirit said, "this is what I want you to share with My men today", and I'm going to share it with you and this is what it is: One day, we're going to stand before the gates of Heaven. Some of us want to be able to walk up there in a white robe and we want to sing Abba Father and Amazing Grace and we want to say to the Lord, "I worshiped You." But I want you to think about this: Heres the way I want to enter the gates of Heaven. I want to come skidding in there on all fours. I want to be slipping and sliding and I want to hit the gates of heaven with a bang. And when I stand up and I stand before Christ, I want there to be blood on my knees and my elbows. I want to be covered with mud. And I want to be standing there with a ragged breast plate of righteousness. And a spear in my hand. And I want to say, "Look at me, Jesus. I've been in the battle. I've been fighting for you." Ladies and gentlemen, put your armor on and get into battle. God bless you.

On September 26, 2009, retired Lt. General Jerry Boykin gave an address at a How to Take Back America Conference in St. Louis, MO. hosted by the Eagle Forum. According to the Canada Free Press, General Boykin asked the audience. "What are you prepared to give up for America? Are you willing to pay the ultimate price?" He followed up with warning, "there is no greater threat to America than Islam"

So you have to ask yourself, have we and are we now being led to believe that all that is going on in the world is from God? Remember also that the Muslims have the same kind of "hero" in their employ as we do in Boykin and they are promoting the same kind of stuff on their end.

posted on May, 15 2010 @ 04:14 PM
Way too many replies about religion, for a thread not about religion! But that goes to show you how important the issue is. Religion is like the core-program, the prime paradigm. Which is exactly why our masters would not ignore it, but they would want to harness it's full potential, for their purposes.

I honestly haven't read all the replies, maybe someone else saw this, but you mention that Man was created imperfect. I know from many conversations with religionists, if you make even a tiny "mistake", they're all over you, and additionally have "proved" that you are on the Black-Hat team. Anyway, the real traditional Christian postion is that Man was created perfect, but then there was the Fall, in the Garden of Eden, etc. No, I don't think the small error detracts from where you went with it, which I totally agree with (namely, we'll never be good enough), but I know Christians who could use small "evidence" such as that to immediately disregard everything else you say. It's a shame, but it's why I often succumb to being perhaps too careful, whenever dealing with religion. Because I do think that they can learn, but it's almost as if you have to avoid "triggers" in their programming to get through. Otherwise, they immediately curl up into the fetal position.

I very much enjoy learning about the very serious worldwide conspiracy that has griped the planet, for far too long, regardless of where it finally leads. Our masters do in fact kill lots of people, and the proper response to that, well, that could get us into trouble.

A question to you Proto on the future, as you see it. Considering the evidence that the three major religions may indeed be past their usefulness to our masters, what will replace them? Religion, by whatever name, will always be useful for people-control, so we would only expect the next act. Obviously, if their main objective is total control, then they have likely been working on the "perfect" religion that would best aid in accomplishing that for them. Also, it would likely already be here, at least in embryonic form. I personally call it, the coming "slave-religion"! But while I have my personal pick for this planned religion for our grandchildren, what is yours?

Thanks for the great thread!

JR MacBeth
My New Blog: Gathering Storms Ahead

posted on May, 15 2010 @ 04:39 PM
PT I have follwed this thead and was the one that caused this bitch to registar.... Thanks.... But you are wrong....

You have sold yourself too short sweetheart... ROME???? Bah!!!

It goes WAYYYYYYYY before THAT!! And you can argue as much as you like but the truth is that ALL human history is connected and just not that small wee part you have highlighted....

You have totally left out Semiramis.. Or Sammur-amat.... The Gift of the sea.... How can you leave out the original of every goddess whoever was?? The woman who came out of the egg?? Who bore Damu (Apophis/Osiris) who would "destroy the seed of the woman"........ But was killed by that same "seed" for power..... That same woman built Babylon.. One her names is "The Goddess of Fortesses" who "builds towers and walls".. She is known throughout the Middle East and is worshipped still today in the Catholic Church, as the blue eyed blonde haired woman with a babe in her arms.... In fact Mothers day in the UK is held the same day she concieved, then exactly 9 months later on Dec 25th her son is worshipped..... This is a BASTARDIZATION of the truth...
Semiramus set up a relgious empire.. She killed her husband Nimrod, then set up her own son as "the promised one" in accordance with the bastardized version of the story of "the constellations" which she herself had he depicted as the "queen of Heaven" (See the book of Jerrimaiah).... The Pre delivuvian people knew that the "queen of Heaven" in Cassiopia was the REAL church at the end of the age who had "overcome".... Every nation since has sought to destroy Gods plan..... The Babylonians (the Lion), The Persians and Meads ( the bear), The Leopard with 4 heads (The Greaks, Alexander, whose kingdom was split into four.. Coincidence? The bible said that would happen.. Daniel)... The Romans.... All had their roots in Babylon... Read Revlation... Heaven exults over the destruction of Baylon... Not Rome... Though the Anti Christ is in the city of the 7 hills... Rome... Rome is just an ASPECT of Babylon...

[edit on 15-5-2010 by ElvenQueen]

posted on May, 15 2010 @ 04:41 PM
reply to post by JR MacBeth

I honestly don’t foresee a new religion, primarily because technology itself will soon be able to affect a better level of control over human beings than religion can.

There are few Masters in the world, and few Masters among men, but what good Masters know, that is to say what effective Masters know, is that you can not control people because of freewill.

However you can control a person’s environment in such a way that limits and decreases the choices that they have to apply freewill too.

In many ways religion has served that purpose to a large extent in limiting people’s choices and controlling their environment.

Yet technology is rapidly doing a better job at this. How many of us could grow our own food? How many of us could butcher a cow or a chicken or even clean a fish? How many of us could sew our own clothes, weave our own clothe? How many of us could get around without a car and without gasoline to put into a car? How man of us could communicate with one another without cell phones, without computers?

In fact most of us would perish if all of a sudden the store shelves went empty, and our cell phones and computers were cut off, and the gas pumps ran dry.

We are all enslaved to these things, the control grid the infrastructure and the State that provides them.

Our choices are very limited, you can shop at Publix or Winn Dixie for your food, Wal-Mart or Target for your clothes, Sprint or T-Mobile for your phone, Chevron, Exxon or BP for you gasoline but some things that are vital you get no choice at all. How many choices of electric companies do you have? How long could you live without it?
How many choices in WATER companies do you have? How long could you live without it?

We are effectively corralled and penned, by things we believe are conveniences, and in fact they are, but we have become totally reliant on those conveniences to the extent most of us could not provide for ourselves if those conveniences were cut off.

In the new state, you will worship the state as God because the state and only the state will be in the position to provide you what you need in order to actually live. You will not be able to fetch these things for yourself, or be given the opportunity to do these things for yourself even if you wanted to.

You will obey the state and worship the state and serve the state, or the state will not feed you, clothe you, or sustain you, and you will have no option but the state in order to get the vital resources you need to actually just survive.

The new religion will be worship of the State.

The State no longer needs religion as a control element, but is simply retaining it for the time being, because the religions have a self destruct button called Armageddon, and these people have been taught to look forward to that, and to embrace that, and to actually kill one another and eliminate one another through that as part of their religion.

Like everything the State does, it simply tricks you, to do the worst possible thing for you, and the best possible thing for it.

That will no longer be necessary in a world, where the control grid is so complete, your freewill becomes mute, because there are no longer any choices left for you to make!

[edit on 15/5/10 by ProtoplasmicTraveler]

posted on May, 15 2010 @ 04:49 PM
reply to post by ElvenQueen

Very easily, they are just stories, stories to give people meaning to an existence they would rather look outwardly than inwardly to understand.

Rome is all around you, this is not an exercise in Academia, this is a matter of survival.

Rome is driving the world, and has been for 2500 years now.

Those from before who were vanguished and eliminated and ceased to exist because of that, are completely irrelevant.

What is at play right now, and who the players are, and what the play is, is what is rellevant.


posted on May, 15 2010 @ 05:01 PM
reply to post by jackflap

Well,I hate to get all "biblical",but the "armor of God" is not about spears or any such weapons!

Eph 6:10-17 (NIV) ...Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armour of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armour of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled round your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

So I'd have to ask also,just whose agenda is he following?

posted on May, 15 2010 @ 05:02 PM
reply to post by pikestaff

Ummm, well, if all the Christians and Jews were wiped out, how did the two religions manage into the present day?

posted on May, 15 2010 @ 05:07 PM

Originally posted by pikestaff
reply to post by pikestaff

Ummm, well, if all the Christians and Jews were wiped out, how did the two religions manage into the present day?

By forcing it administratively on the other pagans who were forced to convert to it by penalty of death for not doing so would be a real good answer!

That is by the way what happened.


posted on May, 15 2010 @ 05:10 PM
reply to post by On the Edge

Yeah more off topic Bible Scripture!

Is there any way you could possibly find an airport to do this at, maybe sell some flowers at the same time?

The thread is not about the Bible.

It is about how Rome is using religion, laws, banking, media and military force to install a one world government in OUR lifetimes!


posted on May, 15 2010 @ 05:30 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

I am responding to Jack's post in which he describes "battling,in biblical terms" ...

Boykin is a born-again Christian, who has cast the "War on Terror" in Biblical terms.

I'm saying those "terms" are not Biblical,but are serving some other agenda which is condoning killing and "battling" for God in ways that are contrary to scripture.

Who are these people leading others to do things "in the name of God" which is not what is in the Bible?


posted on May, 15 2010 @ 05:34 PM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
reply to post by ElvenQueen

Very easily, they are just stories, stories to give people meaning to an existence they would rather look outwardly than inwardly to understand.

Rome is all around you, this is not an exercise in Academia, this is a matter of survival.

Rome is driving the world, and has been for 2500 years now.

Those from before who were vanguished and eliminated and ceased to exist because of that, are completely irrelevant.

What is at play right now, and who the players are, and what the play is, is what is rellevant.


Rome is not even a mirror of Babylon..... Just an aspect of it.... An ASPECT....

Not STORIES... But actual historical fact if you delve deply enough.... And you do not... So what happened before all that then hun??.. All you have is one small part of history and have run with it..... And youu are right to do so... Because the road does indeed lead to Rome... But before that... Babylon... And Babylon was the original world power.... Rome is just a shadow of it... A bad one.... And all the architcture we have today in our many cities is a mirror of it.... They were stolen by their conqerors.... Each one just an aspect of the original.... Archeology supports it.... I know...

Stop feeding people crap because it makes you look good....

Im waiting for your evidence to prove me wrong....

posted on May, 15 2010 @ 05:50 PM
reply to post by ElvenQueen

Well undo, I mean ElvenQueen, in absence of your research, which you have not made any attempt to present, I would have to stick by my original point that these stories are not relevant, and you have simply been misled on purpose to looking in all the wrong places for all the wrong answers.

Undo was not actually able to draw a direct thread or link to how this affects the present world, through the driving Roman conspiracy, and I am forced to assume you are not able to also, since you have made no attempt to present any credible research or even conspiracy or train of thought, but are simply vaguely outlining your alternative belief system, which is why you are taking that inflammatory approach into simply trying to use emotional domination to get people to agree with you.

This is called trolling and derailing.

You might want to actually take some time, to put together a thread to present your theories in a structured, well thought out way, if you would like critical minds to consider them.

Babylon is not relevant, it was conquered by the Romans, and the Roman belief system originates from Troy.

Egypt is not relevant, it was conquered by the Romans and the Roman belief system originates from Troy.

This has all been exhaustively dealt with previously in the thread.

By the way it was shown earlier in the thread that Troy was in fact every bit as old if not older than Babylon or Egypt.

So you are free to ignore evidence that doesn't fit into your theories, but that in and of itself is not going to sell your theory to someone who has considered all the evidence.


[edit on 15/5/10 by ProtoplasmicTraveler]

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