Originally posted by Hardstepah
Aside from the fact that if a government ever took control of my womb I'd self emolate on the steps of parliment..some of the most inventive creative
people have been born to 'dysfunctional' homes. Some of the best understandings in and about the world physical and spiritual were written by those
same children of "bad" parents, who were considered ' unkept' unclean' diseased' and came from unwanted remnants of society.
Its also true that some of the worst crimes in the world have been commited in the name of God Law Mercy and Love, by people who thought themselves
anothers better...
ditto their 'superior'...
ditto "more worthy"...
ditto " more acceptable than"....
ditto people who thought they were "right".
I feel that the idea of utilizing a system of licencing to judge who is acceptable to raise children was born from the Eugenics dream of utopia which
in turn has permiated the fields of Psychiatry, politics and social engineering groups and so filtered down through the years to everyday eutopia
fantasties....that dream is something I consider a false reality....a lie of convenience...an engineered snake.
Imo, licencing parents will not only remove God's will from the equation of life, which is something I personally wouldnt want to do...we as a species
would risk loosing most if not all of our ability to BE human in a very few short years. We would loose randomness, we would loose spontenaity,
creativity and innovation, we would loose our ability to overcome hurdles and problems and complexities..we would risk loosing free thought, loose our
mechanism of attaining humility, grace via our service to one another. Politically we would face 'gattica' in a very short while...socially, we'd face
moral imprisonment, intellectual imprisonment etc...
I was rasied by a drunk biological father and a mentally Blitz traumatised mother..I spent my early existance out there on the streets from 11yrs old
facing the worst of it.. I went through the gamit of drugs grog pain and all forms of violence horror and abuse...and not only did I survive..I now
*live* an amazing life and participate fully in the world around me.
I have gone on to have two healthy sons..not affected by parental abuse in any form..who also contribute to the planet in lovinig meaningful and
creative ways..
I overcame...and I am not 'special' so I feel so to can others even those who like me, were not given anything but abuse, pain and confusion from our
parentals. And I overcame not just society but my own self as well.....and if people had decided my parents were not fit..I would not, no one would
ever have known or believed that was possible. So if only for the chance to stand here and say it is and was - it was worth it. *Freedom* is
Without those experiences of hardship..I wouldnt be who I am today..my enemies and my friends both assisted me to be me today. To have earned and
learned those skills and ways of coping, of learning, thinking, living and growing is my treasure today....you can keep money and property..these are
my posessions.
And no I am not advoicating abuse..as it wasnt the hardship itself that made me..it was though, what was within me that came out and I redisscovered
as a result of overcoming those hardships that defined me.
My mother recently asked me forgiveness and I wrote back hurridly giving it in fear she may die and not be at peace - that, even though she had never
been my 'mother' in any sense I know the word today. Later though, and in light of what I know now..I realised that she had nothing to be forgiven
for..she was just being the best human being she could be. It was a profound moment of realisation.
....and if you knew my situation, knew what happened back then..you'd comprehend how big a deal and leap over anger fear and hurt that is...but that
realisation was necessary if I was to remove judgement, my jdgement from my mother before her death - to finally accept I didnt have 'bad' or 'good'
parents..I just had the ones I had....human ones. " Good and Bad" are just judgements...ones I couldnt afford to cling to if I was to grow any
Yes..my mother was not some socially generated view or emotionally engineered wishful idea of what a parent ought to or should be...she was just
'human'...and I am grateful for that....and for the freedom that permitted that.
We do not know - what we do not know..not about ourselves or the world let alone any single individal other than ourselves. Licencing parents is a
specious reasoning..in that it sounds pleasent..sounds like it might 'fix things'..but ultimately..that is the point..when you cpmrehend better, when
you grow, you suddenly understand that some things dont need 'fixing'.
That eutopia dream is just that, a dream..its not the truth..and its ultimately a bitter end...sure it sounds good..but in reality..it would end life
as we know it on this planet and we would no longer be humans..we would be an socially engineered and easily moderated and herded cattle class....held
to law by people who cannot be held to law...berefit of the processes of forgiveness and growth.
Roses grow in #..and while too much # can kill the plant..a balance of good soil and # is required for growth...and on the whole..we parents do get
that balance right..instinctvly and intuitivly...even the worst of parents.
A tad dystopian in my view, yes..but look at what is..what was..and you soon find a friend in the active mistrust of such a power in the hands of
edit on 4-12-2010 by Rosha because: my U key isnt working..