I agree that there is defiantly a issue with unfit parents. Having a license I feel is not the best solution, it will just open up a whole lot of new
situations. In my opinion I feel that part of the problem is education, along with the unmorality of reality tv, certain movies, music, games, etc.
I feel if we raise our children right they won't have a desire or be allow to watch, listen, and read the idiotic garbage the media presents.
Eduction is a crucial issue when it comes to parenting. Yes, our schools teach "health" and what happens between the birds and the bees. The
schools provide programs that are to teach our children the consequences of sex and what happens. Schools even provide daycare services for teen
In my opinion, more schools should allow clinics for students to access contraceptives. Students should be required to take an INTENSE class on the
consequences of being sexually active if they want to obtain contraceptives. Some schools are already taking action.
I remember taking a course in college that convinced me not to have sex with multiple partners and the statistics on how expensive a child is. They
provided graphic photos, videos, and facts that could just about scared anyone away from having unprotected sex.
I have been working with children my whole life, all ages. One thing that I have noticed is the rise in sexual activity among tween and teens.
There are games students have made up that promote sexual activity. Children love this one: Sex Bracelets (I work with 11-13yr olds) who just about
all wear these.
Last year I worked with a class that had an 8th grader pregnant with twins. She had been sexually active since 6th grade from what I heard.
If we start with our youth and educated them of the world around them, the consequences that can arise then maybe things might start to change. I
think new parents should be required to take a class when they are pregnant on parenting and maybe instead of a license have someone come and check
on parents their first few years to see how everything is going.
Honestly, I don't know what the correct answer is and I could go on further about welfare and people cheating the system, which I myself knew many
people who abused the system. That is a whole different major issue. I agree unfit parenting is an issue that needs to be addressed, but maybe we
need to start at the beginning and try to prevent our future generations from making the same mistake as their parents. Showing the children a
different path in life.