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Would it be so bad to be required to have a license to have a child?

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posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 07:30 PM
reply to post by VintageEnvy

you from the UK? trust me from were i live having a baby is "cool" nowadays especially for females,for young males it is more of a "bigup" to boast to friends about,im fairly certain that other people from the uk see it also,well everyone i know can see it,its a subject thats talked about alot in my home.i will agree that most dont know what being a parent involves but on the same note nor did i at the time,there is no manual for having/looking after a person.
thankyou for your time


edit- i will agree that most have children due to low esteem,this is because you will mostly find that their parents treat them like stray dogs,they then look to there friends and i think alot of it is peer pressure,ofcourse this is just my own observation

[edit on 19-4-2010 by FeatheredSerpent]

posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 07:32 PM
reply to post by infolurker

I didn't know that, thanks for the info

What about Asia and Africa though? Either way population has skyrocketed in the past few centuries and we would do well to keep it from increasing too drastically. Reproduction is all fine and dandy when its necessary for the survival of the species but the inverse of that is when it gets out control and threatens the species with escalating population growth. Just in the last fifty years we've seen an increase of nearly 3 billion people, we can't sustain that kind of growth.

posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 07:32 PM
Well lets see......

I have to have a license to drive a car
I have to have a license to possess and carry a firearm
I have to have a license to fish in any lake, stream or river
I have to have a license to hunt for food or shoot or trap any animal
I have to have a license to own a business
I have to have a license to add an addition on to my own damn house
I have to have a license to grow and sell my own produce
I have to have a license to fly an airplane
I have to have a license to assemble and protest having to have a license
I even have to buy a registered license for my dog

When is this man made nonsense ever going to end?

First I have to pay the state money just to fish in a river that has been here for 1,000 the state a fee to hunt in the forests that God put here for us this?

Now Im beginning to see where these sovereign citizen types are coming from. We are legislated and taxed to death with enough red tape to lasso a donkey.

And the day that the government tells me I have to have a license in order to conceive a child will be the day I stop pretending that Im a free man.

edit typo

[edit on 19-4-2010 by BlackOps719]

posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 07:34 PM

i think what i'm trying to say is, if we don't have some form of requirement to have children, we will continue to have more and more worthless ignorant people and less intelligent productive members of society

And I see the this happening if we had license to have kids. The hard working just scraping by loving close knit families who are intelligent and proud won't be able to afford a license because they don't make enough money no matter who good of parents they may be. The wealthy , I want a kid because it is now a symbol of status, but could really care less about the kid will be allowed to have kids. You'll have an influx of spoiled couldn't care about anyone but themselves daddies money, me me me, more more more kids who never learned to love because Mommy was to busy with her career and socialite friends and daddy never gave them attention just his credit cards, the very situation that leads to borderline personality disorder.

posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 07:43 PM
I agree that there is defiantly a issue with unfit parents. Having a license I feel is not the best solution, it will just open up a whole lot of new situations. In my opinion I feel that part of the problem is education, along with the unmorality of reality tv, certain movies, music, games, etc. I feel if we raise our children right they won't have a desire or be allow to watch, listen, and read the idiotic garbage the media presents.

Eduction is a crucial issue when it comes to parenting. Yes, our schools teach "health" and what happens between the birds and the bees. The schools provide programs that are to teach our children the consequences of sex and what happens. Schools even provide daycare services for teen mothers.

In my opinion, more schools should allow clinics for students to access contraceptives. Students should be required to take an INTENSE class on the consequences of being sexually active if they want to obtain contraceptives. Some schools are already taking action.

I remember taking a course in college that convinced me not to have sex with multiple partners and the statistics on how expensive a child is. They provided graphic photos, videos, and facts that could just about scared anyone away from having unprotected sex.

I have been working with children my whole life, all ages. One thing that I have noticed is the rise in sexual activity among tween and teens. There are games students have made up that promote sexual activity. Children love this one: Sex Bracelets (I work with 11-13yr olds) who just about all wear these.

Last year I worked with a class that had an 8th grader pregnant with twins. She had been sexually active since 6th grade from what I heard.

If we start with our youth and educated them of the world around them, the consequences that can arise then maybe things might start to change. I think new parents should be required to take a class when they are pregnant on parenting and maybe instead of a license have someone come and check on parents their first few years to see how everything is going.

Honestly, I don't know what the correct answer is and I could go on further about welfare and people cheating the system, which I myself knew many people who abused the system. That is a whole different major issue. I agree unfit parenting is an issue that needs to be addressed, but maybe we need to start at the beginning and try to prevent our future generations from making the same mistake as their parents. Showing the children a different path in life.

posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 07:44 PM
reply to post by calstorm

It won't be happening, their long list of nwo, isn't going to lift off. We the people affirm:
Not on our watch! Said to infinity.

What we need to discuss instead is how to inform these criminals that they're employment at great expense to the employer group And thats us!
is no longer required.

That they are going to be facing criminal charges when we fine tooth those documents with our own researchers, and freedom fighting lawyers.

That we wish a world with no banks, no wars, no starvation, free energy, redistribution of land and goods to all, decriminilization of nearly everything, no patents, copyrights, no SLAVES.

We're going evolve just fine without them!

posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 07:47 PM

Originally posted by tothetenthpower
No, you can't implement a licensing program, cause who gets to decide who gets a license?

Who decides what is considered bad or good parenting?

We should have course, not about good parenting.

It should be courses on "What Not To Do As A Parent".


if you need a course on what not to do as a parent, you probably shouldn't have a child.

good parenting = being involved in your children's lives (school, hobbies, extracurricular activities etc...) being able to feed and clothe them, able to keep a roof over their head, not leaving your known child mollestor friend/cousin/uncle/brother/father alone with them, and teaching right from wrong. COMMON SENSE BEING USED IN YOUR PARENTING DECISION

bad parenting = ignoring your child, worrying more about getting your drug/alcohol fix instead of them eating, leaving your known child mollestor friend/cousin/uncle/brother/father) alone with them, beating your child (and i don't mean spaking, i'm talking straight beaten close-fisted). there is a long list i'm sure you and the rest of us know what bad parenting would be.

hypothetically, without the agenda of politicians, yes i probably would be ok to have children. no i'm not being biased or following my own guidelines, i just don't want to re-type the "good parenting" section in this reply. would my parents be able to have a license? absolutely. call me spoiled (not in terms of wealth) but i always had a roof over my head, i never went hungry, and was taught right from wrong. if that makes me spoiled for having parents who love eachother and have been married for 30 years to this day, then i guess i was born with a silver spoon in my mouth (damn right!).

posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 07:48 PM
I myself am a product of a 15 year old mother and 19 year old father....They remained married for 16 years and taught me and my younger brother brother hard working father always worked two ..three jobs..(believe it: Type A guy) mother went to college when I was in middle school for a nursing degree... I did not marry until I was 33 and we had our first child (by choice) 18 months license needed..but I have to agree with seeing "po'black kids" run around as well as ("po' white trash") that make me angry at individuals that do not give a sh++ about their own childen...child abuse at any income level is clarify what the rules would be for a license....if "nanny" required does that produce a better person..hardly not....

I do however agree any child molester or abuser should either have a "license" or be sterilized as they are an abomination.

[edit on 19-4-2010 by MandBB]

posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 07:53 PM
[edit on 20-4-2010 by BlackOps719]

posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 07:59 PM
reply to post by BlackOps719

Thank you .. i did edit my post as I have heard derogatory terms for any race... Peace

posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 07:59 PM
reply to post by BlackOps719

Thank you .. i did edit my post as I have heard derogatory terms for any race... Peace

posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 07:59 PM
reply to post by BlackOps719

Thank you .. i did edit my post as I have heard derogatory terms for any race... Peace

posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 07:59 PM
reply to post by BlackOps719

Thank you .. i did edit my post as I have heard derogatory terms for any race... Peace

posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 07:59 PM
reply to post by BlackOps719

Thank you .. i did edit my post as I have heard derogatory terms for any race... Peace

posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 08:25 PM
reply to post by Hardstepah

That would be awesome, one political group could prevent their opposition from reproducing and if they do so anyway confiscate the child or redistribute their wealth. Then the other group will get in power and reverse it. How about a license to post on ATS? Its hardly as intrusive as having to have a license to have sex with your spouse.

posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 08:48 PM
How about just do away with the monetary incentive to have these children. I bet that would curb it greatly without infracting others. Help for people needing it - and truly deserving it - should come from family and the person's own community - not the federal government.

posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 09:00 PM
reply to post by Hardstepah

I have only glanced at your post.

I think a license should be required to have a child...

posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 11:08 PM
I've always thought this to be one of those very important issues that keeps getting shoved in the closet because a vast majority of people don't even want to go and if they do go 'there' it's usually with an over-emotional response rather than serious thinking plus it means they are going to have to make sacrifices when they start to think about it and that dosn't sit well with some people are who 'me me' orientated. If we thought about this logically, we could arive at something where people's rights don't have to be violated with an understanding that though we are free we also must be responsible for freedom isn't a right to be irresponsible and that we do at times have to make sacrifices so everyone can benefit. We need to start adressing these things rationally because people are ariving at possible solutions which are worrysome and unnecessary,
I imagin reproduction is like any other bodily function that we need to learn how to control and use responsibly. Afterall, with potty training, we learn we ought not take a dump in the middle of the tea-cup ride at Disneyland. Ofcourse, we could if we wanted to but it wouldn't be a good idea.
But we have to factor in the vast sea of unintelligent individuals out there who are ever the road block making things harder then they have to be and more than not worse and cruel.
But they must surely come to a realisation that we are reaching a point where out presence is becoming so over bearing that the planet's systems are beginning to collapse. This means that not only are countless other forms of life are in danger of extinction (many having already fallen to this) but that also our form of life is in peril. We are reaching a point of no return. For those who want to have children, you must consider this and consider how if we want to have any children in the future, that we must restrict our impact on the planet or there will be no one and the future that awaits the already born and soon to be born is a nightmare even hollywood would struggle to plant on a pretty screen for our entertainment.
Our technology can only get us so far but it is all for nought if we ourselves fail to advance.
We need to find a solution together or we will lose all, including ourselves.
Edited because my spelling and grammar suck. Heeeheeee.

[edit on 19-4-2010 by Arles Morningside]

posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 11:23 PM
reply to post by Hardstepah

Someone is raped and does not believe in abortion... do you put the victim into jail until they pay?

posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 11:24 PM
reply to post by Arles Morningside

There is an incredible flaw in your theory. To begin with if you wave your magic wand and remove all controlling, facist slave masters and elite of any kind, because that is going no where FAST, from this world, you still have the religions these bloodlines set up to control people, prohibit them from looking withing with warring gods, and divide and conquer strategies, and that one is a whole different ballgame. But lets pretend that didn't happen, and we the people are free of controllers, and any concept of liscening, birth control is so far, a very faulty, dangerous often, and not equal in who may use it. 50 % of all women who use birth control chemicals must go off during child bearing years for a variety of reasons. Something I know personally and had discussions of my doctor about. Other methods are faulty, and not everyone believes in slaughtering unborn children.

So, along with those who set themselves as dictator and leaders in this world, needing to step down and surrender peacefully for their crimes agaisnt humanity, but also we need disclosure of all technology, everything that has ever been developed on earth, so we can see what kind of alternatives people might wish to use for themselves, voluntarily, by choice, freely with no BIG BROTHER.

Not that coming forward, dropping NWO, and asking for amnesty, and simply being on the side of the people would not be even better.

In short, its NO to NWO and Fascism. Period. And this issue never even had to occur, if they had not persisted in their exhortion of humanity and the resources of the third world and had not prohibited their development and advancement with clean technology instead of the environmentally damaging, control of the oil industry, to line their pockets.

First world nations have either 0 growth rate or negative numbers. This is an issue that was created by the greed of the bloodlines period.

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