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Would it be so bad to be required to have a license to have a child?

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posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 06:25 PM
apologies to the mods if this is in the wrong forum but i figured this is a maddening political issue to me.

i know, it does sound a bit unconstitutional (and i'm sure unholy according to a few religious nutbags), but think about it before you jump to human rights so quickly.

look at our society these days. we have children being raised by, and these are just a few adjectives to describe the people raising our future; unintelligent, ignorant, racist, poor, lazy, freeloading morons.

i understand there are some actual (rape, incest, etc...) circumstances that can happen to cause unwanted pregnancy, but an unwanted pregnancy in most cases would be handled anyway.

everyday i drive through towns and cities and just see outlandish things that makes me sick to my stomach. such as...

i see a mother who isn't even old enough to drink with 3 kids. all 3 children have diapers only. no shoes, no shirts, no pants, NOTHING BUT A DIAPER. while her kids have nothing, she has her bootleg coach purse, her fake nails, her louis vaton shades that cover her entire face, and her hair done.

i work at a local video game shop and constantly get these idiotic gangbangers who come in with their 5 kids and talking to these 2-7 year olds like they were his "potnahs". "shut the f^&% up lil nigga".

my neighbor, she has 6 kids and has admittedly fraud welfare because she makes more then if she were to get a job and she "doesn't know what she's gonna do when her youngest turns 18". this woman has repeatedly asked me if i knew anybody who could score her some meth.

now i know there are always exceptions to the rule, but most of these children are raised by reality television and all the intelligent music on the radio and mtv (if there even is music on mtv anymore).

i just think there should be certain standards to be able to have the privilege to have children. some people can't have children due to medical issues, and would give anything to be able to give a child a good life and not treat a child as a paycheck or fashion accessory.

these people today seem to have kids anymore just for the tax benefits (which my girlfriends co-workers got together and did for the same reasons) and extra financial aid they get from school. some do it for a paycheck for 18 years be it child support or welfare.

i don't feel the dumbing-down of society can be blamed on TV, movies, or music alone. the parents (or lack there of) who raise these children are not fit to be a good parent. in this day and age it takes more then loving a child to raise them properly and give them a good life. this is just my opinion however.

if anybody has ever seen mike judge's movie Idiocracy, you know what i am getting at.

i don't think it's such a bad thing to have some sort of minimum requirement met to be given the privilege to bare children. i don't think it's fair to bring a life into this world if it won't have the basic needs and necessities for having a good life and educated in schooling and proper etiquette and manners.

but again that's just my opinion.


posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 06:42 PM
How about having a license for existence. What if the populations of the earth had to go in front of a committee and justify their existence every year or so. If you stop producing then you are eliminated. Would this also help eliminate social burdens?

posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 06:44 PM
I think the problem with suggesting something like that is that the people would would ask for a license to have a child are generally the ones that will bring their children up moderately well anyway. It's the people that wouldn't apply for one that are the problem.. and when they didn't, what would you do? Unless you're advocating enforced abortions for those that don't follow the system, then it wouldn't particularly work in my opinion.

Though, in an ideal world I can see your point. Too many people that aren't prepared to have children, who can't cope with them are having them and there seems to be nothing we can do about it apart from pick up the pieces afterwards. Sorry situation all around.

posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 06:47 PM
Have to ask. What happens to all of the illegally had children? Taken away by the government for whatever purpose? Forced into hiding ala Anne Frank? Non-licensed children communities popping up inside the desert or forests? Coyotes running non-licensed children between states? Handing children over to individuals or groups who promise to protect them and turn around to open up kiddie brothels?

One children become black market or regulated by the government you're opening up a whole can of worms. One that'll make current child abuse statistics look like the best thing in the world.

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posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 06:47 PM
And what do you do "when" the population tells you go to hell? Drag women to the abortion clinic? Deny them healthcare? Take their baby upon birth and put it in an orphanage? Or just shoot them in the head for daring to stand up for their "reproductive rights"?

What happened to the women's right to choose? I bet that only applies when you want to KILL a baby right? Oh hell, why not just do what the Nazi's did and sterilize people? hmmm... you can always "apply" to have a "test tube" baby when your ready right?

How about limiting WELFARE? Put a set number of months on it? Enforce "workfare", you want it, you work for it.

[edit on 19-4-2010 by infolurker]

posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 06:47 PM
reply to post by Hardstepah

Would it be so bad to be required to have a license to have a child?

When did having a license prevent asinine moments..?


i don't think it's such a bad thing to have some sort of minimum requirement met to be given the privilege to bare children

Who sets the requirement, and what makes you think it will stop at requirements..?

I agree there are quite a few unfit parents out there, and some even need to be shot...but this can-o-worms needs to stay shut.

Now, most licenses have an age standard, and rightfully so...but even 'that' is debated on a regular basis, as culture, politics, and our beloved religions come into play.

And age 'requirement' would make sense from my POV, but how would you set 'it' knowing that different demographics have much different standards amongst themselves..?

You really can't...and as hard as it is, you're gonna have to accept that their are unfit parents out there; just make sure you don't do the same with yours - which is probably the only way to help the system.

posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 06:47 PM
I understand the frustration, I'm married, 4 kids now, only 26, but I make things work, I don't get one state run programs, I do it the right way, hard work. But I know plenty of people leeching off the system, and it does infuriate me. My main issue with this is I wouldn't want someone else telling me if I can have kids or not, although I am done, 4 is plenty for me, lol.

posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 06:57 PM
reply to post by Hardstepah

This is a very unpopular idea but I kinda agree with you. When anyone brings up the idea of population monitoring/control every conspiracy theorist thinks eugenics and depopulation but the FACT of the matter is our population is growing far too quickly and our resources aren't going to last forever.

If we continue to multiply like this I don't think we have long, maybe a few centuries, before the human race has to turn spaceward and start terraforming (if the wars over diminishing resources don't wipe our species from the planet altogether)

It all boils down to the fact that we are an immature species who take no responsibility for our own sexual urges and reproduction. We've got surefire birthcontrol, 99.99% effective and yet we still have people getting abused and raped and needing to get abortions. If we would just learn to take responsibility for these urges we wouldn't need things like abortion, and rape would rapidly decline if the government or some other agency handed out free porn (no seriously, studies show porn helps reduce sexual crime).

We need to take responsibility for our own reproduction. We need people willing to say that they're not going to have kids. We're overpopulating the Earth and that is jeopardizing the future of our species.

posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 07:01 PM
And how would that be enforced?
I prefer to head in the direction of less government involvement, not more.

posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 07:06 PM
I myself dont want to have children so thats where my opinion on the matter is coming from. I would not be in favor of needing a license to have a child. It is the most natural thing we can possible do and vital to our species. People may say were having too many kids but I disagree.

The more people are born the higher the chances of someone curing cancer or aids is. We'll have more Einsteins and Hawkins. I know there are people who just lay around and shoot out babies but ive never been for punishing everyone for the acts of a few.

posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 07:09 PM

Originally posted by Hardstepah

look at our society these days. we have children being raised by, and these are just a few adjectives to describe the people raising our future; unintelligent, ignorant, racist, poor, lazy, freeloading morons.

Yeah, if you are "ignorant" and don't think how the thought-police want, you should have no right to have children. You're perfectly right.

What if they don't like how you view 9/11 and say that YOU'RE one of the ignorant ones. You would endanger your children with all these un-lawful conspiracy theories!

And don't forget the poor... Of course you should have to be rich in order to have kids!! Poor people shouldn't even be breathing....

I hope I don't EVER read a post from you criticizing the NWO, you are secretly wishing for their technocracy. You love their control. You hate freedom.

posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 07:09 PM
I agree with you entirely. In the U.S., you have to have a license to catch a fish or cut hair, but human reproduction is a free-for-all. It seems reasonable that some kind of minimum requirements need to be in place and perhaps cases like this would not happen. The Baby Grace Case

There are two big problems. One, get ready to be flamed by the "no one has the right to tell anyone what fruit may spring from their loins" crowd. These people believe in breeding under any circumstances. Dull witted, low IQ, criminal tendencies, impulsive personality? Who are WE to judge them? I'll lump the OMG, you are proposing eugenics, you Nazi New World Order swine!! people here. (Keep in mind that the swine on their dinner table was bred using carefully controlled genetics for a superior animal.)

Next, is the problem of a penalty for breeding without a license since there would need to be a deterrent. Since the kind of person you have in mind usually has little regard for the rules of society, they have NO idea why anyone would be opposed to them breeding, (If you haven't talked to them them, please try it.) They are backed by the It's Your God Given Right to Reproduce Under Any and All Circumstances crowd.

I'll throw in a third problem. NO politician is going to advocate this. In general, who breeds the most? The idiots, who make more idiots, who become voters. As a politician, would you want an intelligent, skeptical voter, or a slow, dull-witted, easily manipulated one?

I'm sad to say the idea of a breeding license will never be accepted.

posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 07:09 PM
Being a father of 4,my oldest now 10(and none of them planned might i add,though i did get the luxury of twins) i wouldnt say that all young parents are like this but i will admit that most are.having kids at a young age nowadays is all the fashion,having a child was a big shock and was most certainly the kick up the backside i needed,me and my partner have been together for 13 years now
shes now 26 so we have spent half our lives together already,as for a licence i dont think that will resolve the issue,i think its about appreciation of life.i would give up alot of things just to be a parent,nothing else comes close to watching your own child grow and learn.
thankyou for your time


i will add that i too am shocked by what most parents are teaching or not bothering to teach there children nowadays it is appalling.

[edit on 19-4-2010 by FeatheredSerpent]

posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 07:15 PM
reply to post by FeatheredSerpent

I disagree, having babies isn't in fashion at all. Having sex with your boyfriend is to a point, but not having babies. If your in high school and pregnant, your talked about behind your back. Your known as a slut and people make fun of you.

As a side, most young teens hungry for a baby are actually just suffering from low self esteem and want something 'to love them unconditionally'. They don't understand the hardships that come along with it.

posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 07:17 PM
call me communist, i don't give a damn about reproductive rights. and no a license never prevented asinine moments, i mean just look at how many idiots are driving while putting on make up in the rear-view, talking on cell phones or doing everything EXCEPT watching the road.

however, driving is a privilege not a right, and i believe having a child (which requires WAAAAY more responsibility than driving) should be a privilege as well.

i'm not saying i have the answers to the problems proposed, but i do feel that our country ("our" if you live in rome...err....the US like me) is completely over run with these sheep who care only for themselves. these are the same people that don't, who as many ATSers would say; "deny ignorance". they only add to the problems of this country.

i feel the US has gotten so soft, the snuggle bear would tear us to shreds.
everybody has to be so politically correct so we don't hurt anybody's feelings. tough cookies. if i would have mentioned in any of those descriptions of parents in my OP was black i'd be branded a racist.

i think what i'm trying to say is, if we don't have some form of requirement to have children, we will continue to have more and more worthless ignorant people and less intelligent productive members of society

posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 07:17 PM
Yeah, no one owns another. We're FREE and Sovereign. Hopefully soon we'll see the whole treasonous political servants of the international banksters turn themselves, surrender unconditionally. NWO is never going to get off the platform!

posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 07:19 PM
I don't like the idea of that because it could turn into a slippery slope. First only have kids with a license, and then kids only if your chosen. And then no kids.

posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 07:19 PM
What about you? Would your parents qualify for a licenses? Would you even qualify for a licenses? I doubt it since you are on this site. The people who will be given licenses are sheeple, people who don't question government. Just because kid has crappy parents doesn't mean the kid will turn out rotten. I am a perfect example of someone who was raised by someone who should have never had kids, but is a better person because of it.
Children today have it so much better than they did from the beginning of time to up until 100 years ago. Children through out history have been treated as property. Better to be a poor child born to a druggie in modern day America than an impoverished child in Europe 500 years ago.

[edit on 19-4-2010 by calstorm]

[edit on 19-4-2010 by calstorm]

posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 07:20 PM
reply to post by Titen-Sxull

Europe is actually experiencing negative growth (depopulation) and the US is really "barely" over replacement rate ( 2.13 births per woman). The primary factor for population growth is Immigration.

The population of Europe has reached a peak of about 731 million people and now heads for decline. Over the coming decades, the pace of decline is expected to quicken to around 2 million fewer persons per year. Consequently, the population of Europe by mid-century is likely to be around 664 million, nearly 10 percent smaller than its current size. With this decline and continuing population growth in other regions, notably Africa and Asia, Europe's share of world population is expected to decline from 11 percent today to 7 percent by 2050.


Population growth is due to two factors: fertility and immigration.

Fertility: The U.S. average fertility rate is currently 2.1335 births per woman, the U.S.’s highest fertility rate since 1971. (For comparison, the United Kingdom’s fertility rate is 1.7, Canada's is 1.4, and Germany's is 1.3.)

Immigration: Immigration contributes over one million people to the U.S. population annually. The total foreign-born population in the U.S. is now 31.1 million, a record 57 percent increase since 1990. About 8 million of those are here illegally--a 4.5 million increase since 1990. Almost one-third of all immigration during the 1990s was illegal.

An NPG demographic analysis of age distribution, fertility, and mortality data shows that if there had been no immigration to the U.S. since 1990, the population in 2000 would have been 262 million–19 million less than the 281 million counted. Thus, post-1990 immigrants and their children accounted for 61 percent of population growth during the last decade.

posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 07:21 PM
No, you can't implement a licensing program, cause who gets to decide who gets a license?

Who decides what is considered bad or good parenting?

We should have course, not about good parenting.

It should be courses on "What Not To Do As A Parent".


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