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End of the world Aussie Bloke hoax thread...

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posted on Jun, 18 2004 @ 10:08 AM

This is an artists description of the meteor that NO ONE CAN FIND.

"We went out to check if it was something bad, like a plane," said a police spokesman. "However we didn't find anything - there was no bloody great rock sitting in the middle of the highway, anyway".

Seems like this story was over before it began.

posted on Jun, 18 2004 @ 10:11 AM
Didn't the article say it exploded?

So....what exactly are they looking for?

posted on Jun, 18 2004 @ 10:13 AM
i hate to add to this but didnt he say the 18th-20th? so we have a few more days .............

posted on Jun, 18 2004 @ 10:29 AM
Even if it did explode, it was supposed to be the size of a freaking house. You'd think that a few car size boulders would have remained in tact right?!?!

He said first impact would be today. He was pretty specific about it and gave his measurements for why it would be today. So either his measurementst were wrong, or more likely, IT'S A LIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[edit on 18-6-2004 by mpeake]

posted on Jun, 18 2004 @ 10:34 AM
This thread makes me think that some folks would rather be right than alive. Well, it's time, and we are all here. I hope that isn't too disapointing....

posted on Jun, 18 2004 @ 10:38 AM

Originally posted by mpeake
Even if it did explode, it was supposed to be the size of a freaking house. You'd think that a few car size boulders would have remained in tact right?!?!

He said first impact would be today. He was pretty specific about it and gave his measurements for why it would be today. So either his measurementst were wrong, or more likely, IT'S A LIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[edit on 18-6-2004 by mpeake]

Not necessarily to the meteors.
We don't even know how high up it exploded.

and yeah it's more likely a lie but he did say

June 18-20 1st impact
June 24-25 2nd impact
June 27-28 3rd impact of the "anomaly"

It is the 18-20th....

posted on Jun, 18 2004 @ 10:40 AM
thatsjustweird you beat me to it............

posted on Jun, 18 2004 @ 10:42 AM
Alright, alright, I guess he did say 18-20th...Well, when the 20th comes and goes can we say it's officially a lie? Or do we have to ride this hoax out till July?

posted on Jun, 18 2004 @ 10:55 AM
It seems to me that more that just the one guy saw the thing???

I do know however that one did break through our area (Seattle). I am not trying to stir a pot, but here is the deal; of course we are going to see strange things happening - they will happen, everything changes. It is good that people discuss their suspicions and their doubts because when some people voice them, it sometimes helps them figure things out themselves - talking it through so to speak.

What is more dangerous
, a person trying to warn people of the inevitable, telling them to live life for today because there may not be a tomorrow (all in which is so true), or an astroid or two that is really going to hit and the governement telling people about it and causing a huge world panic, caos, killings, destruction, etc.? Would people really have the time to run and hide? Where? For how long? What can we do? No our government is not perfect, the are corrupt, they lie, they hide things from us, they are deceptive, etc. Sometimes even the best of scholars don't see something coming until it is too late. Even if they did and they knew the exact coordinance where would they put everybody and could they part with the almight dollar to do it? We all know the answers and yes it sucks totally, but that is the darker side of life. An education can go a long way, but even the most educated sometimes can't see what's coming. If I knew without a doubt that the world was going to end tomorrow and there was no place to hide, I would not tell my eight year old, or my five year old; I would enjoy them and life all that I could.

It is great that we have the technology for people to chat with other people who are concerned about things happening around them - they stay intuned, they stay informed, they expand their knowledge and again, it gives them the ability to "talk things through"; the things that disturb them.

Cheers to All!

posted on Jun, 18 2004 @ 11:09 AM
Yes it's over.... for the time being, and just as the information said, it was never a certainty anyway...there were never dates given by the real poster of the information in the first place, and it's also over because people obviously can't read or equate information given.

I have to surmise that the recent posters didn't read the link where the true poster of the information came forward, name and all provided, but still does not refute the information, simply claims it as his, without the dates.
The following is from the author who came forth over the weekend to claim his material. He asked that the message below, addressed to Jeff Rense (, be posted. � webmaster

Inbound Meteor
Story Plagiarized
From Don Best

Hello Jeff,

Thank you for having me on your radio show May 6, and giving me the best opportunity to disassociate myself from the article:

"Is Earth In Imminent Danger From Inbound Meteors?" found at

Unfortunately, the writer has obviously been reading what I have been posting at under the "forum user" name of dragonslayer2001.

I had already posted almost every bit of information listed in the article, and tied the various bits and pieces together. Then the plagiarist not only takes my work, effort, thoughts and data collation, he also steals my Red Flag thread word for word and claims it as his own.

I found all the information that I have spent months digging up curious, and alarming, and certainly worth keeping an eye on. However, in all of my threads, the two referenced here, and the others he/she has taken information from, I have been careful to state that nothing is proven, only that there are a lot of "signs" that something MIGHT be up.

Being ripped off like this is flattering, but it is creating problems.

Even at, the forum where I usually post, I have been accused of writing this article, and making unfounded claims that the "world will end" in a number of weeks.

Nonsense. I have no information that can define a date or time of anything happening. I do feel that we are in a time of great danger due to the instability of the sun and a number of changes taking place on our planet and a number of other planets in our solar system.

The passage of recent meteors and comets of course holds a certain amount of danger and always will.

Now, the writer of the article clearly separates himself from the anonymous information posted on by "noted and warned", who makes all the dire forecasts and leaves tantalizing clues and timelines.

But then the writer links to to a thread that I started in February called "Comets of Spring 2004". This has the effect of directing people to where I post, and links my user name to meteor information.

Then, a little further on in the article, the plagiarist lifts whole cloth, a thread that I started entitled "Red Flags". He/she then uses the stolen information "first person" so that people will naturally assume that "dragonslayer2001" and the anonymous writer are one and the same, and by implication, that "noted and warned" may even be the same person.

I have contacted for over a week. They have not responded. Their article popped up on numerous sites almost immediately, which makes me suspect it was seeded on purpose.

I am asking here, on your site, that they remove the article immediately and post a disclaimer that a plagiarist stole information, purposely set links to implicate someone else, and that the writer "dragonslayer2001" has never stated that we are going to get bombarded with commentary debris any time soon.

Thank you,

Don Best

Here are my two main threads that this information has been taken from:

Red Flags thread: 8660 reads: Started, 04/22/04

Comets of spring: 15,000 reads: Started 02/15/04

There are others but I won�t list them here.

The following sites are posting my plagiarized words, so I am sending this to them and will appreciate it if they are good enough to straighten things out: immediate, very helpful response friendly, rapid response friendly, rapid response no response no response disclaimer posted on relevant threads no response no response

Now THAT is what I consider "End of discussion"!!!

posted on Jun, 18 2004 @ 11:22 AM
Well, if you did check up somewhere on NASA there's suppsoed to be a close-call during the 19/20 when something around 2 mi. in diameter comes close to Earth by around 5 lunar distances. I'm not sure if thats enoguh to affect the piece of rock to hit us, but it sure does give me a small chill thinking about it.

posted on Jun, 18 2004 @ 11:30 AM

When can I close this thread? Can I do that today, or should I wait until the 20th just to be sure?

It's a beautiful, warm, sunny day here today. There are no dust clouds blocking the sun, no meteorites crashing into my backyard, and judging by my daily troll through the news,
there are no weird dust clouds blocking the sun anywhere (like AB said there would be by now) and no unusual number of meteorites falling (like AB said there would be by now.)

I think it's safe to say it's over.

posted on Jun, 18 2004 @ 11:30 AM

Originally posted by Socalbmx
Well, if you did check up somewhere on NASA there's suppsoed to be a close-call during the 19/20 when something around 2 mi. in diameter comes close to Earth by around 5 lunar distances. I'm not sure if thats enoguh to affect the piece of rock to hit us, but it sure does give me a small chill thinking about it.

Its on the 26th its called Itokawa and is considered a Potentially Hazardous Asteroid by NASA. However I don't see it being a problem. Which brings me back to my fgavorite asteroid Toutatis on 29 September 2004

posted on Jun, 18 2004 @ 11:33 AM
Ok, no one steal my idea cause it's gonna be huge! I'm gonna make asteroid trading cards of all our favorite doomsday asteroids throughout time.

posted on Jun, 18 2004 @ 12:04 PM
More info on meteors this article has todays date.

posted on Jun, 18 2004 @ 12:08 PM
Surprise Meteor Shower Possible in June....


posted on Jun, 18 2004 @ 12:18 PM
And in this site they say:

There are no significant meteor-showers in June, and it will be hard to see sporadic meteors in the twilight sky.

posted on Jun, 18 2004 @ 12:24 PM
Interesting site please take a look:

posted on Jun, 18 2004 @ 07:49 PM
I wasn't sure if this info was posted yet, I just thought it would be an interesting read b/c of the whole aussie bs.

"Meteor enthusiasts will likely be out in force in the coming nights, hoping to catch a glimpse of an on-again, off-again meteor display. Special emphasis will be placed on two specific nights: June 22-23 and June 26-27. " from

kind of convenient for aussie huh?
Also check this out...
Might this strange comet be the anomaly that he was speaking of?

Sorry it took so long to post the info.
Has anyone else seen this?

posted on Jun, 18 2004 @ 07:53 PM
I actually checked out the orbit of Wild 2 and it never actually comes anywhere near Earth. I think it intersects Mars' orbit, but not Earths. Interesting object nonetheless

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