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End of the world Aussie Bloke hoax thread...

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posted on Jun, 16 2004 @ 10:21 PM
Kangaxx: I stand corrected, however weren't you saying it was going to be aliens coming to take us away rather than asteroids? Just asking.

posted on Jun, 16 2004 @ 11:30 PM
my topics its not related at all with meteors or asteroids....yet ! the part you refer, and i had spoken there was refering to something that will happen in 2012-2017.
sure, untill that time many many other things will happen, and for sure many things that are hepening at the moment in the planet are just a small beggining of all this, because all is close related, much more will happen untill they "show" up, and untill the things i say in the topic, althou the details of what we must espect for "right now", must be avoided to be talked right away. i think that all the "aussie" subject it's quite enoth for now to create mass fear or something worst in the people .i will not give informations right now that can fuel that fear...true...or not, i will avoid it.
you must understend that they will not "show up" just chossing a date! they will take vantage of important planetary things that will happen now and in the next years.they need a cause to do that.

back to my prior post: how can be you correct in saying that only one guy had see the meteor, if the police stated that other people had see it? if you are correct, what have i misunderstooded?can you please enlight me?

thx in advance.

[edit on 16-6-2004 by kangaxx]

posted on Jun, 17 2004 @ 12:16 AM

Originally posted by harrisjohns

Originally posted by jumpspace

On another note, can someone please LIST the FACTS as to the realization that AB's post was a hoax. Remember, FACTS please, not assumptions, emotional blasts etc : )


Well as far as I can remember without going through all the threads again (which you could do if you like):

* AB said the dust cloud would be here by now and that the first major impact would have already taken place. Neither has happened.

* The science didn't check out for numerous reasons which I can't be bothered to go over again (read the threads).

* The objects he identified were already known, identified and not on a collision course with earth.

* The co-ordinates given for impact sites were actually in space and not on earth.

* The use of Grovers Mill and Canberra Tracking Station 43 as place names in his story. These were both places used in The War of the Worlds and an obvious clue to the fact that the whole thing is a hoax.

* Total lack of corroborating evidence. If AB's scenario was real then a large section of the scientific/astronomy community would be aware of the impending doom and there would be many more whistle-blowers.

* AB claimed to be Dr Grant Gartrell but mis-spelled his name. (However bad a speller someone is they rarely mis-spell their own names).

* Dr Grant Gartrell has come forward to say that he is not AB and is not connected with the hoax. There's no reason to disbelieve him and no evidence for doing so.

It's all clearly a hoax. I don't understand why so many people seem to want to believe that our annihilation as a species is imminent.

i read this and i have to ask ...are the lot of you completely #ing retarded? im serious here. all of this has been said over and over, and someone (im sure others before this guy) has summarized it all right there for you and still .... the post just gets completely ignored.

don't get me wrong ... im glad you are because this is certainly entertaining, but it's #ing unbelievable.

keep in mind i walk around my office all day saying "only 3 days left" because i hope for it more than most of you could possibly imagine ... i sincerely hope that every single one of us dies and i hope it's soon ... but i can't ignore the facts. also keep in mind that i have a lot of good things in my life ... i don't want the world to end because im sad ... i just think that it would be a #ing privilege to witness the event.

posted on Jun, 17 2004 @ 12:30 AM
another thing ... this guy has a far better memory than i, but there's one thing he left out.

if "they" wanted him "they" would have had him as soon as he made his first post. let me get this straight .... multiple websites were shut down because of what he was posting, but no one ever bothered to track him down? jesus fucking christ.

[edit on 17-6-2004 by GunnedDownAtrocity]

posted on Jun, 17 2004 @ 12:38 AM
.... one last thing ....

an astroid could strike humanity dead at any moment and we would never know about it. i honestly do believe this to be very very possible. were just a target floating in space waiting to be struck. it could even happen 2 days from now.

but are you honestly going to trust this asshole to enlighten you to the fact?

posted on Jun, 17 2004 @ 12:54 AM
we're still talking about this? let it go everybody!


posted on Jun, 17 2004 @ 01:24 AM

Verity- People in some areas on the East Coast were told not to use their GSP, or any other similar satellite transmission because it could provide a false report. This is due to The Naval Exercises.

That was in all our news it also said mobile phones and some ISPs may be affected.

The news of the house sized object is also in all our news, here's another source of the same story:^1702,00.html

Meteorite sighted in NSW
June 17, 2004

A METEORITE reportedly the size of a house fell on the NSW south coast overnight, exploding in a bright flash, police said today.

A driver on the Hume Highway shortly after 9pm (AEST) near Menangle reported an object the size of a house falling from the sky.

The object fell east of the Hume Highway, possibly in an escarpment near the top of a hill at Bulli, police were told.

The meteorite was described as glowing silver in colour and similar to an artillery shell when it exploded with a bright flash on impact.

Workers at the Sydney Airport Tower said they saw a meteorite about 9pm, police said.

No other reports were received by police and extensive police patrols of the area did not turn up the space debris.


What people are forgetting here, is that there is no proof that the message from AB claiming to be Dr Gartrell was in fact from AB...anyone could have hijacked his name, also AB refused to give co-ordinates and scientific data, then lo and behold he reveals all in a very strange way, one that can be picked to pieces???? Hardly what someone trying to convince people of his veracity would do.

Then there is is the question of a poleshift:

But isn't it established scientific fact that pole shifts when they occur are a flip in the magnetic poles not an actual physical flip of the planet....
There are TWO types of poleshifts that occur on regular cycles, the magnetic shifts (just like the sun goes through on a 22 year and 11 year cycles) then there is the crustal shift.

The crust of the earth "floats" on a viscous layer of magma, the core is solid and remains in place during the "shift" while the crust slides over the core like a sleeve over a lubricated ball bearing. This crustal shift is the one that is overdue and causes much devastation to the earth and wipes out whole populations, (check out the lost civilizations for yourselves), it explains why we humans have to re-learn all technology while spending hundreds of years just trying to survive and lose what knowledge we had, it's likened to being reborn on a reborn planet.

"How else would you explain a fossil of a footprint, with the stitching clearly visible on the sole of a sandal, if not from a VERY ancient and advanced civilization?" The memories of these events are recorded in the bible, read "The Revelation" with an open mind. This is how we have had the history recored for us, from handed down 'memories' and later recorded as 'lessons' for future events.

The earth shift is a cleansing period for our earth, not laying it to waste and continuing the destruction, it destroys the existing pollution and allows the earth to "heal".

The poleshifts (both kinds) are a direct effect of the suns activity, and as I stated before the sun reacts to celestial objects.

As to the reason for the government activity and their silence (even cover-ups) why would they open up a can of worms and cause total panic across the planet?? Is it not better to let us learn slowly and study the consequences? allowing us time to gather our resolve.

I'm not saying you SHOULD believe all this, but you should take a good hard look at what is before you, and examine ALL evidence in a logical way and employ some lateral thinking.

EVERYTHING is connected in politics, nothing is left out, so you can't expect answers if your travelling down a blind alley.

posted on Jun, 17 2004 @ 01:26 AM

Originally posted by Mynaeris
It seems to me that this is the only person that either saw or felt the meteor... and he lives in Australia... hmmm a guy from Australia.... where have I heard that before????

Ha ha... funny!

But the article was carried in one of the countries leading newspapers. The Age is a serious broadsheet for those not from Australia. Anyone will vouch for it. The link speaks for itself.

posted on Jun, 17 2004 @ 01:36 AM
Why would amateur astronomers see these alleged signs? Do they have access to the Hubble and SOHO space telescopes? The truth is we know what we are told in the media. Little more and little less. A comet that passed close to the earth in March this year came out of no-where apparently (Bradbury Comet?) and was discovered by an Australian (i know i know) in March this year and named after him. I first heard about this after it made an extremely close pass, not as it was approaching.

posted on Jun, 17 2004 @ 01:53 AM

keep in mind i walk around my office all day saying "only 3 days left" because i hope for it more than most of you could possibly imagine ... i sincerely hope that every single one of us dies and i hope it's soon

You may very well get your wish, as there is NO proof that AB made the statements regarding times and co-ordinates.... I'm pretty sure I know who AB is, but can't reveal his ID as he is a friend and a very sincere researcher who knows more about the suns activity than anyone I have read about. IF it is who I think it is he would not have given a time frame and if he did it would be to 'watch the skies and the weather' from now until 2011 when the next triple eclipse and Sun mega activity begins again (the mega cycle we are in now is still ongoing from 2000 it should have ended months after it began and certainly should have been over by 2001).

Instead of all of you panicking or getting 'toey' try to do what AB was trying to tell you, get your life in order, learn more about your spiritual being, forgive and forget and prepare for the ride of a liftime.

"We, (our essence, ie who we are), are made up of pure energy, enregy cannot be destroyed, it can only be altered or made stronger." The corporeal body is merely mobile manure.

I have a very good article on 'conciousness' I would like to share, but feel it is off topic for posting here, but in actual fact it is very fitting for this subject and would certainly put a lot of edgy people at ease...We are born to die, that's the only "truth" concerning life, you could be dead tomorrow from a mere bee sting, why all the panic about celestial debris???


posted on Jun, 17 2004 @ 01:58 AM
ATS is not the Ladies Auxiliary Recipe Club, or the United Citizens for a New World Order, or the Trust Everything the Government Tells You Organization. This so happens to be a conspiracy site. That means that 95% of the members expect to hear of a global catastrophy through the posts of a psychotic Austrailian astronomer long before they hear it from their respective government. Debunk and dismiss all you want to; you will just be counted among the other five percent--government spies.

Everyone can see the environmental/political/astronomical changes around them. Record temps., record storms, more NEO's, solar storms, terrorism, wars, threats of wars, etc.,. Sooner or later one of these lunatics are going to be right. It might has well be AB.

posted on Jun, 17 2004 @ 02:48 AM

Originally posted by Verity

There are TWO types of poleshifts that occur on regular cycles, the magnetic shifts (just like the sun goes through on a 22 year and 11 year cycles) then there is the crustal shift.

Is there any credible evidence of actual, major crustal poleshifts (from a scientific source)? Whereas magnetic shifts are a matter of record and well documented, I can't find anything reliable on crustal shifts apart from the usual 'zeta type' nonsense.

If there is evidence, I'd be interested to read it, so please post a link if possible.

posted on Jun, 17 2004 @ 06:23 AM
Want to check out the last 7 days re ions re tails etc:


A couple of days ago there used to be a 7 day history option on the main menu for these links...and now it's gone...and the ones that are there are really really informative...NOT!

The above links are links to that old option...

Happy viewing : )

That reminds me, better check the car is fuelled ; )

posted on Jun, 17 2004 @ 09:13 AM

"...when it exploded with a bright flash on impact."

so the one driver claims it was the size of a house, and the story goes on to say it did in fact hit the ground. can i just point something out here. a metor, comet, asteroid, or _________ (fill in the blank) hurtling though space entered our atmosphere and made it to the ground with a mass the size of a house would cause a tremendous explosion and leave a huge crater. no, not a dinosaur killing sized crater, but still a very significant one.

my point is that i think we'd have more than a couple local shops talking about this now.

posted on Jun, 17 2004 @ 10:03 AM
For those of you saying " hey ab was a hoax get a life" i understand your mentality however at the same time i understand the other side of the argument as well. AB may be a hoax however due to that hoax some interesting events have been pointed out to us. I for one knew nothing about the meterors that are in fact coming closer to earth then any other meteor on the dates AB stated. Granted according to nasa they arent going to be close enough to hurt us but at the same time perhaps with a telescope they might make an interesting show.

Also becuase of AB we all now know that 93% of all US navy ships are at sea which is extremely odd. At the same time we know that many of those ships are working with other countries who have the vast majority of thier naval fleet at sea as well , which again is odd. ( and has me wondering )

Ive also learned about several countries working on evacuation plans and unusual miliatary activity in caves lately. This too has me concerned.

To add validity to the hoax there is also the fact that several metors have been in the news lately , perhaps metors are always in the news and we just started noticing them after ab's posts. Yet at the same time AB said we would see some meteor activity on the 4th well a meteor did light up washington states sky on that date and oddly enough when you look into that story it suddenly gets retracted saying it never happened. Something did light up WA sky line and if it wasnt a meteor then what was it and why isnt any one questioning it? AB also stated that there would be other meteors showing up after the 4th and prior to the 18th and here are a few.........

(june 10th )

(june 12th)

(june 16th)

If AB made this all up and it trully is a hoax then either he is damn lucky these events added to his predictions or he did some damn good research prior to coming up with this. The events tie together so nicely it would send chills down even most of the skeptics spines. Perhaps there is something to this, who knows , i guess we all will in the next few days.

Also because of research done on ab and world events i know that the US reserve is pumping cash out at an unpresidented rate. To me this has little to do with a catastrophe becuase the paper a buck is written on wouldnt be worth anything other then something to burn in the event of a world wide catastrophe. It does however tell me the economy is in for a plummet and my 2 cents will only be worth .00002 cents in the near future.

"How else would you explain a fossil of a footprint, with the stitching clearly visible on the sole of a sandal, if not from a VERY ancient and advanced civilization?" The memories of these events are recorded in the bible, read "The Revelation" with an open mind. This is how we have had the history recored for us, from handed down 'memories' and later recorded as 'lessons' for future events.

I can easily follow this type of mentality, i used to say we went from planet to planet screwing them up as we went along. Mars we dried up, then there is the asteroid belt so we apparently blew that one up, and now we are slowly doing a number on earth. Also the mentality of us loosing our technological sense due to fighting for survival makes sense. Personally if i where one of the last survivors of a catashtrophe caused by man i think i might kill the first person i see trying to use even a wheel.

posted on Jun, 17 2004 @ 10:07 AM

"...when it exploded with a bright flash on impact."

so the one driver claims it was the size of a house, and the story goes on to say it did in fact hit the ground. can i just point something out here. a metor, comet, asteroid, or _________ (fill in the blank) hurtling though space entered our atmosphere and made it to the ground with a mass the size of a house would cause a tremendous explosion and leave a huge crater. no, not a dinosaur killing sized crater, but still a very significant one.

New Zealand is a pretty small target surrounded by water so impact could mean when it hit the ocean. Hence no crater nor any real damage just a huge wave and a bright flash of light as it hit the water. Also given meteors are ingulfed in flames as they burn up as they plummet they would appear much larger then they actually where due to the massive flames surrounding them.

posted on Jun, 17 2004 @ 10:41 AM
or maybe the guy exagerated

posted on Jun, 17 2004 @ 11:03 AM

New Zealand is a pretty small target surrounded by water so impact could mean when it hit the ocean.


The Hume highway, NSW (New South Wales) Menangle, Bulli are all in Australia not New Zealand....Australia is as large as America if you INCLUDE Hawaii, but with only approx 20,000,000 people compared to America's 300,000,000 people.

But the assumption re size of a burning 'object' before impact is a correct assumption, and in fact if it were a 'snowball' type meteor it would hardly make a dent let alone a crater when it impacted earth.

However my guess would be the object was space debris or a downed (hit?), satellite's piece of junk and the silvery appearance (as you pointed out) was the junk burning up on re-entry.

There was an incident on the Nullabor plain many years ago when a Russian orbitting space station disintergrated and landed in the Australian desert, or at least the bits of it that survived the plunge ... most of the junk that landed was never found, no crater, nothing, the army had to go and search for the parts (that took weeks) as it was believed to be radioactive and people warned to stay away.

....And who's to say the communication problems reported in the last few days was not caused by a downed satellite??

One cannot look at this information with a closed mind or with tunnel vision as there are too many I said previously try analysing with some lateral thinking and explore all avenues, but don't write this whole episode off as a hoax.

Too many are assuming that AB offered ALL the info..."He didn't"!!! and what he DID give out was FACT, the difficulty with understanding what he revealed is mixed in with the TIME FACTOR and CO-ORDINATES, and it is that, that I am very sceptical about, I believe someone esle provided that information to counter the very believable info of AB.

posted on Jun, 17 2004 @ 11:21 AM

Everyone can see the environmental/political/astronomical changes around them. Record temps., record storms, more NEO's, solar storms, terrorism, wars, threats of wars, etc.,. Sooner or later one of these lunatics are going to be right. It might has well be AB.

Hmmmm and just WHAT is your theory for the CAUSE of these events?

I'll bet I could show you that the Solar cycle is the reason for all these things (not the Lunar cycle), and the sun can be, and often is, influenced by the activity of the bodies around it.

posted on Jun, 17 2004 @ 11:30 AM
Verity, dont bet, show. i would love to see this

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