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End of the world Aussie Bloke hoax thread...

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posted on Jun, 17 2004 @ 11:57 AM

Originally posted by minniescar
or maybe the guy exagerated

aha! thank you very much.


posted on Jun, 17 2004 @ 12:14 PM

The Hume highway, NSW (New South Wales) Menangle, Bulli are all in Australia not New Zealand....Australia is as large as America if you INCLUDE Hawaii, but with only approx 20,000,000 people compared to America's 300,000,000 people.

Again i stand corrected , i was under the impression this went on in new zealand. And as far as AB stuff being real or not i stated my opinion and that was basically , i dont know if its real or not but there are a lot of things ive learned that where linked to AB that i really have an uneasy feeling about.


posted on Jun, 17 2004 @ 01:24 PM
I must admit, since these meteor reports came in, my interest has been rekindled in this topic.

posted on Jun, 17 2004 @ 01:26 PM
harrisjohns wrote....

Is there any credible evidence of actual, major crustal poleshifts (from a scientific source)? Whereas magnetic shifts are a matter of record and well documented, I can't find anything reliable on crustal shifts apart from the usual 'zeta type' nonsense.
Myapologies for biblical and prophetic info in this link but it is relevant to the discussion.

Unfortunately many links have disappeared that I had in my archives, like so much other 'relevant' scientific evidence of things happening on this planet. So these will have to suffice....there are many more but I'm not inclined to do all the work.

The quote (from one of the links) is a very telling one, as it highlights some of the Elite's 'escape plan' ie. the ISS (research the REAL cost, and the unusual laboratories and facilities this space odyssey has to offer), and their many underground fortresses in mountainous country in many parts of America.

The safest place on earth is off of earth. Not on some other planet, but in orbit during this crust slip. With a maximum time for any slippage (due to friction) anyone could live in orbit during that period.

Another �safe� place, not as safe as being off earth, would be any geologically stable area on earth that is above the 500 elevation mark. Such areas would be any place that are solid rock. Montana is one such place. Being underground would be safer than being on the surface considering the high winds and the enviable acid rain (from volcanic gasses) and from monster storms caused by the sudden release of moisture through heating of the oceans.

Whenever you are looking for evidence always remember there is no smoke without fire.

posted on Jun, 17 2004 @ 01:39 PM

Originally posted by Verity
The Hume highway, NSW (New South Wales) Menangle, Bulli are all in Australia not New Zealand....Australia is as large as America if you INCLUDE Hawaii, but with only approx 20,000,000 people compared to America's 300,000,000 people.

Not to be nitpicky but America is twice the size of Australia.

US: 5.9 mil square miles
AU: 2.9 mil aquare miles

posted on Jun, 17 2004 @ 01:42 PM

aha! thank you very much.....Heed

Strewth what does it take??? I said this in an earlier post

But the assumption re size of a burning 'object' before impact is a correct assumption, and in fact if it were a 'snowball' type meteor it would hardly make a dent let alone a crater when it impacted earth.

However my guess would be the object was space debris or a downed (hit?), satellite's piece of junk and the silvery appearance (as you pointed out) was the junk burning up on re-entry.

posted on Jun, 17 2004 @ 01:48 PM
To all:

This quote from the meteor link given by heed...

"Police, who had sent out a search party after Mr Brazel reported the giant meteor that night, developed a theory of their own by the afternoon.

"Bull****," one copper said."

OK...put on your thinking caps again...
Roswell, NM = Mack Brazel the farmer that found the saucer!!! Get it? BRAZEL!!!

Thats like AB referencing H.G. Welles Grovers Mill, NJ.

Geez these clues are so transparent.

Also..all the orginial posts by AB were RE-posted by an unknown poster. Never did AB make his own posts. Convenient hun?

posted on Jun, 17 2004 @ 01:55 PM
I'm thinkin' this is a April Fool's joke that off to a late start.

[edit on 17-6-2004 by ThatsJustWeird]


posted on Jun, 17 2004 @ 02:01 PM

Originally posted by gman55
To all:

This quote from the meteor link given by heed...

"Police, who had sent out a search party after Mr Brazel reported the giant meteor that night, developed a theory of their own by the afternoon.

"Bull****," one copper said."

OK...put on your thinking caps again...
Roswell, NM = Mack Brazel the farmer that found the saucer!!! Get it? BRAZEL!!!

Thats like AB referencing H.G. Welles Grovers Mill, NJ.

Geez these clues are so transparent.

Also..all the orginial posts by AB were RE-posted by an unknown poster. Never did AB make his own posts. Convenient hun?

Oh for f*!^sake, another one shot to s*$%!

posted on Jun, 17 2004 @ 02:08 PM
Well, here we are. It's 3:00 on the east coast here and I have less than half a day left before Kabloom! First impact! I just want to tell everyone here Good Luck. I'm gonna head to the beach tommorrow am and watch it first hand.

WHOA! Wait a minute! I forgot, this whole thing is BS...ok, then I feel much better.


posted on Jun, 17 2004 @ 02:15 PM
I thought the first impact
was meant to happen
on the 21st
. Its so important to me that i forgot!

Well i'll keep an eye on the news, i always report the news first in my house, and will not let my crown slip, liked it did on 9/11.

[edit on 17-6-2004 by TPL]

posted on Jun, 17 2004 @ 02:24 PM

Originally posted by TPL
I thought the first impact
was meant to happen
on the 21st
. Its so important to me that i forgot!

[edit on 17-6-2004 by TPL]

18th-20th June Impact 1
He would pick a weekend...


posted on Jun, 17 2004 @ 02:27 PM
And on Grand Prix weekend, if only a small meteorite would fall on a certain person car this weekend, sadly its falling
nowhere near Indy.

posted on Jun, 17 2004 @ 02:30 PM
In South Africa everything seem to be normal, no birds flying backwards to keep the dust from their eyes
As for the navy's at sea, i found this link
on the AU gov site


posted on Jun, 17 2004 @ 02:43 PM
Once the first dates have passed i hope the mods lock and delete any references to AB.

posted on Jun, 17 2004 @ 02:56 PM

Verity, dont bet, show. i would love to see this........ rbh345
El Nino is now being affected by the melting of the polar regions which is melting because of the prolonged Sun activity
The sunspot activity last aprox 3 years 1 year prior to the maxima the year 2000 is/was the maximum and should have ended 2001....the maxima continues today 3 years after is should have ended....we are due for another even bigger event in 2011 ending 2012 (the Mayan calendar which continues to be totally accurate to date also ends in 2012 )
keep an up-to-date account of earth climate and changees here
Subscribe to Mitch battros' free newsletter for excellent updates on sunspot activity and see how accurate the suns activity can define earth activity.

As for the political, record temps., record storms, NEO's, solar storms, terrorism, wars, threats of wars, mentioned by mo_trot, they can be linked to diversion/division/propaganda, to allay suspicions and growing awarness of the environmental/weather events, and provide profits for more covert survival plans. Solar storms speak for themselves they can only be created from the Sun.

When people learn to link all things together they will arrive at the truth.

"A human being is part of the whole called by us the Universe. We experience ourselves, our thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest --a kind of optical delusion of consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures, and the whole of nature in its beauty." ...... Albert Einstein.

"We have nothing to fear but fear itself"

posted on Jun, 17 2004 @ 03:19 PM
But this is a freakin' huge meteor.

posted on Jun, 17 2004 @ 04:38 PM
"Bull****," one copper said."

Yep our Aussie coppers can be just as daft and unintelligent as American cops.

OK...put on your thinking caps again...

Roswell, NM = Mack Brazel the farmer that found the saucer!!! Get it? BRAZEL!!!

Brazel is a very common name in Aus, I have friends in my small country community in Sth Aust. with the same name, and it is obviously the genuine name of a trucker for reputable newspapers and police to record it, but what a GREAT coincidence huh!!!

That's like AB referencing H.G. Welles Grovers Mill, NJ.

Myself and many others don't believe AB ever posted the information that refers to data he claimed previously he would never give, and it's easy to understand why someone would want to discredit him....Get this folks, there is NO time frame from AB!!! Someone is using the boy who cried wolf technique ... it always works against those who can't be bothered doing their own homework, or afraid of their own shadow ... hahaha seeeeeee nothing happened (this time) .... sad that what can happen WILL happen (sometime).

Geez these clues are so transparent.

Well hopefully every one will get the answers to the clues just as clear as glass.

Also..all the orginial posts by AB were RE-posted by an unknown poster. Never did AB make his own posts. Convenient hun?

As far as I could tell AB made all the 'original' posts himself using several different ISPs and computers, and said the sites he had posted to initially were closed down, it was only when he appeared at another site when the last posts appeared did they become muddled and out of context, with others offering comments and relaying messages 'supposedly' by AB.

This is one of AB's comments:....
"All we know is this...SIX TO EIGHT WEEKS. The meteor showers we can expect DEFINITELY...and as for November and the rest of 2005...."

Now why would he say 2005 then later give this years dates for impact?????

This too from AB:.....
"Some people have already hit a couple of nails on the head...but only PART of the truth has been found so far. It is MORE than just the Meteors....a LOT more...but that is part of it and ties in. It will all fit will see...Have a nice day....good job homework doers...KEEP IT are finding the truth. Its out there. Remember the key words...they tie into OTHER clues. Keep hitting those nails. And as for you idiots out there who laugh...WHY don't you show us how intelligent YOU are and PROVE ME WRONG...I DARE YOU!!!"

(those remarks obviously got up peoples noses)

....and when the first co-ordinates were posted he said:
"Who the hell posted THAT!!! YOU IDIOT!!! .."

also this bit of a clue from someone who was checking the info ....

"Also the person who wrote "June 2004... The Beginning of the End?" (which linked the Grover's Mills article) is not the Aussie Bloke but an unidentified person reporting on what the Aussie Bloke wrote."

AB also mentioned 2012 somewhere in his posts????

Methinks some people should learn to read, and comprehend what they're reading, and to apply logic instead of just jumping on the bandwagon of denial.

There is no denying that this COULD be a hoax, but that is not proven, nor will the passing of the dates this month prove anything either.... because AB Never gave those dates.

For the real fun to begin my money is on 2012.

posted on Jun, 17 2004 @ 05:10 PM
I am new to this thread, well at least this is the first time i have posted here. I have been following along and have not commented until now.

First of all, I would like to thank each of you who have questioned and keep questioning the validity of anything and everything. It is undeniable that we have more than our share of things unfolding before our eyes right now; if we chose to see it instead of hoping it will go away.

The fact remains that we will always be decieved, we will not know until the last minute of an appending disaster, and there is obviously someone out there (AB) who is angry about the deception, wants to warn people about something and knows a heck of alot about this something; what some people would call nothing don't you think? The problem is it hurts too much for some people to think and it is sad that some people are so wrapped up in this pathetic world/society that they can't see past it. Also, it IS true that we are looking at the inevitable and who ever this AB is has hit it right on the nose. I have not seen anything on this thread that is absolutely viable or proven. But then again since when is something proven viable? After the fact. That is when you can truly say that something is true.

We need to be and should be getting our affairs in order, telling our families how much we love them, etc., because we are all going to die anyway, some in a day, some in an hour, etc., etc.

It really doesn't matter if what this person (AB) is saying is true or not because nobody is going to fully believe him/her anyway until the very hour. It is always too late. I personally feel and truly believe that there is so much going on right now, but it really doesn't matter because there is nothing we can do - be the best person(s) we can be, make sure our affairs are in order, tell our families how much we love them, etc. it will soon be over before you know it. Now this is a true statement.

posted on Jun, 17 2004 @ 05:23 PM

Originally posted by Verity
etc, etc, etc, etc

Thanks for these, but there's nothing scientific on any of these posted links, just fanciful supposition and science fiction of 'Godlike Productions' standard.

In short, there doesn't seem to be scientific proof at all of crustal pole shift.

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