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End of the world Aussie Bloke hoax thread...

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posted on Jun, 6 2004 @ 03:18 PM
Look at what happened when Kennedy was assassinated, there was a huge division returning from the war and was over the U.S. at the time of the shooting. The rumours are that the PTB's did this in case there was civil unrest if the story didn't go over well with the poeple. They also shut down phone lines in Washington so the media couldn't get the wrong story out.

Maybe(and I do mean maybe) that this naval deployment by all countries is to keep that force isolated in case it is needed to control the masses.

posted on Jun, 6 2004 @ 03:24 PM
Remember that an election is coming. And the warnings have been put out. So something is definetly going to happen. It's too bad the stupid people are trying to capitalize on it with hoaxes like this.

posted on Jun, 6 2004 @ 09:51 PM
I'm in for the arse kickin anyways

posted on Jun, 6 2004 @ 09:54 PM
As i was reading the posts about chem trails and various news reports of sonic booms off the coasts it occured to me they may be the result of particles and debris falling into the atmosphere from the cloud Assie bloke has been talking about

posted on Jun, 6 2004 @ 09:57 PM

Originally posted by nirdesa may be the result of particles and debris falling into the atmosphere from the cloud Assie bloke has been talking about
Please review this post. This is all a hoax.

posted on Jun, 7 2004 @ 01:56 AM

Originally posted by razorbackhater
...Seems odd the other threads regarding this get locked but of course this one's still open...does it have anything to do with who started it?

Yes interesting isnt it.

posted on Jun, 7 2004 @ 05:40 AM

Originally posted by razorbackhater ...Seems odd the other threads regarding this get locked but of course this one's still open...does it have anything to do with who started it?
Absolutely not. It has everything to do with the fact that this thread is here to dispell the myth and hoax that dust clouds and asteroids are on the way within the next two weeks. It's not going to happen. It was all a hoax. If you're wondering if it's related to points, I don't need points... I'm the one that made the points system.

posted on Jun, 7 2004 @ 06:25 AM
SkepticOverlord is right...sorry to burst everyone's bubble but "ain't nuttun's gonna happin!!!" It's one giant all encompassing comic (or in this case 'cosmic') gag reel for those who starts these goofy threads in the first place....If anything goes down durring the dates that AB mentioned...well...well, I'll...let's see.....hmmmmm....I"LL EAT A LAMPSHADE!!

...And don't anybody ask me if I want ketchup or mustard with that!!!

(Unless, of course something DOES happen!)

posted on Jun, 7 2004 @ 06:59 AM

Originally posted by Cardu
Do you want the Comet impact to be real?
It feels like someone does

And perhaps that is the point of this whole hoax(?). To sigilize the event the author describes, to gain a more widely distributed investment of belief in it, so that the desire for this event is sent out into the ether with a much greater force than any individual could produce, which might then perform the function of shaping reality.
I have to say, could such a method not have been used for a rather more comedy goal, such as the arrival of a fleet of UFOs, instead of this terminal fantasy of global death.
Course, it could all just be a good game.

posted on Jun, 7 2004 @ 07:10 AM
After all I've read on it...including the last 13 odd pages in this thread...I still think something is going down, there is way too much happening around the world at the moment for it to be all hunky dorry. I think all this "HOAX" talk has something to do with the powers that be sticking their little fingers into the bowl to keep the mass population from going out of their minds. Think about it, if something like this hits the general population, they will go bananas... Well anyway... I supose we will all see how it all unfolds in the next few days (if it unfolds at all). I will be sitting in my Melbourne backyard with a "VICTORIA BITTER" in my hand and a smile on my face knowing whatever happens, there is nothing anyone can do about it.

posted on Jun, 7 2004 @ 11:26 AM
I can't beleive it!!! I left for just a week and this has gone on for another 23 pages (including the prev thread that was locked). People are still trying to beleive in it too. It's so funny how AB has been exposed on just about every level and ther are still some who can't let it go.

posted on Jun, 7 2004 @ 07:21 PM
I can't believe anybody bought into this AB junk, I know Im not the only person who thought his ramblings sounded like some comic book super villain. All of that HAHA YOURE ALL GONNA DIE stuff was totally unbelievable. Not to mention it would be impossible for any government to hide something like this, theres plenty of other astronomers in the southern hemisphere (South America etc.) and we are talking about the same government who cant even hide throwing a bunch of hooded naked Iraqis in a freaky cheer squad pyramid. You cant put a TV censor blur on an incoming group of earth killing asteroids. The whole navy issue may be due to terror threats on ships in harbor like the cole, or perhaps something bigger is heating up (N Korea isnt getting any more cooperative), who knows, but that seems more logical.

posted on Jun, 7 2004 @ 07:35 PM
Apparently some people have WAY too much time on their hands.

posted on Jun, 7 2004 @ 07:47 PM
No your wrong the government can and DOES hide things very well, you have no idea whats going in Area51 (legitametly) or their black ops projects, they will hide what they deem worth hiding and while embaressing the iraq scandal is'nt exactly earth shattering.

They would'nt waste their efforts on something that would'nt cause a huge deal like E.T's and related technology, Free energy devices, anti grav, up -coming asteroid impacts and god knows what else, bcus the result of any of those kinda things gettin out would have consequences for the world, its economy and our existance if any of that was proved to be a reality, get my point? Thats why they have multiple levels "Above top secret" and they're very good at it..

posted on Jun, 7 2004 @ 08:40 PM
The Gubment sho knows how to mess wit our minds.

Why do you think "they" spent so much time on the whole Prison scandal thing?
It's a classic case of a magicians slite of hand.

Take recent events and connect the dots and refer to Deep Impact.
Too many similiarities between movies and conspiracies over the past 20 years!

posted on Jun, 7 2004 @ 08:54 PM
Sure they probably can cover-up secret projects and other earth-based events. But there is NO WAY they can hide incoming objects from astronomers around the globe, if an impact was as close to happening as this hoax implied, it would get out on a wider scale, not everybody has a bunk in the underground city, there would be more crying the sky is falling. Also, I'm sure we would see alot more "subtle" preparations all over, not just naval movements in uncertain times of war, not to mention D-day related events. And pouring more money into the market? I dont see what purpose that would serve in a cataclysmic event. Not to say our government is totally inept at cover-ups, I just don't believe they could cover something like this, it would be too big.

posted on Jun, 7 2004 @ 09:14 PM
Wasn't it Reagan or Gorby that did a speech on the NWO and how if some "external threat" from space would help to "trigger" (mk-ultra anyone) a "paradigm shift" so that the masses (or those left alive) would glady surrender to some "savior" and bring about the NWO.

I'm sure I have that transcript somewhere in my archives - I'll try to find it.

"They" are bigger and deeper than one can imagine and their power comes from the prince of this world. They are allowed to cover things up because when we "the people" hear of impending doom - we freak out - but at a moments notice, we see that sexy person on T.V. and forget what we were freaking out about. We are a harvest of decayed minds, dependant upon a food source that slowly destroys our very souls and will.

Remember, what happens to a frog who gets boiled slowly, one degree at a time?
It eventually dies, never knowing that it's death was iminent.
Our job is to play dumb and reveal truth in small snipits.

posted on Jun, 7 2004 @ 09:15 PM
Also, a little off the topic but youre wrong saying the Iraq scandal wasnt earth shattering, that damaged us tremendously all over the world, especially the arab world where that type of abuse by females on males is more atrocious than a public execution. In a world where a lot of people see us as the bad guy, it wouldve been tremendously in our govs interest not to let that get out. Just as important as hiding newer improved stealth projects at the mystical area 51. Our country was knocked down a few notches in the worlds eyes, just because they couldnt keep the usual acts of war secret. Oh yeah, we were talking about giant asteroids. Im sure the men in black have already earased the memories of all the worlds astronomers and took their telescopes. Info gets out fast nowadays, even too fast for the almighty, all covering government.

posted on Jun, 7 2004 @ 09:23 PM

Originally posted by jd27
Also, a little off the topic but youre wrong saying the Iraq scandal wasnt earth shattering, that damaged us tremendously all over the world, especially the arab world where that type of abuse by females on males is more atrocious than a public execution. In a world where a lot of people see us as the bad guy, it wouldve been tremendously in our govs interest not to let that get out. Just as important as hiding newer improved stealth projects at the mystical area 51. Our country was knocked down a few notches in the worlds eyes, just because they couldnt keep the usual acts of war secret. Oh yeah, we were talking about giant asteroids. Im sure the men in black have already earased the memories of all the worlds astronomers and took their telescopes. Info gets out fast nowadays, even too fast for the almighty, all covering government.

Very true, to a point.
But Don't forget - there's a "plant" in every group.

I'm not saying that AB was/was not a hoax - all I'm saying is that it's pretty crazy these days and one must not jump to ANY immediate conclusions without first checking all of the facts.
Who are we to say that it can't or won't happen - I for sure don't want to see it happen.
But there are many secular and religious prohecies that speak of such and event.

"faith is the substance of things hoped for - the EVIDENCE of things not seen"

Only time will tell...

posted on Jun, 7 2004 @ 09:26 PM
Can't we all just get over this? IT WAS A HOAX!!!!!

Lets get past the point of a comet or meteor hitting Earth this month. It has been debunked. There has been no concrete evidence of this happening.

Coincidences are common. If you think they are not I suggest to start talking and researching the other "Attached" groupings to start filtering this thing out.

Like why is there Major Naval Exercises being performed off the East Coast. Yes it is Fleet Week, but why would a good part of the world be involved in a US training exercise?

Yes this is a "Conspiracy" site, but this is debunked...Please move along, nothing to see....

I'm Waiting for the "Aussie Bloke Hoax is a Hoax" thread to pop up, if it has not allready.

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