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End of the world Aussie Bloke hoax thread...

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posted on Jun, 5 2004 @ 03:16 AM
Here's one more I just found about a sighting of a fireball/something, over Ark.
I'm off to bed pretty tired tonight

posted on Jun, 5 2004 @ 03:31 AM

Originally posted by anon69
I am posting this link because this guy does alot better job of explaining this thing than I ever could....

An interesting 'profile' of the assumed 'state of mind' of the original Aussie Bloke poster, but that's all it is.

This doesn't actually seek to examine any of AB's facts, many of which have been proved wrong - i.e., the main one being that the asteroids he named are known; are not on an impact orbit; and are on the ellipitical plane and therefore not coming from the south.

It also doesn't reference the 'hoax clues' in his original postings - the use of Grovers Mill and 'Canberra Tracking Station 43' both of which appear in War of the Worlds. As far as I'm concerned, these are the 'smoking guns'.

One of the reasons the hoax is so clever is that it builds on concerns over known and expected astronomical phenomena, for example, the solar system moving through a dust cloud, transit of venus, increased solar activity, etc, etc.

It is of course possible that the dust cloud and solar/magnetic fluctuations will have an impact on earth in some way or another. Even if this is negative, I doubt it will be anywhere near catastrophic.

[Edited on 5-6-2004 by harrisjohns]

[Edited on 5-6-2004 by harrisjohns]

posted on Jun, 5 2004 @ 03:49 AM
I read a plausible explanation for the naval movements (sorry no link just someone speculating): Apparantly the dust cloud will trigger or make the nuclear warning systems useless (or not working properly) for a couple of hours/days. So the major countries agreed to meet out in open sea so everyone could keep an eye on each other. I kind of like this idea cos this is a good scenario, no asteroids and no imminent war.

posted on Jun, 5 2004 @ 03:53 AM
that is an interesting take on the naval thing.

Thanks for sharing with me

posted on Jun, 5 2004 @ 04:02 AM

Originally posted by Satariel
I read a plausible explanation for the naval movements (sorry no link just someone speculating): Apparantly the dust cloud will trigger or make the nuclear warning systems useless (or not working properly) for a couple of hours/days. So the major countries agreed to meet out in open sea so everyone could keep an eye on each other. I kind of like this idea cos this is a good scenario, no asteroids and no imminent war.

I like this, too, and it sounds credible. If there's a dust cloud it's going to affect spy satellite observations, too.

posted on Jun, 5 2004 @ 09:52 AM

Originally posted by XL5
Where is this parade going to be held at, I want to use coast traffic cams to see it.

Im not sure. If anything it is prolly off the shores of Europe.

posted on Jun, 5 2004 @ 10:29 AM
I have not figured ats out yet, it seems for some reason points are everything here? Seems odd the other threads regarding this get locked but of course this one's still open...does it have anything to do with who started it?
I don't care if this ab stuff is true or not, what could i do either way...nothing, i have no feeling about this one way or the other. but i do love the fact that all the people who were jumping up and down screaming AB's a hoax because the monitors said they were behind ab are now left to look just as bad as the doom and gloomer's because the whole monitor's thing is a hoax.
For those who question why this is not in the mainstream news I ask you this, what news agency is going to put this out when astronomers won't even debunk this whole ab thing with facts, you would figure would be all over this...silence, kind of odd eh? Has there been anyone debunk this through science? Maybe I missed it???

posted on Jun, 5 2004 @ 10:46 AM
I believe the collective human conscious senses something amiss
in our surroundings and is looking for a way to express this feeling.
We are all gifted with senses that we intuitively know how to use
but just arent aware that we use them.

Something is going to happen this month, and it will most
probably be some disaster that is or isnt manmade but know ye
this....God's will be done. The end of the world has been prophesied
by every major religion from the beginning of our current civilization
because it has happened before, in fact several times.

Every time Humans begin to reach for space from this planet,
civilization is destroyed, I think the tale of Atlantis has a basis
in fact and the same powers that control this world financially
know much more of Human evolution and our history than they
tell us because knowledge is power and the willful hiding of
information (technology) only serves the power elite.

We are all soverign, we were given a free will by our creator
and we were all born free only we have subjected ourselves
to the machinations of a few people in the belief that they are
somehow better than ourselves and that there is saftey in
numbers (groups).

It is a pity that mankind is so self centered, there are other races
(aliens) in this universe, why should we be the only intelligent
life forms in this reality? I believe that demons and wizards of
our past are the aliens of our time and they have been with us
throughout our existance either as our masters at first, our kings
and priests of old and our aliens of today.

yes, something is going to happen this month, only it is just the
beginning of something that will change our civilization and the
perception of ourselves and our surroundings. It will unfold over
the next few weeks. Hint: Deployment of ships from most Nato
Countries i.e. North Korea, Iran and or Syria.

posted on Jun, 5 2004 @ 11:23 AM
The Comet of the Christ of DOZULE (France)

In a French boock written in 1980 ( ! ) by Jean Charles de Fontbrune ("Nostradamus Historien et Proph�te"), it is said, page 374, that a comet would appear in JUNE, "not far from the 21st". ( well seen isn'it ? ).

More weird.

This has been found in another French boock written in 1998 by Dorothee Koechlin de Bizemont. It's title is : "Edgard Cayce's Propheties".

The author tells (page 87) : On 1997/05/12, in a French village called DOZULE, the CHRIST ( ! ) told this to a seer :

"The great dryness will happen like a fire burning everything on it's way. It will be worldwide, because it will be triggered by the same cause : this heat is like a burning scarf which surrounds the Earth."...

"Everywhere, the heat will increase, like an oven beginning to heat.
Don't make a mistake : this is a natural accident occuring unexpectedly, an astral disorder, the vertiginous descent of a melting planet whis has lost it's equilibrium. I would rather name it an uncontrolled gazeous mass".

"My Hand will draw it aside from Earth to avoid complete suppression of the population, but it will come by surprise." "Like in Noah's time, nobody was expecting " ...

"It will burn all vegetal life due to it's suffocating heat.
It will destabilize the Earth untill it wobbles like a drunk top.
The heat and the burning of gaz contained in the ducts of your towns and villages will trigger ceaseless and out of control fires.
... Fires will be such that whole cities will burn without letting a vestige".
"Flee in open country. The few shelters which will resist to all that will be natural shelters, not man made, for the earth will open and won't be abble to sustain any more weight. You will become moles or foxes hiding under the earth or standing rocks, evading from heat."

"My child, after that, grass won't grow and cover again your Earth before a long time will have passed."


Think what you want. Make your opinion.

posted on Jun, 5 2004 @ 11:46 AM

Originally posted by nanna_of_6

A "fireball" was seen Wed. night over Denver. See in this link.

thanks for digging that up nanna. for reference that article was posted on Feb. 26, 2004. just wanted that to be clear.

however, the fact that the event took place 3 months ago doesn't make it any less relevant imho. a single meteor sighting would not be considered unusual, but if the frequency of sightings increased... that would be interesting.

btw, howdy yall. 1st post!
edit: txt clr

[Edited on 5-6-2004 by heed]

posted on Jun, 5 2004 @ 11:48 AM

Originally posted by nanna_of_6
Here's one more I just found about a sighting of a fireball/something, over Ark.
I'm off to bed pretty tired tonight

this one was May 19, 2004. maybe that's evidence of the frequency increase to which i referred earlier? hmmm...

thanks again for posting those links.

posted on Jun, 5 2004 @ 12:07 PM
Hold up there , boys. Isn't the asteroid ,Itokawa due later this month. Not getting that close but one of the NEA that could cause major damage if it
didn't follow its predicted course. Or is this outside AB's predictions?

"ITOKAWA will gradually close to earth and, on June 26, 2004, it will be closest to earth with distance of 0.013AU (about 1.95 million km). But, unfortunately, it will be then located at the south hemisphere. It is estimated that the asteroid will become about twelfth magnitude (about 1,500 times brighter compared to the present)."

posted on Jun, 5 2004 @ 01:13 PM
The end of the hoax starts here:
E-mail From the REAL Grant Gartrell

Way to go milo!


posted on Jun, 5 2004 @ 01:27 PM
Are any of the original dozen of so posters still following this?

This has digressed so far from the original topic. SO, what was the point of locking the other thread only start another one right here? Something about length possibly? But to truly understand the issue you still have to read the other thread anyway

What ahppened in the last week or so is the classic debunking by misinformation. Say something is going to happen, then come back later and say it won't. There is still a good possibility (at least in my mind) of this happening.

posted on Jun, 5 2004 @ 02:18 PM
Well we will know for sure after the dates passed. As each day passes it seems more and more that is a hoax. I still think the other topic should have stayed open. ho him ho hummm...

posted on Jun, 5 2004 @ 04:41 PM

Originally posted by UM_Gazz
The end of the hoax starts here:
E-mail From the REAL Grant Gartrell

Brilliant work, well done, at last we have incontrovertible proof that AB was a complete fake and therefore that this is a hoax.

I'll sure sleep more soundly tonight because of this.

Good to see someone going to the effort of actually getting proof.

posted on Jun, 5 2004 @ 05:27 PM
I won�t sleep as sound since 1. ITOKAWA will still pass, with whatever that will bring. 2. A dust cloud is or is not coming in, perhaps with that ITOKAWA asteroid. 3. More or less the whole worlds navies are out at sea. So I dunno but things still look rather shady at the least.

[Edited on 5-6-2004 by Satariel]

posted on Jun, 6 2004 @ 04:11 AM
when the heavens shall strike, they shall strike. be it now or later, it will happen. i didn't read too much into the aussie bloke thread, cuz i feel i have a pretty good grip on the present state of the world. and it all goes to a few friends i have been fortunate enough to become acquainted with. they know who they are.

posted on Jun, 6 2004 @ 06:53 AM
Oh Yeah....Well here's something to REALLY get scared about:
Hope you can take it!!!
Here It Is...
If you take cranberries and stew them like applesauce they taste much more like purnes than rubarb.

posted on Jun, 6 2004 @ 07:30 AM

Originally posted by Mynaeris
Hold up there , boys. Isn't the asteroid ,Itokawa due later this month. Not getting that close but one of the NEA that could cause major damage if it
didn't follow its predicted course. Or is this outside AB's predictions?

"ITOKAWA will gradually close to earth and, on June 26, 2004, it will be closest to earth with distance of 0.013AU (about 1.95 million km). But, unfortunately, it will be then located at the south hemisphere. It is estimated that the asteroid will become about twelfth magnitude (about 1,500 times brighter compared to the present)."

Very good yes it is supposed to be recognizable to the naked eye in broad daylight. And what is in it's trail should be of concern and perhaps this is why all naval forces have put to sea so as not to be land locked in case of tsunami waves. It is only precautionary and logical no need to panic the populace. It would only result in civil disorder. And a P.S. to this post the moderators here are under great pressure to quell civil unrest, trust me I know.


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