posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 03:41 PM
This has happened before.
2000 years ago, when the prophesied Messiah came to be, and he didn't fit into the mold that institutionalized religion had made for him, and the
Messiah was actually critical of institutionalized religion, so they denounced him and murdered him as a heretic. They denied him because He denied
them. They murdered him because he took away from their importance.
The Koran even corroborates this, claiming that Jesus was the greatest prophet (not the Son of God, but still a holy prophet), born of a virgin, and
coming with a message of salvation to mankind. But, as the Koran explains, Jesus was denied and even betrayed by his own people, and so his message
went largely unheard by the masses. Hence the need for a new prophet... anyways...
If Jesus came back today, he would have a field day calling out every major religion and political system in the world. He would point out how utterly
ridiculous and corrupt we all are. And our egos would take over and we would all call him crazy and would put him away, or worse, we'd kill him.
Because God forbid a man who points out our own inequities. God forbid a man who strips away our rituals and insists on actual goodness and honesty.
God forbid a man who reminds us of what we truly are: a nonsensical human animal that is a slave to ego.
God forbid a man who tries to free us from the tyrant that is ourselves.