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9-11 Truth makes HUGE appearance at Los Angeles Anti-War March

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posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 04:02 AM
I'm surprised there wasn't any riot police...

posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 05:01 AM

Just in case you missed the memo


This policy has not gone away. It is very much in place and will be enforced.

Please stick to the topic of the rally, and avoid the petty schoolyard bickering and pot shots at each other.

If you can't do that don't post.

posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 07:39 AM
From what I hear, the police in LA aren't a-holes like they are in a few select states. Law enforcement is a notch above in understanding and whatnot, mainly because California/LA is at a different level when compared to the other states of America. I mean, they are about to make personal use of marijuana legal, lol.

My fault, this info could be a different topic but I felt I should make a quick reply to that.

Also! To Goodoledavey. After being utterly dismantled through fact and highly agreeable opinion through the ATS people in this certain thread, I hereby pronounce you ...OWNED.

posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 07:45 AM
Flag for content of OP

Star for the way you have dealt with the disinfo agents that ATS seems to love to cater to.

posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 08:23 AM


posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 08:38 AM

Originally posted by Simply J
With all do respect, the problem with you is ... instead of paying attention to the messages the movement is trying to portray, you would much rather take time out to look at the smallest of problems. T-Shirts, DVD's, whatever. Maybe it's wrong, maybe the money is being put to good use. You don't know, and neither do I. Though I can tell you one thing, i'm not worried about the merchandise that is being put up for sale. My attention is on the awareness that is trying to be spread around. Whether people bought em or not, the 9/11 shirts put a little more strength into the cause.

On the contrary, I have been paying attention to the message. Very, VERY carefully. That's how I know they're con artists to begin with.

When, for example, Dylan Avery shows us a photo of people carryign some big blue thing on their shoulders and he tells us its some mysterious tarp covered thing they're bringing out of the Pentagon attack site, we naturally think somethign suspicious is going on...but then when we later learn these were actually emergency personnel bringing an assembled triage tent INTO the Pentagon site, we know right away Avery lied to us. When he says "how suspicious" it is that the WTC was the only building in the world that had an insurance policy for terrorism, while conveniently forgetting the WTC was attacked by terrorists in 1993, we see right away he's manipulating the information he's giving in order to drop innuendo and make an accusation without actually making it. Then of course, there's all his "expert analysis" of video taken that look like the plane was shooting missiles at the WTC before it crashed, and it's always the video that's been taken five miles away that's all grainy and blurry. It's never any of the 500 OTHER crystal clear videos taken during the day that show no such thing.

I find it intellectually lazy of you conspiracy people to research and examine every nut, bolt, and door hinge of the 9/11 commission report hoping to find an inconsistancy of person A saying he left the toilet seat up while person B said he left it down, so you can scream, "A-Ha! It's a conspiracy!", and yet, Dylan Avery and the rest of those con artists can put out any mind numblingly stupid thing that can be disproved with a simple 30 second Google search and you people will swallow it at face value. I'll wager the majority of the people in this protest believe there was a military stand down order on 9/11. It's complete rubbish and yet they still believe it becuase Dylan Avery, Alex, Jones, ad nauseum told them that. I mean, seriously, just how much "inside information" would a bunch of college kids making internet videos in their dorm room actually have?

I have said it before and I'll say it again- if you conspiracy people were to only hold up your own conspiracy claims to the same exacting level of critical analysis that you do the commission report, you wouldn't be conspiracy people for very long. All I see in this protest are a bunch of peopel who have been suckered and suckered badly, and Mr. Alex "The gov't is plotting to murder us all" Jone's blatant influence on the protest doesn't do anythign to disprove it.

posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 09:08 AM

Originally posted by Faiol
Trolls can be costly in several ways. A troll can disrupt the discussion on a newsgroup, disseminate bad advice, and damage the feeling of trust in the newsgroup community. Furthermore, in a group that has become sensitized to trolling — where the rate of deception is high — many honestly naïve questions may be quickly rejected as trollings.

Yes, I absolutely agree. Namely, when someone posts an observation that a supposedly grass roots demonstration had an unhealthy influence from con artists running conspriacy web sites known for pushing out horribly inaccurate information...and then along comes someone who attempts to change the subject by making a drive by "TROLL" post.

Go ahead and call me a troll, if such things are important to you. The fact is, the 9/11 conspiracy movement is based entirely upon the abject paranoia, make believe, and circular logic those damned fool conspiracy web sites are pushing out, and nothing in this demonstration disproves it. No amount of screaming TROLL is going to make the fact any less of a fact.

posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 09:26 AM

posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 09:42 AM

Originally posted by Faiol
man, its impossible to discuss with you

yes, there is paranoia inside 911 truth movement, but there is paranoia EVERYWHERE, you just cant call a group that;

the reality my friend is that, I personally dont know if 911 was an inside job, but what I can tell you is that the US government LIED to be able to use that as excuses to engage in an illegal war;

so, it doesnt matter WHAT you believe, what matters is that they LIED and they are raping and killing families in the eastern' wars(massacres);

Dude, how the heck am I the one being the troll here when *I* want to talk about these demonstrators, and *you* are trying to change the subject and talk about our soldiers raping women in Iraq and Afghanistan? When did they discuss women being raped by soldiers anywhere in in this video?

so, the truth movement is something that I support, just because they question the facts and thats the most important thing you need to take from that;

Bovine Scatology! This protest isn't demonstrating to learn the truth. They're demonstrating to insist the 9/11 attack was an inside job. The uniform t-shirts Alex Jones sold them all say that literally in black and white. It's as obvious as a neon sign that if they do get another investigation...heck, even if they get five investigations...they're not going to believe them if the ruling doesn't agree with what they want to believe. They're just brush it off as "gov't disinformation" just like they do everything else that doesn't agree with what they want to believe.

It's one thing to have paranoia, but it's another thing entirely to allow paranoia to shape the way you preceive reality.

if you work for the government, send me a u2u, I would like to get $$ to troll on the internetz)

Case in point.

posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 09:47 AM

I said knock it off

And I meant it.

Engage with each other in a civil manner or don't post, because if you don't engage each other in a civil manner, you will find that you can't post.

Hope thats clear.

posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 10:32 AM
Good showing. S&F OP.

The 9/11 truth movement gets bigger everyday! I believe if people keep doing public demonstrations, it will become big enough,, some day!

posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 10:40 AM
Big chunks of respect given to all those at the rally. Anyone know how big the turnout was/is?

I know it's fruitless, but people MUST protest anyway. One day, they might listen. Until then, the streets are our streets!

posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 10:49 AM

The 9/11 truth movement gets bigger everyday! I believe if people keep doing public demonstrations, it will become big enough,, some day!

Well the truth movement is also even bigger in other countries.

posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 11:24 AM

Originally posted by GoodOlDave
these damned fool conspiracy web sites are putting out rubbish to get people all paranoid

Dave, this will be at least the third time that I've had to tell you that it's not the conspiracy websites that are making people think 9/11 was an inside job. It's called painstaking research.

I'm going to give a few examples of who was creating 9/11 conspiracies well before "Loose Change" as I'm growing very tired of you falsely accusing certain people and websites of making up conspiracies concerning 9/11 for people to believe in:

CNBC on 9/11:

Peter Jennings and Dan Rather made similar comments.

Now, from the UseNet:

jeezeus ! mark Sep 11 2001, 1:08 pm
From: [email protected] (jeezeus ! mark)
Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2001 17:11:45 GMT
Local: Tues, Sep 11 2001 1:11 pm
Subject: Re: Turn on your tv's

"those buiding looked imploded to me.......i can see the top
collapsing, but not down to the ground.......there were bombs
inside the buiding.......definately ! this is an inside job, what are
the chances of 4 people getting on 4 planes this moring with
guns or whatever in order to fly them into the buildings, this is
bigger than just some radical towel head group, this is another
Oklahoma City........who stands to gain from this.....? "


Maleki Sep 11 2001, 2:01 pm
Newsgroups: soc.culture.iranian
From: "Maleki"
Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2001 13:00:05 -0500
Local: Tues, Sep 11 2001 2:00 pm
Subject: Re: U.S.A Under attack

It's too organized. I don't think anti-American foreigners (Palestinians,
Indonesians, Iraqis, Sudanese, ... ) could arrange such an effective and
organized plan inside USA. This looks like an inside job. Involving
people well-trained (probably military staff) and well equiped and

I have never doubted this solid fact that the greatest danger to the
Americans come without a doubt from the Americans themselves.
All these gigantic designs of watching and spying that develops and
exist in USA, are for the prime reason of watching Americans, not the
anti-Americans. Only Americans have the means _and_reasons to really
bring some degree of damage the Americans. It is just another form of
shooting tens of people in "McDonalds" and then committing suicide, but
with one level higher in the organization and the skill involved.


alien Sep 11 2001, 5:15 pm
Newsgroups: alt.revisionism
From: [email protected] ( alien)
Date: 11 Sep 2001 22:14:53 +0100
Local: Tues, Sep 11 2001 5:14 pm
Subject: Buildings brought down...

"... by shape charges wrapped around steel. This is an inside job bought
to you by your friendly CIA/MOSSAD/FBI connection."


Before dinner on 9/11, news anchors and the UseNet were buzzing with "conspiracy theories" about how those buildings could not possibly have collapsed the way they did without explosives. Why aren't you attacking the news anchors and the UseNet, Dave? They were the one's putting out the "damned fool conspiracies" first on the very same day and before dinner time!?

Many people were smart enough, educated enough, and recognized that those buildings could not have fallen without explosives, and that 9/11 could not possibly have been created or carried out by any other means than with military precision from the Joint Chiefs of the United States military.

You know, kinda like when the Joint Chiefs concocted just such a similar plan back in the 1960's called "Operation Northwoods"?

Originally posted by GoodOlDave
we know right away Avery lied to us

Gotta love false accusations. You have zero proof that Dylan purposely lied. I guess there's no such things as "mistakes" and "inaccuracies"....

But, guess what happened when errors were found? They were corrected in future versions of the series. They were also posted on the official forums as "Mistakes and Errors" thread which could be seen by anyone visiting the official forums. There was no hiding of the mistakes and errors. It was available for all to see on the official forums.

Which brings me to....:

Originally posted by GoodOlDave
I mean, seriously, just how much "inside information" would a bunch of college kids making internet videos in their dorm room actually have?

And there's your answer right there. They didn't have a large staff to research for them or a multi-million-dollar budget for resources. There was only so much information publicly available at the time.

So, before you falsely accuse people of lying or accuse websites of putting out false information to make conspiracies concerning 9/11, I suggest you do some actual research, or start attacking the news anchors and the UseNet of the very same thing you accuse others like Dylan Avery of, after the fact.

Oh, and since the 9/11 truth movement had it's starting roots from the victims' families asking questions, you should also start attacking them for starting these conspiracy theories concerning 9/11. That too would be before any of the 9/11 documentaries like "Loose Change" came out.

Now my opinion: I think the information in movies like "Loose Change" is so damning to your point of view, that it destroys your perception of the perfect country that would never harm it's own citizens and you're fighting that fact. When in reality, many people, including the victims' families, news anchors, etc., were claiming "conspiracy" well before "Loose Change" became a phenom.

So, please, get researched and get your story straight before continuing to post things that are completely and provably false.

[edit on 1-4-2010 by _BoneZ_]

posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 11:31 AM

Originally posted by GoodOlDave
these damned fool conspiracy web sites are putting out rubbish to get people all paranoid

The only paranoid people i know of on here is the people who believe the official story and do not want to admit to any facts and evidence shown that might wreck there safe little fantasy world.

posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 12:07 PM
I guess I am confused. They are at an anti war rally to promote a new 9/11 investigation and blame all the deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan on 9/11 and our government? As I will show the people who organized it were none to happy they were there either.

I mean, as pointed out, this is nothing but

You didn't even change the title of the article.

Also, they are combative...

Right off the bat, a young representative from the local chapter of ANSWER, the organization that organized this Anti-War demonstration, approached us and told us that we would have to take our banners to the back of the march. Bruno Bruhwiler from WeAreChangeLA immediately confronted him about trying to kick us to the back of the bus. He said that Answer has the permit for the march, and they can tell us what to do. Bruno reminded him that they do not have a permit to trespass on our Freedom of Speech, and went on to advise the young man to go back and tell his team that they do not want to incur the liability for trespassing on our First Amendment Rights. The young man walked away after warning us that we would have to deal with the Police.

What right? the right to assemble yes but you listen to those who put it together and are 'letting' you assemble with them. If not, take it to the local McDonalds.

The reason that nothing gets accomplished is because of the attitudes shown in the article.

[edit on 1-4-2010 by esdad71]

posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 03:26 PM

Originally posted by esdad71
I guess I am confused. They are at an anti war rally to promote a new 9/11 investigation and blame all the deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan on 9/11 and our government? As I will show the people who organized it were none to happy they were there either.

I mean, as pointed out, this is nothing but

You didn't even change the title of the article.

Also, they are combative...

Right off the bat, a young representative from the local chapter of ANSWER, the organization that organized this Anti-War demonstration, approached us and told us that we would have to take our banners to the back of the march. Bruno Bruhwiler from WeAreChangeLA immediately confronted him about trying to kick us to the back of the bus. He said that Answer has the permit for the march, and they can tell us what to do. Bruno reminded him that they do not have a permit to trespass on our Freedom of Speech, and went on to advise the young man to go back and tell his team that they do not want to incur the liability for trespassing on our First Amendment Rights. The young man walked away after warning us that we would have to deal with the Police.

What right? the right to assemble yes but you listen to those who put it together and are 'letting' you assemble with them. If not, take it to the local McDonalds.

The reason that nothing gets accomplished is because of the attitudes shown in the article.

[edit on 1-4-2010 by esdad71]

they said it was a policeman that asked them to go back.

but regardless, would the city even allow a 9/11 truth rally to take place?

Sometimes you gotta fight fire with fire, so to speak.

So yes, an anti-war rally got hijacked by 9/11 truthers. But the country got hijacked by corporations first, so its in our best interests to spread the truth. Or, at the very least get people to open their eyes.

Im not gonna comment on alex jones, but i can guarantee you that dylan avery doesn't even want to be part of the truth movement anymore because of how the mainstream media is blind to everything.
The video's are free to watch online.
Their website doesn't charge any fee's.
This is all 100% free to you, the viewer. If you "like", you can donate.

There's no strings attached here.

posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 03:44 PM

Originally posted by _BoneZ_
Dave, this will be at least the third time that I've had to tell you that it's not the conspiracy websites that are making people think 9/11 was an inside job. It's called painstaking research.

All right, fair enough. I'm adult enough to admit when I'm wrong. I fully agree with you in that not all conspiracy theorists became conspiracy theorists from a steady diet of "the gov't is constantly plotting to murder us all" rubbish these web sites have been putting out. Some conspiracy theorists subscribed to the "the gov't is constantly plotting to murder us all" paranoia *before* the 9/11 attack, and I have you to thank for posting proof. Namely, this gem:

alien Sep 11 2001, 5:15 pm
Newsgroups: alt.revisionism
From: [email protected] ( alien)
Date: 11 Sep 2001 22:14:53 +0100
Local: Tues, Sep 11 2001 5:14 pm
Subject: Buildings brought down...

"... by shape charges wrapped around steel. This is an inside job bought
to you by your friendly CIA/MOSSAD/FBI connection."

Tell me, throughout the entire 9/11 debacle, just where was there any indication that "painstaking research" would conclude it was staged by the Mossad in conjuction with the FBI and CIA? Was there an Israeli flag painted on any of the aircraft? Did Mohammed Atta, et, al, leave a Talbud behind somewhere? Were they walking through security cameras wearing a yamaka? Where the heck did this "Israel was behind it" bit come from, precisely?

You know the answer to that and so do I- this poster had an anti-Israel hangup BEFORE the attack, and he simply viewed the 9\11 attack through his "Jewish World Order" colored glasses. Little wonder why someone with such an outlook would be frequenting those "inside job" conspiracy web sites to begin with. I wouldn't doubt it in the least if people with such predetermined conspiracy leanings made up the large percentage of that demonstration, it's just that their individual predetermines leanings as to the culprit are different. You conspiracy people can't even agree amongst yourselves here as to what the "blatant conspiracy" even is so it's unlikely they could, either.

So, I freely withdraw my statement. Mainly, becuase you've proved my point that these 9/11 conspiracies are based entirely upon abject paranoia, make believe, and circular logic, far better than I ever could. Thank you.

Now my opinion: I think the information in movies like "Loose Change" is so damning to your point of view, that it destroys your perception of the perfect country that would never harm it's own citizens and you're fighting that fact. When in reality, many people, including the victims' families, news anchors, etc., were claiming "conspiracy" well before "Loose Change" became a phenom.

I have never concealed my personal opinion, here, either- it never was the case I "believe everything the gov't says". That propaganda is coming entirely from you conspiracy people. Rather, my position is that the gov't is simply too imcompetent to pull off any such intricate and complex conspiracy without slipping on banana peels or stumbling into walls. A gov't that can't even hand out bottles of water to hurricane victims in New Orleans without fumbling it up certainly wouldn't be able to sneak into an occupied building undetected and plant several thousand tons of invisible controlled demolitions with the sheer perfection of a supernatural act without fumbling it up either.

You keep saying that "I don't know the gov't", but the question is, do YOU know the gov't?

[edit on 1-4-2010 by GoodOlDave]

posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 04:27 PM

Originally posted by esdad71
Also, they are combative...

The reaons they are combative usually has somethign to do with them being attacked and insulted for questioning something that anyone with common sense can see needs to be questioned.

posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 04:52 PM

Originally posted by traditionaldrummer

Was this a scheduled anti-war rally that "truthers" decided to hijack?



Yes, bring seven forms of ID, you need to prove who you are

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