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9-11 Truth makes HUGE appearance at Los Angeles Anti-War March

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posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 01:04 AM
reply to post by twist dnb

No doubt -- I'm sure you've seen this protest against Bill Clinton in my hometown by the 911 Truthers. I've talked to those activists as well -- this is excellent activism!

Too bad they didn't ask Clinton about Jackson Stevens!

posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 01:09 AM
Thanks for the great video ugie!!

Glad to see the truth movement get out there more and more everyday.

I agree with your message because If 9/11 did not happen then we wouldn't be in wars. I do not grasp how some people cannot understand that.

People constantly say that their government could not have done that. Pfft, I would pay to see a government that has not done that. That what happens with money and power, it goes straight to your head, and when there is money and power, corruption is not that far behind.

I am happy to see more and more of 9/11 truth and hopefully one day enough people will be asking enough questions that the government cannot stand behind their power anymore.

Thanks for your contribution.


[edit on 1-4-2010 by predator0187]

posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 01:14 AM
reply to post by predator0187

NP, as i said earlier, i am just doing my part, even if its small.

Just glad its on the front page, and ATS gets to see that We are change LA had a great turnout. the video gives a better visual on how 911 truth is growing. people are waking up, its snowballing... 911 morphed into an anti-war message. very good thing!

posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 01:18 AM

Originally posted by predator0187
People constantly say that their government could not have done that.

Just like our corrupt government couldn't have planned Operation Northwoods, faked the Gulf of Tonkin incident or lied about WMDs in Iraq?

Hell, the U.S. government has been pulling false flags for over a century -- ever since the mysterious explosion that destroyed the USS Maine and led to the Spanish-American War.

[edit on 4/1/2010 by GoldenFleece]

posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 01:24 AM
reply to post by GorehoundLarry

Lack of compelling evidence! Good one. Is the evidence that supports the OS so much more compelling? Oh, that's right, Popular Mechanics magazine signed off on their theory, so we should all just let it go, right? Get over it. Don't go there!

Waking people up might just save some lives. And, not just the lives of American military personnel.

S & F for a thread that might wake 1 person up.

posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 01:36 AM


posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 01:40 AM

Originally posted by GoldenFleece

Originally posted by GorehoundLarry
9/11 Inside Job is a Conspiracy Theory

it doesn't have to be accepted by anyone due to the lack of solid evidence...and yes, there is a lack of compelling evidence.

Maybe to you -- not to anyone who's spent a modicum of time investigating.

Like it or not, the evidence for 9/11 being an inside job is overwhelming and incontrovertible.

Sorry, but 9/11 inside job is indeed a Theory and an opinionated thought.

That's just the way it is.

posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 01:40 AM
Thanks that was a great video.

911 was clearly a false flag operation. I love reading the comments from the usual OS defenders who troll every single 911 forum to post their propaganda. By the looks of things they are getting pretty desperate if they have to resort to whining about where people bought their clothing as a means to discredit a movement. Hilarious!

posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 01:51 AM

posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 02:00 AM

Originally posted by GoldenFleece
reply to post by GorehoundLarry

And you say you're from the United States of Deception?

Well, at least you got that part right!

So glad we can resort to personal attacks here. But anywho..

Yes, the United States is responsible for false flags in the past..but...oh eff it, what's the point? You're stuck on your opinion and that's all that matters.

It's kinda like the spaghetti monster. Completely insane but if you're passionate about it, that's all that matters.

The glory of America is we can all have our little beliefs here and there, so keep at it!

[edit on 1-4-2010 by GorehoundLarry]

posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 02:08 AM

Originally posted by GorehoundLarry
Yes, the United States is responsible for false flags in the past..but...oh eff it, what's the point?

No, please go on.

The United States was responsible for false flags in the past... so therefore the war-mongering PNAC neocons who lied about WMDs in Iraq and just about everything else couldn't have had anything to do with 9/11?

Wake up, Larry.

posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 02:14 AM
Well it is true that I asked the 911 Truthers in Minneapolis what they were going to do!

I said -- yeah so there's all this evidence 911 was an inside job. Now what -- a lawsuit? If there have been any I don't think they've gone far.

But that's the deal with conspiracies -- there's no where to turn. It's actually a psychological problem. You can't "overthrow" the government because that just replaces it with the same type of domination power freaks.

And, of course, no one is obligated to consider the information -- as Chomsky calls it "intellectual responsibility" -- most U.S. citizens lack "intellectual responsibility."

Still for those who are psychologically able to consider why the government's own conspiracy theory is wrong then there is a fascinating and very powerful truth revealed.

As Freud said -- I think -- "knowing is half the problem" -- the biggest Leftist intellectual -- Slavoj Zizek -- focuses on politics as psychology and how power is symbolic.

Focusing on 911 is like sticking your finger in the psychic wound which TPTB want to keep covered up, to pretend it's not there.

posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 02:45 AM

Originally posted by GorehoundLarry
Sorry, but 9/11 inside job is indeed a Theory and an opinionated thought.

That's just the way it is.

Free falling buildings?
Nanothermyth particles?
crystal clear steel column cuts?
Terrorist attack simulation training the very same day with the VP at the controls??

Sorry, but 9/11 terrorist attack is also indeed a Theory, and a very bad one.

posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 02:50 AM
I am no less than absolutely stoked about this, and wish I could have been there to participate!!!

As far as the 9/11 "debunkers" or what not, stop derailing the the thread and trolling.

You've already been severely abused, and destroyed, demolished. It is no longer a conspiracy -- It's fact, and there's plentiful evidence to support the fact the government has withheld substantial amounts of extremely important data to the actual physical data behind the crash of the WTCs, not to mention the Pentagon(Really, 1 "video" that consisted of 5 frames or so? You've got to be joking me, it's the #ing pentagon. They had more video than that.)

To all those who are IGNORANT and yes, completely ignorant without doubt, do not derail this thread. This is a thread pertaining to truth, peaceful revolution and general awareness.

posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 02:56 AM
911 is the perfect anti war message, you just need to be crazy to not understand that

the US did go to the war 2 DAYS after 911
how many Muslims were killed and got raped in their own country?
how many families got destroyed by this event?

its the perfect anti war message, it doesnt matter if you believe it was an inside job or not, there were no enough evidences and the US didnt have the right to murder all those people in these illegal wars

posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 02:58 AM
reply to post by Revolution-2012

you are right; the official history is a JOKE;

it doesnt matter whats your beliefs, if you believe it was GOD, it was an alien or whatever that did that; the fact is that the official history was debunked the moment it came out, they debunked themselves by denying proper investigation and creating some disinfo;

reply to post by oshdra

yes you said everything!


Originally posted by Mr_Awesome
Thanks that was a great video.

911 was clearly a false flag operation. I love reading the comments from the usual OS defenders who troll every single 911 forum to post their propaganda. By the looks of things they are getting pretty desperate if they have to resort to whining about where people bought their clothing as a means to discredit a movement. Hilarious!

wow, you should be applauded for that;


[edit on 1-4-2010 by Faiol]

posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 03:05 AM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

please god make it stop

Trolls can be costly in several ways. A troll can disrupt the discussion on a newsgroup, disseminate bad advice, and damage the feeling of trust in the newsgroup community. Furthermore, in a group that has become sensitized to trolling — where the rate of deception is high — many honestly naïve questions may be quickly rejected as trollings. This can be quite off-putting to the new user who upon venturing a first posting is immediately bombarded with angry accusations. Even if the accusation is unfounded, being branded a troll is quite damaging to one's online reputation.

[edit on 1-4-2010 by Faiol]

posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 03:12 AM

Originally posted by GoodOlDave

Originally posted by ugie1028
So your judging them based on their... clothing...


No, I'm judging them by their pretending to be something they're really not. They claim to be protestors searching for the truth when in reality, their uniforms show them to be Alex Jones groupies, and you have to be into some real hard core paranoid drivel to be an Alex Jones groupie.

lol, I'm not judging them by their clothing, but "you have to be into some real hard core paranoid drivel to be an Alex Jones groupie"... haha. You ever wear a nike shirt?, must be a nike groupie.. drive a honda, honda groupie?

Dude there is no possible way to know where these people purchased their clothes, and to assume ones personality based on a t-shirt is almost as silly as the elites 9/11 story and excuses for wars.

Afganistan was on the unocal, bush, cheney menu long before 9/11 gave them the excuse they needed.. must be a pure coincidence:

Guess who paid the taliban near $400 million: enron, why? to bribe them into allowing a pipeline through afghanistan. The taliban leaders were even wooed in texas..

1998 Congressional record, 2/12/98 statement by John J. Maresca, vice president of international relations at Unocal Corporation.. who admits 4 years before 9/11 unocal started work on the pipeline that was to cross Afghanistan. They only had 1 problem:

"... the need for U.S. support for international and regional efforts to achieve balanced and lasting political settlements to the conflicts in the region, including Afghanistan.


The country has been involved in bitter warfare for almost two decades, and is still divided by civil war. From the outset, we have made it clear that construction of the pipeline we have proposed across Afghanistan could not begin until a recognized government is in place that has the confidence of governments, lenders, and our company.

But they started work developing the afghan pipe line anyway..

Last October, the Central Asia Gas Pipeline Consortium, called CentGas, in which Unocal holds an interest, was formed to develop a gas pipeline which will link Turkmenistan's vast Dauletabad gas field with markets in Pakistan and possibly India. The proposed 790-mile pipeline will open up new markets for this gas, traveling from Turkmenistan through Afghanistan to Multan in Pakistan. The proposed extension would move gas on to New Delhi, where it would connect with an existing pipeline. As with the proposed Central Asia oil pipeline, CentGas can not begin construction until an internationally recognized Afghanistan Government is in place.

unocal was even kind enough to supply a new afghan president, one of their consultants: Hamid Karzai

Which company would make lots of $$ from this pipeline?: Halliburton... who met with taliban loving enron in 2001? cheney.

Vice President Cheney held several secret meetings with top Enron officials, including its Chairman Kenneth Lay, earlier in 2001. These meetings were presumably part of Cheney’s non-public Energy Task Force sessions. A number of Enron stockholders, including Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and Trade Representative Robert Zoellick, became officials in the Bush administration. In addition, Thomas White, a former Vice Chairman of Enron and a multimillionaire in Enron stock, currently serves as the Secretary of the Army. A chief benefactor in the CentGas deal would have been Halliburton,

"... U.S. oil company Unocal Corp. had been negotiating with the Taliban since 1995 to build “oil and gas pipelines from Turkmenistan, through Afghanistan and into Pakistani ports on the Arabian sea.” He cited Ahmed Rashid’s authoritative book “Taliban, Militant Islam, Oil and Fundamentalism in Central Asia” as a source for this information.

Rashid, who has reported on Afghan wars for more than 20 years as a correspondent for the Eastern Economic Review and the Daily Telegraph, carefully documents in his book how the U.S. and Pakistan helped install the Taliban in hopes of bringing stability to the war-ravaged region and making it safer for the pipeline project"

"The terrorist acts of Sept. 11, though tragic, provided the Bush administration a legitimate reason to invade Afghanistan, oust the recalcitrant Taliban and, coincidentally, smooth the way for the pipeline. To make things even smoother, the U.S. engineered the rise to power of two former Unocal employees: Hamid Karzai, the new interim president of Afghanistan, and Zalmay Khalizad, the Bush administration’s Afghanistan envoy."

posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 03:31 AM
reply to post by ugie1028

Thanks Ugie for sharing this! S&F! If only more people would rally against the wars going on that were forced upon the people because of a false flag event... well at least it seems more people are waking up - and if they aren't, well they are having the truth shoved down their throats these days and I don't care if they don't like it because IT IS THE TRUTH! Enough of the MSM constantly denying every true fact and shoving that down peoples throats, drink up the truth, drink it all up because it's damn refreshing!

posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 03:53 AM
This is excellent great work

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