reply to post by hyperion.martin
Dude, cmon now.
I am a peace loving person. I have never ever wanted to join the 'force' or the military, why? Because I've always known they are rackets, not
because I wasn't a man of action. There was a time where I wanted to be an EMT though, but they are on a different side of the "fence" than
"authority" or other uniformed figures.
I've grown up on the streets of Los Angeles, I ran with gangs and knuckleheads as a kid, I was in many barfights in my 20's, when studied martial
arts, survival, combat tactics and other areas of 'defense'.
Now I'm older and wiser, but it doesn't mean I wouldn't revert back to the instinct if I had to, I still feel it in the background.
But just because I've never 'served' or joined some form of collective uniformed group, does NOT mean I am not the type of guy that runs at the
problem. All my life I have been the guy that either helps or fights when most won't. If I feel threatened I turn on the switch and jump on it in a
split second. People get hassled and runover by a bully, I usually step in to help. Always have.
AND I'M NOT ALONE. Many throughout the world are like me, and like you. And that percentage has never been tested, it might be 5% it might be 8%,
this magic percentage of "2" is made up crap.
But what bothers me the most is that you feel only someone in uniform is capable. And then you speak to ATS members like you're on top of the hill
looking down your nose at us because we didn't bother to be "IRAQI Oil guard #4372892" or "Afghani Poppy Guard # 3647243".
Chicken Chesting online about how you're the only one with balls to fight the "NWO", please dude.
You have no clue what people are capable of, or what your audience is. True, I think also that many online personas talk a bunch of riled up crap,
and that this forum is filled with a bunch of guys trapped in some dark room with their dirty smelly boxers on, picking their nose while another
cheeto falls on their fat guts. But there are people here that know whats up, and would take action.
You're not special because you were an official "warrior" of the United States.
Don't puff up online and blow your conch because you feel superior. There are a lot of civilians that will knock your D in the Dirt, that never
served, never wanted to kill, love peace, etc. But will snap a MF's neck if he ever tries to touch him or subjugate him.
And you never know what would happen if the S*** truly hit the fan. Overnight fighters are made in every upheaval. Sparks become a flame, flame
becomes a fire. If someone ignites the spark, you have no idea who would come out of the wood work.