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I guarantee ATS will be banned by Australian Government.

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posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 08:17 PM
reply to post by Whine Flu

Well in NZ now filtering is going ahead, but its an ISP voluntary scheme..

which is not quite what is happening in Oz.. yet..

see Updated: New Zealand's internet filter goes live

Usually with those ISP voluntary schemes they generally filter just child porn.
Which IMO, is just them doing good business.
Also its quite easy to find out what your missing through other ISPs so if the ISP blocked unreasonably they would lose customers.

The most outrageous part of the Oz mandatory scheme is how far reaching RC content goes. And various sources, have complained and ousted the abuse, even from Google, (and they filter for china.)

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 08:57 PM
I agree wholeheartedly with your thread title OP, from the first time i heard about this i believed this scheme is about the control of information, hiding behind the guise of 'protecting the children'.

What infuriates me the most about it is that the government will go through with it regardless of whether the australian internet community supports it or not.
It seems like the petitions and letter writing campaigns are all in vain as the government will simply disregard them, as though they are doing whats best for us.

As someone has already said, we aussies are an apathetic bunch, so i doubt that if this does come to pass there will be much uproar (i hope im wrong). IMO the average aussie will not care too much as long as facebook and ebay remain accessible. (the loss of porn will tick quite a few people off but i doubt it will spark protests or riots).

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 09:11 PM
They can go ahead and try to ban legitimate content, and stop me (an Australian) from visiting the end, I doubt they will ever succeed...if people let this happen, we truly are doomed...

[edit on 14/3/10 by CHA0S]

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 09:11 PM
Prohibition of porn would be unenforceable. The 'illegal internet material' should be immediately removed; breaking of the law, on the internet, and material found to break the moral code - of a warped or amoral nature, if the data centers do not comply their connections to the internet can be turned off.

Current porn law under United States law is minimum 18 years old to appear, consentual appearence etc. All has to be above board, so the law must be enforced. The law, based on sound morals, is the key. We obey the law at my own business operations, including internet operations.

Law-abiding Data Center owners at all times check that the customers on their books are bona-fide ones. Those that break the law face the prospect of shut down, and owners arrested etc.

My internet operations are controlled from the UK, we use data centers in Amsterdam, and the relative book value financial worth of our operations are small when compared to other operators of similar size.

[edit on 14-3-2010 by TheDailyPlanet]

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 09:32 PM
reply to post by countercounterculture

But even the Governement own Minister (Conroy) has admitted it
probably won't be able to filter everything.

So what is the Point.

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 09:37 PM
I am an Australian citizen!

Let us remember that Australia began its existence as a penal colony for criminals from Britain through the mass-extermination of the indigenous population whom were happily living on this island-continent, and had it all pretty-much figured-out.

Now: Am I not to believe that I am somehow not still a criminal whilst I continue to call Australia my home?

Of course I am a criminal when the government I call my own, did these abhorrent things in the past. I am a criminal by association and I will remain a criminal whilst I continue to live here.

Senator Conroy... put me down as a criminal like you yourself Hon. sir.

So yeah, I will look to my criminal inclinations to get 'round any internet roadblocks the government wants to place in front of me, in order so I can get too and find ATS on the internet, for instance.

I love the USofA. Always have. Been to the States, lived there for a while, and I follow the news originating from there often. (Obama is good for you guys at present, I believe.)

So, USofA is great, and I trust that this country will always be 'round to support Australia, and the Australians wishing to get 'round any filters (roadblocks) on the internet, in the future.

As far as you guys in the USofA getting the same kind of treatment - it is unlikely as it was Hillary Rodham Clinton herself, whom came out so authoritatively and impressively with the following viewpoint (which is at ABC News, title: "Clinton speech boosts anti-filter campaign By Ashley Hall for PM and wires"): "Australia and the United States appear to be on a collision course on the issue of internet censorship. In a wide-ranging speech last night, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has accused countries that filter search engines of contravening the UN's Universal Declaration on Human Rights."

Contravening my human rights, no less. Ha-ha! I'm a criminal, I don't have those rights, surely. I mean, the Australian-Aborigines didn't have those rights.

The UsofA will be there to assist us criminals on this island-continent penal colony called Australia.

Although, that may come after we overthrow this government, first.


Daniel Moszkowicz. (The Troll-King of Chatsitea.)

[edit on 14-3-2010 by Daniel Moszkowicz]

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 09:46 PM
A new search engine has started up, duckduckGo.

I found the experience good, though not as exciting as the google "on Caffeine" experience, which is still available I think.

In the UK, we can access anything the internet has to offer - any illegal material is immediately flagged, and dealt with, though currently too slowly, and subject to the powers of the US data protocol processing. If I was in Australia, and it went big brother, like one post suggested it might, then I would move out.

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 09:57 PM
Hilary Clinton was right with her comment about violence in computer games that should not be allowed for sale - a taxi driver had been killed by a psychotic man after the killer had been inspired by playing such a computer game. Her comments must be given consideration for analysis, I think.

The No.1 priority is the promotion of the continuation of the real life violent-free culture, and perverted operators cannot be allowed to go on, if a website is found in any way to be perverted, has no compliance with the law, if given opportunity to change and doesn't, then that website can be shut down. It's the law of any sane country.

[edit on 14-3-2010 by TheDailyPlanet]

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 10:18 PM

Originally posted by TheDailyPlanet

In the UK, we can access anything the internet has to offer - any illegal material is immediately flagged, and dealt with, though currently too slowly, and subject to the powers of the US data protocol processing. If I was in Australia, and it went big brother, like one post suggested it might, then I would move out.

Oh yeah, great, TheDailyPlanet. Your country gets us into this mess, in my view, and the thing to do is to just "move out". Where would you go, do I dare ask, in such a hypothetical instance?

...Perhaps there's a boat I can jump on-board in order to get back to London Town.

I appreciate that the civilized manner in which your country continues to exist still continues. I think that education has a lot to do with it. Pity so many Australians living in Australia are so uneducated and thus so damn stupid! So far no ATS members of Australian origin or extraction fit into that category, I do believe in my adventures so far.


Big Brother? Bring it on. As The Troll-King, I can easily become a master criminal. (With the help of the USofA.)


[edit on 14-3-2010 by Daniel Moszkowicz]

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 10:19 PM
reply to post by TheDailyPlanet

If slavery to TPTB doesn't concern you, have at it!
BigGov has become god to such as this.

[edit on 14-3-2010 by romanmel]

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 10:27 PM

Originally posted by TheDailyPlanet
Hilary Clinton was right with her comment about violence in computer games that should not be allowed for sale - a taxi driver had been killed by a psychotic man after the killer had been inspired by playing such a computer game. Her comments must be given consideration for analysis, I think.

The No.1 priority is the promotion of the continuation of the real life violent-free culture, and perverted operators cannot be allowed to go on, if a website is found in any way to be perverted, has no compliance with the law, if given opportunity to change and doesn't, then that website can be shut down. It's the law of any sane country.
[edit on 14-3-2010 by TheDailyPlanet]

Are you suggesting ATS is like a violent computer game?

I am now the highest-ranked player of 'The Game' on the internet as I have developed the ranking system. I am the Troll-King (Of Chatistea, within the Theatre Cordillera). But to consider the work I have done and do on ATS as a form of violent action is just ludicrous, and I await your reasoning behind this obscure association of the said topic. (In my view, Hillary Rodham Clinton has a lot of credibility and she would be right on a number of subjects and issues.)

I mean, I am willing to admit that I am a criminal by association with the Australian government as an Australian citizen, and because if ATS was blocked by the Australian government I would try to find a way 'round the block... - via the USofA - ...but I fail to see where violent computer games come into it, TheDailyPlanet.

[edit on 14-3-2010 by Daniel Moszkowicz]

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 11:10 PM
Hey thanks for posting this. I live in Australia too and think that it is ridiculous that the Government wants to ban ATS! Is there any direct mentioning towards ATS? I guess if they do ban it here, we could just change the computer settings to say that we live in America or something lol
or use proxy's.. I'm not great with computers so i'm not sure if that would actually work but it's worth a try if they do ban ATS.

Anyway, thanks again for posting this. Have a good one

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 11:56 PM
i almost dont wanna use the words Aus Govt, as i feel it probably will be monitored, but i have recently come across something, and i thought this was quite scary... until yesterday i wasn't 100% sure as to what side of the invisible fence Aus was on, whether it is heading to liberalised democracy, or whether it is following in path of it's mother country and turning into a scientific totalitarian state (note: the Sydney CBD now has cctv on every block, i found this out first hand when they were installing them one drunken night i had in the city, with roadworks happening on every block)....

but the thing is the Australian media has been almost more decietful in it's approach to the mainstream media than america has.. if u think the kabalistic mind play is bad in the states, let me tell you the far right wing propaganda in australia is incredibly complex. for starters they have made ausralian journalism and media seem reliable, hell even hunter .s thompson b4 he died complemented the australian media on its coverage of the terror wars... but now these days, (might i add there are new reporters, who u can tell from their 'image' that they are a far more right then their predecessor, and would probably not ask to many questions, the new reporter just happy that they even made it, filling that slot (abc news for example, which is meant to be the reliable source news).

firstly (excuse my lack of logical rhetoric as i feel i must convey this information, and i get a little bit too excited when typing this; not evident of mycraziness but rather my passion for freedom which is going as rapidly as my subject changes.)

but in conclusion (sort of, maybe i dunno yet)
i came across this, and it has me in 100% belief that australia is following the footsteps of the 'british american tobacco company', thats sort of a joke, but u know what im implying (goddamn conspiracy in itself i'd say),

for those that dont know, Australia is a constitutional monarchy, and its mother land is england. but this is the info i came across, n god damn it,
literally, im a budhist aswell.... so that is a big statement..

width="425" height="344"> "" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344">

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 11:56 PM
[edit on 15-3-2010 by tripulation666]

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 11:57 PM
reply to post by countercounterculture

Don't want to admit it but I think you are right. ATS would fall under one of those categories. And if it doesn't they will make it fit. The same as they will make every other topic they feel is inappropriate fit.

This Internet Filter issue is being forced onto us the same way Airport Body Scanners are. Average Australian citizens have no say or power to voice their opposition to these awful legislations. They are issues that affect most of us but we get no say whether we oppose these methods or not.

It would be so very interesting to see the results of a survey that asked whether people do or do not agree with these policies. Why do we stand by and accept these legislations that provide us with small increases in security at the grave cost of our personal freedoms?

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 11:58 PM
sorry didnt know how to embed....but HERE.. PLEASE WATCH even if u dont live in aus this is probably relevant too u anyway..!!!!!!!

posted on Mar, 15 2010 @ 12:01 AM
reply to post by tripulation666

sorry.. site op, sozzza, i keep screwing up my posts, my internet connec is frustrating, but here::

posted on Mar, 15 2010 @ 12:03 AM
wellll for some reason or another i cant seem to upload this video.... anyway if u wanna watch something that will have u shaking in your boots, go to youtube, search 'serco' without the apostrophe's, find the blue dp'd animated film which goes for around 2 mins n 22 secs.......

watch this be scared!!!!!!! cuz this is probably the company they outsourced too, to do this.. people neeeeeeeeeeeed toooo know this!!!

[edit on 15-3-2010 by tripulation666]

posted on Mar, 15 2010 @ 12:15 AM
I think you peeps have to get a bit of a grip on the situation.....
please check out the ozzie authority on net and as to the shambles this internet filtering has turned into, this i think might alay some of the fears you guys have...

posted on Mar, 15 2010 @ 12:27 AM
reply to post by countercounterculture

Well If Im not mistaken, haven't they banned most of the many popular video games we have here in the US? At least thats what my friend who tests games for certain companies said, but then again he smokes a lot of a peculiar plant....

My point being where does it end? Once things like XBOX games are being banned why wouldnt ATS go with it? Especially considering the recent terrorist events, people are now starting to really shine the spot light on individuals who think open minded and frequent sites like this.

[edit on 15-3-2010 by WhiteDevil013]

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