reply to post by countercounterculture
Here is my most sincere hope that you are wrong mate.
Although the case you present does make it seem that you will be proved correct.
It will be a damned sad day indeed if we lose our Austrailan brothers and sisters from ATS-This cannot be tolerated by the global ATS community-people
should be queing up offering you folks free secure VPN connections IMO.
As a member of ATS I will make it my business to make alot of noise about this isssue all over the internet, if it ever comes to pass.
You have my word on that.
The masses can change things like this.
It does not have to be the way they tell you it will be.
Know any civil libitarian Australian millionaires?
They could build you guys a seperate internet pipe,screw the government filters.
Stop illegal porn,thats fine-but its never about that really is it?
Thats just the excuse they are constantly using to force compliance of the masses in the the form of their internet thought police.
I have said this many times but it is true:
You know when you hit the nerve when the system turns against that particular freedom.
What should a freedom loving government be afraid of its people learning on an uncensored internet?
Nothing...If you find your net censored,you do NOT have a freedom loving government-you have thought control,and repression IMO.
May the Austrailian ATS members NEVER lose their RIGHT to talk to their friends via this board.
And may those who seek to prevent such access hang their heads in shame.
For they do not represent any form of freedom.