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911 Debunkers Take Beating on ATS.

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posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 06:09 PM

Originally posted by odd1out

It is because so many Truthers are EGOMANIACS. As I stated earlier, the truth movement will go NOWHERE until those that seek the truth band together into one force stating not, "WE KNOW WHAT HAPPENED" but more "WE FIND A LACK OF EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT WHAT DID HAPPEN, EVIDENCE THAT REFUTES WHAT WAS SAID TO HAVE HAPPENED, AND ON THIS WE AGREE, AND BASED ON THIS WE DEMAND A NEW INVESTIGATION."
A big part of the problem with all the differing opinions, theories, hypotheses about what happened, lies purely with the ego of some that want to be the guy that figured it out... the genius that figured out what really happened on 9/11. It is glaringly obvious this is what some so-called truthers are all about. Deep down they could care less about the truth, they just want to be right.
Without ALL THE DATA, we can not possibly make a conclusion, and it seems pointless how these threads ALWAYS become a shootout between Trusters & Truthers. How many years has this gone on...? Almost 10 years now, and it has changed absolutely nothing. And so long as we have the internet, this shootout will never get any further than our living rooms but it makes some of us feel good, powerful even, to say, told ya so to some anonymous someone a thousand miles away.
Sadly enough, the 911 truth movement will die right here in our living rooms with each one of us, truther, truster, individually, right...we knew it all along...

For a guy who claims to know so much , about so many.

You don't really say to much... jus a silly rant.

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 06:11 PM
reply to post by PookztA

It's hard to believe that quite a few people still swallow the official story when it is so full of holes and so full of nonsense...

What you call a hole, i call a scapegoat for your agenda.

Any credible professionals who have come forth and debunked the "911 was an inside job" ideal have been called agents of disinformation and government conspirators.

If a professional agrees with you, you call him a friend, despite his shaky "proof"

if he disagrees with you and gives concrete proof as to why, you claim he doctored it and works for "the man"

So you live in absolutes. You think that you're absolutely right, and no amount of hard core evidence can prove you wrong.

Thats not a truth seeker. Thats called having an agenda.

I don't take issue with someone seeking the truth.

I do take issue with someone willing to manipulate reality to fit their agenda.

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 06:14 PM

Originally posted by Snarf
What you call a hole, i call a scapegoat for your agenda.

So you acknowledge these holes exist, and that you just simply paint them another color.

Like the uncounted explosions heard from all 3 buildings, none of them explained with any evidence to this day. We want these things to be further investigated, and you see this as an "agenda" to attack and ridicule and ignore and pretend there is nothing else we need to know.

Even 9/11 families want these questions answered. You are spitting in their face denying them answers to questions millions of us still have (check the Zogby polls buddy) yet no one has been able to supply, almost 10 years later.

You find comfort in your ignorance through your faith, but I do not.

[edit on 7-3-2010 by bsbray11]

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 06:16 PM
reply to post by Snarf

Great points Snarf. Plus add to the fact that nobody is making money promoting the official story, but you have all kinds of people making money off of the conspiracy angle. There is a good living to be made writing books, creating websites, etc that promote the "gov did it" agenda. It makes you wonder who the sheep really are. Maybe both sides. Maybe just one.

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 06:18 PM
The debunkers still have not debunked the WTC7 free fall collapse, which violates the law of conservation of energy if the OS is correct.

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 06:19 PM
reply to post by bsbray11

Like the uncounted explosions heard from all 3 buildings, none of them explained with any evidence to this day.

So three burning buildings may or may not have had some explosions. Personally, I don't remember seeing evidence of loud explosions but if you have it I would love to see it.

Have you ever burnt stuff you shouldn't in a campfire or watched a house burn down? What happens a bunch of small explosions when they hit different explosive type chemicals/materials.

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 06:21 PM

Originally posted by Mr Sunchine
reply to post by Snarf

Great points Snarf. Plus add to the fact that nobody is making money promoting the official story, but you have all kinds of people making money off of the conspiracy angle. There is a good living to be made writing books, creating websites, etc that promote the "gov did it" agenda. It makes you wonder who the sheep really are. Maybe both sides. Maybe just one.

If you think 19 men from a cave did this.

We know who the sheep is.

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 06:21 PM
reply to post by bsbray11

So you acknowledge these holes exist, and that you just simply paint them another color.

No, i don't acknowledge that they exist. I never once said that, so please refrain from paraphrasing, you are not very good at it.

I said you call it a hole, i call it a scapegoat.

You take shaky hard to explain occurrences in the natural world, and explain them in a manner that lesser intelligent people can understand, and they buy YOUR version of the story.

But at the same time, on the other hand, we have actual scientists saying "well, actually, here's the truth" and you say "HE IS A LIAR"

then, "my team" politics kicks in and you all rally against "the man" because "its the thing to do"

Everyone is so eager to belong to something that they're willing to stand for anything so long as it gets them a name.

As the wonderful user above me points out:

Truthers are making millions off of this
Anyone spreading the official story isn't making jack.

Who has the hidden agenda here?

[edit on 7-3-2010 by Snarf]

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 06:22 PM
Amazing. A trolling thread made front page. Nice to see ATS finally stoop to the most immature and disgusting level.

What does this thread provide to the 9/11 truth movement? Nothing.

This site has fallen.

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 06:22 PM

Originally posted by GhostR1der
The debunkers still have not debunked the WTC7 free fall collapse, which violates the law of conservation of energy if the OS is correct.

WTC7 was not free fall. It may have been near free fall, but not total free fall. Even if you used explosives you are not going to get free fall as the explosions need to be timed just right to get the right fall characteristics.

Where is the undeniable proof that it was free fall? I would suppose you could take a video and make sure it ran perfectly on time and then time the fall.

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 06:24 PM
reply to post by Sean48

but now you're over generalizing and turning this argument into sensationalism...and we all know why, even you.

They aren't from a cave. These people don't live their lives in squalor drawing on the walls with feces.

They're rich. They're powerful. They've invisible.

If you think it takes sky scrapers, office buildings, and Gucci clothing to plot a terrorist attack, then i think you are mistaken on the definition of what makes a person "sheeple"

[edit on 7-3-2010 by Snarf]

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 06:24 PM
reply to post by Sean48

A silly rant...? Unlike you Sean, I haven't claimed to KNOW anything. But what I said PLAINLY holds water...NOTHING has changed in ten years, and the so-called truth movement is scattered to the four winds, and always will be. Anyone posting theories about the BS evidence they find on the internet is a SUCKER. For ten years, we have seen exactly they what they have wanted us to see, nothing more, nothing less. Since 9/11/2001 when I saw the FIRST tower fall, I knew I could no longer trust ANY source of news, media, government, etc, ever again. We gather all this so-called evidence from the pool of excrement left for us to wade through and piece together the TRUTH...sorry buddy, you can only pull sh*t from a bucket of sh*t.

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 06:24 PM
reply to post by Sean48

If you think 19 men from a cave did this.

We know who the sheep is.

LOL, I love when people say this as it is not supported by fact. You guys want us to believe that these guys were a bunch of sheep herders raised in caves their entire lives.

These guys were from various modern arab cities. Bin Laden in particular is part of one of the richest families in the world. Also, Bin Laden and his men have had a vast amount of real world experience in war.

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 06:27 PM
reply to post by Snarf

The OS is very simple.

19 hi-jackers took 4 planes .

Hit 2 towers , the Pentagon, and crashed in a field.


If you have a problem with that, you are a truther.

It's that black or White.

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 06:33 PM
reply to post by Sean48

Yes, it is that black and white.

And a truther will say:

  • There were no airplanes, they were holograms
  • Those weren't airplanes, im an expert, they were missiles
  • There were no people on the planes, they're all in on it and keeping quiet
  • The buildings were secretly rigged with explosives by our government
  • The jews did it
  • Bush did it
  • Cheney did it

I know i'm missing about 140 different variations of the "unofficial story", but you get the jist of it.

So, as a "truther" you have to be willing to accept that it would take hundreds and hundreds of people to coordinate such an attack. Or it would take technology that doesn't even exist to create the projected holographic planes....or that you would have to have the most evil presidential administration ever heard of....all instead of the fundamental simple idea that a 19 men who hate America were able to sneak some knives on an airplane and use the promise of life to keep people calm just long enough to fly an airplane into the buildings.

And the one airplane that found out what was going on...what happened?

They realized that they were going to die, and that the terrorists were going to kill hem no matter what.

So they fought back

That airplane crashed in the middle of a field somewhere, because the two things the 19 hijackers going for them, deceit and terror, failed.

[edit on 7-3-2010 by Snarf]

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 06:33 PM

Originally posted by Mr Sunchine
reply to post by Sean48

If you think 19 men from a cave did this.

We know who the sheep is.

LOL, I love when people say this as it is not supported by fact. You guys want us to believe that these guys were a bunch of sheep herders raised in caves their entire lives.

These guys were from various modern arab cities. Bin Laden in particular is part of one of the richest families in the world. Also, Bin Laden and his men have had a vast amount of real world experience in war.

What difference does it make if they were all game Show host, Marathon Runners, or members of a all Boy Band.

It's what took place on Sept 11 2001 that matter.

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 06:34 PM
reply to post by Sean48

The OS is very simple.

19 hi-jackers took 4 planes .

Hit 2 towers , the Pentagon, and crashed in a field.


If you have a problem with that, you are a truther.

It's that black or White.

Great point Sean. It is pretty straight forward so lets compare stories.

19 hijackers, 4 planes, 3 buildings destroyed or damaged, one plane in the ground.

Compared to.

An massive goverment conspiracy that would have taken 100's if not thousands of men to pull off. Then add to it and do it on live TV so the whole world can make a copy on their VCR and analyze it over and over for years and years. Then add to that nobody has said a word about their involvement in 10 years. 10 years of getting drunk, bragging to women, bragging to their buddies, etc... 10 years nobody felt so guilty for killing 4000 americans that they rolled over and confessed. In a nutshell they committed the hugest fraud EVER commited in the history of man on live TV in front of the world. Then on the flipside Bush is a total moron who can barely chew gum and walk and has never made a good decision in his life. How does that all add up?

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 06:34 PM

Originally posted by Snarf
reply to post by Sean48

Yes, it is that black and white.

And a truther will say:

  • There were no airplanes, they were holograms
  • Those weren't airplanes, im an expert, they were missiles
  • There were no people on the planes, they're all in on it and keeping quiet
  • The buildings were secretly rigged with explosives by our government
  • The jews did it
  • Bush did it
  • Cheney did it

I know i'm missing about 140 different variations of the "unofficial story", but you get the jist of it.

So, as a "truther" you have to be willing to accept that it would take hundreds and hundreds of people to coordinate such an attack. Or it would take technology that doesn't even exist to create the projected holographic planes....or that you would have to have the most evil presidential administration ever heard of....all instead of the fundamental simple idea that a 19 men who hate America were able to sneak some knives on an airplane and use the promise of life to keep people calm just long enough to fly an airplane into the buildings.

And the one airplane that found out what was going on...what happened?

They realized that they were going to die, and that the terrorists were going to kill hem no matter what.

So they fought back

That airplane crashed in the middle of a field somewhere, because the ONE thing the 19 hijackers going for them, deceit and terror, failed.

I didn't say all that crap, I prob used 25 words.

You bring all that crap up.

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 06:39 PM

Originally posted by Phake
You truthers havent come up with 1 small tiny little evidence that it wasnt like the OS!

But I have an open mind.

You might have an open mind but you wouldn't understand the evidence anyway. Either that or you really haven't looked?

If you can show me how an object can fall through the path of most resistance with no asymmetry in it's path, then you will prove to me you have looked. Do you even understand the question?

Good luck because NIST (your precious OS) did not even attempt to explain it, they only provided an hypothesis for collapse initiation and nothing beyond that, they want you to believe global collapse was inevitable yet provide no evidence or precedent for such a claim. You did read the NIST report I hope and not just other peoples interpenetration and opinion of it?

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 06:39 PM

Originally posted by Mr Sunchine
reply to post by Sean48

The OS is very simple.

19 hi-jackers took 4 planes .

Hit 2 towers , the Pentagon, and crashed in a field.


If you have a problem with that, you are a truther.

It's that black or White.

Great point Sean. It is pretty straight forward so lets compare stories.

19 hijackers, 4 planes, 3 buildings destroyed or damaged, one plane in the ground.

Compared to.

An massive goverment conspiracy that would have taken 100's if not thousands of men to pull off.

Why so many people?

Depends on how you accept the events of 911 happened.

My opinion.

The FBI found out Well in advance of a terrorist plot, and did everything in their power to ensure it went through.

Simple really, look for FBI stories before anf after 911, its all there.

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