posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 04:04 PM
We are inundated by bad examples everywhere we look. It's not just the police or military - but, PEOPLE from every walk of life.
Here is the kicker though and this is what might help law enforcement to better understand the growing resentment. If a civilian goes whacko and
starts beating people, we can act in self-defense. If a police officer gets perturbed and goes for his tazer... or club... or whatever... we can't.
If someone exercises their right to peaceably assemble and then wants to leave because the police are moving in... but can't... like the Pittsburgh
situation, or G-20 in England back in April, and things *like that*... we just... what? Let ourselves get hit?
This is what we are scared of - and what we revile - someone who has a badge and are under orders to proceed in a manner contrary to what the law and
common sense would allow. We would hope that law enforcement would stand up and say, "Well, sorry Captain (G-20 Organizer, or whoever) we can't do
Checking ID because someone - thousands of someones - attended a rally, because they were upset with bankers getting bailed? Figure if there are a
few thousand police they can probably take care of a handful of troublemakers and maybe let the rest of the people co-exist reasonably peacefully
without firing teargas or using noise systems (ala psyops).
On the face of it, I do think most law enforcement personnel are good people. Maybe even the vast majority. But, different government agencies, and
even private security firms, are being provided police-like powers without police-like training and accountability. We can start with TSA.
Can go further and in different directions like no longer needing reasonable cause, just "mere suspicion" to inspect, search or detain someone;
especially if they ask a question.
No.. Until law enforcement bucks up and starts standing up for what they know to be reasonable, right... and at least HALF-American, we can still
throw our words, our thoughts, feelings and anger - at an entire career field. This is not the first post on this issue on ATS, probably won't be
the last, so we can guess that our war of words is having at least some effect; at least someone is listening... obviously the politicians are not.
Thing is... this is all we really have left to push law enforcement back. We don't have faith in the criminal system - hard to believe we can
incarcerate 1 million people and still not have the crime rate go down. Crime is big business though. Lots of jobs depend upon it. It is doubtful we
can afford another 1 million unemployed felons on the streets. Difficult to have faith in law enforcement policing themselves... when we can look at
lawyers, doctors, and politicians and see that for the most part, they all stick together... just like we do and did in the military. Yes, am prior
service, too. Sometimes discipline works, sometimes it doesn't - but where government is concerned... we NEED EXAMPLES to believe you. Otherwise,
it is one of those "too big to fail" and "jobs, foreclosures, and bankruptcies are all trailing indicators of an improving economy - THINGS ARE
Maybe, one day when you start arresting people for their words - because they upset you...or someone else in your department, or a politician, maybe
then law enforcement will stop and say, "Well... that's not right."
So - that's my rant. I don't hate cops or the military... at all, love em, but - we can all take a look around and see a lot of things just are not
right. And, we're just shy of being able to do nothing about them.
Words can sting just like rubber bullets though.