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You don't own yourself -- the Federal Reserve does!

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posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 05:17 AM
[color=#333333]Federal = Faithful

Old Temple 10% Fractional Reserve complete with BULL Fiat

New Temple 10% Fractional Reserve with BULL Fiat


posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 08:46 AM
reply to post by mal1970

I can not recieve ANY of those benefits. You don't understand the whole debt system. THAT is why I posted those links to those articles that explain it all. Go back to the first or second page and read them. YES, I am no longer under "their" control, period.

Everyone get this straight and into your heads, I am so disgusted with the broad stupidity I think it's actually killing me internally.

GOD/NATURE creates man.....GOT THAT?


GOVERNMENT, through consent of the people, ALLOW CORPORATIONS TO EXIST......GOT THAT?

CORPORATIONS manufacture goods for sale using the resources that the people ALLOW them to use, the use of these resources is paid for from the profit of the corporation and the taxes UPON THE CORPORATION PAY FOR GOVERMENT.........GOT THAT?

SO...WE THE PEOPLE are ABOVE government, got that again? WE the PEOPLE are above the government, the government SERVES MAN, WE do not pay taxes, corporations do, the government CAN MAKE NO LAW which violates the sovereign inalienable rights of the naturally born man. GOT THAT?

We the PEOPLE have DOMINION, dominion is we the people, being born of God/Nature, come from the earth, we own all of the earth, it is ours. Corporations must pay US/WE for all the resources they extract from the earth. They keep a very small percentage of the resources for the corporation to exist.

NOW, a government CAN NOT be a corporation and vice versa, GOT THAT?

SO if the U.S. government IS in fact a corporation being traded on the international stock markets, then they are NOT a GOVERNMENT ANY LONGER!!! GOT THAT?

The government, acting as a corporation, can make no law and enforce no law, to do so would be treason and a violation of MAN. GOT THAT?

I sincerely wish that more people would actually turn the freakin' television off and pay attention, do your own research into this and weed out the BS and understand your place in this world and universe.

How hard is that really, how freakin' hard is that to do? I don't get it anymore.

Edit for spelling as I am pissed!!!

[edit on 7-3-2010 by daddio]

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 09:05 AM

Originally posted by Cabaret Voltaire
reply to post by 23432

Robert - Arthur : Menard

what does the - and the : indicate in your name?

The dash seperates your actual first and technically last name descriptive, the semi-colon seperates your name from your FAMILY name. You actually have no last name as it is your families name.

Doe, John Henry = Corporate fiction
JOHN HENRY DOE + Corparate fiction

John-Henry: Doe = Living soul, human being.

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 09:07 AM

Originally posted by daddio
reply to post by mal1970

I can not recieve ANY of those benefits. You don't understand the whole debt system. THAT is why I posted those links to those articles that explain it all. Go back to the first or second page and read them. YES, I am no longer under "their" control, period.

Everyone get this straight and into your heads, I am so disgusted with the broad stupidity I think it's actually killing me internally.

GOD/NATURE creates man.....GOT THAT?


GOVERNMENT, through consent of the people, ALLOW CORPORATIONS TO EXIST......GOT THAT?

CORPORATIONS manufacture goods for sale using the resources that the people ALLOW them to use, the use of these resources is paid for from the profit of the corporation and the taxes UPON THE CORPORATION PAY FOR GOVERMENT.........GOT THAT?

SO...WE THE PEOPLE are ABOVE government, got that again? WE the PEOPLE are above the government, the government SERVES MAN, WE do not pay taxes, corporations do, the government CAN MAKE NO LAW which violates the sovereign inalienable rights of the naturally born man. GOT THAT?

We the PEOPLE have DOMINION, dominion is we the people, being born of God/Nature, come from the earth, we own all of the earth, it is ours. Corporations must pay US/WE for all the resources they extract from the earth. They keep a very small percentage of the resources for the corporation to exist.

NOW, a government CAN NOT be a corporation and vice versa, GOT THAT?

SO if the U.S. government IS in fact a corporation being traded on the international stock markets, then they are NOT a GOVERNMENT ANY LONGER!!! GOT THAT?

The government, acting as a corporation, can make no law and enforce no law, to do so would be treason and a violation of MAN. GOT THAT?

I sincerely wish that more people would actually turn the freakin' television off and pay attention, do your own research into this and weed out the BS and understand your place in this world and universe.

How hard is that really, how freakin' hard is that to do? I don't get it anymore.

Edit for spelling as I am pissed!!!

[edit on 7-3-2010 by daddio]


posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 09:15 AM
reply to post by daddio

It’s not easy helping people learn when what they learn separates them from an illusion that frames the basis of their reality.

People typically fear the unknown more than they do a bad circumstance or situation they feel they know and understand.

Since most people validate themselves based on what they feel they know, looking to others to tell them they are right, and have it right and are smart, giving up that illusion for many people means invalidating their own previously held knowledge and the acceptance that they have been living a lie.

They have to accept hard pills to swallow like they have been living a lie and what they thought they know is wrong, and worse yet they were duped and tricked into believing those things in such a overwhelming and persuasive and pervasive way that now their whole reality changes.

The familiar comfort of what they thought they knew, their perspectives, their beliefs, and their hopes and faiths in those things are all suddenly gone.

Their traditional support and validation network is now rendered useless and meaningless, so too is the sum total of their very existence and their reality has been completely stripped away causing them to not only grieve and lament but face a lot of very troubling and mind boggling unknowns for the first time.

People have been heavily indoctrinated and brainwashed just like in a cult, in fact they are cults.

It’s never going to be easy for anyone. It’s never going to be instantaneous for anyone. Really the best any of us can do is just keep putting those seeds out there, planting them, and hope for the best.

Part of nature’s law, is the law of confusion, and we as responsible humans can’t impinge on their freewill choice to remain confused if they so choose to. We can put the seeds there we can speak to them and of them, but we can’t force them to accept them, nor should we try, nor should we let it frustrate us if they choose to remain confused.

Everyone learns in their own time and space but the first step is exposing them to the knowledge, the more they are exposed to knowledge the more they will begin to question and in time see a lot of that knowledge for what it is, some real factual answers about the nature of the world they truly live in and how those things effect them.

Patience is always a virtue!

[edit on 7/3/10 by ProtoplasmicTraveler]

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 09:17 AM

Originally posted by Long Lance

Originally posted by daddio

What you don't understand...

no, don't just play ignorant, i was not by any means talking about redemption itself, but your matrix quote, i.e. you have to walk through that door /take that pill, etc. type of symbolism and it's application in the real world

you can't beat an enemy by playing their own game according to their own rules, period. to believe otherwise would assume stupidity on their part.

a notice of intent will help you how exactly in war? will you now tell us that all the the people who died at waco would have survived had they sent letters containing the required phrases to a court?

I am not being ignorant, I talk to people everyday and they ask tons of questions only to do nothing. A complete waste of my time. I used the movie line to point out that there are many places where you will see little carrots hanging to lead you in that direction, maybe that is a bad analogy but what else have we got?

There are many things that TPTB do to "test" what the public knows and what they do about it. Then they gauge the response and alter their program. But this is definite, if you read my above post about government and where it comes from, then you may understand how YOU are above that. THEY have to give you a way to free yourself and BE the master you are supposed to be. But you must do the research and learn the truth, no one can tell you, they can only show you the sources and the data, you have to process it and do with it what you will. Use your will.

Again, if you go back to page 2 I think, and read the links I posted there, they will explain it in far greater detail than I or ProtoplasmicTraveler can here. ProtoplasmicTravelers post are very informative, but if you do not undertsnad what is being referenced, you are still in te dark.

Nieschte...As long as you still view the stars as something above you, you still lack a viewpoint of knowledge.

The stars are all around you!!! Read the links.

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 09:22 AM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Thank you, I honestly believe that people like you are the only reason that we are still sane and here.

Your posts are great, I honestly hope and wish for the day to come when the light goes on in everyones head and we start to set the record straight.

thank you again, star on every one of your posts, although I know that don't mean much here.

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 09:29 AM
Like a previous reply stated, I also have my original birth certificate from 1956, not a copy. It has my left and right footprint in ink, and my mother's left and right thumbprint in ink. The form is LithoGraving by Franklin C. Hollister Co., Chicago 10, Illinois. It has no certificate number. It has a gold seal that mearly says "SEAL" surrounded by the name and city/state of the hospital. My name is handwritten ink upper and lower case. They may have made 2 original cetrificates, don't know about that.

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 07:01 PM
Protoplasmictraveler, you have u2u.

I don't think this thread gets the attention that it deserves. Speaking from somebody that was just aware of this not too long ago, I feel that many do want to know more and do something about it but being caught off guard and not knowing certain ways to get out of it is the most fearful part.

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 07:19 PM
reply to post by eLPresidente

Here is more info I found related to this topic:
The Restore America Plan
Tim Turners audio
Jerry Kane and other misc audio

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 04:47 AM

Originally posted by coop039
So Ive been reading this thread, with interest, but I gotta say, still sceptical. I have seen serval people people mention the IRS and getting out of paying taxes. Is there ANY proff that ANYONE has successfully done this? I researched this several years back and it doesnt look like anyone has pulled this off.

Every case has lost.

What they said.
In a nutshell. Of course most of us would like all these steps etc the OP outlines to take to be viable. In theory and principle he is correct about the historical background and the power principle at work here. BUT check out that site which coop posted.

This is what you will run up against and the arguments given on that site have a lot of validity regardless of what we want. Controlling powers are a fact of life and they abuse that power and we are under their control because the political structures, economic structures etc were formulated for their benefit. However, in any sophisticated society you cannot live the ultimate libertarian life.

Not so many centuries ago you could travel without the need for a passport etc. But the world has moved on much as I hate the ultra invasion of human privacy in the name of security and the restrictions on my ability to travel the world without a passport, visa whatever.

And here the OP offers just the cranky solution of having to find another way to go through customs etc to get into another country. Like what? Bribery? People smuggling? I prefer to give up some of my natural rights to travel and get a passport and visa to legally enter other countries.

I draw attention to the way in which the OP's practical experience seems suspect. All these judges, policemen etc weeping in court? Bulldust. It's the fantasy elements that have me skeptical about how far this has been tried.

And if you have those documents please scan them and put them on here as proof.

Until then this remains in the urban myth kind of category. And no, I am not a leftist or Obama supporter or neo conservative etc. Just a thinker.

[edit on 8-3-2010 by dontbelievehype]

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 04:59 AM

Originally posted by coop039
So Ive been reading this thread, with interest, but I gotta say, still sceptical. I have seen serval people people mention the IRS and getting out of paying taxes. Is there ANY proff that ANYONE has successfully done this? I researched this several years back and it doesnt look like anyone has pulled this off.

Every case has lost.

There is a guy that says all those people are using the wrong strategy.
He says the proper tactic is to do a counterclaim which challenges jurisdiction. I'm not a lawyer, but that guy's webpage is very interesting.

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 03:23 PM

Originally posted by Ionized
reply to post by eLPresidente

Here is more info I found related to this topic:
The Restore America Plan
Tim Turners audio
Jerry Kane and other misc audio

This one is the best: "•Terminate illicit corporations posing as legitimate governments, in particular the territorial jurisdiction United States Federal Corporation (corp. ref. 28 U.S.C. 3002) posing as the de jure United States of America."

How many people DON'T know this is a fact?

As for the people who have lost to the IRS, which is itself a private corporation and can not make law nor inforce law, these people are in jail BY THEIR OWN CONSENT!!!!

If you do not object, then you consent. You can object to any sentence and it will be reduced until you stop objecting and in that case it will be dismissed if YOU so wish. That is a fact, I have witnessed that happen and it has been talked about by others. I haven't had to use it but I know it's there if I need to.

If you rebutt every letter the IRS sends you, they have no jurisdiction. Every letter they send you must be sign under penalty of perjury, if it is not, send it back stating so and tell them to remit the letter under penalty of perjury. What you will find is that the "person" who signed it actually does not exist. That is true although it sounds strange, that is how they cover their butts. I can not wait for more people to wake up and file the paperwork to reclaim their "Power of attorney in Fact" and their strawman. Until you do, the Commerce Department has the power of Attorney over you. And thi sis how consent is gotten and those pople are dumb enough to even go into a courtroom "thinking" they have a leg to stand on, funny.

Also remember, if you own stock in any company, the IRS has authority. If you have a bank account that accrues interest and you used your SSN, then the IRS has authority and so on. Stop giving them authority, it's that simple. Read the links that have been posted by myself and Ionized above. Get educated.

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 05:43 PM
reply to post by daddio

So until you have cut connections to bank accounts, stock market accounts and so on, you are under authority of the IRS and have no authority to reject their claims? Or is it still possible to reject their claims via having them sign under penalty of perjury etc..?

When you file for power of attorney in fact and have "claimed" your strawman, what does that exactly mean? what exactly can and can't you do in America? I've been trying my best to follow the different links posted and read where I can but I still have tons of questions.

As I've been stating, this is a great thread, for those with experience on this topic please be patient, I'm sure there are plenty of people who are reading this and being blown away by the information. This very thread made made me register to ATS after spending over a year lurking.

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 06:01 PM

Originally posted by dontbelievehype

Originally posted by coop039
So Ive been reading this thread, with interest, but I gotta say, still sceptical. I have seen serval people people mention the IRS and getting out of paying taxes. Is there ANY proff that ANYONE has successfully done this? I researched this several years back and it doesnt look like anyone has pulled this off.

Every case has lost.

This is what you will run up against and the arguments given on that site have a lot of validity regardless of what we want. Controlling powers are a fact of life and they abuse that power and we are under their control because the political structures, economic structures etc were formulated for their benefit. However, in any sophisticated society you cannot live the ultimate libertarian life.

Not so many centuries ago you could travel without the need for a passport etc. But the world has moved on much as I hate the ultra invasion of human privacy in the name of security and the restrictions on my ability to travel the world without a passport, visa whatever.

And here the OP offers just the cranky solution of having to find another way to go through customs etc to get into another country. Like what? Bribery? People smuggling? I prefer to give up some of my natural rights to travel and get a passport and visa to legally enter other countries.

[edit on 8-3-2010 by dontbelievehype]

Somebody please correct me if I'm wrong but as I read "The Redemption Manual", I came across this piece of information.

It is alright for you to use the social security number and to receive benefits, as long as you do so as the
agent for the fiction via the redemption process.

So technically, one would be able to travel with a passport acting as a (legal and lawful?) agent of the strawman. I am just not sure yet if you have to file for power of attorney in fact before being able to (legally and lawfully?) represent your strawman as an agent.

[edit on 8-3-2010 by eLPresidente]

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 07:26 PM
reply to post by eLPresidente

I have heard different things from different people. My interpretation is that acting as the agent allows you to still use the fiction for certain things, but I am not sure yet what they all are. The jurisdiction is over the fiction, not the flesh and blood.

Personally if I were to go forward with a process like this, I would not expect or desire to collect things like Social Security. Those systems are setup for the people who act as their fictions, and the whole point of the process is to separate the human from the fiction. So why would one desire to do both?

However the fiction is still useful in commerce like trading stocks and other transactions, in fact you must act as the agent for the fiction because only the fiction can operate in commerce.

disclaimer: my understanding of these topics is still very limited and in its infancy, so this is all just opinion that may change with new knowledge.

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 11:45 PM
reply to post by daddio

Whoa whoa, easy there, Sparky. You're preaching to the choir. I'm simply pointing out a fallacy in your assumptions.

You said, "...but unless you define YOURSELF as a U.S. citizen and not a natural born American Citizen, CAPITAL "C" is imperative here, then by claiming U.S. citizenship, the IRS code then applies to YOU."

American Citizen = US Citizen. There is no difference. And the capital C means squat.

Prior to the 14th Amendment there were no US Citizens or American Citizens. There *were* Pennsylvania nationals & Virginia nationals & Georgia nationals. We were nationals of our *nation* (nation=state, state=nation). The 14th Amendment changed that. It *created* federal citizenship where it did not exist before. Unless you correct your status (ie. sever that tie or expatriate), you are still a federal citizen.

Nationality Premise
Dual System

I'm going to urge the readers of this thread to NOT go down the "sovereign citizen" or "freeman on the land" or the "UCC" route. They are red herrings & half-truths. But daddio is right about contracts. Our debt slavery is all about contracts. You can opt out. You just have to know how.

Patriot MisBeliefs

Read through this: The 14th Amendment

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 11:53 PM

Originally posted by Jesusis1337
I think there is a simple way out of this that I hope some one out there on ATS may be able to elaborate on.

Change your name, give all your assets to your new person under a new name. You no longer are the corporate person they try to force us all to be.

This sounds too simple, so I hope some one else might know more about this than I do.

You have to make a public notice declaration rebutting all thier presumptions that you are a surety for the national debt and then you have to give up all benefits you get from the corporate government sedn bakc all licenses etc. That is the easy part. The hard part is dealing with the agents of the corporation such as police who are ignorant of this and still try and assume authority and jurisdiction over you. That is why few people have done it.

The monetary system is collapsing as we speak, while it will be painful I can't help but feel the sooner the better and all this BS will go away.

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 11:59 PM
I despise the Capitis Diminution Maxima program =/ goes with this topic , she did a good job on it full credit to her

posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 12:00 AM

Originally posted by eLPresidente

Originally posted by dontbelievehype

Originally posted by coop039
So Ive been reading this thread, with interest, but I gotta say, still sceptical. I have seen serval people people mention the IRS and getting out of paying taxes. Is there ANY proff that ANYONE has successfully done this? I researched this several years back and it doesnt look like anyone has pulled this off.

Every case has lost.

This is what you will run up against and the arguments given on that site have a lot of validity regardless of what we want. Controlling powers are a fact of life and they abuse that power and we are under their control because the political structures, economic structures etc were formulated for their benefit. However, in any sophisticated society you cannot live the ultimate libertarian life.

Not so many centuries ago you could travel without the need for a passport etc. But the world has moved on much as I hate the ultra invasion of human privacy in the name of security and the restrictions on my ability to travel the world without a passport, visa whatever.

And here the OP offers just the cranky solution of having to find another way to go through customs etc to get into another country. Like what? Bribery? People smuggling? I prefer to give up some of my natural rights to travel and get a passport and visa to legally enter other countries.

[edit on 8-3-2010 by dontbelievehype]

Somebody please correct me if I'm wrong but as I read "The Redemption Manual", I came across this piece of information.

It is alright for you to use the social security number and to receive benefits, as long as you do so as the agent for the fiction via the redemption process.

So technically, one would be able to travel with a passport acting as a (legal and lawful?) agent of the strawman. I am just not sure yet if you have to file for power of attorney in fact before being able to (legally and lawfully?) represent your strawman as an agent.

[edit on 8-3-2010 by eLPresidente]

No. If you keep your SSN (employee #) or your passport (pre-arranged travel credentials for use by federal citizens (subjects) prepared by the FedGov), you are receiving a benefit from the FedGov & are thus liable for their debt & subject to their private law (statutes & codes).

In law, being able to receive a benefit is the same thing as actually receiving it. You can't be out of the system and still be in (use) the system. My best advice is to throw away the redemption manual. Sorry to say there is no free ride.

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