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You don't own yourself -- the Federal Reserve does!

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posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 12:43 AM
Incidentally, Capitis Diminutio Maxiima has nothing to do with capital letters, other than that the first word shares a root with the word capital.

[edit on 9/3/2010 by Rivyolie]

posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 04:00 AM
reply to post by mal1970

See, now how deeply have you researched this and how do you know what you speak of. The UCC-1 IS the way you have to do it. The "flesh and blood" you can not "act" in comerce, that is where you have to use the "strawman". YOU, the "living soul", act as the agent and power of attorney for the strawman. THAT is how it works. You are right about the "American National" but you are not correct about the U.S. citizen. The 14th Amendement ONLY applies to those people who elect for it to apply to them. And it was never lawfully ratified so it means squat anyway. I will not go into the long legal rhetoric here, but those who "believe" the government/corporation has done right by them, are totally wrong, they have usurped your being and have used you. Usury.

You have to read Mary: Croft's book to understand that more accurately, she does a great job explaining the history and the details of how "she" got herself straight in the system. You have to file the UCC-1 and Power of Attorney in Fact in order to operate "within" the system. I guess you never really are "out of the sysytem" so to speak. But you remain sovereign. If you read the definition of "person" ina law vook it is different than that in Websters Dictionary, WHY?

There are many ways that TPTB twist the language and that is why it is called magic language, "they" use it when it suits THEM and screws you unless you know what they are saying and how to respond.

As for responding to the IRS, yes you can keep your SSN as the "strawman" but never associate it with the Power of Attorney or the flesh and blood, living soul. The IRS has to "prove up their claim" against you. And until they properly file the paperwork, with an actual signature which they can't do as the "agents" for the IRS are merely employees and have no power, it is all null and void, Nunc Pro Tunc. The Commerce Dept, has your power of attorney UNTIL YOU claim it.

It's all about stepping forward and claiming your status, otherwise you are considered "their" property. Again, DOMINION.

There will always be two sides to every story, those who will vehemently deny all legal claims out of fear of retribution by TPTB and those who have the common sense to know better and investigate. Again, I believe this is the greatest conspiracy by TPTB ever, the total enslavement of the complete worldwide society WITH our consent by assent. Step forward and lay claim. Until you do, you are theirs by your own consent.

posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 04:18 AM

Originally posted by Rivyolie
Incidentally, Capitis Diminutio Maxiima has nothing to do with capital letters, other than that the first word shares a root with the word capital.

[edit on 9/3/2010 by Rivyolie]

Capitis Diminutio Minima (meaning a minimum loss of status through the use of capitalization, e.g. John Doe) - The lowest or least comprehensive degree of loss of status. This occurred where a man's family relations alone were changed. It happened upon the arrogation [pride] of a person who had been his own master, (sui juris,) [of his own right, not under any legal disability] or upon the emancipation of one who had been under the patria potestas. [Parental authority] It left the rights of liberty and citizenship unaltered. See Inst. 1, 16, pr.; 1, 2, 3; Dig. 4, 5, 11; Mackeld. Rom.Law, 144.

So yes, it IS the use of all capital letters according to law dictionaries. It can be found in Black's Law Dictionary and Barron's pretty much saying the same thing.

PNJ, patriot nut jobs, have used the "sovereign status" without having the full knowledge that the "legal system" and court system work two different ways, this is to confuse the average "citizen" into hiring a lawyer (British Agent) who actually works FOR the system.

BAR is "The British Accredited Registry", lawyers hold a BAR card but have no license, they acquire the "License" to practice law from YOU, the American Citizen, as ALL political power is inherent in the people, we give them the power to represent the strawman through our sovereignty and power over government, we consent by assent. ALL courts are courts of commerce, not LAW.

ProtoplasmicTraveler has pointed that out, the difference between Common Law and Commerce Law.

posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 10:14 AM
If I don't own me, why am I paying my bills? For that matter, why am I wearing my underwear? I have seen this in pieces before, and I appreciate having it gathered here. Now I have to read another danged book! S&F!

posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 11:14 AM
For those who might be skeptical about the use of maritime and admiralty law this is straight from the horses mouth!

The FBI is using a maritime and admiralty statute as the basis for its effort to seize the following property: a 1957 Ford Thunderbird; a 1962 Ford two-door coupe; a 1970 Jaguar XKE, Series II; a 2004 Cadillac Escalade; a 35-foot barge with two-level wood deck, and the Batmobile, which was crafted from a 1977 Lincoln. The list includes 14 other items that were redacted from the court document

As reported to the Miami Herald by the FBI and then reported by the Miami Herald.

So why is a landlocked Federal Judge, ordering the landlocked FBI to use a maritime and admiralty statue to sieze the valuable property of a recently murdered man from his widow when it has nothing to do with ships or other nations or travel by sea?

More importantly how can they? Clearly they are.

posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 11:51 AM
Ultimately, I have to wonder what the Return on Investment in something like this is. This seems to be a lifelong undertaking wherein every single interaction with any government body on any level is drawn out into a series of counter letters, objections, citations of obscure statutes etc.

How does doing this effect your life?

And ultimately, how does it really benefit you?

Even if you secure legal control over your corporate fiction/strawman, how does that free you from Tax Burden? The corporation still owes taxes. If not paid, liens can be applied to the income of the corporation.

If there some way that I would be able to have money paid to Robert-Anton; Weishaupt so that it does not matter how badly ROBERT ANTON WEISHAUPT's financial standing is ruined I can still act as a free citizen?

This seems like an incredibly elaborate and expensive undertaking that results in a Pyric victory. I may be "free" but since all interactions with the rest of the "enslaved" world would need to go through my corporate entity strawman, I would still be subject to the same nonsense.

It may not be possible for them to jail me for my debts or take my property, but it seems that I would quickly be destitute unless I turned exclusively to the underground economy, and frankly I could do that without having to file all this paperwork.

So, without resorting to talk of being FREE as opposed to a SLAVE, talk to me about the material, financial benefit of this undertaking. How will my life be made genuinely, appreciably better?

It seems I live as freely as anyone can in this society. Sure I'm screwed into paying some taxes, but I can't imagine that what I lose in taxes is worth what I would lose in time and fees diving in to this labyrnth.

Is doing this a genuine victory over TPTB, or just another game to distract us?

posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 11:59 AM

Originally posted by RobertAntonWeishaupt
Ultimately, I have to wonder what the Return on Investment in something like this is. This seems to be a lifelong undertaking wherein every single interaction with any government body on any level is drawn out into a series of counter letters, objections, citations of obscure statutes etc.

That is the labyrintine workings of UCC/strawman stuff. Their goal is to play the game better than TPTB. Why bother? Correct your status (expatriate) & walk away from the game entirely.

posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 01:49 PM
reply to post by RobertAntonWeishaupt

Please, for the almost last time, read this womans posts and here blog, she also has a book you can download for free and read, it is only 97 pages long and it explains EVERYTHING.

I am doing my best to explain what I am doing and how it works. Basically your signature is your wealth. You see, the federal government/corporation does not have the authority to "print" money and neither does the Federal Reserve, so they ask us, only we don't know it. Every time you sign something of value, you give them the authority to print the amount of the purchase or the document. This is the funny part, I love this, when you "apply" for a mortgage, your signature gives the Federal Reserve bank through one of it's small branch offices, which is the bank that you are dealing with for the "loan" on the home, the authority to print money FOR YOU!!! Bu they keep it and tell you it's a loan? How can that be, I gave them the authority, IT'S MY MONEY THEN!! gave them the authority to print money for you and then they keep it, they tell you that YOU OWE THEM that amount again and WITH INTEREST!!!! It's the greatest scam in the history of man.


For Admirality Law go to this site;

posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 02:23 PM
reply to post by daddio

Okay, fine. Her writing style is exceptionally irritating and I am not about to commit to that without knowing there is some non-abstract benefit to taking this exhaustive action.

We'll take the mortgage example. Forgetting for a moment about the obnoxious irony of my signature being the collateral for the creation of the fiat money that is loaned to me at interest, how would the mortgage process be different if I went through these steps?

You're acting as if this process would allow me to get a house without having to pay back the loan or something. Is this the case? Would I be able to cash in by owning my corporate free and clear?

And if you just tell me to read her poorly written book again, I will consider you a super-sophisticated spambot designed to drive hits to her site.

WIIFM, my friend: What's In It For Me?

posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 04:18 PM
reply to post by daddio

Just curious:

I understand what you're saying here and I have read Croft's book (though very informative but skips around topics a lot) If one would apply for a home loan from the bank, understand that one would not have to pay that loan back and keep your house. What if one day you wanted to sell that house? Are you legally able to? what is the value of that house? Is it value based on the real estate market? How does all of that work? What if you wanted to buy another house? Surely the banks will have you blacklisted (maybe under non-payer, somebody who works the system). How will you ever buy another house?

Croft did a good job at setting up the story but her solutions aren't very well explained.

Many people who don't know anything about this come in with many many questions, everybody is out to protect themselves and make sure that their lives and the lives of their loved ones won't be affected if they do choose to take this route of self-sovereignty.

[edit on 9-3-2010 by eLPresidente]

posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 06:41 PM
reply to post by daddio

You seem to know what you are talking about with this stuff, a lot more than I do anyway, and I have been studying this for years. I would like to ask you or Protoplasmic Traveler some questions about a sticky situation. Send me a U2U either one if it's ok...

posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 06:42 PM
I've read the entire Mary: Croft book and many others, so they are not just dumb questions.

posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 08:32 PM

Originally posted by RobertAntonWeishaupt
reply to post by daddio

Okay, fine. Her writing style is exceptionally irritating and I am not about to commit to that without knowing there is some non-abstract benefit to taking this exhaustive action.

We'll take the mortgage example. Forgetting for a moment about the obnoxious irony of my signature being the collateral for the creation of the fiat money that is loaned to me at interest, how would the mortgage process be different if I went through these steps?

You're acting as if this process would allow me to get a house without having to pay back the loan or something. Is this the case? Would I be able to cash in by owning my corporate free and clear?

And if you just tell me to read her poorly written book again, I will consider you a super-sophisticated spambot designed to drive hits to her site.

WIIFM, my friend: What's In It For Me?

Here's the deal, when you were born a one million dollar bond was issued on your birth name in all caps. That bond was passed to the Fed so they could print one million dollars in your name. That bond has accrued interest and been traded many times, the estimated value is about $50 million dollars. Now if you had the account number for that bond, you could write off all your debt to that account couldn't you? That is the accepted for value/return for discharge, debt settlement. You accept all bills for value and return them for discharge with your account number.

Now what this does is actuaqlly reduces the national debt by writing it off. You no longer create debt by giving the Fed the opportunity to print more debt instruments. It's a win/win situation.

As for buying another home and selling yours, that is no problem, people do it all the time, for sale by owner, who needs a real estate broker digging into YOUR business. Again you accept for value.

Believe it or not 30 million poeple, and that is a low estimate, have done this, and guess who most of them are!!!!!! Politicians, lawyers, judges, military higher ups, cops, feds, and we sit on our hands and bust our arses and for what, the peanuts they throw us?

Time to wake up and get with the program, if you don't want to read her bok read this one;[/headline ]
Everything on this site is of great value, they have the accepted for value literature and so much more, use it, there is a lot to read and understand. This is no joke, YOU are born with ALL the power of commerce. ALL political power is inherent in the PEOPLE, USE IT!!! Or lose it!!

posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 09:19 PM
This user brought up an interesting question about the Amish in America in another thread:

Thought it was worth linking since these two threads are inherently related. It appears many of the Amish have in fact been hassled by the system.

posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 11:54 PM
[edit on 10-3-2010 by eLPresidente]

posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 11:54 PM

Originally posted by daddio

Here's the deal, when you were born a one million dollar bond was issued on your birth name in all caps. That bond was passed to the Fed so they could print one million dollars in your name. That bond has accrued interest and been traded many times, the estimated value is about $50 million dollars. Now if you had the account number for that bond, you could write off all your debt to that account couldn't you? That is the accepted for value/return for discharge, debt settlement. You accept all bills for value and return them for discharge with your account number.

Now what this does is actuaqlly reduces the national debt by writing it off. You no longer create debt by giving the Fed the opportunity to print more debt instruments. It's a win/win situation.

As for buying another home and selling yours, that is no problem, people do it all the time, for sale by owner, who needs a real estate broker digging into YOUR business. Again you accept for value.

Believe it or not 30 million poeple, and that is a low estimate, have done this, and guess who most of them are!!!!!! Politicians, lawyers, judges, military higher ups, cops, feds, and we sit on our hands and bust our arses and for what, the peanuts they throw us?

How are we supposed to know the account number that is holding all of this value on our bond? Can we only write this value off after applying UCC-1 to reclaim power of attorney in fact? The message I'm getting is, every American in this nation is a multi-millionare and they don't know it?

I believe when one attempts to write off debt, the banks and gov, etc...will not be happy, they will continuously hassle you, do they hassle the 30M+ people (congressmen, police, judges, etc?) that have supposedly done this?

Have you done this personally? do you get any hassle/retaliation?

[edit on 10-3-2010 by eLPresidente]

[edit on 10-3-2010 by eLPresidente]

posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 08:16 AM
This is a great book to read on the subject:


This isn't just an issue in America. After you have finished reading that book, start doing some digging and you'll find a hidden aspect of the world that amounts to a big piece of the puzzle.

posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 10:23 AM

Originally posted by daddio
Here's the deal, when you were born a one million dollar bond was issued on your birth name in all caps. That bond was passed to the Fed so they could print one million dollars in your name. That bond has accrued interest and been traded many times, the estimated value is about $50 million dollars. Now if you had the account number for that bond, you could write off all your debt to that account couldn't you? That is the accepted for value/return for discharge, debt settlement. You accept all bills for value and return them for discharge with your account number.

Now what this does is actually reduces the national debt by writing it off. You no longer create debt by giving the Fed the opportunity to print more debt instruments. It's a win/win situation.

As for buying another home and selling yours, that is no problem, people do it all the time, for sale by owner, who needs a real estate broker digging into YOUR business. Again you accept for value.

Believe it or not 30 million people, and that is a low estimate, have done this, and guess who most of them are!!!!!! Politicians, lawyers, judges, military higher ups, cops, feds, and we sit on our hands and bust our arses and for what, the peanuts they throw us?

Time to wake up and get with the program, if you don't want to read her bok read this one;[/headline ]
Everything on this site is of great value, they have the accepted for value literature and so much more, use it, there is a lot to read and understand. This is no joke, YOU are born with ALL the power of commerce. ALL political power is inherent in the PEOPLE, USE IT!!! Or lose it!!

I read the redemption manual a couple years ago, but i'll read it again.

+30 Million have done this? And on one has been jailed for it? That would make this the best kept secret in the history of the world, IMO.

I have a hard time believing that if this works as presented, that there isn't a flock of lecturers in every state or county educating their neighbors about it. I know about Menard, watched his vids, subscribe to 2 of his sites/blogs, but if 30M are doing this why so few sharing 'the secret'? Why work a 9-5 if you have access to ~$50M & can write off any debt? I know I'd have a ranch somewhere & be spending my day educating my kids, growing my own food & making hand-crafted furniture AND all my neighbors, friends & family would be doing the same.

I do have a few questions for those going through this or have done this. Call it my believability meter:
1. I've read about this bond floating around in our name from several sources (Menard, etc). Anyone been able to track down this bond & *see* it's value?
2. Are income taxes still being withheld from your paychecks?
3. Anyone been able to receive a refund for income taxes paid?
4. Any of you doing this with federal-backed student loans (Sallie-Mae)?
5. Anyone been able to 'qualify' for a mortgage or car loan after discharging/AfV other 'debt'?

posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 01:55 PM
reply to post by mal1970

I will answer your question but am at work and haven't the time, and yes I have done this, the mortgage comapny is not happy!!!!

1041 for tax filing, $20,000 claimed in fiduciary fees, cost of keeping the strawman alive and well.

More later.

posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 06:01 PM
Okay, home now and have a bit of time.

The reason that more people aren't talking about this, and why Mary Elizabeth: Croft states in her book title "How I Clobbered...." not how you can clobber, is that if you do, you are liable if someone screws up the process. Now I already have discussed this with someone who sent in an "Accepted for Value" notice TO THE IRS!!! He hasn't heard back and I don't think he will but that right there is THE WRONG WAY to do it.

You must file your UCC-1 and "Power of Attorney in Fact" FIRST. Then you can make up an addendum with a list of the collateral you want to claim. File this with a UCC-3, which is an Amendment, you can put down another debtor, the Governor of your State or the U.S. Corporation. Depends on which way you want to go with it.

Next you would file a Common Law lien on your home. Although you filed your home on the UCC-3 and filed (recorded) that as real estate. This is just cheap insurance and rock solid.

Now this is the part that gets scetchy, with your birth certificate, you need to file a "chargeback" to the Treasury Dept and to the IRS. Never send originals, make copies of everything!! This will get you your account number, a TDA or Treasury Direct Account. This is where your bond is held. You must file a "Bill of Exchange" with it to tell them to give you the account number and credit you with it. This stops the sale of your bond. This reduces the opportunity for the Fed to print more worthless cash, thus reducing the amount they can GIVE AWAY, while you pay for it!! Reducing the National Debt.

See, it's hard for those of us who have done this to explain everything in detail. So a conference would leave most people scratching their heads. That, and if you did give a lecture, I am not sure you would be making it home.

Now you can have some fun, send an "Truth Affidavit of Right to Travel", send in all kinds of things. I believe Mary even sent in a permit to grow marijuana!! Not that she did, but to let the police know not to bother her as she filed the paperwork and it is legal.

Know your Rights, how to exercise them before you lose them and we all lose them. Read "The Redemption Manual" from

[edit on 10-3-2010 by daddio]

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