Originally posted by Clark Savage Jr.
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler
Well spoken, friend. I have found the posts in this thread to be informative.
As a novice on this topic, I would pose a question:
Regardless of any technical issues regarding these matters, aren't we all still dependent on those who assume authority to actually consider our
arguments? It is my (albeit limited) understanding that the simple charge 'contempt of court' could easily be brought to bare therefore rendering
any technically correct point we might have pretty irrelevant.
In other words, it isn't if 'we' are right or wrong---it all lies in convincing THEM we are. In effect, we, win or lose, are still really at the
mercy of the system?
This is an excellent question and should and can be addressed.
First it’s a matter of language and decorum, are you framing thoughtful, lucid arguments that speak to real facts?
Or are you simply being belligerent for belligerence’s sake? That is your line.
Are you in fact speaking to legal terms, legal definitions, legal procedures in a knowledgeable thought provoking way laying out the foundation for a
position, a legal position, or are you simply rebelling to rebel by simply wanting to not participate and disrupt the system? That is your line.
The Courts exist for one reason and that is to provide a remedy, a remedy to a situation and circumstances that now require moderation. The Court is
predisposed first and foremost to provide a remedy for the state that fund and empowers it. It is most predisposed to do this because the citizens
have by and large been kept wholly ignorant of the law and are not prepared to speak to and of the laws on their own behalf which is why a
ship’s/state’s/court’s officer an attorney is made available to them.
This attorney an officer of the court/ship/corporation speaks the court’s unique language(s), languages that the citizen will only know if the
citizen takes it upon themselves to learn them and is prepared to speak to them and of them on their own behalf with the court.
The Court does not most often appreciate this because the citizen attempting to do so most often is not familiar enough with the Court’s language(s)
which are based and rooted in Latin and Latin/Roman concepts which is a dead language only spoken by lawyers, government officials, doctors,
botanists, scientists and academics.
The Court would much rather speak to your lawyer who once you agree to take them as your legal counsel for all intents and purposes becomes a straw
man for the straw man.
The problem with this system though is the lawyer representing you, like the prosecutor, like the judge, like the law enforcement officers are all
officers of the ship/corporation/government. You are an outsider and your lawyer is an insider who has obligations through oaths to favor the
Judge’s/Captain’s remedies and procedures over your needs and common law.
I first accidently discovered this hidden system when facing a serious criminal charge, and realized my lawyer was truly incompetent and had little
awareness of my predicament he was simply there to interface as an intermediary between the Court/State/Corporation/Ship and me.
Distraught I realized I could not study law in enough time so instead looked at a collection of Encyclopedias and read a few articles about the Roman
Republic and Empire’s Court System and how it functioned because I did know that our Republic and our Laws and Court’s were patterned off of
I learned some Latin words and terms and legal ploys reserved for those who were guilty as sin but still wanted leniency from the court.
I asked the judge if I could bench my lawyer and speak directly to the court and went into a lengthy and well rehearsed skit evoking those Latin words
and Terms and legal ploys and pointing to the evidence in the gallery that I had collected that makes those ploys a valid appeal for leniency in the
ancient Roman Court System.
I was truly nervous and frightened, I was looking at 3-5 years, this was a Federal Court, a Federal Judge, and in Washington D.C.! You don’t get
really higher stakes or a more serious situation than that.
Yet every time I pronounced a Latin Word and Term the Federal Prosecutor winced as if someone had just stuck a knife in his side. At first I thought
it was simply because I might have been badly mispronouncing the words since I had never attempted to speak Latin before.
Yet I was also noticing two other things, the Judge was rapt with attention, the prosecutor and his assistant and the Federal Probation Officer who
had recommended the sentence were all looking more and more worried.
So I nervously carried on though I don’t think my nervousness showed, a half an hour into my presentation the Judge was crying, the prosecutor was
crying, his assistant was crying, the probation officer was crying, the Secret Service Agent was crying, the U.S. Marshall guarding the court room was
crying, and the few witnesses in the gallery was crying!
When I concluded and everyone tried to regain their composure, the Judge started wordlessly whipping through law book after law book, frowning and
discarding one after another until after about 15 minutes she found one that brought a smile to her face.
Federal mandatory sentencing guidelines were in full force, and technically her hands were bound, but with a smile on her face she looked at the
prosecutor and asked him in earnest before I pronounce sentence which I must first inform you is not the one that you want but shows extreme leniency
do you intend to appeal. The prosecutor was by the way a man who had such a low opinion of me he insisted the case be held in Washington D.C. instead
of Miami where I live. He said no.
Sentence imposed probation!
Of course there was a contract to sign and as the Judge smiled and instructed me to go with the U.S. Marshall to sign the paperwork he walked up to me
and shook my hand and said “Son that was a rare treat, what a performance, I have guarded these court rooms for twenty years and seen maybe 2 or 3
lawyers put on a show like that, I am surprised the Judge didn’t kiss you on the cheek and give you cab fare home, that was such a treat to watch,
thank you!”
I had no idea what had actually transpired, it would be years before I realized the real truth. When I started speaking Latin I had by a sheer fluke
of luck identified myself as a free and true Roman Citizen, and the reason the prosecutor was wincing was because he knew that the U.S. Codes were
going to get thrown out and I was going to be sentenced under a common law sentence that free citizens of Rome are entitled too.
You see my friend the Treaty of Paris hides a dark little secret, that document that ended the Revolutionary War, it was no accident we were founded
on the principles of the Roman Republic, we are in fact an incorporated state of the Roman Empire.
Most of us are actually slaves in the system and have very little rights. When you speak the language of the court though…it all changes.
This is why I decided to take these things seriously when I started reading about them, I had a deep suspicion something was involved that, I nor
anyone else knows about or is really supposed to know about.
It’s not about contempt for the system, its about whether you have a legal basis to appeal an unjust ruling. Which is why the Judge asked the
prosecutor if he meant to appeal, because there is an appeals process where not one Judge but 3 will rule, and then an appeal process after that where
not 3 judges but 9 will rule, the law when you know it, when you speak to it still has to be addressed every step of the way.
Loosing round one does not mean you will loose round 2 or 3 as long as you don’t sign the contract!
A contract is a contract and that is all they are offering you is a contract to impinge on your sovereignty.
[edit on 4/3/10 by ProtoplasmicTraveler]