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You don't own yourself -- the Federal Reserve does!

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posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 01:57 PM
reply to post by StrangeBrew

I guess what I was more refering to was the reference to "statutes", yes, they are not laws, thye are regulations, you can not be fined for breaking a regulation or ignoring it. But the cops do that. The question you must ask them at the time you are stopped is.....SHOW ME THE ENFORCEMENT CLAUSE. There isn't one, and never has been. It's all a fraud and people buy into left and right. FEAR!!!

The love fear, they thrive on it, they need it to stay alive, they do not know love and compassion. That is why they are so misserable and greedy, they know nothing else. I pity them. TPTB that is.

Responsibility is all that is needed in society, any society. And understand the one true law, the Common Law from which all other things are derived, it is so simple.


Be respectful and be responsible, we do not ned the government for anything. But what is was designed for was "foreign commerce" for the States benefit. It IS a corporate contract document because the founding fathers DID NOT trust each other.

Again, it's that simple, the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights is for the people, but only the first 10 Amendments were ratified properly.

More later.

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 02:00 PM
reply to post by DarkspARCS

Add to all this the ominous evolution of The American BankNote Company, and you have an even more interesting hook:

Seems that the same folks who are issuing our birth certificates are also getting into the debit and credit card game. Not to mention "RFID Chip enabled devices"

Check it out and see where you go from there. I would say it's time to start following the money, but it goes back over 200 years at this point.

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 02:03 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Well spoken, friend. I have found the posts in this thread to be informative.

As a novice on this topic, I would pose a question:

Regardless of any technical issues regarding these matters, aren't we all still dependent on those who assume authority to actually consider our arguments? It is my (albeit limited) understanding that the simple charge 'contempt of court' could easily be brought to bare therefore rendering any technically correct point we might have pretty irrelevant.

In other words, it isn't if 'we' are right or wrong---it all lies in convincing THEM we are. In effect, we, win or lose, are still really at the mercy of the system?

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 02:41 PM

Originally posted by Clark Savage Jr.
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Well spoken, friend. I have found the posts in this thread to be informative.

As a novice on this topic, I would pose a question:

Regardless of any technical issues regarding these matters, aren't we all still dependent on those who assume authority to actually consider our arguments? It is my (albeit limited) understanding that the simple charge 'contempt of court' could easily be brought to bare therefore rendering any technically correct point we might have pretty irrelevant.

In other words, it isn't if 'we' are right or wrong---it all lies in convincing THEM we are. In effect, we, win or lose, are still really at the mercy of the system?

This is an excellent question and should and can be addressed.

First it’s a matter of language and decorum, are you framing thoughtful, lucid arguments that speak to real facts?
Or are you simply being belligerent for belligerence’s sake? That is your line.

Are you in fact speaking to legal terms, legal definitions, legal procedures in a knowledgeable thought provoking way laying out the foundation for a position, a legal position, or are you simply rebelling to rebel by simply wanting to not participate and disrupt the system? That is your line.

The Courts exist for one reason and that is to provide a remedy, a remedy to a situation and circumstances that now require moderation. The Court is predisposed first and foremost to provide a remedy for the state that fund and empowers it. It is most predisposed to do this because the citizens have by and large been kept wholly ignorant of the law and are not prepared to speak to and of the laws on their own behalf which is why a ship’s/state’s/court’s officer an attorney is made available to them.

This attorney an officer of the court/ship/corporation speaks the court’s unique language(s), languages that the citizen will only know if the citizen takes it upon themselves to learn them and is prepared to speak to them and of them on their own behalf with the court.

The Court does not most often appreciate this because the citizen attempting to do so most often is not familiar enough with the Court’s language(s) which are based and rooted in Latin and Latin/Roman concepts which is a dead language only spoken by lawyers, government officials, doctors, botanists, scientists and academics.

The Court would much rather speak to your lawyer who once you agree to take them as your legal counsel for all intents and purposes becomes a straw man for the straw man.

The problem with this system though is the lawyer representing you, like the prosecutor, like the judge, like the law enforcement officers are all officers of the ship/corporation/government. You are an outsider and your lawyer is an insider who has obligations through oaths to favor the Judge’s/Captain’s remedies and procedures over your needs and common law.

I first accidently discovered this hidden system when facing a serious criminal charge, and realized my lawyer was truly incompetent and had little awareness of my predicament he was simply there to interface as an intermediary between the Court/State/Corporation/Ship and me.

Distraught I realized I could not study law in enough time so instead looked at a collection of Encyclopedias and read a few articles about the Roman Republic and Empire’s Court System and how it functioned because I did know that our Republic and our Laws and Court’s were patterned off of theirs.

I learned some Latin words and terms and legal ploys reserved for those who were guilty as sin but still wanted leniency from the court.

I asked the judge if I could bench my lawyer and speak directly to the court and went into a lengthy and well rehearsed skit evoking those Latin words and Terms and legal ploys and pointing to the evidence in the gallery that I had collected that makes those ploys a valid appeal for leniency in the ancient Roman Court System.

I was truly nervous and frightened, I was looking at 3-5 years, this was a Federal Court, a Federal Judge, and in Washington D.C.! You don’t get really higher stakes or a more serious situation than that.

Yet every time I pronounced a Latin Word and Term the Federal Prosecutor winced as if someone had just stuck a knife in his side. At first I thought it was simply because I might have been badly mispronouncing the words since I had never attempted to speak Latin before.

Yet I was also noticing two other things, the Judge was rapt with attention, the prosecutor and his assistant and the Federal Probation Officer who had recommended the sentence were all looking more and more worried.

So I nervously carried on though I don’t think my nervousness showed, a half an hour into my presentation the Judge was crying, the prosecutor was crying, his assistant was crying, the probation officer was crying, the Secret Service Agent was crying, the U.S. Marshall guarding the court room was crying, and the few witnesses in the gallery was crying!

When I concluded and everyone tried to regain their composure, the Judge started wordlessly whipping through law book after law book, frowning and discarding one after another until after about 15 minutes she found one that brought a smile to her face.

Federal mandatory sentencing guidelines were in full force, and technically her hands were bound, but with a smile on her face she looked at the prosecutor and asked him in earnest before I pronounce sentence which I must first inform you is not the one that you want but shows extreme leniency do you intend to appeal. The prosecutor was by the way a man who had such a low opinion of me he insisted the case be held in Washington D.C. instead of Miami where I live. He said no.

Sentence imposed probation!

Of course there was a contract to sign and as the Judge smiled and instructed me to go with the U.S. Marshall to sign the paperwork he walked up to me and shook my hand and said “Son that was a rare treat, what a performance, I have guarded these court rooms for twenty years and seen maybe 2 or 3 lawyers put on a show like that, I am surprised the Judge didn’t kiss you on the cheek and give you cab fare home, that was such a treat to watch, thank you!”

I had no idea what had actually transpired, it would be years before I realized the real truth. When I started speaking Latin I had by a sheer fluke of luck identified myself as a free and true Roman Citizen, and the reason the prosecutor was wincing was because he knew that the U.S. Codes were going to get thrown out and I was going to be sentenced under a common law sentence that free citizens of Rome are entitled too.

You see my friend the Treaty of Paris hides a dark little secret, that document that ended the Revolutionary War, it was no accident we were founded on the principles of the Roman Republic, we are in fact an incorporated state of the Roman Empire.

Most of us are actually slaves in the system and have very little rights. When you speak the language of the court though…it all changes.

This is why I decided to take these things seriously when I started reading about them, I had a deep suspicion something was involved that, I nor anyone else knows about or is really supposed to know about.

It’s not about contempt for the system, its about whether you have a legal basis to appeal an unjust ruling. Which is why the Judge asked the prosecutor if he meant to appeal, because there is an appeals process where not one Judge but 3 will rule, and then an appeal process after that where not 3 judges but 9 will rule, the law when you know it, when you speak to it still has to be addressed every step of the way.

Loosing round one does not mean you will loose round 2 or 3 as long as you don’t sign the contract!

A contract is a contract and that is all they are offering you is a contract to impinge on your sovereignty.

[edit on 4/3/10 by ProtoplasmicTraveler]

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 03:53 PM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler

This is an excellent question and should and can be addressed.

First it’s a matter of language and decorum, are you framing thoughtful, lucid arguments that speak to real facts?
Or are you simply being belligerent for belligerence’s sake? That is your line.

Are you in fact speaking to legal terms, legal definitions, legal procedures in a knowledgeable thought provoking way laying out the foundation for a position, a legal position, or are you simply rebelling to rebel by simply wanting to not participate and disrupt the system? That is your line.

so you're playing their game and beat them, good.

now tell me what you think would happen if a couple of hundred thousand people did that or even more, so that everyone will sooner or later inevitably know? you don't really believe they'd back down, do you? don't get me wrong i'm all in favor of doing that, but these people have created the legal system for their purpose and will of course move on when the scan collapses --> enter martial law....

Redemption sounds like a perfect way to bring it on, though and tbh, fighting is what it will take to truly remedy the situation, no courts with admirality flags needed, y'know.

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 04:03 PM
reply to post by Hypntick

Please take a look at your information from our good ol' IRS corporation. All CAPS. Corporations are always to be in large caps.

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 04:09 PM
oh i KNOW i belong to the federal reserve cause i owe about 40k in loans from going to school and that number will only get higher because i still have 2 more years. plus i owe about 2000 in hospital bills. it sucks!

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 04:17 PM
Technically not true, I`m owned by HM Revenue and Customs

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 04:23 PM
reply to post by Long Lance

It’s a great question and one I will answer by going back to the beginning. How far back? To the days when we communicated in grunts and gestures!

Humans started out as tribal bands hunting and gathering and leading a communal life. Concepts of law only extended basically as far as the family and the tribe. Much like in your own house if you have a spouse and children, a simple order simply for the sake of common safety and to maintain some kind of friendly and communal and supportive environment, you don’t have 600,000 laws to raise your kids, don’t hit each other, make sure to brush your teeth, eat your peas.

Somewhere along the line hunting and gathering was augmented by farming and cultivation and herding.

Now all of a sudden there was an excess and with that excess game the ability for key dominant people to begin hording.

You don’t have to go out and hunt today for your family, in fact I will give you some food to feed your family if you take the time to build my hut for me and make it much larger than the next guys. You did a really good job at that, you don’t need to go out hunting today or gathering I will feed you, I need you to make a nice statue of me and make a nice little path out in front of my hut, oh and your next door neighbor I want him to make me a bathtub and haul me some water, don’t worry I will pay him some food too.

And so it began, that process of civilization where all of a sudden we started taking what we hunted and gathered, grew and herded and giving it to dominant central authorities who started planning out our lives and laying down the foundations for something we call civilization!

Of course as the growing tribe’s and village’s most dominant and imposing person as I begin to amass more and more, well other tribes, they are jealous, I have a lot of wheat and corn and cattle and it’s just as easy to take mine if not easier than going out and hunting and gathering and plowing and herding so now security becomes an issue.

Because I am hording and doling out resources to affect control and direct others to make the world my ideal place, and I have lots of resources others not in my tribe, who haven’t been forced to submit would love to come along and take them from me.

So I need security, I need a band of warriors to protect my horde, my little kingdom!

I need more warriors than the other tribe, so I need you to breed please, just as often and fast as you can.

But as my tribe grows into a fixed village and my village into a fortified settlement and then into a fortified city, well now there are just too many people for me to dominate myself.

I need some help, I need some rules to secure and enforce my perpetual domination and I need some people to enforce those rules.

I need to maintain order and I need to maintain control and while in truth I am a tyrannical narcissistic greedy ego maniac and despot with an overwhelming need to domineer and dominate it’s a lot easier to convince the people this is all for their own good and not mine!

Because I only a lot resources out of my horde based on a person’s level of performance for me, and I collect and centralize all resources and see to their distribution in that fashion even though there is plenty enough to go around, I don’t hand out enough to go around.

So I have purposefully created an environment where some of the people living under my rule are desperate for resources, maybe I don’t like them, maybe they just aren’t smart enough to perform a function for me, maybe I simply have no function for them perform, or maybe I shrewdly know that if I don’t have some hungry wolves amongst my sheep there would be no need to make or enforce imposing laws to get people to accept them and my rule.

In fact even though I am firmly in charge, control all the resources, and am well protected and secured, I want you to be more frightened than me. I want you to need my protection, so I make sure through the allotment and distribution of the resources that well some people who I have rationed some too are going to need protected from some people I haven’t rationed some too.

You see your fear is genuine but the situations and circumstances leading to your fear are totally contrived, I could take the abundance of my horded resources and distribute them evenly across the board so everyone had everything they needed, no need to hit anyone else over the head, no need for anyone to want for anything to the point that some artificial scarcity and rule designed to impose it stands in the way.

In fact most of our rules are about imposing artificial scarcity, to favor one group of ‘in’ individuals over another, to train one group to be productive, and one group to be a burden and a threat.

It’s called divide and conquer, and the truth is most of the corporate codes are all about creating monopolies, mergers and acquisitions to put all the resources into fewer and fewer hands who can then horde them and manipulate people into performing to get them all the while creating an environment of artificial scarcity where people are purposefully unemployed or underemployed and denied resources who then will create the chaos I can create order out of.

Starting to see how this all works on a ruler/leader/captain level?

How I create control, and create power, and effect and exert it for my own benefit?

The truth is we have created a competitive based environment that encourages the absolute hording and monopolizing of resources for power and control.

The laws are simply made to entrench and maintain that system. Now if the earth made the oil why exactly is it the Rockefeller and Rothschild get to ‘own’ and control it all?

If the earth made the diamonds why exactly does De Boers get to control them all? Through a system where people drill for and gather these things for them for a mere pittance?

Starting to see a self defeating self perpetuating picture here that favors just a few at everyone else’s enslaving expense that makes the world a far more dangerous place than a safer one?

I am!

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 04:27 PM
reply to post by Long Lance

No, you are unfortunately wrong but that's okay. Redemption is the first step. ProtoplasmicTraveler is correct in a few areas, people don't really know what the Magna Carta is, they should look it up and read it!!

Yes, we are all ruled by the Vatican/Crown. Problem is that corporations have no soul, they can not own land nor any other "property". Only flesh and blood living souls can "own" anything. BUT, you must claim it. You must know from whence you came and who you are.

So I see no one has asked, "who owns the FED"? The link is to a document pulled from the library of Congress.

I think you'll find the names quite interesting. Americans need to get together a group of people to convene a grand jury and indict these families on charges of Extortion, Murder, Conspiracy, Insurrection, Collusion, Racketeering and so on. All of them should be put in prison for life.

You see people, some people in "government" know that what has been done is wrong. These people have worked to plant the seeds of justice within the federal code and elsewhere. They can not tell you where these things are, you must find them. You find them by knowing what you are looking for, an out. They have supplied the out, but it is YOU who must take the opportunity and file the documentation to reclaim yourself.

Morpheus " I can only show you the door Neo, YOU have to walk through it". I don't like reciting movies but that is one of the best. Many hidden meanings and messages.

So you see, the UCC-1 is the out, you reclaim your strawman. By filing all the paperwork you stop them from selling your corporate fiction, by doing this it does many things, it makes you a free sojourner on the land, it stops them from taxing you to death, which removes the amount of money they can play with, and it reduces the national debt when you "Accept for Value" and "Return for Discharge" any and all statements you get.

It creates a tidal wave of good fortune for everyone involved. It secures your family and your property. There really is no downside to it. For those who refer to all the people in jail who have done this, have you personally witnessed that and do you have first hand knowledge of what the actual charges were? Do you know for a fact they are in jail for the strawman thing or is it something else? Do you think the MSM is going to tell the truth? Do you think the "corporate-government" is going to tell you the truth? So you see, NO MORE FEAR!!!

To not have to look over your shoulder and worry about the police stopping you for the most ridiculous reasons, to not have to worry where and when your next meal is coming from, to not have to worry about pretty much everything, is that not worth it. To be truly free in your mind and soul?

As long as you are a responsible human being, never inflicting pain or suffering on anyone and taking care not to damage anyone elses property, what crime could you possibly be commiting?

Personally I can not wait for TSTHTF, I am waiting patiently and am excited. It is going to be a party to end all parties.

See I could go on too about the "Treasury Bond" in your name and the pre-paid economy, but that is for another thread, and yes, everything in the economy has already been paid for, all you have to do is claim it.

WE have Dominion, corporations and government do not.

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 07:23 PM
I've have been lurking for a while now and this thread keep me performing research all day and while following the rabbit hole, I came across this tiny bit of information that might need the clarification of our more experience ATSers.

According to Dun & Bradstreet, the company that does "credit reports" on corporate credit shows the following:

The Government of the United States also TRADES as BARACK H OBAMA - Notice the capital letters. cm_mmc=dnb*home*gws*lookup

AND!!! The house of representatives TRADES as RON PAUL. country=US&cm_mmc=dnb*home*gws*lookup

Now, if the US is a corporation, doesn't that makes all laws not laws at all but company statues? And if so, since we are not employees of said corporation, do these laws apply to us or are we assets of the corporation just so we can have these "laws" apply to us?

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 07:33 PM
reply to post by greenovni

What an outstanding find and catch. I want and will elaborate and add to this but it's time for my evening run for the store!

Great research! Big star for you.

By the way I really like Ron Paul but this does not surprise me. Always behind the scenes where you least expect dwells a puppet master. If your research holds up (not saying it won't) you have just found one!

Way to go!

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 10:40 PM

Now, if the US is a corporation, doesn't that makes all laws not laws at all but company statues? And if so, since we are not employees of said corporation, do these laws apply to us or are we assets of the corporation just so we can have these "laws" apply to us?

The "United States" *is* a corporation. The things we call laws are indeed statues & 'corporate policy', but you are still required to follow them. We are governed under private law, but probably not how you think. You must remove yourself from the United States body politic in order to not be subject to them.

Check out this thread:

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 10:44 PM
If you don't know much about The Strawman Illusion, you should watch this

After watching that was when I knew that everything I had been researching and all the things I've been feeling was given validation. As soon as i clear my debts I'm going to be taking owenership of my Strawman and recommend anyone to do the same.

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 12:10 AM
reply to post by havok

You know, I guess you could say that is the case if you choose to do those things but really my feelings are they don't own me untill they take me, they don't own my truck untill they take it. They can have money, seriously,they want paper. They would be better off taking my gold,but they can't simply put. So in fact I own them. All you talk about are rules written on paper which in the end is still just ink on the paper, thats it. You are owned because you live by words written by somebody that says they are in charge. I'm sorry but it's hard for me to relate to most. Life is different in Alaska.

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 01:15 AM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Sounds like an amazing scene from a movie, great depiction of what happened, gives off a sense of inspiration for others to do more studies into common law, admiralty law, roman law and latin.

So because you won this case and because you had no choice but to research and defend yourself in court, this was your first experience with all of this new information? What happened afterward? I'm sure many others would be interested in hearing more of your story and how everything started coming together for you.

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 03:32 AM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler

a half an hour into my presentation the Judge was crying, the prosecutor was crying, his assistant was crying, the probation officer was crying, the Secret Service Agent was crying, the U.S. Marshall guarding the court room was crying, and the few witnesses in the gallery was crying!

Embellish much?

[edit on 5-3-2010 by Blazer]

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 08:33 AM
So Ive been reading this thread, with interest, but I gotta say, still sceptical. I have seen serval people people mention the IRS and getting out of paying taxes. Is there ANY proff that ANYONE has successfully done this? I researched this several years back and it doesnt look like anyone has pulled this off.

Every case has lost.

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 09:41 AM
reply to post by coop039

I could publish ALL my letters where the IRS has apologized TO ME. I have shown them to many people, they laugh and shake their heads, they can't believe it either. You HAVE TO know the code and the magic language.

The most important document next to the UCC-1 is the "Power of Attorney in FACT", this removes any claim the government/corporation has or may have upon you. It is soooooo important. You file it witht the Secretary of State in your state just as you file the UCC-1, I filed mine with my UCC-3 which included my claim of all my property including my home. I have not made a mortgage payment in 6 months. I DO respond to the letters, you MUST do that otherwise it is consent by assent.

those people who reply here who doubt this and say it's all hogwash or don't believe it, think again. Without documentation THEY, TPTB will just come to your home and shoot you, period.

There are scenerios that are true and quite odd. People who were home birthed and have no BC are not in the system unless the obtained a SSN. There are many who haven't done that because they farm or work for themselves, the have no licenses for anything. Living in rural Minnesota, I have met many including my uncles who farm.

Must get back to work, more later.

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 10:51 AM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Conceded. So, simply stated. So, if a guy like myself without much time on his hands wants to research for himself, thereby arming himself effectively, in order to battle his way through an oddly rigged court system, a good place to start is where? Law libraries? I have read the stories both good and bad. I have always maintained that I choose to leave a permanent legacy for my desendants and given our current system this seems to carry more weight than much of what I've done. You seem like you have a good idea of it. Btw, very impressed with your presentations. Well spoken.


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