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You don't own yourself -- the Federal Reserve does!

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posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 03:22 PM
How complicated is this process? I first heard about it on 'Kymatica' and now I've got both books that were recommended (yet to read). There seems to be a lot of harassment trying to pull off this sovereign individual thing.

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 04:00 PM

Originally posted by daddio
Here's the deal, when you were born a one million dollar bond was issued on your birth name in all caps. That bond was passed to the Fed so they could print one million dollars in your name

no it is not actually - care to show proof of that?

Believe it or not 30 million poeple, and that is a low estimate, have done this,

care to show proof of that ?

notice how they never answered the question
"You're acting as if this process would allow me to get a house without having to pay back the loan or something. Is this the case? Would I be able to cash in by owning my corporate free and clear? ........
WIIFM, my friend: What's In It For Me?"

why has answering that question been avoided?

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 04:02 PM


posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 04:15 PM
reply to post by Jwest06

Now to answer your question, I have not been hassled. If it is done properly it is solid. The process is not that complicated. You can see that the UCC-1 is available right on your states "State Department" website. You can save a copy and fill it out and print it. You can not save the form as completed but if you copy and paste all your info FROM it you can save the info anyway.

The Redemption book has all the information you will need, but like I have told others, read all the info first to get a comprehensive "grasp" of what it is you are doing and why. Know yourself. And if you have watched Kymatica I am sure you do.

She has some great information IN ALL her writings, read them all. I have spoken with her twice and she is very funny and extremely intelligent.

There is no harassment if you knwo what the truth is, that YOU have the power over them. Subject Matter Jurisdiction, it is what THEY are after and it is what YOU have. Reclaiming the strawman takes it away from them and filing the "Power of Attorney in Fact"sets the record straight.

In several of the “checkpoint” videos, where Border Patrol stops people, I notice that those who do not cave, are ultimately told, “Our superiors feel that, uh, we got better things to do than to play this game with you, sir, so we’ve been ordered to allow you to depart the checkpoint.” What they are really saying is, “We were told to say, ‘we have to let you go, if we cannot get you to play our game with us…… sir’.” When we stop consenting to play, the game will end. Got it?

That is from Mary's site. I am not affiliated with her, I have read all her writings and found them to be quite fascinating and of great value. This is why I pass them on, it's not about money or greed or getting anything out of it, it's purely educational and informative.

And for those of you with the "what's in it for me", grow up, money means nothing, NOTHING!! It only has the value YOU give it, and I don't give a damn.

Funny how great it feels. I keep telling people to grow a pair and get it done, READ. They are so afraid, it's laughable. What are they afraid of? I do not know for sure but it sure is funny. NO FEAR!!

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 04:32 PM

Originally posted by daddio
I will not dignify anything of yours with a response to you.

So you cannot answer the simple question, you are just trolling here once again. Funny how no one can answer such a simple question, now why is that....

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 07:49 PM
It's never been that I'm afraid, I just don't want to mess up and end up in jail for my own stupidity lol. I've actually had the Kymatica transcript of that section printed for a while and plan on talking to a lawyer I trust about it sometime in the near future. The jist I've had down. Don't give consent, don't represent the corporation with the same name as you.

One of the things I was told and was looking forward to was no more car insurance, no more license plate, only a sign that says "Kiss my ass, this is freedom." I should have both books read by the end of the weekend.

posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 09:39 AM

Originally posted by Jwest06
It's never been that I'm afraid, I just don't want to mess up and end up in jail for my own stupidity lol. I've actually had the Kymatica transcript of that section printed for a while and plan on talking to a lawyer I trust about it sometime in the near future. The jist I've had down. Don't give consent, don't represent the corporation with the same name as you.

One of the things I was told and was looking forward to was no more car insurance, no more license plate, only a sign that says "Kiss my ass, this is freedom." I should have both books read by the end of the weekend.

To the license plate. I do have the state issued plate, but I sent a letter to the director of the DMV explaining that i will display the plate for identification purposes ONLY and NOT for entrance into any foreign jurisdiction. The tags on my plate I made myself and the one on the right says "NO EXP" and the one on the left says "TAX EXEMPT".

There was a video on one of the threads here on a guy getting pulled over in Canada with a "4 Ever Free" License plate he made, after the cop read his truth affidavit they let him go. They had too, WE have the power.

I have had a printing company print dozens of copies of the books at $8 a piece and have passed them out for FREE to anyone wanting to know more. I have also bought 30 copies of Kymatica from Ben and passed them out for FREE, if it isn't free it probably isn't accurate. Mary: Croft said that best. Know thyself.

If we all come together on this, we can stop them. It's that simple.

posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 01:27 PM
This is all new to me and I'm also following this thread. To those that are experienced with this, I am confused by the difference in strategies to go about becoming "free". For instance, what is the difference between the PAC group and say Winston Shrout or Robert Menard's way of approachig this? The PAC group seem to be against either of the two guys mentioned above as they refute the whole strawman/free man on the land stance. I have been reading up on all three and the PAC group seems a little bit more sketchy as they don't go into too much detail as to how they enable one to become free, as they ask you to send them money so that they can do the process for you.

So, what are the benefits of each? Is one more knowledgeable than the other? It's unfortunate that because this topic can be so complex, different prominent members resort to name-calling and/or making fun of another's stance. Of course it is up to the individual person to study this and 'separate the wheat from the chaff' so to speak. It would be helpful if there was a FAQ or dummies guide that can further clear up the confusion that many newcomers face when getting started on this topic. That way, one can be aware of what the different opinions/methods are when one is interested in pursuing this in more detail. For instance, what are the practical benefits and also disadvantages to doing this? I have seen some glimpses and hints about both but it is rare to come across someone who is actually living it and not merely repeating what is technically possible without actually having done it extensively. 'Protoplasmic traveler' and 'daddio' seem to be knowledgeable about this and I'm curious to read more about their daily life while using these methods.


posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 02:22 PM
reply to post by dede95064

Remember, YOU SHOULD NEVER PAY FOR ANYTHING. That is the fraud, if they want you to pay for it then it is a scam. Family Gaurdien is the same way, pay to join their site and file tons of paperwork, that is the wrong way, if it's not simple it is not correct.

I have studied this for many years, looking into all the sites and the ways people have "claimed" they filed. And the best ones I have come across I listed on page 2 I think. Now, some people don't want to spend the time to read the literature, well what else are you going to do with your time? Watch ball sports or browse for porn? Come on, this is so important, one needs to make the time and take the time to understand it and just do it.
Lots of good information here:

Explanation of the U.S. Matrix and the Constitution here:

More good Law info here:

There are many honest sites where you don't have to spend any money, that is ridiculous as there really is no money to begin with, only paper. You can not pay a debt with a debt and you can not pay a bill with a bill. It is so simple when you look at the basics of it all and how we got to this point in time.

I have explained the scenerio in previous posts. Your signature "creates" the authority for them to print "money" FOR YOU, that means it IS yours. But they keep it and use fraud and coercion to get you to pay them the sum that YOU created with your signature, and then they charge you interest too!! What a great scam. The Elite are not intelligent, they are crooks and liars and thieves. People give them credit for being rich and think they have good business sense. Are you freakin kidding me!!!!!! They lie cheat and steal, that's how they acquire the wealth, from our stupidity and lack of knowledge. So, Knowledge IS power and we are taking it back at an ever increasing rate. They are getting very nervous and scared.

What are the downsides or possible problems? NONE.
It is all legal because ALL political power is inherent in the people!! Know your rights and how to use them and that you have Divinity and Dominion!!

Why are we letting them get away with this? It takes more than a few of us to get the charges drafted and filed, but we could prosecute them all in OUR courts of Common Law.

[edit on 12-3-2010 by daddio]

[edit on 12-3-2010 by daddio]

posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 03:04 PM
I've ran into a snag already in "The Redemption Manual". Please tell me you don't have to be Christian to pull this off. I got to the UPS part and it's all about your Christian rights and that's one thing I will pretend not to be. It said you needed to have a proof of baptism thing which I could get since I was a Christian as a kid, but that's one thing I absolutely will not pretend.

posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 03:38 PM

Originally posted by Jwest06
I've ran into a snag already in "The Redemption Manual". Please tell me you don't have to be Christian to pull this off. I got to the UPS part and it's all about your Christian rights and that's one thing I will pretend not to be. It said you needed to have a proof of baptism thing which I could get since I was a Christian as a kid, but that's one thing I absolutely will not pretend.

No, you don't have to be a christian. BUT, you do have to understand the religious aspect of it, this country was founded on christian beliefs, and so the "government" looks to that.

I am not a christian either, more buddhist, spiritual. But just in understanding the ideology of the basic christianity type law, you can see that it's about natural law of man.

posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 05:21 PM
I have been getting calls from debt collection agency recently, I have also had received many calls from them in the past regarding the person who last used my mobile phone number. I don't know if they're coming for me now or if they want the same guy but they keep leaving my voicemails and never mentioning my name. I read something about, always responding to documents within 72 hours but for third parties like debt collectors, we don't have to respond to them, correct? They didn't even use my name for goodness sakes.

posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 08:36 AM

Originally posted by eLPresidente
I have been getting calls from debt collection agency recently, I have also had received many calls from them in the past regarding the person who last used my mobile phone number. I don't know if they're coming for me now or if they want the same guy but they keep leaving my voicemails and never mentioning my name. I read something about, always responding to documents within 72 hours but for third parties like debt collectors, we don't have to respond to them, correct? They didn't even use my name for goodness sakes.

A debt collector is a third party INTERLOPER, they have no subject matter jurisdiction as they were never a party to the first contract. So they have no contract with you, but they are trying to get one. There is a document that you can sedn them if they are sending you letters.


Name and address of collector (assignee): _____________________________________________________________

Name and address of Debtor: _____________________________________________________________

Account Number(s): _____________________________________________________________

What are the terms of assignment for this account? You may attach a facsimile of any records relating to such terms.

Have any insurance claims been made by any creditor or assignee regarding this account? Yes / No

Has the purported balance of this account been used in any tax deduction claim? Yes / No

Please list the particular products or services sold by the collector to the debtor and the dollar amount of each:

Upon failure or refusal of collector to validate this collection action, collector agrees to waive all claims against the debtor named herein and pay debtor for all costs and attorney fees involved in defending this action.

Authorized signature for collector

Please return this completed form and attach all assignment or other transfer agreements that would establish your right to collect this debt. Your claim cannot be considered if any portion of this form is not completed and returned with the required documents. This is a request for validation made pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. If you do not respond as required by this law, your claim will not be considered and you may be liable for damages for continued collection efforts. Please allow thirty days for processing after receipt of your request.

Copy and paste into word or some other type document writer and modify if you need to. Send this to them, if they do not respond within 72 hours then they have forfieted any claim at all, not that they had any in the first place. They must "prove up their claim" against you.

[edit on 13-3-2010 by daddio]

posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 10:34 AM
I'm with Dereks and other skeptics.

It's not that I don't see what a better existence it would be without government continually making us pay for corporate welfare and for the real elites to keep on sucking up our taxes for their own purposes in various ways. Global Warming/Climate Change taxes are only one example of the fraud.

I agree that human beings have natural rights which have been eroded to the point where most people don't understand this or are too used to their enslavement to see this and search for ways out of it. However, the views and solutions of the OP and of posters in other threads elsewhere lack credibility on key points.

If your prescriptions for getting away from being owned by Governments and all the machinery of the state including the Fed Reserve, IRS etc are doable, then show us the actual documents that proved you could declare yourself free of this and reclaim your natural rights.

You and others mention how you walked out of courts of law having claimed your natural rights successfully. Without any shred of evidence in the form of documents, I can't believe it. And neither should any other intelligent person until they are presented with some evidence.

Scan some of the documents and post them here. If you 'can't' then there cannot be any real substance to what you have been asserting here. All you keep doing is referring us to that website which is long on ideals and theory and short on practical solutions and the power to deal with the huge bureaucracy and the legal realities that are part of the USA and world today.

As for your assertions about how the legal structures that exist in the USA are more or less a huge bluff designed to keep us all down and how we can claim our worth from the Fed and tell the IRS to take a hike, to read you a non American would never know that fully legal measures such as the 16th Amendment were enacted to deal with a changing American society.

The world has moved on since the Constitution was first enacted and to suggest that amendments are invalid and/or just a plot to keep us enslaved is bunk. I am waiting for some real proof re your assertions.

posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 11:53 AM
If you want to play lawyer, why not just pay the $20,000 and get a law degree? Maybe I'm missing something, but removing yourself from the system doesn't sound very attractive. Oh, and the part where the guy says he went to court and everyone was crying because of his performance doesn't sound believeable to me. Reminds me of Good Will Hunting. You'll recall Will (Matt Damon) has a history of arguing his way out of court.

[edit on 13-3-2010 by ivorywire]

posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 04:33 PM

Originally posted by ivorywire
If you want to play lawyer, why not just pay the $20,000 and get a law degree? Maybe I'm missing something, but removing yourself from the system doesn't sound very attractive.
[edit on 13-3-2010 by ivorywire]

I think you need to re-read this thread, it seems you missed much important information before posting...

posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 11:49 PM

Originally posted by dede95064
This is all new to me and I'm also following this thread. To those that are experienced with this, I am confused by the difference in strategies to go about becoming "free". For instance, what is the difference between the PAC group and say Winston Shrout or Robert Menard's way of approachig this? The PAC group seem to be against either of the two guys mentioned above as they refute the whole strawman/free man on the land stance. I have been reading up on all three and the PAC group seems a little bit more sketchy as they don't go into too much detail as to how they enable one to become free, as they ask you to send them money so that they can do the process for you.

To put it as simply as i understand it:

LB & the PAC group do not approve of the UCC/Freeman idea because you are still working within the system. The purpose of the PAC group is to completely remove yourself from the system *entirely* so that the system will wither & die through atrophy. You accept no benefit, you burden no responsibility (to the system). You essentially live like our founders intended.

You can do the status correction yourself, but you'd best know what you're doing. LB will do the filing & such for you, but does contract with you for a fee if you choose. You also can become part of the state national community for a membership fee. This includes a host of community items such as a state national ID, car license plate, etc (in stead of making your own) as well as educational help. All of that is optional. There is nothing to prevent you form doing the studying yourself & correcting your status on your own.

The UCC/Strawman route is to remain in the system at least partly, but to use the system against them. You 'straddle the fence' so to speak. You keep your SSN, file tax forms (albeit differently), etc.

There are a lot of commonalities. Both routes use FRNs under protest, deal in common law & contract law, etc. Some aspects of the UCC have me perplexed, like a poster said you can't engage in commerce without your strawman. I find this silly. What did people do before the UCC & their corporate fiction was established? Maybe i don't understand it well enough yet. I'll keep reading/studying.

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 03:14 AM
Thanks for your response daddio!

And mal1970 thank you as well!

Why would one prefer to be out of the system completely if one still has to be part of it in order to receive stuff like a job, travel/fly overseas, cell phone, electricity, internet, and so on? How is that possible when you're out of the system entirely? How can you purchase say a house or a new car without credit if you don't have the cash up front? Isn't one's 'credit rating' the crutch that forces people to be part of this system or which makes it that much more difficult to be out of it? This is the practical component I am interested in if I'm to pursue this avenue. If this means to become self-sufficient like the Amish, that too has its perks and not-so-great perks. Establishing my own community without these 'laws' would be ideal but that too requires a lot of effort. Of course, anything you choose will require some effort. That is why I am curious to know about those experienced in this movement to see the pros and cons of all sides, not just one.

I have seen Robert Menard claim that our birth certificate is a bond worth around $15 million dollars at least and that we're millionaires and we don't even realize it. If that is the case and he knows this, it does not appear that he has cashed in on his and thus become a millionaire. Correct me if I'm wrong.

The idea of freeing oneself from the slavery of unlawful taxes and unlawful power of course is appealing, but at what cost? In essence, you seem to exile yourself from everyone else caught up in 'the game'. but if you know it's a game, then why not play it? Mary Croft, who's also a proponent of the freeman clause compares this game to all of us playing Monopoly and 'the powers that be' is the banker. I don't know about you but whenever I play a game, I remind myself that it's only a game and to not take it so seriously. Who cares who has the most money or is winning/wins? That's not the point. The point is to have fun and enjoy the game with others. By the end of the game, hopefully I would have learned something about the experience.

You can stand up to the bully and say no. That of course is one option. Another option is to give the bully what he wants (in this case money) and realize that the bully will never have your most precious thing in life, which is immaterial. So what if the bully wants a percentage of my money? Having more money will not make me better off or happier, money is just a tool, none of which I can take with me when I die. So is that something I want to spend my time and energy on--ways in which I beat them at their own game?

If you believe in reincarnation, you believe that this is a play anyway and we'll have more lives to experience. It's one of many to test and experiment with and so you don't get all caught up in the seriousness of it and take everything so personal. If you don't believe in reincarnation, well the same thing applies, in that all that time spent learning these "man's rules" at the expense of being outdoors and enjoying life? Did I choose this life to always be in conflict with others over paper money that's not even real? It seems that people who choose to be free or remove themselves from the system in some form or another carry the negativity that can be associated with money, as they'll attract debt collectors, police officers, lawyers, etc. who will want to give them a hard time. Will they truly ever leave you alone? Will they truly be free?

Is it worth it?

Any enlightenment would be greatly appreciated!

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 05:54 PM

Originally posted by dede95064
Thanks for your response daddio!

And mal1970 thank you as well!

Why would one prefer to be out of the system completely if one still has to be part of it in order to receive stuff like a job, travel/fly overseas, cell phone, electricity, internet, and so on? How is that possible when you're out of the system entirely? How can you purchase say a house or a new car without credit if you don't have the cash up front? Isn't one's 'credit rating' the crutch that forces people to be part of this system or which makes it that much more difficult to be out of it? This is the practical component I am interested in if I'm to pursue this avenue. If this means to become self-sufficient like the Amish, that too has its perks and not-so-great perks. Establishing my own community without these 'laws' would be ideal but that too requires a lot of effort. Of course, anything you choose will require some effort. That is why I am curious to know about those experienced in this movement to see the pros and cons of all sides, not just one.

I have seen Robert Menard claim that our birth certificate is a bond worth around $15 million dollars at least and that we're millionaires and we don't even realize it. If that is the case and he knows this, it does not appear that he has cashed in on his and thus become a millionaire. Correct me if I'm wrong.

You do not have to be part of the system to receive any of those. You can still have a job, travel, contract for goods & services, etc. It is however more difficult. Uncle Sam isn't making the arrangements for you. You have to do it for yourself, but *that* is exactly what freedom is all about. Freedom & responsibility go hand in hand. They are inseparable. We now get our aid from the gov, but it should be coming from our family & community. The community has been destroyed (by design). The vast majority of us do not know anyone in our neighborhood, save maybe the people right next door.

Were you ever welcomed into your neighborhood when you moved in; people stopping by, introducing themselves, bringing over the cliche baked goods, house warming parties for your new neighbors? That used to be common practice. How many people do you know who will shovel the snow from an elderly neighbors sidewalk without needing to be asked (or paid)? How many will help a neighbor redo his roof? How many even know how? That was all standard when my parents were growing up. It's virtually extinct now save in tight communities like the Amish. They are what's left of 'old America'.

As for buying things without credit, well, don't buy it. Live within your means. It used to be possible to save up for a car then buy it, and that used to be possible on just a single middle class income. People used to put 1/4 (often more) down on a house & had significant equity in a house from the start. Obviously that isn't possible for the vast majority now. You can thank our gov & the global elite who run it for that (again by design). You can't be a debt slave if you're not in debt.

I have a massive student loan, but once i sell my house it will be the only debt i have. I aim to never be in debt again, but it will take me 25 years to pay off my student loans, so that's kind of an empty goal...

I wish i knew 20 years ago what i know now. I'm sure almost all of us can say that. /shrug But i do plan to teach my daughter so that she will not make the same mistakes. That is something i can't say my parents did. They were ignorant of how things *really* work, like most people are today.

posted on Mar, 15 2010 @ 11:54 AM
reply to post by dontbelievehype

You can be a skeptic all you like. I will not post my personal information here as it is a violation of the site. If I were to try and post the documents on how I did this, and they are all in the manual, it would contain all my personal info, if I were to block that out the document would be blank. Why can't you understand that? My father taught me from ayoung age, "Believe none of what you read and half of what you see, DO YOUR OWN investigation." He was a detective and i read most of his magazines pertaining to the subject.

My question to you is this, WHAT HAVE I GOT TO GAIN?
What am I doing this for? To help others obtain what is rightfully theirs.

"dereks" is a known disinfo agent and he is on my ignore list, I haven't the time nor inclination to answer frivolous, idiotic questions.

The reason you will never get completely out of the system is that WE are ALL a part of society. That was posted on another thread. So why not use what THEY or TPTB have created FOR you and live happily? The Trust that was produced in YOUR name, all caps, is yours, you just have to claim it. As I stated before, it will reduce the national debt and it will free you of any debt now or in the future.

Education used to be free, what changed? Why does it have to cost anything to learn? All of the buildings were paid for in full when built, the teachers have nothing better to do with their time, but in the end it is all about GREED. Simple as that.

Originally posted by dede95064
Thanks for your response daddio!

And mal1970 thank you as well!

I have seen Robert Menard claim that our birth certificate is a bond worth around $15 million dollars at least and that we're millionaires and we don't even realize it. If that is the case and he knows this, it does not appear that he has cashed in on his and thus become a millionaire. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Well, for one thing, TPTB don't have anything to give you. You can only claim the account number and write everything off, this keeps greed in check because you can't go on a spendin spree as there is nothing to spend with. You must have read Mary: Croft's book, that is a good start, I read it twice to make sure i understood what she was saying, then I e-mailed here twice with a few questions, her responses were funny. So you can claim the TDA, Treasury Direct Account number and then write everything off as accepted for value. Like she stated, debt only exists on paper and can be balanced or written off by other pieces of paper.

But if you take yourself completely out of the system, then you have relinquished any claim to the trust or use of the trust, why would anyone do that? IT'S YOUR TRUST ACCOUNT.

AND NEVER HIRE A LAYWER, they are in on it. British agents through the BAR = British Accredited Registry.

This is only as complicated as people make it for themselves. Keep an open mind and just understand HOW we got into this position and WHO was behind it all. WE have the political power and the inherent RIGHTS that TPTB need to exist. Again, it's that simple.

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