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Why are babies sinners?

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posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 11:40 AM
reply to post by kawacat

When God created the planet, he made man as "perfect" without sin - but satan tempted Eve, and she caved in and ate of the fruit of the forbidden tree aka Tree of Knowledge.

They were naked when made by God - but after they ate the fruit, they had knowledge of their nakedness and immediately became ashamed. So when God came to talk to them, they hid - out of shame. And God asked them how they knew they were naked. And they confessed that they had ate of the fruit that He had forbidden them to.

So because of that, yes it satan at the wheel, mankind then became "unclean" - and therefore all of us that were born afterwards would be condemned to hell upon death.

God, to keep us from eternal hell, sent Jesus, His Son, to earth as a flesh man to be unjustly crucified in order to take our sins for us.

BUT people have to accept/receive Christ as their Savior - or else they have still remained "in sin" as when mankind was first created.

That is why - but babies won't go to hell if they die before their age of accountability - I don't believe

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 11:53 AM
reply to post by kawacat

I personally wouldn't advise listening to your heart - satan is smart enough to know just what thoughts to put in your mind to tempt you.

Which will be the case when the antichrist appears - he/ is going to appear as a "save all" kind of fellow - a real nice guy - he's going to say all the right things, do all the right things, and try to make everyone feel real comfy in listening to him.

He will act that way for about 3.5 years - and then his true agenda, and personality, shows itself - and that is when all hell is going to break loose on earth.

Edited to add: It should be noted that the antichrist is going to be telling us that "he" is Jesus - don't buy into that - and don't take the "mark of the beast" either. When Jesus returns, He will be seen by ALL on this planet - yep, all at the same time. Don't believe any "man" that comes along and says he is Christ - because that will be satan himself - using a man as a vehicle to sway more of us away from God.

The best thing, I can recommend, is to read the 1611 Authorized Bible - anything else has been intentionally altered to reflect the author's intent or agenda.

If you would like to see hard proof of just how the "new" so called "bibles" have changed God's Scriptures, click HERE

If you follow the Authorized 1611 King James Bible, you won't go wrong, I guarantee you that.

Anyone who tries to tell you that to get to Heaven, all you have to do is trust/believe/feel love or light or any other "entity" - remember, that is only satan working through humans to sway you away from God.

[edit on 2-3-2010 by nomorecruelty]

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 12:10 PM

Originally posted by Ashley_T
Because in my opinion, re-incarnation most definitely exists.

It would have to in order for any soul growth and progression. It makes sense to me that you Reap what you Sow.

If I decided to use machete to cut off an innocent persons leg - and God has mercy on my soul -

He would simply send me back into this life with a debilitating disability in order to understand the suffering and grow from the experience. I have a chance now as a new born to grow and learn different emotions.

I have to disagree on your views on that - the only "reincarnation" will be our flesh bodies being exchanged for our spiritual bodies. The ones of us that accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, will live on for eternity.
The ones that refuse Him, will not. That is where hell comes into the picture. Satan has already been handed his death sentence - he is, in essence, a 'dead man walking' - God has already condemned him to eternal hell, and satan knows this. THAT is why there is so very much evil out here - and it continues to get worse each day/month/year/decade/century. Satan knows he is on borrowed time and as that time draws nearer, his tactics also increase - he wants to take as many souls to hell with him as he can - and according to the Bible, he will pretty much obtain his goal.
The Bible says that more of us will choose the "wide" gate than the "narrow" gate. Meaning, the wide gate is going to be wide because there will be so many going through it.

The narrow gate is the gate to Heaven - and according to the Bible, there will be less of us going through that gate than the wide gate.

If you cut off a man's leg, on purpose for evil, then you are going to be judged, just as I, and everyone else, for our sins - on Judgement Day - The Great White Throne Judgement.

As far as babies - God takes care of His children - and children, according to the Bible, are a delight to Him - the Bible says that we are to become as a child in order to get into Heaven. I would think that means we should be as humble and innocent as we all know only children can be.

With that said, we, adults, need to concentrate on our salvation - I know people tend to diss God and the Bible but I'm telling you guys, this is not something to laugh at.
You are talking about your very eternal destiny - it's not some social gathering - ok, well I guess it IS a type of global social gathering?

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 12:23 PM
reply to post by kawacat

To sin means to miss the mark of perfection. Adam had to go out of his way to sin, or miss that mark.

Its like having a baking pan. If you dent the pan, all the bread you bake will come out dented.

Adam became imperfect. So being descendants, we are imperfect from the moment we are born.

[edit on 2-3-2010 by lucidclouds]

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 03:23 PM
reply to post by Lois

I thank you for elaborating on that for us all.

Not a one liner.

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 05:48 PM
It's all lies. We can't be born into sin. That's ridiculous. The oldest memories I have I'd take catepillars from trees full of lizards and put them in a much safer tree and in spring my house would be surrounded by monarch butterflies. I'd bring in stray animals to feed them and give them water. How am I a sinner? I preached amnesty when I was 8 years old to my 6 year old brother. When I was 9 I went to church for the first time and was scared out of my mind by what they were teaching there and how they tried to force the belief down our throats. I've read the bible and only came to one conclusion: it contradicts itself in EVERYTHING. I'm Buddhist.

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 09:45 AM
reply to post by seethelight

Nothing like a little nonsense to make every conversation more confusing. Here's Genesis Chapter 3: 1 Now the serpent was more subtle than any other wild creature that the LORD God had made. He said to the woman, "Did God say, 'You shall not eat of any tree of the garden'?" 2 And the woman said to the serpent, "We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden; 3 but God said, 'You shall not eat of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, neither shall you touch it, lest you die.'" So there goes another uninformed theory out the window... and hey, guess what: 6 So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was to be desired to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate; and she also gave some to her husband, and he ate. Not only did she know, she took it forst and gave it to her husband. So yeah, deny lying through your teeth.

Now i let this go for a while just to see how many others would spot the lie and react to it. Now there was no to many posts here, But what surprised me was there was only one who reacted to the lie. Which if you had read my first post you would have seen that I have read the bible and many others. And take my hat of to you for being the only one who did not listen to the lie. But the rest of the people either skipped it, or just could not be bothered responding to it. Which in a sense tells me that they would have believed what the serpent had said. And not touch the fruit, which goes to show how many people will listen to the devil. Now eve took the fruit, did she die?? Of course not, because if she did die, and you believe the adam and eve story, How do you explain your existence today if eve had died for eating the fruit. Thank you for replying to the lie, a least I know there is one extra person in the world, not listening to Satan. peace

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 02:20 PM
This is how it was explained to me:

Adam and Eve sinned and condemned not only themselves but their entire race to being sinners. It is built into us as descendants. There are two things that will condemn you in the afterlife: The sin IN you (you know, the stuff we inherited) and the sins ON you, or what you do after you gain the knowledge of right from wrong. You choose, from then on, your fate.

The reason for the crucifixion and why it is salvation is this: the Christ has the spirit of God (he was God in the flesh) and no sin in him. He had no sins on him, but took on those sins of any and all. Death is the price of sin. Since he had no sin in him, death only required the sins that he took on him and therefore could not hold him forever: Ta-dah... The Resurrection

What's this have to do with your original gripe? Well, those infants and babies can't be condemned to eternal death until they understand the right and wrong and choose to do the wrong. Infant death does not condemn them. God isn't as cruel as you would think.

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 02:26 PM

Originally posted by calstorm
It doesn't necessarily mean that they have sin, just that that its in their dna to be capable of sin.

Which segment of the human genome is responsible for "sin nature"?

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