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First Australia and New Zealand - now it's Ireland and England in the wrong locations!

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posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 08:25 AM
reply to post by vita eternus

No. It hasnt moved at all.
And neither has Australia and New Zealand.
If anything, if your looking at a World map, where ever it's printed is Often found in the middle.
Here, the UK is in the middle, although ive seen map's where China, Japan are in the center. Or just off center due to the vast Pacific Ocean.
It can be a bit off putting, but no land masses have swaped position over night.

[edit on 28/2/10 by Esrom Escutcheon Esquire]

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 11:09 AM
I don't believe it has moved, i have looked at alot of maps in my time and Ireland has allways been on the west side of the UK.

Strange topic.


posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 04:52 PM
I suppose technically one could claim Ireland was to the east of England if one was prepared to go the long way round

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 06:20 AM
reply to post by vita eternus

hey i live in northern ireland and its always been in the same place ,are you for real because this is the most idiotic thing ive ever read,no offence intended.

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 06:42 AM
All I can say is... what n00b teachers you must have had

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 08:13 AM
I'm from the North of Ireland too...

If the OP's picture was right, we'd all be sleepin with the fishes!

That's Ireland flipped over

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 08:28 AM
Ha ha haaaaa! im typing this now in the West of Ireland! anybody want to know the location of my Country just ask me lol

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 09:10 AM
Unlike the Australia/New Zealand thread only one poster believes Ireland has moved but that does not make it untrue in his memories and his reality.

My memory tellls me that Australia and New Zealand were in a different position than they are today. I come from the UK and I have lived in Australia. I can also read a map and generally for a variety of reasons look at a map at least every year.

People are misunderstanding the nature of the thread, this is peoples memories not the ability to understnad a map or a poor education or mental problems. What we are suggesting is that maybe time is not as fixed as we would like to believe.

As for declaring the thread a hoax surely that is the antitheses of what ATS stands for. Who can say that the belief in ghosts or ufo's or the new world order or a belief in God can actually be proved any more than the fact that time/dimensional shifts might possibly occur.

People are asking for proof but can any one proove any of the above to every one's satisfaction.

At least have an open mind folks and if it is not what you believe at least come up with a good reason why other time streams and a multi universe does not exist and it would be impossible to travel between them than to dismiss it out of hand.

And if the thread is so abhorant to you then don't post in it as you are just fanning the flames.

[edit on 4-3-2010 by keldas]

[edit on 4-3-2010 by keldas]

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 07:13 PM
With threads such as this one, plus these other two

Shocking: New Zealand and Australia are out of their place on the map
Changes I've noticed to the World Map (Timelineshift)

perhaps this is indicative that something unusual really is happening and that it shouldn't simply be ascribed to delusions or lousy geographical knowledge !

posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 02:01 PM
reply to post by Silver Shadow

That's right! Yankee's gave em Boston Baked Beans and look what they've done to the dish! Cumin, chili powder? It's not right I say!

posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 05:26 PM
While I am 100% in the "New Zealand has moved" camp, I can honestly say that Ireland and England are where they have always been for me.
I'm not saying that you're wrong, though. After seeing all the posts about how crazy I am because I'm certain that NZ has moved from where I remember it being, I don't want to make light of someone else's situation.

posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 08:56 PM
Oh man, you think Ireland is bad - when I was little there used to be a completely different planet called Marduk that had careened into ours... where did THAT planet go? Oh, wait... that's right, it's due back on 2012...

Seriously? Do you "hijacked continent" people not realize how insanely difficult it would be for someone to MOVE a freaking continent? The massive earthquakes that would swallow neighboring countries, and the volcanic eruptions that would blot out the sun and lower our planet's temperature would be unmistakable.

~ Wandering Scribe

posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 09:00 PM
Based on many of the replies here, I think that many of the users have misunderstood what you were trying to say/ask (or maybe it's just me). Many of the replies were stating something to the effect that 'no, the map has not changed', but if I am understanding you correctly, this would simply imply that those 'repliers' are still in the same, or a very similar, reality as they were when they saw the map years ago.

I thought that you were suggesting that some/many people might be unknowingly phasing or jumping between different timelines/realities. So maybe in the reality that you were in during highschool, Ireland really was on the other side. This would render irrelevant others remembering it being just were it is in this reality, because every individual's memory would be based on which reality(s) they have experienced.

Honestly, I thought that your suggestion was ridiculous. But just for fun I brought up a word map with no doubt that New Zealand was to the left (west) of Australia, just as it is on the image of the map I have in my head. I don't know what to make of the fact that New Zealand is to the right of Australia, lol. I feel that I most likely remember it wrong, but the truth is that I cannot say for sure.

That's what I like most about your theory/suggestion. It's impossible to prove that it is incorrect.

posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 10:11 PM
There are literally 100's of posts where people are convinced that New Zealand is currently in a different location from where they believed it to be and yet supply absolutely no other substantiating evidence to back up their claims.

Here we have a similar relocation claim being made with the OP claiming that (from their recollection) Ireland was not only in a different location but had significant interaction with the Scandinavian countries due to it's proximity to them.

When I read this, it jogged a memory of school projects that I also did many years ago on the Vikings and I also distinctly remember in one of my drawings, just like the OP claims, of putting Ireland in the North Sea and within spitting distance of the Scandinavian countries, so it came as one heck of a shock to take a look at an atlas and find it in a completely different location from where I distinctly remembered it as being when I did that project ! I also remember putting into my written assignments was that the first Viking raiders from Norway began raiding in 795 on Rathlin Island off the coast of Antrim where a church was burned. Raids continued for around 4 decades, I think but were basically just hit and run attacks. By around 823, the entire Irish coast had been raided by the Vikings and the city of Armagh was attacked on three seperate occasions.
Vikings settlements were also established at various locations. I recall that Dublin was also one of their winter bases.
Their were many battles between the Irish and the Vikings over the years but eventually there was also the start of co-operation. By around 902, extensive cultural assimilation had taken place between the Irish and the Norse. In fact, if I remember correctly the Norse Olaf, king of Dublin actually married the daughter of Áed Finnliath, an Irish king and formally creating an Irish/Norse society.

So what the heck ???? the OP isn't the only one who think Irelands in the wrong place !

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 12:14 AM

Originally posted by vita eternus
I've just been reading that extremely popular thread where increasing number of ATS members are beginning to claim a difference in their perception or recollection of where Australia and New Zealand are located geographically, relative to one another.

I mean, how ridiculous are their claims ? Everyone knows exactly where Australia and New Zealand are on the map !

Obviously not.

Where do you guys come up with this stuff really? Stop buying into every strange thing you here.

When I first came to this wonderful website I was under the impression that the conspiracy theorists tended to buck trendy ideas. Now all I see is rehash after rehash of utter nonsense.

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 11:15 AM
Flipping through the channels the other day, i stopped on the History channel. it was saying something about New Zealand's earthquakes and how it has moved it a TAD closer to Austrialia. This could be the same conclusion for your post lol nothing to work yourself over, just Nature at work.

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 01:54 PM
This thread should be moved to below top secret before people get the wrong idea that we are all a bunch of pot heads with no education and cant point to somewhere so simple as Ireland!

posted on Mar, 19 2010 @ 12:43 AM

Originally posted by grantbeed
Can this get moved into the hoax Forum?

Exactly. Human beings can never have dramatic memory lapses and its well known we all remember everything we learn about geography. The only explanation is that this is a hoax. It is physically impossible for a person to think one thing strongly, but then later realize they are wrong and write about how wrong they are on the internet. Because again, human beings could never think something strongly and then be wrong about it. Therefore, this must be a hoax.

But seriously, it just annoys me to no end that people think someone writing about a dramatic memory lapse should be embarrassing to someone or mean someone is a complete idiot. Highly intelligent people are well known to "space out". C'mon guys, you're basically saying geographic dyslexia is "obviously" a hoax but I doubt you'd be so foolish as to say a writing dyslexia is a hoax. Whats common sense to me is that intelligent people can suffer from dyslexia and therefore it should come as no surprise whatsoever that people out there have it in its geographic form.

Absolutely no surprise, and frankly the attitude of belittling people with a possible minor memory impairment is insulting and even disgusting.

posted on Mar, 19 2010 @ 12:53 AM

Originally posted by afoolbyanyothername
There are literally 100's of posts where people are convinced that New Zealand is currently in a different location from where they believed it to be and yet supply absolutely no other substantiating evidence to back up their claims.

These people are merely telling you what their memory is. So that is their claim... what their memory tells them. The "time shift" idea is just the resulting hypothesis of about 25% of those who have incorrect memories. So what do you want for them to be brain scanned? The whole point of a hypothesis is that you don't need evidence... and if you did have evidence it would be more than a hypothesis.

posted on Mar, 19 2010 @ 12:59 AM

Originally posted by Wandering Scribe
Seriously? Do you "hijacked continent" people not realize how insanely difficult it would be for someone to MOVE a freaking continent?

Nobody on ATS in either the Ireland thread or the New Zealand thread claimed a continent had moved. What they claim is that they are grossly incorrect about the position of various land-masses. Clearly from your postings you'd agree they are wrong about the locations of these land masses, so you shouldn't be throwing such a fit!

You are fighting against a straw man. What you are fighting against is actually a hypothesis that the incorrect recollections are due to "time-shifting". Yet all SOME of them are doing is posting a guess it has to do with "time-shifting" and also claiming its just an idea, but for some reason you seem to think its unacceptable to have such an idea. And the rest of them like myself just believe its a sort of geographic dyslexia. Hopefully this clears things up for you.

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