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First Australia and New Zealand - now it's Ireland and England in the wrong locations!

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posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 01:34 PM
reply to post by Rising Against

How does a thread like this on ATS, threaded under Paranormal discussions discredit the site anymore than threads under this forum that relate to talking trees and the like?

Paranormal is a subject to personal realms of reality. They are all subject to be discredited by anyone who has not experienced them first hand.

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 05:27 PM
Apologies, posted this response to original thread.

[edit on 26-2-2010 by wayaboveitall]

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 05:46 PM
It's pretty simple...

Let me explain,

due to the upcoming poleshift, somepeople allready shifted their own poles
and now see the world different. The northsea will be south of northwestern Europe. Becuase we don't shift in the same time, we would experience some difficulties, especially in future voilance between the Western Countries and the Eastern Countries.

South-East asia will be in the north-west. So if we have a new Great War it would be the most simple to start a World War, just for the sake we would hit our so-called enemies too instead of only our so-called friends. If you just want to flee, it is allright. Just don't stop fleeing otherwise you never know where you are...

I just wonder if we should call the upcoming Easter, Wester, just to be in progress of changing? Anyone?

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 06:03 PM
I have starred those who advocate sending this to the hoax box, although I don't think that is actually severe enough. How about banning the OP and deleting the entire thread altogether. And do it sooner than later so the least number of people will see it.

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 06:06 PM
In regards to this and the OZ/NZ being in the wrong places thread I have one thing to say. Those who are claiming this are obviously suffering from the mental disease known by scientists as the 'Don't know your arse from your elbow syndrome'.

Do check, is your arse were you once thought your elbow was and the other way around?

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 06:10 PM

Originally posted by minute2midnight
Most Americans are so horrible at geography, they can't point to Canada on a map. It doesn't surprise me in the least they can't tell where New Zealand or Ireland are.

It's embarrassing really.

My thoughts exactly!

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 06:27 PM

Originally posted by The Teller
In regards to this and the OZ/NZ being in the wrong places thread I have one thing to say. Those who are claiming this are obviously suffering from the mental disease known by scientists as the 'Don't know your arse from your elbow syndrome'.

Do check, is your arse were you once thought your elbow was and the other way around?

OMG..LMFAO...I just seen this now
...And that sums it up people!

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 06:31 PM

Originally posted by Dumbass

due to the upcoming poleshift, somepeople allready shifted their own poles
and now see the world different. The northsea will be south of northwestern Europe. Becuase we don't shift in the same time, we would experience some difficulties, especially in future voilance between the Western Countries and the Eastern Countries.

Does this explain why South Africa is north of Morocco?

North will become South, Upper will be Lower and Down will be Up

After the pole shift will Chile be known as Hottie and what will happen with North/South Korea? There might be some confusion.

Instead of going down under to Australia we'll be coming up over.

I'll be alright because I live in Upper North Street but most of my friends live in Lower Drakes Bottom. They'll be ....

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 06:51 PM
This is not as stupid as it sounds.

During my military career my unit would fly from our base in the states to a base in southern Europe an then fly back.

On the way there we would stop for fuel in London,England.

On the return trip we stopped at Shannon,Ireland.

You wouldn't believe how many times I had to explain we were not stopping at the first place available,but flying as far as we safely could before refueling.

A lot of the "nimrods" thought Ireland was west of England.

Hopefully the military is a little smarter now.

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 06:57 PM
Actually I think this tread is excellent.

It is an excellent example of what is going on in the conspiracy-truther movements and so it should be put under psychology for that matter. There seems to be an overflow of information and disinformation on all sorts of theories in such a way that even if the "truth" on a conspiracytheory will be put on the net it wouldn't be recognized as truth.

We would still get the same reactions, some say; Hey that is just how I see it, others would say this is BS, throw it away please.So if there would be a conspiracy by a group.... let me tell you, they won! The truthermovement will not be pleased by the truth, just because it hyped and there are too many engaged with the truth and formed their own views.

The US government claims to be willing to stop those movements while they only need to sit back and enjoy the show. The conspiracytheorist will kill themselves by not trusting, and they are right, their fellowmembers.

I allready put this up a little time ago.. It is just a process of mankind. You can only kill conspiracies with conspiracies. We can not do that much about it if we want to be free in thinking and forming our own theories. We could have done something before it got a hype. Hypes kill the true nature of ideas, theories and developments, some for the best some for the worst.

Ok maybe this tread is an reaction to the NZ-australiatread but who cares?? Nowadays sites like this are filled with BS, if you don't see that... Well I love to be you, blessed are the ignorant. You just have to make a choice,are you willing to put your years of theory forming aside because someone else shows you the truth? Are you in a state to recognize it as such? Or are you trying to make your side the truth, and is everything that is usefull, true-info or dis-info just a tool to win in an argument, to make it true?

I know I'm not on the Topic of the OP, but I sure am on topic, just read between the lines of all treads. It becomes clear. I just wonder what some of ATS guru's think about this, we allready know that their followers will believe, them!

I totally agree to put BS in BTS, butwho decides what is BS, if we would vote, like in democracy we would not get it right. Only the people envolved could do that, if and only if they have the overview of the total truth AND are willing to put their opinions aside to explain the overview of the truth. Even if they are I am not convinced that the consious of man is developed enough to grasp that.

So you tell me what is actually not BS?

(I totally accept some good one liners after this, followed by "second line

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 07:00 PM
reply to post by Gutman

Exactly you get it!

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 07:54 PM
reply to post by Gutman

Fun thing is that central america will still be central america,

the same as central asia

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 08:10 PM

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 08:51 PM
reply to post by vita eternus

hahahaha wtf... are you serious or is this a joke?? lmao

ireland has ALWAYs been in the IRISH sea / atlantic ... not the north sea...

ireland = west , north sea = east!

its the way its always been


posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 09:07 PM
reply to post by vita eternus

vita eternus.....

I believe you saw all the stars & flags awarded to the op who started the "NZ is in the wrong place" thread & you decided to start this nonsensical thread for only that reason.

I believe this sort of thing cheapens ATS.

I recently introduced a friend to ATS. When that friend noticed the "NZ is in the wrong place" thread, it demeaned the whole site.

This thread should be assigned to the hoax forum, as should all future threads regarding this nonsensical topic.

Maybe...maybe not

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 02:40 AM
I've got an Idea.

If people who've got Ireland/England or Australia/New Zealand switched up in their head would draw a map of the world from memory, without looking at a map, and then post the result on ATS, we should get a clear picture about how accurate their mental model of the world is.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 07:52 AM

Originally posted by Oneolddude

A lot of the "nimrods" thought Ireland was west of England.

Ireland is west of England

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 07:49 PM
reply to post by vita eternus

nope they are still in the same spot as they have been for a while i think all the people who were thinking thesze places are just not great with geography or like everyone all out memories can be different from what we thought we remember but no none of these places have changed places like in the new zeland thread i have a 70+ year old globe and they are in the same spots, im not tryin to put anyone on here down except the disinfo and government people, but over thinking this stuff dont worry about it, they aint jumping around the globe lol

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 08:35 PM
reply to post by vita eternus

Unlike most that have replied, I'll sympathize.

First off, I'll say that Ireland is where it has always been, to the west of England.

Second off, This doesn't seem as crazy. I was considering starting a thread similar, except pertaining to Easter Island. Watching the news today, they mentioned and pointed it out on the map, but it was WAY closer to South America then I previously remember. I haven't looked further into this yet, as I think my mind was just mixed up.

But in your defense, everyone giving you hell for this is kind of immature. This is ATS...we stand for threads about aliens and ghosts and bigfoot and 9/11, bible code you name it.

But somebody thinks Ireland is in a different spot and OH CRAP SOMEBODY IS WRONG ON THE INTERNET!

The OP could be trying to get our goat (will be awfully hard as I do not have one) but to assume this is the intent brings down ATS more then having a thread like this.

Honestly, threads with topics like these make ATS special. We all get our own viewpoint.

[edit on 2/27/2010 by iamsupermanv2]

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 08:18 AM
I may have a solution.....
An atlas,in a normal sized book has to have countries shoved up together or printed really small-bits that didn't fit in would be parked in a dotted line box near the margin.The bits that didn't fit would usually be superimposed over an ocean,in a random place-the author,quite sensibly,assuming the reader would in fact know the correct geographical location of said bit.

Perhaps it's the fault of the teachers?

Maybe they didn't realize that some people would actually need to have it explained.

As an example....I have a Brazilian colleague-recently we were talking about Brazil,he said to me"Do you know how big Brazil is?"...not having thought about it,I said"mmmm...twice as big as Germany?"

Ha!It's FORTY times bigger than Germany!It's a little over four thousand kilometers N to S and E to W!

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