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posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 02:18 PM

Originally posted by Jack Squat
I'm not a "truther" or a "truster"; I'm an "on the fencer".

What I will say, is the 9/11 debate has been on-going for quite some time now, and it doesn't seem like either side of the debate is really winning the argument. There's points and counter-points constantly thrown back and forth, and neither is 100% convincing.

That said, I don't see any reason NOT to do a new investigation. What's the harm? If anything, the hesitance in doing so is only fueling the "truther" side of the debate. If there's nothing to hide, then why not look into the situation?

First, and probably foremost, there is no debate in the wider world. Only here in cyberspace and only on a few isolated websites and forums. There is no great popular outcry about this subject. For the population at large this is a settled issue.

Second, a "new investigation" would settle nothing. If it was conducted by any governmental body and the result was anything but the metaphysically impossible conclusion that all the "truthers" were right, there would just be continued cry of "shennanigans" and calls for more investigation. If the investigation was condcuted by "truthers" then they would demand the same power as an investigating governmental agency, and that isn't going to happen in this democracy - we do not lend out subpeona power willy nilly.

I have often invited "truthers" to first do their own scientific investigation. There are plenty of excellent models in the private sector. But, this will never happen. Way too many super egos in that world, no one would want to be left out and no "theory" could be passed over as to silly to contemplate. If any are, then they would just split off to form the new "truther" minority demanding their own investigation. It is an irreconcilable conflict, not because there isn't an answer but because there is no real desire to seek a firm conclusion. Do you really think the conmen that go around and "lecture" on 9/11 really want a new conclusive investigation, or having one would abide by the result?

Its not and shouldn't happen. I also say shouldn't because ultimately this kind of investigation - whether in the public or private sprhere will eventually decend into a fingerpointing demonstration and those fingers are going to get pointed at a lot of innocent people and organizations and there will be no recourse for them.

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 02:18 PM
reply to post by billybob

the ONLY way for there to be "freefall speed" (properly, acceleration due to gravity) is if there is NOTHING below to impact.

Well there's a fallacy.... that's not the only way to achieve an eventual freefall.

Doesn't matter if you say it in capitals, or whatever, it still doesn't make it true.

[edit on 24-2-2010 by john124]

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 02:19 PM

Originally posted by butcherguy
It's what us 'non-engineers' don't have. When you have put in your time after college, you get to carry a card that says that you are a Professional Engineer!
P.S.: It doesn't come with the degree.

No. It's what US engineers receive.....not engineers from Scottland as Bigyun is from.

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 02:19 PM
reply to post by daddio

the doors blew out at around the same time, and maybe even BEFORE the planes hit.
so, the vacuum theory is unjustified.
it is also unjustified, because even in a vacuum, things can only be pulled/pushed by gravity at 9.8m/s squared.
they still fell "wrong", though, for it to be a natural collapse.

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 02:22 PM

Originally posted by john124
reply to post by billybob

the ONLY way for there to be "freefall speed" (properly, acceleration due to gravity) is if there is NOTHING below to impact.

Well there's a fallacy.... that's not the only way to achieve an eventual freefall.

Doesn't matter if you say it in capitals, or whatever, it still doesn't make it true.

i use capitals to emphasize words i would speak louder if i was talking. think of it as music.

now, please, correct me. what are the other ways for something to fall through solids at the same rate as through air?

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 02:24 PM
reply to post by daddio

have you even the right answer for your question,

here's something that all should read to find out these answers.

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 02:25 PM
reply to post by billybob

they still fell "wrong", though, for it to be a natural collapse.

Nothing's natural about a hole in the side of a building caused by a plane crash that led to the collapse.

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 02:25 PM
reply to post by billybob

what are the other ways for something to fall through solids at the same rate as through air?

Haven't you been reading??? I've explained it, and one other poster explained it on page 10.

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 02:26 PM

Originally posted by john124
reply to post by billybob

if you passed your physics class

Here come the ad-hominem attacks, as usual.

If you actually passed that class, you could demonstrate it here. I took it and I remember everything from it. Kinematics, work, energy, momentum, vectors, all that fun stuff. It's like a language in its own right. If you can't speak that language, that's not 'ad hominem', that's your fault.

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 02:27 PM

Originally posted by Nutter

Originally posted by butcherguy
It's what us 'non-engineers' don't have. When you have put in your time after college, you get to carry a card that says that you are a Professional Engineer!
P.S.: It doesn't come with the degree.

No. It's what US engineers receive.....not engineers from Scottland as Bigyun is from.
I am not claiming to be an engineer, Bigyin was chiding me for NOT being an engineer, when he is NOT one himself, 'Scottland' or otherwise.
He says he is referred to as an Engineer Technician.

In the US, garbage collectors are referred to as sanitary engineers.

Hence the importance of your PE!

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 02:31 PM

Originally posted by butcherguy
He says he is referred to as an Engineer Technician.

I at one time was refered to as an engineer technician. While I was called this, I possessed a BS in Civil Engineering....hence a REAL engineer.

Hence the importance of your PE!

No, the imortance of the PE is so that we have the ability to stamp (approve) a drawing. Meaning put our name on the line.

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 02:32 PM
I'm going to be conspiratorial for a moment because I feel it will provide a different view point on all of the ongoing 911 revelations. While I love good news, there is some good news that has a negative flip side.

While there are times I sometimes feel that head way is being made on the 911 incident, there are also times that I am reminded that under no circumstances will those that perpetuated 911 in any way are going to allow anyone to find out who the guilty players of 911 are. This can not be allowed because it would lead to the guilty and they do not want to be discovered.

When I think this, I then add this thought to some other 911 issues and that is when I am reminded that before such a group of evil 911 criminals being led by obviously someone very sinister and intelligent will do something to protect themselves from any group or groups that collectively come together to investigate 911. Most especially those groups that are being successful and gathering media and public attention as in this case.

They obviously are smart enough to know when danger lurks too close to anyone discovering the truth of 911 and who those players are, so if the heat does get too hot, this is what could happen in the near future if the criminals get desperate to protect their futures.

The next time some large group of 911 experts and professionals get together to discuss 911 at some convention center and share notes is when I would think that the evil 911 culprits will strike again. This time killing all those that have the evidence and the expertise necessary to prove their point of hypothesis. A strike directly where the experts come together and in such a way, killing the majority of those involved in proving that 911 was an inside job.

One big attack would require one big effort to wipe out everyone and even if someone crawls out of the rubble and continues their quest for the truth to 911 and why such buildings collapsed like they did they will not pursue such a quest the same after such a near life incident.

I know this is a negative thought process, but if I can think of it, then the 911 masterminds have also done so and probably did it a whole lot further back in time than I. Since I am playing catchup, I just hope that this concern gets shared in all the right circles to all those that "GET TOGETHER" to share notes and professional concerns regarding anything to do with 911.

Being too public with professional gathering dealing with 911 is a weakness that will lead to being targeted by such evil groups and as such being attacked in such groups will make it easy for the guilty criminals to hide their crimes while someone blames it on terrorist from a cave in Afghanistan.

Be careful and don't be so set on so much public attention because it's akin to hanging a pork chop around your neck and wondering why the pit bulls are starting to look at you like you might just be a good meal. While the truth of 911 is important, those so involved in any investigating should be careful from gathering in large groups of similar like minded professionals.

That's my food for thought. Thanks for the posting.

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 02:36 PM

Originally posted by Nutter

Originally posted by butcherguy
He says he is referred to as an Engineer Technician.

I at one time was refered to as an engineer technician. While I was called this, I possessed a BS in Civil Engineering....hence a REAL engineer.

Hence the importance of your PE!

No, the imortance of the PE is so that we have the ability to stamp (approve) a drawing. Meaning put our name on the line.
If your PE means so little to you, don't use your stamp anymore!
You are in the minority if your means so little to you. No one has to prove that to me, I know enough engineers to be certain that their PE was a goal that they intended to reach to be a full-fledged engineer.
After that it's office politics.

Couldn't stamp a paper?
Couldn't put your name on the line?
Then you are doing someone's work for them, instead of the other way around.
Degree=real engineer?
No PE= someones step and fetch it!

[edit on 24-2-2010 by butcherguy]

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 02:37 PM
reply to post by bsbray11

If you actually passed that class, you could demonstrate it here.

Actually I have explained it before on other threads. The reponse I got was "lalalalalalalalalaaaa... I cannnn't hear you".

I took it and I remember everything from it. Kinematics, work, energy, momentum, vectors, all that fun stuff.

I never said that you haven't.

It's like a language in its own right. If you can't speak that language, that's not 'ad hominem', that's your fault.

Hmmm, actually it is an ad-hominem attack, because you are making personal attacks. Rather childish that you blame others for your pettiness.

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 02:42 PM
I think that TPTB feel confident that this issue will never make it to the Grand Jury; Other more "worldly" issues arising before that. Look fof the False Flag!!--any time now. China and Iran left alone are no threat-just like that friggin' bee buzzing around yer ears. What's that? No Bees?

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 02:43 PM

Originally posted by hooper

There is no great popular outcry about this subject. For the population at large this is a settled issue.

Totally agree..... the population at large knows 9-11 was an inside job...

Second, a "new investigation" would settle nothing.

WRONG!! A real investigation, and not a cover-up, would settle everything...

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 02:55 PM
reply to post by john124

can you provide a link to these posts, bacause i've read all of page 10 and can't find this alledged explanation.

i swear you guys just try to make threads long and unbearable to increase the noise to signal ratio.

here's a link to my post that proves what i am saying. it's at the top of page ten.

edit to add:

P.S. if people don't stop discussing their credentials, i'm going to call for moderation.
i'm not an engineer, but i passed basic college year one physics with flying colours.
that is enough to be able to read what real engineers are saying, and recognise the underlying principals and physical laws that are relevant.
the last bunch of times that i've gone to the doctors they've been wrong, and i figured out by myself what the problems were. a peanut allergy was diagnosed as "pink eye" despite repeated attempts to tell the doctor the person had never been exposed to peanuts before that day, and the onset was sudden, and they were in contact with no others who had pink eye. another was i was diagnosed allergic to the sun, when actually i had a reaction, whether allergenic or toxic, to an insecticide.

doctors are not always "smarter" and more "right" than the patient, and engineers are not smarter or more right than laymen simply because they went to school.
i know an engineer who did nothing but cheat his way through university. he was an excellent cheater, but i would hate to have to be anywhere near anything he engineered. (luckily, he became a salesman after he left school. whew)

[edit on 24-2-2010 by billybob]

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 03:10 PM
It's the mainstream ground that the 911 movement is gaining that is driving Glenn Beck in to 100% offense mode. Little does he know but he's attacking the majority of his supporters.

Like with the recently peaked market a few years back, so starts the rapid decline of Fox. Fox & CNN will be tied for first place in a last place medium.

Answer the questions folks. Answer the GD questions.

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 03:16 PM
I really can't beleive some people these days i think they are scared to think for themselves and rather they beleive what there owners want them too. None of you were witnesses to that day so how can you call it a lie or the truth. Hundreds of thousands of witnesses who were IN the trade center heard explosions before the plane hit before the fires started so please tell them that they are liars and that it didnt happen. . So why didnt the trade centers fall from the first bombing back in the day it had fire too? And for those who say the buildings integrity was reduced by fire and burning gas? The building smoldered for hours how does a smoldering fire bring down steel columns at a perfect angle? Why couldnt we inspect the steel after it came down? Why was it elted down and made into a war ship? WTC wasnt evn hit but yet they knew it was gonna come down before it did on live tv... if you think that makes sense then you have no sense. Your a follower . If i go and commit a mass murder tomorrow ill be found in 24 hours. But they cant find one person thats supposidly the person that organized this attack? That worked for us... really come on. People are scared to be diffrent. OMG your a truther because you want to know the full truth.. Get off the gas when did wanting to kno the truth come with prosicutions and stupid names? truther? You cant tell me that it wasnt a inside job becuase the bombs went off from inside what dont you get? We will never know how they got there if we dont find the truth.. Wtc 7 came down just like the trade centers. and many political figures have been recored many times saying we pulled it? meaning brought it down? You people dont look at facts. just want to argue about who is a stupid truther and how every truth has been debunked..If it made sense we wouldnt be arguing about it rite now so obviously something isnt right..

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 03:22 PM
reply to post by billybob
I would like to apologize for my part in that credentials 'thing'.
That was a very good post you put up there. Star for that.
I am sorry for the off topic crap.....
...........and gone.

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