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Aliens wrote the Quran? ... Proof it wasn't written by Humans..

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posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 10:50 PM
If you could redo your post or maybe provide a link to something with your research except in Arabic that would be great. I don't trust a blasted thing "quoting" the Quran unless it's in Arabic. As everyone knows the old style Arabic which the Quran is written in is far more complex to translate than modern Arabic. Not to mention the heretical nature of translating the Quran in the first place. I'd be very interested to read your research in Arabic in any case.

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 11:00 PM
reply to post by seattletruth

Most to not say all of the religious books just sound like translations/adaptations of the ancient Egyptian and Sumerian texts.

Honestly I don't see anything too special in there, at least not something that isn't already present on Genesis or other "ancient" religious texts in one shape or another anyway.

And the Qur'an is relatively new if you put it into perspective. By the time it was allegedly written the Mayans already had some pretty advanced math and hugely precise calendar that still is more precise than ours.

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 11:44 PM
It's funny when people make comments like "must be from a computer, humans can't make those kinds of calculations!" Who exactly created computers? Who oversees the creation, maintenance and functioning of computer systems? I thought it was humans...maybe it was actually aliens.

To me it just seems like Islam's way of making Aliens/ETs "fit" in with scripture of their Holy Texts. All religions try to do this as evidence of ET life becomes more profound with each year that passes.

Also, just wanted to ask the OP about this quote from the Quran:

51:47 We constructed the universe with might, and We are expanding it.

Who is "We" referring to? Does this verse state that Allah created Aliens that worked together to create the Universe?

[edit on 21/2/2010 by Dark Ghost]

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 12:01 AM
reply to post by Dark Oracle

Bro, I don't blame you for your mistrust in English translations. No translations can really be trusted. I have read countless translations and found errors in many. If you go to you can not only view 5 translations of the same verse at once, but the original Arabic and transliteration (Arabic in English letters). Just type the verse # into the search field, and it will pop up (ie 45:15).

BTW, the Monotheist translation listed on that site isthe best I have found.

Just type in the verse numbers I listed. Hope that helps.

[edit on 22-2-2010 by seattletruth]

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 01:13 AM
So the devil is an alien? Because even muhammed said that he was visited by demons, and your gut instinct is usually the right one. The following passages from the New Testament even warn people of falsehood of islam, and mormonism as well:

2 Corinthians 11:14: And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades an angel of light.

Galatian 1:8: But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let him be eternally condemned!

Take what you want from it, but it seems to be a warning about people who would come later in 'G*D's name' but were really agents of evil.

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 02:26 AM
"However, I must assure you that the (original) Bible is not the product of the scribes imagination - nor is it embellished. There was much truth in it. I say was because in the various councils of the Roman Catholic Church, the Bible has been greatly revised, for reasons which are clear: to serve the needs of Christianity. This is why I said yesterday, that religions are one of the curses of Earth. I must also enlighten you in regard to several other biblical points. Shortly after the arrival of the Hebrews on Earth, we helped them on several occasions. We also punished them. For example, the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah was caused by one of our space vehicles. The people of those two towns were presenting a bad example and acting dangerously for the people in contact with them. We tried various means in an endeavor to put them back on the right track, but in vain. We had to be ruthless.

Each time that you read in the Bible: "And the Lord God said this or that - you should read and the inhabitants of Thiaoouba said....". God has never spoken to humans. In the oldest available text, the Hebrew version of the Bible Yehova is one of many synonyms for God. All other translations mix them up completely - replacing the exact names by Father or God. From the Hebrew version it is clear that it was Yehova who talked to people, appeared in the human form, made miracles and not God. From the information contained in this it is clear that God is God ,The Great Spirit, and Yehova = Thiaoouba. In the context of this single detail, the entire Bible makes much more sense and becomes fascinating reading.

Why not save them in the beginning and take them back to their planet or to another of the same category?

That is, of course, a reasonable question, but there is a snag. We cant predict the future more than 100 years in advance. We thought, at the time, that, being such a small group, they might not survive and, if they did, they would mix with other races and thus be absorbed by other peoples and rendered impure. We guessed that this would occur within a century - but such was not the case. Even now, as you know, the race is still almost as pure as it was 12 000 years ago.

As I told you, by means of religious councils, priests erased or changed many things in the Bible, but others survived and can easily be explained. The first generations of people described in the Bible lived up to 900 years.

In Chapter 18, verse (1) the scribe refers to our appearance at that time, saying: The Lord God appeared unto him among the oaks of Mamre as he sat at the entrance to his tent in the heat of day. The scribe is speaking of Abraham in this chapter.

(2) He, Abraham, looked up and saw three men standing nearby.

When he saw them he ran to them and fell to the ground before them.

(3) And he said, Lord and master, if I have found grace in your eyes, I beg you not to go far from your servant. Abraham invites the three men to stay. The scribe refers to them as men one minute and yet one of them is also called the Lord God. He speaks to them and each time, it is the one referred to as the Lord God who replies. Now, the priests of the Roman Catholic Church find this in formal contradiction with their views, as do many other religions, for they will tell you that no one can imagine the face of God - that one would be blinded by it. In a sense they are right, since the Creator, being a pure spirit, has no face!

According to the scribe, Abraham converses with the Lord God as he would with a high ranking lord on Earth. And the Lord God answers him and is accompanied by two other men - the scribe does not speak of angels. Isnt it odd that God comes down to Earth in the form of a man, accompanied, not by angels, but by men? Actually, there, and in many other places in the Bible, it is easy for someone of good faith to see that God has never spoken to any human being. He could not have done so, since it is astral bodies which aspire towards Him and not God who leans towards them. That would be like a river flowing backwards - you have never seen a river flowing from the sea to the mountaintop, have you? A passage from the Bible, two pages further on from the one just mentioned, is also quite amusing: Chapter 19, verse (1): The two angels arrived in Sodom, and Lot was seated at the gates to Sodom. When Lot saw them, he rose to go and kiss the ground in front of them - then he manages to get them to go to his house, and suddenly, in verse five, They called Lot and said to him: Where are the men who entered your house?. Now the scribe is referring to them as men. Next, in verse (10), The men reached out, made Lot come inside and closed the door. (11) And they struck blind everyone at the entrance to the house, from the smallest to the largest person, so that it was useless for them to try to find the door.

It is easy to see the lack of precision in this passage, where the scribe begins by speaking of two angels, then speaks of two men, and then describes two men striking people blind. According to the Bible, such a miracle requires at least an angel! There my dear, is another good example of confusion in Earthly scripts. The men were quite simply our men from Thiaoouba.

Thus we guided and helped the Jews, for it would have been a shame to let a race so spiritually evolved sink back into ignorance and savagery only because it had accidentally committed the error of coming to a planet which was not appropriate for it." Thoa from the Book the Thiaoouba Prophecy by Michel Desmarquet

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 03:12 AM
reply to post by seattletruth

sorry, I didnt mean the Islam

I meant religion as all of them

I dont know a religion that says that to question things is good, to research things is good

almost every religion says that we cant question its own "teachings" since they are the universal truth, thats just nuts

if you use your brain, you will notice that religion is the perfect weapon against evolution of our minds and society as a whole and the perfect way to control our society, since you need to follow orders, you need to follow teachings and never question anything, neither research about it, since, remember, if you dont, you will not have sex in the afterlife

as chad would say, child please!

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 03:26 AM
reply to post by seattletruth

FASCINATING stuff here seattletruth!

Very informative and enlightening.

Unfortunately, trolls will dismiss you without even reading the op, but such is the pitfalls of message boards and ATS.

Thank you. Brilliant stuff!

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 03:40 AM
reply to post by seattletruth

One of the least evidence filled false-proofs I've seen on ATS.

That's not proof.

If that's the kind of proof you require you're prolly not actually an atheist.

The atheists I know have much higher standards. Fact.

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 04:09 AM
Some of the Indian epics are a couple of thousand years older than the Quran and contain all sorts of references to scientific knowledge that we assume only modern man possesses. These epics also speak of flying ships that could roam the galaxy as well as traverse Earth's skies with lightning speed, fanatasic weaponry , and wars amongst the "angels" or "aliens" with humanity caught in the middle.

The story is pretty much the same in many ancient texts - a race of advanced beings headed by a leader fast forwared human evolution via tampering with us genetically. A rebel faction interferred with the creation, was exiled and demonized for their actions. The two opposing factions of this one race were frequently in conflict with each other much like the Arabs and Israeli's are in our time. If you can step outside of the religious terminology then the story seems to be about a divided ET race warring over humankind , NOT about some Supreme Being of the entire universe and his nemesis.

I can't quite envision some supreme being of the universe handing out orders for his legions to carry out warfare on a bunch of "rebel beings" but I CAN imagine a pi$$ed off president of an alien race sanctioning such attacks on the dissidents of the race he presides over.........

So, if as I suspect , the ancient texts are relaying a classic tale of good guys versus bad guys,and the Earth is currently in the grip/control of the "fallen ones" then where are the "good guys"...? The texts all seem to expect a return of the gods and some anticipate some sort of final showdown but there is NO guarantee that the winning faction would be the so called good-guys.

And how "good" IS a race of alien beings that took it upon themselves to genetically tamper with a fledgling race to begin with ? I mean who the hell do they think they are ? It's the equivalent of a bunch of human scientists in the year 2400 happening across a world inhabited by primitive beings, deciding that "oh what an interesting experiement this could be, what an opportunity for us to road test our latest genetic skills".

Perhaps the "greys" are the worker-drones of this race of genetecists, undertaking a mission to UPGRADE the original design. It is widely reported in ancient texts that the "angels" or "gods" resembled the race of ETs we called the NORDICS. The greys may just be their workers, a race of clones created by them AFTER the ETs originally designed us. Millenia have gone by since we were first tampered with, the creator race would surely by now have made all sorts of leaps and bounds with their own technology. This may include a way to "perfect" us more in accordance with their original plans for the hybrid species that we are.............? Or perhaps a way to "restore" our perfection after the rebel race's interference with our gene pool introduced after they began procreating with us "sullied" the original design..........?

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 04:40 AM
Not only that, but here's something that's equally interesting. It goes one step further. Found this thread on ATS....

Koran Mentions Worm Holes Through Which Aliens Will Invade Earth!

Originally posted by mikesingh

I haven’t read the Koran myself, but here’s something that's pretty intriguing. According to Islamic teachings, there are many other planets that support life and exist throughout the universe.

It also mentions that some of the aliens on these planets will invade Earth one day! And they’ll use wormholes for travel to Earth!

There is a wormhole right here on Earth that connects Earth with another planet. One day the creatures on that planet will use this wormhole to invade Earth: Allah gave a method of transportation to his angels throughout the universe. The Quran calls them ‘Maarej’ (Quran 70.3) and describes how angels use them for long distance travel. Today Moslems know that these ‘Maarej’ is what scientists call wormholes.

Muslims also believe that wormholes were not only used by their prophet and angels, (Quran 17.1) but also by hostile alien races called ‘Yagog and Magog’.

This clan came from BEYOND the two dams that a human called ‘Thu Al-Karnein’ built. He built two iron dams; one at each end of a Meraaj. The ends of this Meraaj look like two shells (exactly like modern science describes the doorways of a wormhole):

Courtesy Speed-light

Thu Al-Karnein brought iron blocks and split them equally between the two ends of this Meraaj. He melted the iron into two dams, one dam at each end. Once this Meraaj became inaccessible to that clan they could no longer wreak havoc on Earth. Yagog and Magog are trapped beyond the two dams but not on Earth; they are trapped on another planet. Someday these dams will break and Yagog and Magog will invade Earth from that planet and will wreak havoc on Earth again.

Now that’s interesting! Have the Yagog and Magog returned? Is the havoc and bloodshed unleashed by terrorists now being witnessed in many parts of the world anything to do with this? Are they being controlled by the Yagog and Magog to do their bidding? And how about the financial meltdown?

Things can't get any worse than this, what?


It does seem that there's more than meets the eye in the Koran!

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 04:42 AM
reply to post by seattletruth

"Many critical thinkers believe that all religions are completely fabricated man-made lies that were invented in order to give power to evil men."

ST congradulations on another fine does my heart good to wittiness the transition of someone from Atheist (closed eyed) to a long as you hold true to yor name you will continually be amazed at what is "out there" waiting to be discovered.
I copy/pasted the above portion because that is the most common starting point of most "Truth seekers". Non-conformist...sick of the "status quo" we are expected to eat hog slop and like it and expect us to ask for more.
You've have taken the first step of a very long journey upon your self to find your own version or revelation of truth.
The only caveat I would offer to you is this; the information that you have discovered is not unique to the Quran and the Teachings of Muhammed, there are prophet like characters older than the Islamic and Christian prophets that the "west" recognizes today. All that you have posted so far has been recorded in older cultures and part of many old religious organizations.
If you keep your mind, eye and heart open you will find many examples of "knowledge"that pre-dates our present western culture as many have done on this thread. My post is different as I applaud your self chosen destiny and wish you good luck in you adventure to enlightenment!

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 04:57 AM
This was a very good attempt, however I believe that most of that knowledge was common during that era.

If you have studied more than one religion and if you have looked in to alternatives such as Sitchin then you would know that the knowledge of the universe expanding, the rotation of the earth, placement of the planets and more was common knowledge.

As a matter of fact there is still documented evidence on sumerian tablets that state all that you have just used as proof of aliens.

The numbers are pretty cool, however the bible code is also cool and isn't as common as most people think. The likely hood of finding accurate information pertaining to events that happened or will happen in the same vicinity is highly unlikely. And to find more than just one in a volume of text decreases the odds dramatically. Finding number patterns is cool and there might be a subconscious reason for us to have written in that pattern. Before making a claim you should research more then one thing and find out if it's possible for people to write in this fashion without even knowing it.

I know that people in prison tend to use number codes in letters written in an amazing fashion and if their messages are inspired by god then WOW.

Now I am not knocking your religion, I respect the Muslims, Jews, Christians, and other religions. I just think that we can think of this logically before making huge claims.

In my personal opinion there has to be a god even if we believe in string theory and the big bang and anything else. Otherwise how did the beginning of those happen? There had to be a creator of the first thing. Science states that there is no such thing as perpetual energy, so apparently there had to be a creator that applied the first initial energy to create all the energy that exists.

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 05:01 AM
reply to post by OrionHunterX

Yes I spotted that thread a few days ago, v. interesting. There's a similarity between this concept and that of "stargates". There's an ATS-er on here who started a huge thread about stargates, "UNDO" is her name I think.

We know that star ships have been in earth's skies for a very long time, it isn't just a modern day phenomena. I'm guessing that the faction connected to the ships reported in our era may belong to the "fallen ones" or "rebels" as I prefer to call them...the ones who were basically exiled and have influenced/controlled humanity from the shadows for millenia. The so called "good guys" may be unable to get here until a certain time when the star gate/portal/wormhole becomes traversable ??? This would suggest the greys are actually working for the "rebel" faction who have their own plans for genetically upgrading with the creation.

There seems to be a big expectation amongst secret societies and ancient wisdom texts for some sort of "event" in 2012. I suspect this would connect to a more widespread unveling of the ET reality but that those who are "revealed" are the very ones who have been in our skies for a long long time. This would tie in with the Share International agenda to prepare the world for the arrival of Maitreya and the "Ascended Masters" who they tell us have all sorts of super-powers, and shortly after this preparation for the "space brothers" to reveal themselves fully.

If the fallen ones/rebels are gearing up for some major revealing around 2012 then sometime after this we could expect a 2nd presence on earth - the "good guy" faction arriving for the showdown that some ancient texts expect. The fledgling human-ET alliance established in the couple of years after 2012 would band together to "fight the enemy", an events that some say the entertainment industry has been priming the masses for - the same "threat" former president Ronald Reagan alluded to in his famous speech.

If you google "Illuminati timeline 2009-2016 " you will see how this fits in quite neatly with the christian 7 year trib period which would mean 2012 for the first stage (rebel revealing) and 2016 for the showdown.

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 05:18 AM
reply to post by karl 12

Trouble with your "debunk Islam" site, is all the debunkers have no accurate knowledge or understanding of the things they think they are debunking. They don't take the time to examine anything they just start "debunking". One can do this for anything and everything.

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 05:32 AM

Originally posted by Faiol
reply to post by seattletruth

sorry, I didnt mean the Islam

I meant religion as all of them

I dont know a religion that says that to question things is good, to research things is good

almost every religion says that we cant question its own "teachings" since they are the universal truth, thats just nuts

if you use your brain, you will notice that religion is the perfect weapon against evolution of our minds and society as a whole and the perfect way to control our society, since you need to follow orders, you need to follow teachings and never question anything, neither research about it, since, remember, if you dont, you will not have sex in the afterlife

as chad would say, child please!

Maybe you didn't read the quote from the Quran I sent you in my last reply to you; Islam specifically states that you need to use your own brain and come to your own conclusions:

[17:36] You shall not accept any information, unless you verify it for yourself. I have given you the hearing, the eyesight, and the brain, and you are responsible for using them.

Furthermore, no clerical hierarchy is specified in Islam because nobody except God has power. No Imam has a closer connection to God than you. No intercessor is required.

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 05:43 AM

Originally posted by Thiaoouba Prophecy
This is why I said yesterday, that religions are one of the curses of Earth. I must also enlighten you in regard to several other biblical points. Shortly after the arrival of the Hebrews on Earth, we helped them on several occasions. We also punished them. For example, the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah was caused by one of our space vehicles.

No offense to you personally, but I find it hilarious and ironic that you find it hard to believe in religion yet believe the Thiaooouba cult sorry prophecy...

God has never spoken to any human being. He could not have done so, since it is astral bodies which aspire towards Him and not God who leans towards them.

And tell God what he can and can not do..?

Hm maybe Mel Brooks was right, there's Jeeeews, in outer space!

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 05:47 AM
Interresting topic.

But what really bothers me ist the fact that almost any religion gives God a gender.

God doesnt have a gender.

I cant take anyone serious refering to God as "He" or "she"

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 06:06 AM

Originally posted by Dynamitrios
Interresting topic.

But what really bothers me ist the fact that almost any religion gives God a gender.

God doesnt have a gender.

I cant take anyone serious refering to God as "He" or "she"

Allah DOES NOT have a gender.

It is the personal identification of THE God. Whereas you can have Gods, Godess, a God, you cannot have Allahs, Allahess, an Allah.

Allah is unique, not bind to gramatical values, no gender. One. Indivisible.

The "he" (arabic "hu") is only used in semantic form without gender meaning.

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 06:21 AM
Man. Holy my preconceptions rule my mind batman!
I disagree, since I am a fan of X-Man comics I conclude only Professor Xavier could have written it!


Critical thinking is not being applied when you allow your bias's limit the possibilities you will consider.....

[edit on 22-2-2010 by Watcher-In-The-Shadows]

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