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Aliens wrote the Quran? ... Proof it wasn't written by Humans..

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posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 07:37 PM

Originally posted by Romantic_Rebel
reply to post by seattletruth

As much as I like your thread. Many people forget that a lot of these Books, Like the Gospel, Quran and such are directed toward the prophets from God's Angels. Like Gabriel delivered God's message to Muhammad. What do you think Angel's are? Aliens, Humans from the future?

Personally I believe that Angels are extra-dimensional beings that are the servants of God. In the Quran it states that Satan was an angel.... And also states that Satan is made from fire (like jinn beings). Therefor angels are energy beings.

However, technically because they are living beings which are not from the earth, the angels are still ALIENS by definition.

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 07:41 PM
I think all ancient religious texts have some truth to them. Unfortunately, they were written at a time when man was very primitive, incapable of understanding a fraction of what our preschoolers understand today. My 3 year old son sees a digital camera as an everyday device. If you showed this to someone thousands of years ago, they would have called you a god and bathed you in creamy milk.

These ancient texts and even artwork show and reference "beings" from the sky. They had no idea what this was, how to comprehend it or explain it - thus, it was called "God". Today, we are capable of understanding what this is -- scientifically advanced beings from another place in the galaxy. They were the ones that created life on this planet, and eventually us in their own image. We will do the same one day.

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 07:50 PM
I couldn't even get through the entireity of your text because as I read it, I thought to myself, I have already read this, but i have never read the whole Qu'ran.....something seemed very familiar, yet different. Oh yeah, this text the Qu'ran seems to be alot like the Bible...just re-worded enough to be called a different text. Kind of like someone that makes a song that is obviously a rip off of another song but because they change it just enough that it can't be called the same song. Considering the Bible was written about 650 years AFTER the last books of the Bible were completed, I am beginning to feel that the Christian Bible was a dirent inspiration to the completion of this book. Furthermore there are some things you didn't mention, this book has some pretty out of date ideas such as the flatness of the earth (like Christopher Columbus).

The Koran says that the earth is flat and its mountains are like poles which create a balance so that the Earth does not tilt.

The Koran says that moon was cut in half by Muhammad (54:1). Was he referring to a "half moon" How Muhammad actually did this, we are not told. Why no one else in the world saw it we are not told. How he managed to cut through hundreds of miles of solid rock
we are not told. How he put it together again, we are not told.

The Koran teaches a reverse theory of Evolution, it says men were turned into apes because they broke the Sabbath. (Suras 2:65; 7:163-166). WRONG!

The Koran says at night the sun sets in a well of water and mud here on earth. When it was completely covered by the water, darkness falls upon the earth.

The Koran says that thunder and lightening are not natural phenomema but two angels. In fact Mohammed taught that the thunder is an angel exactly like Gabriel! Concerning lighting, Muhammad preached that it too is an angel like the thunder and like Gabriel and Michael.

This book seems really outdated concerning even the beginnings of science and wat we now know as common knowledge.
As far as aliens writting it? Well if they are aliens ..they clearly are not as smart as we give them credit for and you would tink that if aliens DID write it.....that on their way to our earth in their space ships that they would have seen that the world was round and not flat. Maybe the aliens aren't that bright.

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 07:59 PM
I find it extremely difficult to believe that some "alien race" wrote something as archaic and barbaric as the Quran and then attempted to enforce Islam upon mankind. Any alien race thousands of years ahead of us would have gotten rid of religion long before even beginning to explore their star system. They would already be aware of the danger of any kind of mass religion and the threat it poses to the advancement of any civilization. I also find it quite funny that a superior "alien race" would seek to stop mankind from developing and advancing itself further spiritually and technologically, by forcing something like Islam upon Earth's inhabitants.

Basically, in a nutshell, you have humans in the west launching long range probes and shuttles into space, advancing technologically every year at an exponential rate and beginning to unravel the mystery of space and time at the the atomic level. On the other side of the planet you have another group of humans still stuck in the middle ages practicing such an archaic religion that it's preventing them from advancing further as a people. Also, finding coincidences in numbers can been done all day long in any religious writings and ancient scripts.

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 07:59 PM
Nice thread pointing out the miracles of the Qur'an. However, I must respectfully disagree with your conclusions. You say the Qur'an has information and code that no human could have had at the time of Muhammad. That is true, however, this only demonstrates that the great Creator of all of existence gave this information to mankind... not aliens.

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 08:00 PM
I don't think aliens wrote any of those texts
It was written by man, with an interpretation that was appropriate for that time -- so if a alien came in a spacecraft, it would have been written as a "chariot of flaming horses" because horses they could understand. Spaceship? Not a chance they could understand that -- not the way we do today.

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 08:25 PM

Originally posted by Romantic_Rebel
In Judaism and Islam God/Allah is like a spirit. Not having a physical form. That's why in Judaism and Islam he cannot be Jesus's father. It's werid that God will be a Spirit.

Christians and the bible are wrong in terms of understanding what it means that Jesus is the son of god.

When Jesus speaks of being a son of god, all he ever does is quote Psalms 82. In which that verse says - all are children of the most high/god. In fact, he quotes that verse(John 10) and then queries those around him as to why they even question such a thing or think it abnormal.

However, there are actually 2 births. There is the birth of the flesh, and there is the birth of the spirit. The flesh of Jesus is born of Mary and Joesph. However, the true virgin from which Jesus is born is of the father, and that is the birth of the spirit.

Christians think of Mary as the virgin, but this is just done to deceive people so they don't realize the truth. Jesus says that all must be born of the spirit, just as he was. All must be born of the father and to realize that they are really nothing more than spirit.

In fact, Jesus even denies Mary is his mother, thus invalidating the entire Christian idea on that. And tells all people to call no man on earth father, because the only true father is god.

Being born of spirit is described in John 14. On the day it happens to you, then you will know the father is within and also what the true nature of spirit and the father/son relationship is(john 14:20). This experience is followed by a teaching and a period of gaining understanding, and it can happen to anyone regardless of their religion(John 14:24-26). When Jesus says he is the "only way to the father" in John 14:6, Christians don't seem to realize that he is saying that he is the "way, the light, and the life", and so it is by those things that one comes by the father. The way Christianity presents it is merely a way of gaining followers to their religion, not in regard to actually having that experience and finding the father.

So there are 2 births. Your flesh is born of your parents, has the characteristics of your parents and so forth. It comes "from the dust of the earth". But your spirit is born of the father. Technically you've already been born of the spirit since you exist, it's just a matter of experiencing it and knowing it. It happened, but the experience itself is not known to you. Being born of the spirit is something ALL must experience. No man can give it to you, no religion can provide it to you either.

Also, spirit is not another form of physical. Spirit is completely nonphysical in nature. It is the void. Spirit is where consciousness, reason, understanding, being, and to be an observer come from. These things are all things which is impossible for the universe to have. I will demonstrate this so you can maybe see.

How do you define yourself? If you look at the most materialistic of people, you will often see them defining themselves as their careers, their house, their property. To a lesser extent, people define themselves based on the country they live in, maybe their families and children. And in the least extent, we get to where people define themselves as their body/flesh.

But have you noticed what all these things have in common? They are all possessions. It's "your body", "Your arm", "Your brain". Yet, we have not in the least started to define what it is that is possessing them have we? And you can't either, because in terms of the physical it is a void. It just is.

Thus without the father within you, and without that spirit, then you would never be able to understand, you would not be an observer, you would not have any feeling of "being". "You" do not exist without the father within. Without it, then you would be no different than a robot/AI. Of which is nothing more than action and reaction following a pre-determined pattern(although very complex). No soul. No consciousness or any of that.

Even the soul - that is a possession. "your" soul.

And so what is "you" in the end? The father. The father is that which possesses all things. And that is what Jesus was talking about and tried to show people. People ask for other to "prove" it to them. But as it is all "within", it can't be proven externally, anymore than you can prove what a pizza smells like to someone by any other means than for them to experience the smell themselves. Jesus is someone who knew, understood and acted solely from the understanding of spirit, and knowing that in the end that is what he was. And as such did not value or do things to save the flesh as others do.

Because to get people to believe they are nothing but flesh is the best method to get them to commit all forms of evil in order to save that flesh. And so those who try to save themselves will end up losing themselves.

I'm not a Christian btw, I think Christianity is the anti-Christ religion Jesus warns of. But I am a big fan of the father and I have no doubt that Jesus knew the father.

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 08:34 PM
But even more sad than any "aliens wrote the Quran thread", is that now all the hardcore religious sheep will have a thread to try and promote, defend and attack each others fictional stories in the Alien and UFO's forum here on ATS.

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 08:45 PM
While a somewhat interesting theory, it falls flat when you consider that whoever came up with it is working from a translated text. Vowels aren't separate letters in Arabic as they are in English. Instead, the sound of the vowels are indicated by all those little dots and dashes. You don't count the "dots and dashes" as actual letters. This theory doesn't hold up for the same reason the bible code doesn't. You gotta work from the original text.

All the scientific "facts" you mention was knowledge that had been around probably a thousand years before Islam. Heck, Mohammed's next door neighbor was Persia (not an Arab nation, btw), which was the hub of scientific and mathematical knowledge for centuries before the Arabs invaded (bringing, what else? Islam. Goodbye Zoroastrianism, the first monotheistic religion and the forerunner of Judaism. It was also the religion of the three wise men who visited baby Jesus) Remember, ancient Greece and all their juicy knowledge was also well known in the middle east. You really need to do your homework on this religion before you jump right in. It basically destroyed all that wonderful knowledge in the name of Allah and then slipped just a bit of it into the Quran between all those passages about murdering infidels. (No, I'm not being insensitive here, I've read quite a bit of the Quran.) The religion is a hodge-podge of Judaism, Christianity, and the ancient knowledge of the Persians and Greeks all mashed together and perverted into a religion that condemns the very cultures and faiths it stole from. Nice.

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 08:56 PM
I found this to be very interesting;

The following numbers puzzled scholars: sea was mentioned 32 times and land was mentioned 13 times. However, the total of the number of times sea or land were mentioned is 45 times (Sea + land = 32 + 13 = 45); % sea = 32/45 * 100 % = 71.11111111%; % land= 13 / 45 * 100 % = 28.88888889%. Modern Science has only recently proven that the water covers 71.111 % of the earth, while the land covers 28.889 %.

I don't know what to make of all this but it sure is interesting. S&F for the effort.

I would also like to point out that before anyone in this thread goes on a Muslim bashing rampage you really need to seperate the actions carried out by man in the name of man and actions carried out by man in the name of the religion.

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 09:00 PM
reply to post by Cobra5000

If you had studied the Quran you would have known that it acknowledges prophets from the religions you speak of. It also says that there were 25 prophets and that includes Jesus. It also says that each of these prophets were approximately 600 years apart which fits the time frame of Muhammed. AND it also says that Muhammed was the LAST prophet of Allah. There will be no more prophets.That is just some basic information.

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 09:25 PM
reply to post by badmedia

I really liked your post an d I found it correlated to my own understandings as well. As indeed we are first born physically then we are re-born spiritually if we so choose to look within and recognize that still voice of Allah/God/Yahweh/Adonai that dwells inside us.

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 09:32 PM
reply to post by Phenomium

No. The Quran never said the moon was cut in half by Muhammad. Furthermore none of your lies that you say are from the Quran are there. Obviously you haven't read the Quran, or else you would know this. And the God turning Jews to monkeys think made me LOL... Allah said they were equivalent to apes, because they didn't follow any laws. You're funny.

Verse 54:1 says:

54:1 The moment drew near, and the moon was split.

Therefor, the if Muhammad split the moon, the world would be over already.

The more accurate thing is that the moon was split in 1969, when astronauts took rocks from it. That was lunar year 1389.

Coincedentally, from verse 54:1 to the end of the Quran there are 1389 verses til the end, and also 54:1 had the 19th occance of the term moon in it.

None of the other things you said were even MENTIONED in the Quran. So I won't even discuss them. They are just plain lies.

Me thinks you should actually read the Quran before you think you know what it says.

[edit on 21-2-2010 by seattletruth]

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 09:38 PM
Just as we ask all UFO witness's when they come on this forum detailing their encounters, do you have a photo or some video evidence of Muhammad, Jesus or God? Video or photo evidence of your "God" working miracles would be great too, especially the walking on water and the creation of everything as we know it stuff. Also, maybe you could prove how your "God" bypassed all scientific fact and supposedly created our 6 billion year old planet Earth in such a short time; 6 days if I remember correctly. Remember, no more quoting of fictional stories as evidence of your supreme being, we need some kind of proof to take any of you seriously.

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 09:44 PM
Im here to defend the OP post.

alot of what seattle said is true and id just like to add a bit more if i could.

- muslims dont not believe jesus is son of god, which imo proves that they knew the whole jesus/sun/son of god was b.s..and that jesus was a prophet,yes with godly powers but that does not make him god so to speak.

- jinns are made from fire, serphim are the firey spritts mentioned in christaianty, ibliss the jinn most closely realted with satan was the one who rebelled against god and it WAS NOT because he wanted to be god..IT WAS because he did not like US.humans cause we were made in a weaker form then the jinn and obliss found know reason to bow to us so god put him out of heaven.

- the quran also says that we lived in heaven with god ,not the garden of eden on earth, but the one in heaven and when ibliss got us to do wrong god put us here on earth.

ill add more later..

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 09:46 PM
seattle please send me a private message because i know we have alot we could share with each other. thanks

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 10:03 PM

24:45 God created every moving creature from water. So some of them move on their bellies, and some walk on two legs, and some walk on four. God creates whatever He wills. God is capable of all things.

I think that this is over analyzed. Man, of almost any era would of known the importance of water. Needing it to survive.

Also, the embryonic development of a child is explained before science had ever analyzed these things.

23:14 Then We created the seed into an embryo, then We created the embryo into a fetus, then We created the fetus into bone, then We covered the bone with flesh, then We brought forth a new creation. So glory be to God, the best of creators.

Hm a simple way of explaining child birth. Could easily be wrote off by a curious person with a knife or several miscarriages. Man had to of known that their 'seed' was what started the process.

Just my thoughts on these two points. Sorry for being selective. Its my first post. Those were just the two that bothered me the most.

I am curious if the big bang theory, and others were debunked tomorrow. Would the new theories be related to ancient text, as well? Sorry do not mean to derail.

I did thoroughly enjoy the read. Thank you OP for posting.

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 10:03 PM
the Quran is wrote by Ethereal angels instead Flesh and blood Aliens

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 10:18 PM
Interesting Read. I have a question about the day, days, and months part. The one word is said 365 days. That knowledge might not have been commonly used in that area, but that knowledge was known in that time period. The other things about month being mentioned 12 times and days being mentioned 30 times….That is just the modern breakdown. Some people could get together and change the break down. (I know not likely but they did kick Pluto out of the planet class, and no one asked me what I think) Personally besides the breakdown of numbers being really cool, I don’t know what having 12 months and 30 days really means

Most religious books are claimed not to be written by man. I think it is interesting, that people are willing to believes in aliens over a “god” and others are willing to believe in a “god” over aliens. Either way it is a statement about society, but I am not sure what either idea theme means.

Off Topic

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 10:32 PM
Great post, I am a firm believer that the history of the universe and human life is all being told from different perspectives. Each religion has it's own take on what happened but they are all very similar. The Ancient Astronaut Theory helps to bind these religions together into a singularity of discernable truth. All you have to do is look beyond the veil and glance at the secrets God is telling you. But again, fantastic post!

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