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posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 08:20 PM

Originally posted by hoghead cheese
reply to post by SLAYER69

Yes, China is going to implode but that will be the Catalyst that sends the US off the cliff. If you google empty cities and empty malls about china, you will get stories of how whole cities and malls (big ones) where built but people don't live in them because they either can't afford them or are using them as an investment to sell.

I dunno about implode...

3 days ago China's revolutionary guards were pressuring leadership to act in response to the arms sales to Taiwan.

China Government has instituted a huge PR campaign encouraging its citizens to buy gold.

China has the largest US$ cash reserves, and after selling off some tresuries they are now just behind Japan on Treasury Bonds... they have the power to bring the west to its knees just by buying a bit more gold on the spot market, converting their US$ to anything else...and to gold, while continuing to offload Treasury Bonds.

And then Bernanke... I believe had to raise the interbank rate .25% - yesterday at 4:30 PM after the market closed to support the US Dollar which was slipping in response to just small sales by China..that pushed them from the No1 holder of US Securities to the No2 holder.. now what if the rest get spooked?

So you can bet that the Dahli Lama HAD to be caused to leave (with a photo op for china,) walking out the back way, past the garbage bags...

I m so sick of everything being about money.

[edit on 19-2-2010 by seataka]

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 08:23 PM
Originally posted by SLAYER69

This is not a thread about the Dalai Lama.

[align=center]The supposed next great up and coming world power is terrified of this old fart.

my apologies, as this is not a thread about the Dalai Lama... and there are interesting and thought provoking insights contained herein concerning our economic ties to this massive eastern empire.

however - there are many about this globe who believe that not only is the Dalai Lama the religious ruler of a sovereign nature, but that he is a living Buddha.

that is a tremendous concept.
he is not just imbued with the representative authority of a Divine Power as in the Pope (a rather potent and controversial Station as well)...

the Dalai Lama IS this Power... living amongst us.
as if Jesus was walking amongst us, for those of the Chrisitan Faith.

there is a deep reverence felt in many for this humble yet profound Being.

so, with respect... an old "fart" he is not.

china may have numbed themselves to the opiate of religion, but the Spiritual Mysteries do not severe easily from the collective conscious of an ancient empire.

who else but a living Buddha would stir such mysteries?

the stone that is cast away shall be the corner stone, yes?

[edit on 19-2-2010 by mythos]

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 08:29 PM

Originally posted by SLAYER69

So they are trying to "Demand" better relations with the US.

I remember once when I was younger, I demanded better relations with my significant other, and that she behave more appropriately to her station.

That was when I discovered just how cold it really WAS out in the doghouse...

[edit on 2010/2/19 by nenothtu]

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 08:54 PM
China attacked and invaded Tibet which is now occupied by the Chinese. Tibet is and will always be an occupied country until they regain their freedom! How can Tibet separate from China when they aren't part of China? I support a free Tibet! Long live the Dalai Lama!

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 09:00 PM
Gotta love all the worries of a chinese world super power take over. I used to post on this site a couple years ago, but had to stop becasue I could not deal with all the people on here that just do not list to TRUTH. They always want to believe something terrible is going to happen... A lot of people on this site simply do not understand business. I'm not saying that I am the most inteligent person ever, but I have been a uw wisconsin student for four years and the likely hood that china is able to stupport their economy with the people and the work force(factory workers) that they have is bacily 0. China knows it, russia is much too corrupt to do anything and out of every other country in the world the US is actually much better off as of now, even in recession, China's currency would have to rise resulting in the world purchasing much less of their goods. China simply can';t break into the next barrier. Of course they are always gonna act big and tough, but they kind of have to for their people's sake. However, both the chinese government and the US know what several harvard professors also have said. China NEEDS us to buy their goods and we need those cheap goods. However, if china slips another country will take their place such as India perhaps or any other cheap labor country. It can happen so fast just as many have pointed out the japanese.
And for all those worried about the chinese military fine, they are plentiful, but the advanced countries are moving on to a technological warefare where numbers are just numbers. Those numbers have only been just numbers for china anyways they really have no good military transportation way to ship all those troops.(not enough ships, planes, etc...) The only way I really see the US being taken down from a world power is a losing effort in a major war. Isn't that how just about any super country in the history of man kind has fallen? And since many of you are conspiracy theorists about how secretive the U.S military technology is what do you guys have to worry about...Right? I love how I see some people post in a thread that the US is screwed and in the next the US has all this crazy technology no one knows about yet...really makes sense guys...sorry for the rant i'm getting so frusturated. Especially when I see people post and talking about kensyian economics calling it a democratic thing to do...I've taken several courses having to do with economics (macro, micro, accounting,...etc and as far as I have learned it is genereally accepted across both party lines. I just hate when people post things with little knowledge

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 09:03 PM
I have heard time and time again over the past few months how China owns us and how we had to do what China wanted or they would lower the big boom on us.

Yet, we sell missiles to Taiwan

China makes demands

Obama meets with the Dalai Lama

China makes demand

Seems to me that China doesn't have the power over the US that some think. Otherwise, China wouldn't be demanding, they would be acting.

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 09:09 PM

Originally posted by Subjective Truth
reply to post by benoni

Who has the highest GDP?

If the Eurozone is collectively considered, it would be the EU. This is all a moot point though. The economy of the U.S. is in peril. GDP won't be much of a bragging right in a few years.

Who has the biggest military?

China, all totaled according to wiki-7,024,000 troops, we have 3,385,400

Who has vast oil reserves?

Largest would be Saudi Arabia, followed by Canada.

Who has the most military bases in other countires?

Who can strike any country at will?

Well, that would be the U.S. Score two for the Jingos.

How long could your country last against America if we really wanted to destroy you?

I am sick and tired of the Anti-America crap.

And I'm sick of unrealistic jingos.

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 09:13 PM

Originally posted by jam321

Yet, we sell missiles to Taiwan

China makes demands

Obama meets with the Dalai Lama

China makes demand

Seems to me that China doesn't have the power over the US that some think. Otherwise, China wouldn't be demanding, they would be acting.

OR Here's a musing.

I think the US wants to piss off China.

So China will back, and Arm Iran.

There was a time when Israel was of Strategic value to the US, thats not the case anymore.

Now Israel's Rabid Dog act drags the US into things they might not want to be into, who better to take care of Israel , than Iran.

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 09:18 PM
We're still in the Cold War it seems...

It's just not as interesting.

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 09:23 PM
reply to post by Sean48

Yes, the US is taking on China. Obama has no choice. To do otherwise will paint him as weak.

Sometimes, I think the US wants Iran to have nukes. IMO, this would make a great opportunity for the US to provide services to all the other middle east countries who have none. Obama has been in a year and I really haven't seen a big push to stop Iran and don't expect to see one anytime soon.

Iran will become a nuclear power.

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 09:25 PM

Originally posted by Subjective Truth
reply to post by benoni

Who has the highest GDP?

Who has the biggest military?

Who has vast oil reserves?

Who has the most military bases in other countires?

Who can strike any country at will?

How long could your country last against America if we really wanted to destroy you?

Let it go to our heads Hmm. I think we need to show the world again who is the the leader and who is the follower the subjects are getting arrogant.

I am sick and tired of the Anti-America crap.

China has the highest net GDP on earth - the us does not even turn a profit - you are 14 trillion in debt with another 65 trillion (more than world GDP) in unfunded liabilities ===debt.

China has the biggest military by about a factor of TEN. The us has the highest expenditure - however it would be like a swarm of army ants destroying a sloth fetus if ti came to war.

China has massive fossil feul wealth - plus they have a tighter control of Angola, Venezuela, Iran AND Iraq along with Russia. The US past peak oil in 1972 a FACT !!

America has the most military bases in other countries - as DID ROME and that my friend was why Rome fell - another FACT.

America can not strike any country at will - what makes you think other countries do not have anti- ballistic missile shields - they do - and the Russians make the best .....hmmmm - you relying on patriots still ? Outisde of nuclear war you are barely able to overcome Afghanistan and are still struggling in Iraq, lost in Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Korea, CUBA etc, etc. Not very impressive. Appalling record really - you have never taken on anyone of any magnitude and have lost every time.

If America struck against China you would unequivocally lose.

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 09:26 PM

Originally posted by Sean48
OR Here's a musing.

I think the US wants to piss off China.

So China will back, and Arm Iran.

There was a time when Israel was of Strategic value to the US, thats not the case anymore.

Now Israel's Rabid Dog act drags the US into things they might not want to be into, who better to take care of Israel , than Iran.

I have to disagree about Israel, the US is giving the impression of distance so when Iran retaliates they can plead innocent and Iran attacked the US for no reason.

most people would not even realize that Israel needs US codes in order to fly over Iraq without being shot at.

China is just being used as a distraction once again, proving to the US population that the US still stands up to the commies.

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 09:35 PM
I don't think we really need to worry about China in truth. China has never had a serious expansionist policy beyond Tibet and it's claims to Taiwan. These are very old claims though.

It's interesting that when one speaks to Americans, you get the impression Americans truly believe the entire world would be better off if they were more like Americans. Think about it, we are in Afghanistan and Iraq, making those people more like us. It's what we do. I've known a few actual Chinese citizens in my life. This is a point of view I have never heard from them. They are more interested in their own self-preservation. I don't expect China to go on some world conquering scheme. I do expect they will act in their own self-interests though. As long as status quo with the U.S. benefits China, it will be preserved. When it does not then it will be abandoned.

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 09:45 PM
2009 List by the CIA World Factbook
List of countries by GDP (nominal)

— World 57,530,000
— EU 15,990,000
1 US 14,270,000
2 Japan 5,049,000
3 China 4,758,000


[edit on 19-2-2010 by SLAYER69]

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 09:48 PM

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 10:07 PM
reply to post by Subjective Truth

Subjective Truth, you are not really just George Patton are you? I thought you died. Oh well, good to know you are still a round. Didn't you say that bit about Russia, previously. The part of taking them out now?
The strong economy in China is all a communist lie. There are all KINDS of new buildings now, totally empty. And all the workers paid to build them have bought their chinese cars. And they sit in the dirt driveway, because they never got any gasoline. It's all a farce. It will blow up in their Progressive communist faces soon enough. And if our government does in fact renege on its obligation to honor the Treasuries, I can't think of a better government to get stiffed. They have robbed us of all kinds of info and tech thru their assaults on our computers, and their mail-order brides, who engage in massive espionage. And of course you know about the malevolent products they have a habit of pawning off on us.
Do not worry about any supposed 'trade deficit'. It is a flat out lie. We have been bringing in ten TIMES the amount of money that goes out. The problem is that the upper middle and higher class people are profiting from that, and nothing for anyone else. The rich get richer, and the majority get screwed. THIS is the real problem, these elite exporting our jobs for their own profit. And these elite pretending to 'represent' us, and pretending to be our 'public servants'. Not true, probably never has been, but it makes it easier to control us if we think we are free, much like Joe Stack says in his manifesto. The 'imports' are things made, or commodities. We sell them thought stuff, like inventions, movies, songs, management, marketing, you know. Things that require some thought. And Stark was NOT a communist just because he mentioned that quote, and made another about the elite. Could be, but it is an illogical assumption. I just read that statement he made, in spite of the best efforts of our owners at the FBI, and yes, now I do think that it was a suicide/deliberate. So now, all the people pointing out the insanity and the evil in our current govt. will be labeled as dangerous fringe loonies like him. This absurd, assumptive reasoning justifies all the Digressive evil, does it not? By Digressive, I mean what others call Progressive, but it is an oxymoron to call it that. Much like Democrat or Republican, or Red states vs Blue states. So now, if you think, and if you are for the Constitution, personal liberties and rights, you are a loonie or a terrorist. But be of good cheer, the Righteous God wisely considers the house of the wicked, overthrowing the wicked for their wickedness. BOs time will come. The Chosen will be cared for.

[edit on 19-2-2010 by Gregarious]

[edit on 19-2-2010 by Gregarious]

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 10:13 PM

It doesnt matter how much $$$ you earn if you cant pay your credit card....

I use this analogy for the US in conjunction with this:

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 10:18 PM
If the EU and US became one country, our combined GDP would be around 30 trillion. I couldn't see China making demands from a country that big, although our combined economy would still be in the ****.

Also, China's main source of wealth is it's large and cheap labor force. But with big advances in the fields of nanotechnology, biotechnology and robotics (to name a few), Western countries could once again become industrial powerhouses in their own right. I can't see us in the year 2050 still relying on human labor, just like how we don't still rely on horse and cart to get around.

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 10:25 PM

Originally posted by audas
reply to post by SLAYER69

Thanks for your cheery picked news articles from twelve months ago ??

Here you go I just Picked this one just for you.


Signs of Chinese financial instability provoke market nervousness

News that the Chinese central bank will tighten credit for the second time this year provoked a nervous reaction in share and commodity markets. While the measure was relatively small—an increase in the reserve requirement ratio for banks by half a percentage point from February 25—investors took it as a further sign of instability in the Chinese economy.

The reaction highlights the importance of China and its continued growth to the global economy. Massive bank lending was the main component of the stimulus measures that kept China growing at 8.7 percent in 2009. However, last year’s flood of easy credit—9.6 trillion yuan ($US1.4 trillion), double the 2008 figure—has fuelled speculation in real estate and shares that it is simply unsustainable.

Despite Beijing setting a lower lending target of 7.5 trillion yuan for 2010, new loans in January alone reached 1.39 trillion yuan—more than for the previous three months. Property prices were up 9.5 percent in January from a year earlier, generating fears in ruling circles that China could face an asset bubble collapse on the scale of Japan in the early 1990s. At the same time, the government is concerned that further tightening of bank lending will slow economic growth.

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 10:30 PM

Originally posted by Sean48

Originally posted by jam321

Yet, we sell missiles to Taiwan

China makes demands

Obama meets with the Dalai Lama

China makes demand

Seems to me that China doesn't have the power over the US that some think. Otherwise, China wouldn't be demanding, they would be acting.

OR Here's a musing.

I think the US wants to piss off China.

So China will back, and Arm Iran.

There was a time when Israel was of Strategic value to the US, thats not the case anymore.

Now Israel's Rabid Dog act drags the US into things they might not want to be into, who better to take care of Israel , than Iran.

Interesting point - waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay off mark and in the realms of extreme fantasy - BUT - a really, really, interesting consideration.

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