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67 year old man beats the hell out of thug on bus

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posted on Feb, 17 2010 @ 07:01 PM

Originally posted by OzWeatherman
All I can say is...

F***en Owned!!!!

I love how they want to press charges, lol....all he was doing was defending himself.

Thugs like that need to be put in their place, and kudos to the old bloke for sticking up for himself. Maybe that guy will think twice before he tries something like that again

S & F

Sorry, but Mr. Thomas Busa (the Epic Beard Man) is nuts as can be seen in the other videos taken after he left the bus. He is also the man who was tazed at the Oakland baseball game for being belligerent to the cops.

You only see what you want to see through those racist eyes of yours!

posted on Feb, 17 2010 @ 07:03 PM

Originally posted by trueforger
So either outside or at the front of the bus where there were witness.
This we need now.

Here, ya want witnesses outside the bus?

posted on Feb, 17 2010 @ 07:05 PM
reply to post by downisreallyup

Then later, the BG tells the WG to "take his a** BACK UP THERE" to the front of the bus, which is obviously where he came from.

The WG came from the front of the bus because that's where the door is.

posted on Feb, 17 2010 @ 07:05 PM

Originally posted by downisreallyup

Originally posted by Xtraeme

Originally posted by downisreallyup
It seems that at this point the white guy got up from his seat in the front and came back to sit with the "black folks." Somehow the conversation went to a topic dealing with "transit" or perhaps the "transit system." This is where we pick up the story...

He got up from his seat in the front and came to the back? How'd you get that? Look at the underlined sections below ...

Starting at about 0:07,

EBM: How much you charge me for my Stacy Adams? I'm going to a funeral on Friday. I got a ...
Amba Lamps: Whaaa?
EBM: You said ...
Amba Lamps: Did you hear what I said right now?
EBM: Yes? ...
Amba Lamps: Why a brotha gotta spit shine yo shoes?!
Amba Lamps: I didn't offer you SH**.
EBM: What did you just say when you walked by me?
Amba Lamps: I said why ... why a fu**** brother gotta spit shine yo shoes!
EBM: Nah, he don't have to!
Amba Lamps: Why a white man can't shine yo shoes?
EBM: It could be a china-man it don't matter!
Amba Lamps: Look dude ... look ...
EBM: I ain't prejudiced ... What you think I'm prejudiced?
Amba Lamps: *points towards the front of the bus* Take yo ass back up there and get da fu** out oh my face right now.
EBM: Why you being so hostile man?
Amba Lamps: Cause um pissed off.

As for the rest of your comment,

After watching the video a couple times I can safely say that the black guy was taunted by the white guy and lured into the situation.

Apparently, when the black guy walked past the white guy he muttered something about spit-shining shoes. One can only surmise that he saw a black guy on the street doing shoes and felt the frustration of always seeing the black man shining the white guy's shoes.

EBM was confused and defended himself, hell he went back to the front of the bus. It was only Amba-Lamps who kept getting up to go and further antagonize EBM.

[edit on 17-2-2010 by Xtraeme]


WG was in the front of the bus and the BG "walked past him" as he went to the back. Well then, the WG must have come back to join the guy since he was sitting right back there with him. Then later, the BG tells the WG to "take his a** BACK UP THERE" to the front of the bus, which is obviously where he came from.

So, what is the problem? The sections you underlined clearly prove my point... if the WG had not started off sitting in the front seat that he went to, the BG never would have said the word "back" when he told him to get back up there.

Also, if both men had originally sat in the back of the bus, the BG could not have "walked past" the WG.

Sorry, but I truly do think you are totally missing what is going on in that bus.

This may have been covered before... But just to point out. I live in the south. That could have been a big racial remark from the black guy.... Black ppl used to have to sit in the back of the bus, (segregation) before Rosa Parks stood up, and moved to the front of a bus.... The rest is history.
I'm just saying.. the "WG," As you say may never have been in the physical front of the bus at all. It was just one black thugs delusion of dominance that he thinks persists. Kinda like we all feel for these damn conspiracy's that keep us on ATS... nice post!

posted on Feb, 17 2010 @ 07:09 PM
reply to post by EndOfTheWorld7

I'm not saying black people don't age slightly better, it varies between people. I know alot of White folks who age well and black guys who age poorly.

But this was WAY MORE magnified because, The black guys Behavior was immature and he acted like a young thug, and the girls he was with acted like kids. Plus he had shades on and was dressed like a youngster.

posted on Feb, 17 2010 @ 07:11 PM
reply to post by downisreallyup

lol hes flipping out... guess I would be too. 76... and haven't got a adrenalin/testosterone rush like that in yrs. Bet he when home and banged the old lady... w/ out medication, LOL.

posted on Feb, 17 2010 @ 07:12 PM

Originally posted by ImaNutter

White Man: What did you say when you walked by me?
White Man: What did you say when you walked by me?
White Man: What did you say when you walked by me?

THAT'S a fact.

What else is a FACT? Younger guy came to the older man in the front of the bus, after the older man walked away.

What else is a FACT? Younger guy threw the first punch.

What ELSE is a FACT? Younger guy made mistake in throwing a punch.

Get over yourself. Dude got punked, plain and simple. Shouldn't have thrown a punch in the first place... all this racial posturing is pathetic.

Your name says it all "ImaNutter!"

I read your full post and found it pathetic. Just the fact that you found it funny tells me that you are not unlike these guys.

That was not a young guy picking on an older guy... that was Thomas Bruso up to his old tricks again. This guy has a reputation for being a bad ass and trouble maker. That was Thomas looking for trouble, so he thought he would go down and get a nice "black brotha" to shine his shoes for him. You are completely blind if you can't see past the broad-brush carefully-selected events you pulled out to defend your position.

WHAT DID THE BROTHA SAY TO THOMAS? Well, the Brotha tells us himself... he wanted to know WHY a brotha had to shine his shoes. Now why would he ask that? Could it be because Thomas had already asked him that question earlier? You really are having trouble with seeing this from any other perspective besides the white-biased perspective, aren't you?

Thomas Bruso has a REPUTATION for being whacked, and if you look at the second video that shows how he behaved outside the bus, you can clearly see that he is no longer on his meds, and has totally lost it.

[edit on 17-2-2010 by downisreallyup]

posted on Feb, 17 2010 @ 07:15 PM

Originally posted by Dracan6
reply to post by downisreallyup

lol hes flipping out... guess I would be too. 76... and haven't got a adrenalin/testosterone rush like that in yrs. Bet he when home and banged the old lady... w/ out medication, LOL.

Actually he got arrested, which is exactly what should have happened!

posted on Feb, 17 2010 @ 07:18 PM

Originally posted by Nola213
reply to post by EndOfTheWorld7

I'm not saying black people don't age slightly better, it varies between people. I know alot of White folks who age well and black guys who age poorly.

But this was WAY MORE magnified because, The black guys Behavior was immature and he acted like a young thug, and the girls he was with acted like kids. Plus he had shades on and was dressed like a youngster.

See how people see what they want to see... Thomas the white guy had shades on too, and Thomas was also dressed like a kid, wearing a shirt that says "I AM A MOTHERFU**ER", tennis shoes, shorts, and a ball cap.

My how powerful paradigm is!

posted on Feb, 17 2010 @ 07:20 PM
I decided to delete my post after I found out that the "old guy" was someone called Thomas ?Bruso? or something.

My god, what a messed up world we live in..

[edit on 17-2-2010 by SalkinVictory]

posted on Feb, 17 2010 @ 07:22 PM

Originally posted by john124
reply to post by downisreallyup

Then later, the BG tells the WG to "take his a** BACK UP THERE" to the front of the bus, which is obviously where he came from.

The WG came from the front of the bus because that's where the door is.

Sorry, but no... the WG was sitting up front and came back to sit with the BG when the BG walked past him in the bus. It makes no sense to tell someone to go sit back up front if they did not come from there to begin with. It also makes no sense for the WG to ask the BG what he said when he walked past him unless the WG was sitting in the front and the BG walked past him as he headed to the back.

You all should watch the TV show "The Mentalist" It is a good example of how most people are really lousy at paying attention to minute details, and reconstructing an event based on all those minute details. Every word, every look on their faces, every movement, and every action tells a story, and if you ignore any of it, you are likely to conclude the wrong story.

posted on Feb, 17 2010 @ 07:25 PM
LOL, AWESOME, JUST AWESOME!!! I love this video.

posted on Feb, 17 2010 @ 07:25 PM
The black guy was a racist idiot and got what he deserved.

Don't mess with crazy old people, they'll make you look like a fool.

posted on Feb, 17 2010 @ 07:30 PM
reply to post by downisreallyup

Indeed you could be right, and the second video definitely doesn't help the case for the old man. Although the black guy did appear to throw the first punch, and even if he was provoked he should have let it be once the old man walked to the front of the bus.

posted on Feb, 17 2010 @ 07:33 PM

Originally posted by downisreallyup

Your name says it all "ImaNutter!"

I read your full post and found it pathetic. Just the fact that you found it funny tells me that you are not unlike these guys.

That was not a young guy picking on an older guy... that was Thomas Bruso up to his old tricks again. This guy has a reputation for being a bad ass and trouble maker. That was Thomas looking for trouble, so he thought he would go down and get a nice "black brotha" to shine his shoes for him. You are completely blind if you can't see past the broad-brush carefully-selected events you pulled out to defend your position.

WHAT DID THE BROTHA SAY TO THOMAS? Well, the Brotha tells us himself... he wanted to know WHY a brotha had to shine his shoes. Now why would he ask that? Could it be because Thomas had already asked him that question earlier? You really are having trouble with seeing this from any other perspective besides the white-biased perspective, aren't you?

Thomas Bruso has a REPUTATION for being whacked, and if you look at the second video that shows how he behaved outside the bus, you can clearly see that he is no longer on his meds, and has totally lost it.

[edit on 17-2-2010 by downisreallyup]

downisreallyup that explains it, you see things backwards lol hehe har har lets make jokes about screen names!

I'll refer to my last post... you don't know me, so why are you pretending to?

Also, what's your problem with self defence? How do you explain Amba Lampz getting up out of his seat, walking up to the old man, and punching him? Did the old man make him do it? Was he possessed? Did God himself come down from Heaven and inspire the black guy to punch the old guy? Or maybe, just maybe, out of his own free will the black guy punched the wrong "mother fu)(*&" ?

He... made....a ... mistake. On planet Earth, when you make the decision to punch someone you have to deal with the consequences! Amba Lampz sure did! Get... over.... it already sheeesh.

God doesn't hand out points for being the righteous anonymous guy on the internet, so you're probably wasting your time.... but good luck on your crusade to convince everyone they're racist. Hope it turns out well for you!

EDIT: EVEN IF I were to accept your view of what really happened... that would be evvveeeen worse for the black guy! How big a mental midget do you have to be to let who you're calling a nut job, completely and totally manipulate the hell out of you like that? If epic beard man had complete and total utter control of the situation like you said... ol Tyone should be very disappointed in his inability to have ANY control over his emotions. Weaaakkkk sauce. Got baited like a freakin' fish (according to you) and was dumb enough to bite hehehehe.

As a matter of fact, I fully endorse your analysis.

An off the rocker and mentally unstable War Veteran completely and totally mentally owned that guy. That's worse than "theyre just 2 immature adults!"

[edit on 17-2-2010 by ImaNutter]

posted on Feb, 17 2010 @ 07:34 PM
That thug totally deserves it for being ignorant and I hope he learned a good lesson from it.

posted on Feb, 17 2010 @ 07:38 PM

Here is Bruso failing to comply with police instruction and being tasered for it.

In other threads people who didn't comply, and were tasered, were labeled thugs and criminals, yet why is no one labeling this madman as a thug or criminal?

[edit on 17-2-2010 by EMPIRE]

posted on Feb, 17 2010 @ 07:50 PM

Originally posted by downisreallyup

WG was in the front of the bus and the BG "walked past him" as he went to the back. Well then, the WG must have come back to join the guy since he was sitting right back there with him. Then later, the BG tells the WG to "take his a** BACK UP THERE" to the front of the bus, which is obviously where he came from.

Have you never walked past someone on the bus / train as you both look for seats? To tell someone to get BACK UP THERE ... when they both had to pay to get on the bus from the FRONT implies going back to where a person originally came from.

Your argument is almost as hilarious as the video.

posted on Feb, 17 2010 @ 07:56 PM
*sigh* yet another example of the sad state of humanity.. Seems things never change.. Well done to the old guy though. Left stateside 5 years ago after katrina to get away from ppl like that. As a combat vet with severe ptsd myself am able to understand the old guy defending himself.. Though yet again will probably hear ppl making the comments about "crazy vets".. As to the "lady" that instigated the incident and the idiot who attacked the old guy if your looking for sympathy you will find it in the dictionary between # and syphalis. I dont believe a word of her so called apology. Ppl like that never take responsibility for their actions.. Ah well karma will catch up with them. Time to get a cuppa tea and enjoy a beautiful day here away from all the stupidity stateside..

posted on Feb, 17 2010 @ 08:59 PM

Originally posted by Republican08
I don't get it, the whole time that obnoxiously loud (black women?) kept yelling beat his pinky ass

Lol this doesn't make the situation any better
but she was referring to the movie "Next Friday" where there is a character named "Pinky" who says,"Say It again, say it again!" If you listen closely, she doesn't say beat his pinky white ass. She's saying, "Say it again", in reference to the movie. I can understand if you haven't seen the movie how it could be misconstrued as a racial slur though.

[edit on 17-2-2010 by serenesupreme]

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